Test Report


Test Report

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                                                FCC PART 90

                                               TEST REPORT

                             TYT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD
       Block 39-1, Optoelectronics-information industry b, Nan’an, Quanzhou, Fujian China

                                            FCC ID:PODMD-380

             Report Type:                                         Product Type:
             Original Report                                      DMR

                    Test Engineer:         William Li

                  Report Number:           RSZ150527001-00

                       Report Date:        2015-07-02

                                           Jimmy Xiao
                      Reviewed By:         RF Engineer

                      Prepared By:         Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)
                                           6/F, the 3rd Phase of WanLi Industrial Building,
                                           ShiHua Road, FuTian Free Trade Zone
                                           Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                                           Tel: +86-755-33320018
                                           Fax: +86-755-33320008

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the equipment described herein. It may not be duplicated
or used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                                                             Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................4
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................4
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................4
 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) .............................................................................................................................4
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................4
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................4
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................5
  DESCRIPTION OF TEST CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................5
  EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................5
  SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ....................................................................................................................5
  BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................................5
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................6

FCC §1.1307(b) & §2.1093 - RF EXPOSURE .............................................................................................................7
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................7
FCC §2.1046 & §90.205 - RF Output Power ...............................................................................................................8
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................8
  TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................................8
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...........................................................................................................................8
  TEST DATA ..................................................................................................................................................................8
FCC §2.1047 & §90.207 - MODULATION CHARACTERISTIC ..........................................................................10
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................10
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................10
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................10
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................10
FCC §2.1049 & §90.209 & §90.210 – OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH & EMISSION MASK ...................................15
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................15
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................16
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................16
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................17
FCC §2.1051 & §90.210 - SPURIOUS EMISSIONS AT ANTENNA TERMINALS ............................................22
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................22
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................23
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................23
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................23
FCC §2.1053 & §90.210 - RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ..........................................................................26
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................26
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................26
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................26
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................27
FCC §2.1055 & §90.213- FREQUENCY STABILITY .............................................................................................28
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................28
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................28
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................28
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................28

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                                                             Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

FCC §90.214 - TRANSIENT FREQUENCY BEHAVIOR ......................................................................................30
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................30
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................30
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................30
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................31
PRODUCT SIMILARITY DECLARATION LETTER ..........................................................................................33

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)
The TYT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.’s product, model number: MD-380 (FCC ID: PODMD-380 ) or the
"EUT" in this report was a DMR, the unit was measured approximately: 131 mm (L) × 61 mm (W)× 36
mm (H) rated with input voltage: DC 7.4 V battery.

Note: The serial models MD-390, MD-368, MD-398 and MD-380 share the same schematics, they are different in
model names, the details were explained in the attached product similarity declaration letter provided and
guaranteed by applicant. Model MD-380 was selected for testing.

*All measurement and test data in this report was gathered from production sample serial number: 1505197
 (Assigned by BACL, Shenzhen). The EUT supplied by the applicant was received on 2015-05-27.

This test report is prepared on behalf of TYT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD in accordance with Part 2 and Part
90 of the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)
No related submittal(s)

Test Methodology
All tests and measurements indicated in this document were performed in accordance with the Code of
federal Regulations Title 47 Part 2, Sub-part J as well as the following individual parts:

Part 90 – Private Land Mobile Radio Service

Applicable Standards: TIA-603-D and ANSI 63.4-2009.

All emissions measurement was performed and Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen). The
radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters.

Measurement uncertainty with radiated emission is 5.91 dB for 30MHz-1GHz.and 4.92 dB for above
1GHz, 1.95dB for conducted measurement.

Test Facility

The test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) to collect test data is located on
the 6/F, the 3rd Phase of WanLi Industrial Building, ShiHua Road, FuTian Free Trade Zone Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China.

Test site at Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) has been fully described in reports
submitted to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The details of these reports have been found
to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on December 06, 2010. The
facility also complies with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria set forth in ANSI C63.4-
The Federal Communications Commission has the reports on file and is listed under FCC Registration No.:
382179. The test site has been approved by the FCC for public use and is listed in the FCC Public Access
Link (PAL) database.
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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                            Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Description of Test Configuration
The system was configured for testing in a test mode which has been done in the factory.

Equipment Modifications
No modification was made to the EUT tested.

