user manual II


Users Manual

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User‘s Rapual                    Basic operations
                                 Powar On/Off
                                 Turn the power switch knob clockwise to tum on radio power, to turn it off, tum the power
                                 switch knob counter—clockwise.
                                 Note: No beeperindication when power on If unable the radlo tone/beeper Indlcation.
                                 If you cannot turn on the radio, please check the battery pack, make sure charging the battery
                                 end corecily install battary.
                                 If you can not tum on the radlo, please contact the dealer .

                                 Volume Control
                                 Turn the volume switch knob clockwise to increase volume; to decrease the volume, rotate
                                 the volume switch knob counter—clockwise. You can chack the volume level by pressing the
                                 programmed key of monltor.

                                 Channel Selection
                Plliavicsecoid   Tumn the channel switch to desired channel number (82 Channets}.

Note: There are two zones, 16 channels for each zone for this radio.                           Functions Instructions
Zone 1 and Zone 2 are switchable (Detalls refer to Zone Selection) —
                                                                                               LED Indicator
TX                                                                                             The LED indicator is to show the radio working status.
Press PTT and face to mlcraphone talking.                                                      Red light: radio is transmitting signal.
Please make the distance between your lip and microphone at 3—4 cm, and talk as usual to       Green light: radlo is powerIng on or recelving non—ancrypted calling or meesage, or detacting
get the best volce quellty.                                                                                 alring activity.

RX                                                                                             Beeper
Release PTT to recaive information and adjust desired volume level to get good vaice qualty.   Besper function is for checking radio working status or signal recsiving.
                                                                                               Continuous tone: simple, radio sounds until user over it
                                                                                               Perlod tone: programmed destred setting time as a period. Automatically tum on/Stop/Repeat.
                                                                                               Repeat tone: simple and repeatby itself, until user overit

                                                                                               ‘You can set each channel to be digital channal .
                                                                                               1. When callng, PTT button can enable radlo to fransmit Information to the another calling

  radios, Press PTT to communicate, release to recsive. It will active the microphone when          Or "No" tone to switch radio from Zone 2 to 1.
  pressing PTT.                                                                                     After choosing the channel, userID or Desired calling contact ID ,rotating the channel swi—
2. When no calling on the radio, PTT button is used to new calling (refer to make a radio           tch to corresponding channel, user ID or contact ID.
  communication).                                                                                 Recelving And Answoring a Calling
3. Whencalling and redio enable the "Free Channel Indication" function, then you release the      After setting the channel number, user ID or contact ID, directly to receive information or ans—
  PTT, wl get a short beeper tone. That means this is a free channel and walt for your answer.    werthe calling.
4. When callng stop (ag, recelving the emergency alarm}, you will hear the free channel beeper.   Red light Transmitting.
  You can disable all using radios beeper tone and indication to tur off the free channel ind     Green light: Recaiving.
  iation. (Tone/Boopar ON/OFF)                                                                    Recelving And Answering Group Calling
5. Switch rotator to change digital channal.
                                                                                                  Program the radio as a group member to receive any information from this group caling.
                                                                                                  1. LED green lights.
Recelving and Making A Call                                                                       2. Keep the radio 1—2 feet (2.5—5.0cm) away from mouth.
Zone Selection                                                                                      If the radio program the "Free Channel Indication®, release PTT to get a short tone, that
The Zoneis a channel group. This radio only support 2 Zones and 16 channels for each Zone.          meens it is free channel and walt for your answer.
1. Press programmed Zone key .                                                                    3. Press PTT to answer, LED light red.
2. You will hear "Yes" tone to switch radio from Zone 1 to 2.                                     4. Talk to microphoneafter active the tone of allowing calling tone.
                                                                                                  5. Release PTT to recelve Information.                                                        in

6. Automatically over the calling if there is no operation with permitted period.              Recelving All Call
Receiving and Answering a Private Calling                                                      All call is transmiting Information to all the radlos. Espectally for releasing special notlca.

A private caling is from single radio to another single radio. There are two types.            When receiving:

Firat, detecting radlo before calling; Second, ready to make a call                            1. Radio sound a tone and LED light green.

The LED light green for the chosen radio. You only can program the using radio with one type   2. Rado automatically over the calling If there is no operation with permitted period.
                                                                                                 If the radio program the "Free Channel Indication®, release PTT to get a short tone, that
Private Call
                                                                                                 meens it is free channel and wait for your answer.
Receiving a private calling:
                                                                                               Note: When receiving all call, you change to another channel, then will stop receiving the all
1. LED light grean.
                                                                                                     calling. And during receiving, you can not use any programmed keys until calling is over.
2. Keep the radlo 1—2 feet (2.5—6.0.m) away from mouth.
  If the radio program the "Free Channel Indication®, release PTT to get a short tone, that    Make Radlo Call
  meens it is froe channel and walt for your answer.                                           Choose desired channel number, user ID or contact ID by the following: channel rotator, pre—

3. Press PTT to answer, LED light red.                                                         programmed key to make a caling.
4. Talk to microphoneafter active the tone of allowing calling tone.                           Making Group Call
5. Release PTT to recelve Information.                                                         Program the radio as a group member to fransmit any information to this group.
6. Automatically over the calling if there is no operation with permitted period.              1. Rotate channel switch to desired contact ID or channel.
7. Radlo sound a short tone.                                                                   2. Keep the radio 1—2 feat (2.5—5.0cm) away from mouth.
                                                                                               3. Press PTT to call and LED light red.

