attestaion letter


Attestation Statements

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                                 rgiccmontcs co, um
      Slock39—1,Optoeletronics—nformationinsy basean‘an.Owanzhow,Ffan,China
Federal Comm unications commission
        Equipment Authortzation Branch
        7435 Oabdand tils oad
        Colimbe, t21016
Subjedt: Atestationstatement recardingthe Land Mobile Radio frequeney
Applcat tyreecmontcsco, tmo
"TiPE 0F OEUIPMEN‘: Scanning Recever
bear SorMadam
1attestthat that the product meets the requirement ofFCC 5 15 121
1 attest that the recever i ncapable of toning, or readily being altered, by the use to operate
hiands allocated to the scanningrecever in FCC § 15.121. Thfrmware of scanner recever can
discriminate the receiver and transmisson, the frequency range wl blimted to 400—460MZ
for receves, and 420—450 NMWZ fortransmission
1attestthat he receivrs designed so that th tuning, contrl and fiteringcrcutyis
inaccessible.The origial crcait design onl for scanner receiver purposei i useless eventhey
tuning, contol and fitering creutry
1attestthat he scannerecever havethe high/ow pass and band—pasfledesgn t rject any
signalsfrom the Celllar Radiotelephone Servicefrequency bands that are 2009 olwer
1attest ht any modification of a scanningreceivetrecivetransmissions from Celtar
Radiotelephone Service frequeney bands wl be considered to constite manafactureof such
equipment.Thisinclides anyindivdual individeals, entty or organzaion that modifes one or
more seanners. Any modlfcation o a scanning receverto receiv ransmisstons rom the Celalar
Aadiotelephone Service frequenty bands voidsthe crtfiation ofthe scanningrecetver
recardless of the date of manefacture ofthe origial unt
Hease contactthe undersignedifyou have any questions or need anyfurthernformation
Name,Job Tite and Dept: HamaoLn/Manager

Document Created: 2017-07-17 01:03:12
Document Modified: 2017-07-17 01:03:12

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