Support Equipment List and Details

       Manufacturer               Description                 Model                Serial Number

            N/A                   50 ohm Load                  N/A                          N/A

Block Diagram of Test Setup

                                             50 ohm Load

                                                                                           1.0 Meter


             Non-conductive Table
             150 cm above Ground Plane

                                                1.5 Meter

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                              Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00


                FCC Rules                       Description of Test                    Results

            §1.1307(b);§2.1093                         RF Exposure                   Compliance

              §2.1046;§90.205                       RF Output Power                  Compliance

              §2.1047;§90.207                 Modulation Characteristic              Compliance

         §2.1049;§90.209; §90.210      Occupied Bandwidth & Emission Mask            Compliance

              §2.1051;§90.210          Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminal         Compliance

              §2.1053;§90.210               Spurious Radiated Emissions              Compliance

              §2.1055;§90.213                       Frequency Stability              Compliance

                 §90.214                    Transient Frequency Behavior             Compliance

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                          Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

FCC §1.1307(b) & §2.1093 - RF EXPOSURE
Applicable Standard
According to FCC §1.1307(b) and §2.1093, protable device operates Part 90 should be subjected to
rountine environmental evaluation for RF exposure prior or equipment authorization or use.

Result: Compliance.

Please refer to SAR Report Number: RSZ150527001-20A

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                 Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

FCC §2.1046 & §90.205 - RF Output Power
Applicable Standard
FCC §2.1046 and §90.205

Test Procedure
Conducted RF Output Power:

The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

Spectrum Analyzer Setting:

R B/W        Video B/W
100 kHz      300 kHz

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                   Calibration     Calibration
     Manufacturer            Description           Model        Serial Number
                                                                                      Date          Due Date
    Rohde & Schwarz         Signal Analyzer        FSIQ26         837405/023       2014-08-22      2015-08-22
                          RF Communication
       HP Agilent                                  8920A         3325U00859        2015-06-03      2016-06-03
                               test set

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
Units (SI).

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

            Temperature:                 25 ℃
       Relative Humidity:                50 %
          ATM Pressure:                101.0 kPa

    The testing was performed by William Li on 2015-06-29.

    Test Mode: Transmitting

Test Result: Compliance. Please refer to following table.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                       Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

                     Channel                               Output     Output
                                  Frequency     Power
      Modulation    Separation                             Power      Power          Result
                                    (MHz)       Level
                      (kHz)                                (dBm)       (W)
                                                    High   37.02        5.04          Pass
                       12.5        400.0125
                                                    Low    30.21        1.05          Pass
                                                    High   37.55        5.69          Pass
        Analog         12.5        450.0125
                                                    Low    30.33        1.08          Pass
                                                    High   37.43        5.53          Pass
                       12.5        479.9875
                                                    Low    30.39        1.09          Pass
                                                    High   37.62        5.78          Pass
                       12.5        400.0125
                                                    Low    30.23        1.05          Pass
                                                    High   37.48        5.60          Pass
        Digital        12.5        450.0125
                                                    Low    30.36        1.09          Pass
                                                    High   37.36        5.45          Pass
                       12.5        479.9875
                                                    Low    30.55        1.14          Pass

Note:The rated high power is 5W. The limit of the high output power is 4W-6W.
     The rated low power is 1W. The limit of the low output power is 0.8W-1.2W.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                 Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Applicable Standard
FCC§2.1047and §90.207:

(a) Equipment which utilizes voice modulated communication shall show the frequency response of the
    audio modulating circuit over a range of 100 to 5000 Hz. for equipment which is required to have a
    low pass filter, the frequency response of the filter, or all of the circuitry installed between the
    modulation limited and the modulated stage shall be supplied.
(b) Equipment which employs modulation limiting, a curve showing the percentage of modulation versus
    the modulation input voltage shall be supplied.

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                  Calibration      Calibration
    Manufacturer              Description          Model No.       Serial No.
                                                                                     Date           Due Date
                         RF Communication
          HP                                        8920A        3438A05201        2015-06-14      2016-06-13
                             Test Set
      LEADER           MILLIVOLTMETER              LMV-181A        6041126         2015-06-09      2016-06-09

 * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
 Units (SI).

Test Procedure
Test Method: TIA -603-D 2.2.3

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

               Temperature:                 25 ℃
        Relative Humidity:                  50 %
            ATM Pressure:              101.0 kPa

     The testing was performed by William Lion 2015-06-29.

     Test Mode: Transmitting

Result: Compliance.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                             Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Analog Modulation:

                                      MODULATION LIMITING

                    Carrier Frequency: 450.0125 MHz, Channel Separation=12.5 kHz

             Audio Input                  Frequency Deviation (kHz)
                               @ 300 Hz             @ 1kHz        @ 3 kHz           [kHz]
                 20.0             1.750              2.017            2.130           2.5
                 15.0             1.496              1.996            2.091           2.5
                 10.0             1.023              1.954            1.992           2.5
                  5.0             0.603              1.772            1.928           2.5
                  0.0             0.361              1.500            1.878           2.5
                 -5.0             0.242              0.852            1.771           2.5
                 -10.0            0.179              0.520            1.341           2.5
                 -15.0            0.115              0.342            0.760           2.5
                 -20.0            0.097              0.192            0.451           2.5

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                       Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

                                       Audio Frequency Response

                    Carrier Frequency: 450.0125 MHz, Channel Separation=12.5 kHz

                       Audio Frequency (Hz)               Response Attenuation (dB)

                                 300                               -10.69
                                 400                                -7.83
                                 500                                -5.81
                                 600                                -4.76
                                 700                                -3.17
                                 800                                -2.25
                                 900                                -1.29
                                1000                                -0.21
                                1200                                1.54
                                1400                                3.14
                                1600                                4.55
                                1800                                5.83
                                2000                                6.79
                                2100                                7.14
                                2200                                7.39
                                2300                                7.52
                                2400                                7.50
                                2500                                7.40
                                2600                                7.12
                                2700                                6.70
                                2800                                5.87
                                2900                                4.92
                                3000                                3.92

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                      Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

                    Carrier Frequency: 450.0125 MHz, Channel Separation=12.5 kHz

                  Audio Frequency          Response Attenuation        Limit
                       (kHz)                      (dB)                 (dB)
                         1.0                        0.0                  /
                         3.0                        -43.1               0.0
                         4.0                        -55.2              -12.5
                         5.0                        -71.0              -22.2
                         6.0                        -74.4              -30.1
                         7.0                        -73.0              -36.8
                         8.0                        -72.3              -42.6
                         9.0                        -73.8              -47.7
                        10.0                        -71.8              -52.3
                        12.0                        -72.4              -60.2
                        14.0                        -83.0              -66.9
                        16.0                        -89.1              -72.7
                        18.0                        -87.2              -77.8
                        20.0                        -91.8              -82.4

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                              Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

FCC §2.1049 & §90.209 & §90.210 – OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH &
Applicable Standard
FCC §2.1049, §90.209 and §90.210

Emission Mask D—12.5 kHz channel bandwidth equipment. For transmitters designed to operate with a
12.5 kHz channel bandwidth, any emission must be attenuated below the power (P) of the highest emission
contained within the authorized bandwidth as follows:

1) For any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth f0 to 5.625 kHz removed from
f0, 0dB.

2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd
in kHz) of more than 5.626 kHz but no more than 12.5 kHz, at least 7.27 (fd –2.88 kHz) dB.

3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd
in kHz) of more than 12.5 kHz: At least 50 + 10 log (P) dB or 70 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

Emission Mask E—6.25 kHz or less channel bandwidth equipment. For transmitters designed to operate
with a 6.25 kHz or less bandwidth, any emission must be attenuated below the power (P) of the highest
emission contained within the authorized bandwidth as follows:

1) On any frequency from the center of the authorized bandwidth f0 to 3.0 kHz removed from f0: Zero

2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency
   (fd in kHz) of more than 3.0 kHz but no more than 4.6 kHz: At least 30 + 16.67(fd−3 kHz) or 55 + 10
   log (P) or 65 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by more than 4.6 kHz: At
   least 55 + 10 log (P) or 65 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

(4) The reference level for showing compliance with the emission mask shall be established using a
resolution bandwidth sufficiently wide (usually two or three times the channel bandwidth) to capture the
true peak emission of the equipment under test. In order to show compliance with the emission mask up to
and including 50 kHz removed from the edge of the authorized bandwidth, adjust the resolution bandwidth
to 100 Hz with the measuring instrument in a peak hold mode. A sufficient number of sweeps must be
measured to insure that the emission profile is developed. If video filtering is used, its bandwidth must not
be less than the instrument resolution bandwidth. For emissions beyond 50 kHz from the edge of the
authorized bandwidth, see paragraph (o) of this section. If it can be shown that use of the above
instrumentation settings do not accurately represent the true interference potential of the equipment under
test, an alternate procedure may be used provided prior Commission approval is obtained.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                 Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                   Calibration     Calibration
     Manufacturer             Description           Model No.       Serial No.
                                                                                      Date          Due Date
   Rohde & Schwarz           Signal Analyzer         FSIQ26        837405/023      2014-08-22      2015-08-22
                           RF Communication
          HP                                          8920A       3438A05201       2014-06-13      2016-06-13
                               Test Set

 * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
 Units (SI).

Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 100 Hz and the spectrum was recorded in the
frequency band 50 kHz from the carrier frequency.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                                         Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

            Temperature:                    25~26 ℃
       Relative Humidity:                   50~51 %
          ATM Pressure:                  100.1~101.0 kPa

    The testing was performed by William Li from 2015-06-09 to 2015-06-29.

    Test Mode: Transmitting

                                                                                                 99%                    26 dB
                                     Frequency                              Power             Occupied                Emissions
          Modulation                                    space
                                       (MHz)                                Level             Bandwidth               Bandwidth
                                                        (kHz)                                   (kHz)                   (kHz)
                                                                            High                   9.86                     10.10
            Analog                   450.0125               12.5
                                                                                Low                9.86                     10.22

                                                                            High                   7.09                     8.78
            Digital                  450.0125               12.5
                                                                                Low                7.82                     9.74

Analog Modulation:

  99% Occupied Bandwidth & 26 dB Emissions Bandwidth 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz (High Power)
                                          Marker 1 [T3]                   RBW     100 Hz         RF Att      30 dB
                           Ref Lvl                     14.16 dBm          VBW         1 kHz
                           40 dBm               450.00751002 MHz          SWT         30 s       Unit           dBm
                             30.5 dB Offset                                            1 [T3]             14.16 dBm
                            D1 35.04
                               35 04 dBm
                                     dB                                                                                A
                                                                                                450.00751002 MHz
                                                                                      OPB         9.85971944 kHz
                                                                                       T1 [T3]             9.93 dBm
                      20                                                                        450.00763026 MHz
                                                            1              T2
                                                                            1          T2 [T3]            14.20 dBm
                                                            T1                                  450.01748998 MHz
                      10        D2 9.04 dBm                                            1 [T3]             -0.39 dB
                                                                                                 10.10020040 kHz
                       0 3MAX                                                                                         3MA






                           Center 450.0125 MHz                   6 kHz/                                 Span 60 kHz

                 Date:            29.JUN.2015    15:55:16

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                                   Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

  99% Occupied Bandwidth & 26 dB Emissions Bandwidth 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz (Low Power)
                                          Marker 1 [T3]                  RBW   100 Hz      RF Att      30 dB
                        Ref Lvl                         3.53 dBm         VBW    1 kHz
                         35 dBm                 450.00738978 MHz         SWT    30 s       Unit           dBm
                          30.5 dB Offset                                         1 [T3]              3.53 dBm
                   30                                                                                            A
                         D1 28.48 dBm                                                     450.00738978 MHz
                                                                                OPB         9.85971944 kHz
                   20                                                            T1 [T3]             5.75 dBm
                                                                                          450.00763026 MHz
                                                                                 T2 [T3]             7.73 dBm
                   10                                                     T2
                                                           T1                             450.01748998 MHz
                                                                                 1 [T3]              4.03 dB
                                D2 2.48 dBm
                    0                                                                      10.22044088 kHz

                         3MAX                                                                                   3MA







                        Center 450.0125 MHz                     6 kHz/                            Span 60 kHz

                 Date:            29.JUN.2015   15:53:47

                        Emission Mask D with High Power 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz
                                                                         RBW   100 Hz      RF Att      30 dB
                        Ref Lvl                                          VBW    1 kHz
                         40 dBm                                          SWT    60 s       Unit           dBm
                          30.5 dB Offset




                    0 3MAX                                                                                      3MA


                  -20 450-D-H




                        Center 450.0125 MHz                     12 kHz/                       Span 120 kHz

                 Date:            29.JUN.2015   16:07:30

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                      Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

                         Emission Mask D with Low Power 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz
                                                               RBW   100 Hz   RF Att      30 dB
                        Ref Lvl                                VBW   1 kHz
                         40 dBm                                SWT   60 s     Unit           dBm
                          30.5 dB Offset




                    0 3MAX                                                                         3MA


                  -20 450-D-L




                        Center 450.0125 MHz              12 kHz/                 Span 120 kHz

                 Date:        29.JUN.2015     16:11:12

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                                         Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Digital Modulation:
 99% Occupied Bandwidth & 26 dB Emissions Bandwidth 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz (High Power)
                                            Marker 1 [T3]                      RBW   100 Hz      RF Att      30 dB
                         Ref Lvl                           5.48 dBm            VBW    1 kHz
                         48 dBm                 450.00823146 MHz               SWT    30 s       Unit           dBm
                           30.5 dB Offset                                              1 [T3]              5.48 dBm
                   40                                                                           450.00823146 MHz
                                                                                      OPB         7.09418838 kHz
                                                                                       T1 [T3]             9.08 dBm
                   30     D1 30.7 dBm
                                                                                                450.00895291 MHz
                                                                                       T2 [T3]             7.07 dBm
                   20                                                                           450.01604709 MHz
                                                                                       1 [T3]              0.83 dB

                                                                 T1                               8.77755511 kHz
                   10                                                          T21
                         3MAX                                 1                                                       3MA
                                D 4.7 dBm





                         Center 450.0125 MHz                          6 kHz/                            Span 60 kHz

                 Date:            29.JUN.2015   14:16:36

  99% Occupied Bandwidth & 26 dB Emissions Bandwidth 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz (Low Power)
                                            Delta 1 [T3]                       RBW   100 Hz      RF Att      20 dB
                         Ref Lvl                           2.35 dB             VBW    1 kHz
                         30.5 dBm                 9.73947896 kHz               SWT    30 s       Unit           dBm
                           30.5 dB Offset                                              1 [T3]             -4.03 dBm
                                                                                                450.00763026 MHz
                   20     D1 20.7 dBm
                                                                                       1 [T3]              2.35 dB
                                                                                                  9.73947896 kHz
                                                                                      OPB         7.81563126 kHz
                                                                               T2      T1 [T3]             0.42 dBm
                                                              T1                                450.00859218 MHz
                    0                                                            1
                                                             1                         T2 [T3]             4.79 dBm
                                D2 -5.3 dBm                                                     450.01640782 MHz

                  -10 3MAX                                                                                            3MA






                         Center 450.0125 MHz                          6 kHz/                            Span 60 kHz

                 Date:            9.JUN.2015    11:23:18

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                      Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

                        Emission Mask D with High Power 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz
                                                               RBW   100 Hz   RF Att      30 dB
                        Ref Lvl                                VBW    1 kHz
                         40 dBm                                SWT    60 s    Unit           dBm
                          30.5 dB Offset




                    0 3MAX                                                                         3MA


                  -20 450-D-H




                        Center 450.0125 MHz              12 kHz/                 Span 120 kHz

                 Date:          29.JUN.2015   14:24:27

                         Emission Mask D with Low Power 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz
                                                               RBW   100 Hz   RF Att      30 dB
                        Ref Lvl                                VBW   1 kHz
                         35 dBm                                SWT   60 s     Unit          dBm
                          30.5 dB Offset
                   30                                                                               A




                         3MAX                                                                      3MA


                  -20 450-D-L





                        Center 450.0125 MHz              12 kHz/                 Span 120 kHz

                 Date:          29.JUN.2015   14:26:28

FCC PART 90                                                                                              Page 21 of 33

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                              Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Applicable Standard
Emission Mask D—12.5 kHz channel bandwidth equipment. For transmitters designed to operate with a
12.5 kHz channel bandwidth, any emission must be attenuated below the power (P) of the highest emission
contained within the authorized bandwidth as follows:

1) For any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth f0 to 5.625 kHz removed from
f0, 0 dB.

2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd
in kHz) of more than 5.626 kHz but no more than 12.5 kHz, at least 7.27 (fd –2.88 kHz) dB.

3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd
in kHz) of more than 12.5 kHz: At least 50 + 10 log (P) dB or 70 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

Emission Mask E—6.25 kHz or less channel bandwidth equipment. For transmitters designed to operate
with a 6.25 kHz or less bandwidth, any emission must be attenuated below the power (P) of the highest
emission contained within the authorized bandwidth as follows:

1) On any frequency from the center of the authorized bandwidth f0 to 3.0 kHz removed from f0: Zero dB.

2)On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd
in kHz) of more than 3.0 kHz but no more than 4.6 kHz: At least 30 + 16.67(fd−3 kHz) or 55 + 10 log (P)
or 65 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by more than 4.6 kHz: At least
55 + 10 log (P) or 65 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

4) The reference level for showing compliance with the emission mask shall be established using a
resolution bandwidth sufficiently wide (usually two or three times the channel bandwidth) to capture the
true peak emission of the equipment under test. In order to show compliance with the emission mask up to
and including 50 kHz removed from the edge of the authorized bandwidth, adjust the resolution bandwidth
to 100 Hz with the measuring instrument in a peak hold mode. A sufficient number of sweeps must be
measured to insure that the emission profile is developed. If video filtering is used, its bandwidth must not
be less than the instrument resolution bandwidth. For emissions beyond 50 kHz from the edge of the
authorized bandwidth, see paragraph (o) of this section. If it can be shown that use of the above
instrumentation settings do not accurately represent the true interference potential of the equipment under
test, an alternate procedure may be used provided prior Commission approval is obtained.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                  Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                    Calibration    Calibration
        Manufacturer              Description         Model No.       Serial No.
                                                                                       Date         Due Date
      Rohde & Schwarz            Signal Analyzer        FSIQ26       837405/023     2014-08-22     2015-08-22

 * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
 Units (SI).

Test Procedure
The RF output of the EUT was connected to a spectrum analyzer through appropriate attenuation. The
resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 100 kHz for below 1GHz, and 1MHz for above
1GHz. sufficient scans were taken to show any out of band emissions up to 10th harmonic.

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

            Temperature:                 25 ℃
       Relative Humidity:                50 %
          ATM Pressure:                101.0 kPa

     The testing was performed by William Li on 2015-06-07.

     Test Mode: Transmitting

   Please refer to the following plots.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                             Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Analog Modulation:
                           30 MHz – 1 GHz, Spacing Channel 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz
                                          Marker 1 [T3]           RBW    100 kHz     RF Att        0 dB
                           Ref Lvl                  -48.12 dBm    VBW    300 kHz
                           20.5 dBm           900.86172345 MHz    SWT    245 ms      Unit            dBm
                             30.5 dB Offset                                 1 [T3]          -48.12 dBm
                                                                                     900.86172345 MHz



  Fund.test with    -20 3MAX
                         D1 -20
                             -  dBm                                                                        3MA

  notch filter





                           Start 30 MHz                    97 MHz/                          Stop 1 GHz

                   Date:         7.JUN.2015   17:37:42

                            1 GHz – 6GHz, Spacing Channel 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz
                                          Marker 1 [T3]           RBW     1 MHz      RF Att        0 dB
                           Ref Lvl                  -42.81 dBm    VBW     3 MHz
                            20.5 dBm            5.94989980 GHz    SWT   12.5 ms      Unit           dBm
                             30.5 dB Offset                                 1 [T3]          -42.81 dBm
                                                                                      5.94989980 GHz



                     -20 3MAX
                          D1 -20
                              -  dBm                                                                       3MA


                     -40                                                                              1




                           Start 1 GHz                     500 MHz/                         Stop 6 GHz

                   Date:         7.JUN.2015   17:38:24

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Digital Modulation:
                         30 MHz – 1 GHz, Spacing Channel 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz
                                        Marker 1 [T3]           RBW   100 kHz      RF Att        0 dB
                         Ref Lvl                  -48.27 dBm    VBW   300 kHz
                          20.5 dBm          900.86172345 MHz    SWT   245 ms       Unit           dBm
                           30.5 dB Offset                                 1 [T3]          -48.27 dBm
                                                                                   900.86172345 MHz



                   -20 3MAX
                        D1 -20
                            -  dBm                                                                       3MA

Fund.test with     -30

notch filter




                         Start 30 MHz                    97 MHz/                          Stop 1 GHz

                 Date:         7.JUN.2015   17:40:10

                          1 GHz – 6GHz, Spacing Channel 12.5 kHz, 450.0125 MHz
                                        Marker 1 [T3]           RBW      1 MHz     RF Att        0 dB
                         Ref Lvl                  -43.47 dBm    VBW      3 MHz
                         20.5 dBm             5.94989980 GHz    SWT   12.5 ms      Unit            dBm
                           30.5 dB Offset                                 1 [T3]          -43.47 dBm
                                                                                     5.94989980 GHz



                  -20 3MAX
                       D1 -20
                           -  dBm                                                                        3MA


                  -40                                                                               1




                         Start 1 GHz                     500 MHz/                         Stop 6 GHz

                 Date:         7.JUN.2015   17:39:17

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                  Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Applicable Standard
FCC §2.1053 and §90.210

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                      Serial       Calibration     Calibration
    Manufacturer            Description             Model
                                                                     Number           Date          Due Date
  Rohde & Schwarz        EMI Test Receiver          ESCI             101120         2014-11-03     2015-11-03
          HP                 Amplifier              8447E          1937A01046       2015-05-06     2016-05-05
    Sunol Sciences      Broadband Antenna            JB3            A111513         2014-06-18     2017-06-17
  Rohde & Schwarz         Signal Analyzer          FSIQ26          837405/023       2014-08-22     2015-08-22
    Sunol Sciences         Horn Antenna           DRH-118           A052304         2013-12-01     2016-11-30
         HP             Synthesized Sweeper        8341B           2624A00116       2015-06-03     2016-06-03
     Mini-Circuits           Amplifier           ZVA-183-S+        5969001149       2015-04-23     2016-04-22
     A.H. System           Horn Antenna         SAS-200/571            135          2015-02-11     2016-02-10
    COM POWER             Dipole Antenna           AD-100            041000            NCR            NCR

 * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
 Units (SI).

Test Procedure
The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-radiating load, which
was also placed on the turntable.

The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of
emissions from the EUT .The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.

The frequency range up to teeth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the
substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured
by the substitution.

Spurious emissions in dB =10 1g (TXpwr in Watts/0.001)-the absolute level

Spurious attenuation limit in dB =50+10 Log10 (power out in Watts) for EUT with a 12.5 kHz channel

Spurious attenuation limit in dB =55+10 Log10 (power out in Watts) for EUT with a 6.25 kHz channel

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                    Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

 Test Data
         Environmental Conditions

                   Temperature:                25 ℃
              Relative Humidity:               50 %
                 ATM Pressure:               101.0 kPa

         The testing was performed by William Li on 2015-06-29.
         Test Mode: Transmitting

          30 MHz – 2 GHz:

                              Turn         Rx Antenna              Substituted                        FCC Part 90
                  Receiver                                                             Absolute
Frequency                    Table                            SG    Cable Antenna
                  Reading                 Height Polar                                   Level       Limit   Margin
  (MHz)                      Angle                           Level   Loss      Gain
                  (dBμV)                   (m)     (H/V)                                (dBm)       (dBm)     (dB)
                             Degree                         (dBm)    (dB)      (dB)
                                   Analog Modulation 450.0125MHz, Channel Spacing 12.5K
     900.02        47.99       222         1.5       H      -49.0    0.70       0          -49.70    -20      29.70
     900.02        56.46       59          1.4       V      -40.5    0.70       0          -41.20    -20      21.20
 1350.04           60.91       20          2.3       H      -38.5    1.20      6.40        -33.30    -20      13.30
 1350.04           47.98       285         1.1       V      -52.3    1.20      6.40        -47.10    -20      27.10
 1800.05           38.74       109         1.4       H      -58.1    1.40      7.10        -52.40    -20      32.40
 1800.05           42.19       216         1.8       V      -54.9    1.40      7.10        -49.20    -20      29.20
                                   Digital Modulation 450.0125MHz, Channel Spacing 12.5K
     900.02        50.41       21          1.0       H      -46.6    0.70       0          -47.30    -20      27.30
     900.02        59.09       180         2.3       V      -37.9    0.70       0          -38.60    -20      18.60
 1350.04           60.99       300         2.4       H      -38.5    1.20      6.40        -33.30    -20      13.30
 1350.04           53.51       94          1.3       V      -46.8    1.20      6.40        -41.60    -20      21.60
 1800.05           45.12       200         1.1       H      -51.7    1.40      7.10        -46.00    -20      26.00
 1800.05           43.01       127         1.8       V      -54.1    1.40      7.10        -48.40    -20      28.40

 Absolute Level = SG Level - Cable loss + Antenna Gain
 Margin = Limit- Absolute Level


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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                 Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

FCC §2.1055 & §90.213- FREQUENCY STABILITY
Applicable Standard
FCC §2.1055 and §90.213

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                  Calibration     Calibration
    Manufacturer            Description            Model No.       Serial No.
                                                                                     Date          Due Date
    Hewlett-Packard     Frequency Counter           5343A         2232A00827       2013-05-09      2016-05-08
                         Temperature &
        ESPEC                                      EL-10KA         09107726        2014-11-01      2015-11-01
                        Humidity Chamber
       Long Wei         DC Power Supply         TPR-6420D            398363           NCR             NCR

 * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
 Units (SI).

Test Procedure
Frequency Stability vs. Temperature: The equipment under test was connected to an external DC power
supply and the RF output was connected to a frequency counter via feed-through attenuators. The EUT
was placed inside the temperature chamber. The DC leads and RF output cable exited the chamber through
an opening made for the purpose.

After the temperature stabilized for approximately 20 minutes, the frequency output was recorded from the

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

            Temperature:                 25 ℃
       Relative Humidity:                50 %
          ATM Pressure:                101.0 kPa

     The testing was performed by William Lion 2015-06-29.

     Test Mode: Transmitting

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                               Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

For Analog Modulation

                        Reference Frequency: 450.0125 MHz, Limit: ±2.5 ppm, 12.5 kHz
                     Test Environment                   Frequency Measure with Time Elapsed
              Temperature         Power Supplied                          Frequency Error
                 (℃)                  (VDC)                                     (ppm)
                                 Frequency Stability versus Input Temperature
                    50                  7.4             450.012522                0.049
                    40                  7.4             450.012516                0.036
                    30                  7.4             450.012511                0.024
                    20                  7.4             450.012509                0.020
                    10                  7.4             450.012514                0.031
                    0                   7.4             450.012498                -0.004
                   -10                  7.4             450.012499                -0.002
                   -20                  7.4             450.012517                0.038
                   -30                  7.4             450.012519                0.042
                                    Frequency Stability versus Input Voltage
                    20                  6.4             450.012524                0.053

For Digital Modulation

                        Reference Frequency: 450.0125 MHz, Limit: ±2.5 ppm, 12.5 kHz
                     Test Environment                   Frequency Measure with Time Elapsed
              Temperature         Power Supplied                          Frequency Error
                 (℃)                  (VDC)                                     (ppm)
                                 Frequency Stability versus Input Temperature
                    50                  7.4             450.012512                0.027
                    40                  7.4             450.012521                0.047
                    30                  7.4             450.012489                -0.024
                    20                  7.4             450.012506                0.013
                    10                  7.4             450.012503                0.007
                    0                   7.4             450.012492                -0.018
                   -10                  7.4             450.012489                -0.024
                   -20                  7.4             450.012507                0.016
                   -30                  7.4             450.012509                0.020
                                    Frequency Stability versus Input Voltage
                    20                  6.4             450.012514                0.031

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                 Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Applicable Standard
Regulations: FCC §90.214
Test method: ANSI/TIA-603-D 2010, section

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                    Calibration    Calibration
     Manufacturer             Description          Model No.         Serial No.
                                                                                       Date         Due Date
    Rohde & Schwarz        Spectrum Analyzer         FSIQ26         837405/023      2014-08-22     2015-08-22
                           RF Communication
           HP                                        8920A         3438A05201       2015-06-14     2016-06-13
                               Test Set

 * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed in accordance to requirements, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of
 Units (SI).

Test Procedure
a) Connect the EUT and test equipment as shown on the following block diagram.
b) Set the Spectrum Analyzer to measure FM deviation, and tune the RF frequency to the transmitter
   assigned frequency.
c) Set the signal generator to the assigned transmitter frequency and modulate it with a 1 kHz tone at
   ±12.5 kHz deviation and set its output level to -100dBm.
d) Turn on the transmitter.
e) Supply sufficient attenuation via the RF attenuator to provide an input level to the Spectrum Analyzer
   that is 40 dB below the maximum allowed input power when the transmitter is operating at its rated
   power level. Note this power level on the Spectrum Analyzer as P0.
f) Turn off the transmitter.
g) Adjust the RF level of the signal generator to provide RF power equal to P0. This signal generator RF
   level shall be maintained throughout the rest of the measurement.
h) Remove the attenuation 1, so the input power to the Spectrum Analyzer is increased by 30 dB when the
   transmitter is turned on.
i) Adjust the vertical amplitude control of the spectrum analyzer to display the 1000 Hz at ±4 divisions
   vertically centered on the display. Set trigger mode of the Spectrum Analyzer to “Video”, and tune the
   “trigger level” on suitable level. Then set the “tiger offset” to -10ms for turn on and -15ms for turn off.
j) Turn on the transmitter and the transient wave will be captured on the screen of Spectrum Analyzer.
   Observe the stored display. The instant when the 1 kHz test signal is completely suppressed is
   considered to be ton. The trace should be maintained within the allowed divisions during the period t1
   and t2.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                    Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

k) Then turn off the transmitter, and another transient wave will be captured on the screen of Spectrum
   Analyzer. The trace should be maintained within the allowed divisions during the period t3.

       EUT               Attenuator 1           Attenuator 2

                                                                                          Spectrum  Analyzer
                                                                                           Spectrum Analyzer

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

            Temperature:                   25 ℃
       Relative Humidity:                  50 %
          ATM Pressure:                  101.0 kPa

     The testing was performed by William Lion 2015-06-29.

     Test Mode: Transmitting

           Channel Separation           Transient Period
                                                               Transient Frequency         Result
                (kHz)                        (ms)
                                            10 (t1)               <+/-12.5 kHz
                  12.5                       25 (t2)              <+/-6.25 kHz              Pass
                                             10 (t3)              <+/-12.5 kHz

   Please refer to the following plots.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                             Report No.: RSZ150527001 -00

Channel Spacing 12.5 kHz

                                                           Turn on
                                                                      CF   450.0125 MHz    Real Time OFF
                        Ref Lvl                                       DEMOD BW:   30 kHz   AF-Signal
                         40 dBm
                            d                                                              FM [Hz]
                          30.5 dB Offset


                   9k                                                                                       TRG






                        START 0 s                                                             STOP 100 ms

                 Date:            29.JUN.2015   17:26:37

                                                           Turn off
                                                                      CF   450.0125 MHz    Real Time OFF
                        Ref Lvl                                       DEMOD BW:   30 kHz   AF-Signal
                         40 dBm
                            d                                                              FM [Hz]
                          30.5 dB Offset


                   9k                                                                                       TRG








                        START 0 s                                                             STOP 100 ms

                 Date:            29.JUN.2015   17:17:50

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                                   ***** END OF REPORT *****

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Document Created: 2015-07-17 17:10:16
Document Modified: 2015-07-17 17:10:16

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