4. Talk to microphoneafter active the tone of allowing calling tone.                                  no operation with permitted period.
5. Releass PTT to recelve Information and reply, LED light green.                                   7. Radlo sound a short tone.
6. Radio automatically over the calling if there is no operation with permitted period.             Making All Call
     If the radio program the "Free Channel Indication", release PTT to get a short tone, that      Program the radlo with this function and tranamit Information to all users.
     means it is free channel and walt for your answer.                                             1. Rotate channel switch to desired channel from contact ID.
     Automatically over the calling if there is no operation with permitted period.                 2. Keep the radio 1—2 feat (2.5—5.0cm) away from mouth.
Making Private Call                                                                                   If the radlo program the "Free Channel Indication®, release PTT to get a short tone, that
1. Rotate channel switch to desired channel from userID.                                              means itis free channel and wail for your answer.
2. Keap tha radia 1—2 feat (2.5—5.0em) away from mouth.                                             3. Prass PTT to answer, LED light red.
     If the radlo program the "Free Channel Inclcation", release PTT to get a short tone, that      4. Talk to microphoneafter active the tone of allowing calling tone. All the users on this chan—
     means itis free channel and walt for your answer.                                                nel can not answer the caling.
3. Pross PTT to answer, LED light rad.
4. Talk to microphoneafter active the tone of allowing calling tone.                                Programmed Key to Make Group /Private Call

5. Release PTT to receive information.                                                              This function enable users easily to make a private or group call to defined ID or contact by

6. Radlo automatically over the calling If there is no operation with permifted pertod.             short or long pressing to active. You can allocate one ID or contact to one programmed key

     If the radio program the "Free Channel Inication®, release PTT to get a short tone, that       to call. There are several keys to be programmed.
     meens it is free channel and walt for your answer. Automatically over the callng If there is   1. Press the programmed key to privateigroup call rom defined ID or contact list.
mm                                                                                                                                                                                                im

   2. Keep the radio 1—2 feat (2.5—5.0cm) away from mouth .                                               3. Two tones of "DiD" means sending message successfully. A lower tone means no message
           If the redlo program the "Free Channel Indlcation, release PTT to get a short tone, that         send.
           means itis free channel and wait for your answer.
          . Pross PTT to call, LED light red.                                                             Encryption
p pop p

          . Talk to mlcrophone ater active the tone of allowing callng tone.                              This function is only available for digital channel.

          . Release PTT to receive information.                                                           You can at most presot 16 list encryption, encrypted code (4 byle) enable/disable this function.
          . Radio automatically overthe caling if thare is no operation with permittad period.
           If the radio program the "Free Channel Inclication", release PTT to get a short tone, that     Emergency Alarm
           means it is free channel and walt for your answer. Automatically over the caling if there is   Press this programmed key to active emergency alarm.
           no operation with permifted perted.
                                                                                                          Lone Work
    7. Radio sound a short tone.                                                                          Programming radio this function is to profect radio users safety with lonely work.
                                                                                                          When engble this function and set the perfod, radlo will alarm the user before run of time.
                                                                                                          User should press this key to answer in "safety" state, i not, radio will goes into emergency
   Send Pro—sat Messago
   You can at most pre—ast 50 ploces message.
    1. Choose desired contact to send a pre—set message.
   2. LED light red.

Scan                                                                                            2) When scanning active, LED light red and sound a confirm tone. or stop scanning, LED
Scan List                                                                                          goss olf and sound a negatlve fone.
Creat the scan list and allocate to singlo channel contact lst.                                 Double Priority Channal
‘Throughcycle scanning the listed channelicontact lt to search the any communication channel.   When radio enable this function, scan the prionity channel and normal channel at the every
it support at most 250 list and 16 members for each list.                                       scanning with recycle scanning.
Scan                                                                                            During Scanning, AnswerCalling:
LED light red when scanning.                                                                    Stop at the detected active channelicontact list.
‘Two methods of scanning:                                                                       Radio keeps at this stop channel, that is so called "Free Time* programmed period.
1) Main Channels (by manual:                                                                    2. Keep the radio 1—2 feat (2.5—5.0em) away from mouth .
  Scan all channels/contact group from all scanning lists.                                        If the redlo program the "Free Channel Indication®, release PTT to get a short tone, that
  When scanning, your radio automatically start from the last scanned channel/contact list or     means itis free channel and wail for your answer.
  starting scanning channel.                                                                    3. Within the permifted pertod, Pross PTT to call, LED light red.
2) Automatically manuat;                                                                        4. Talk to microphoneafter active the tone of allowing caling tone.
  Scanning start from the channel which be aciive automatically scanning.                       5. Release PTT to receive information.
Start And Stop Scan                                                                             6. Radlo automatically over the calling If there is no operation with permitted pertod.
1 } Choose automatically scanning channel by press programmed key or rotate channel switch.

Settings                                                                                            the accessories with VOX function detect the signal, radio willtransmit the information within
saL                                                                                                 programmed perlod.
You can adjust the SQL to filter lower signal callng or channels with background nolse Is hig—      Press PTT to disable VOX function.
her than normal value.                                                                              Operate follow step to re—start the VOX:
Normal: default value.                                                                              Tum off the radlo and poweron agaln. Or rotate channel switch to another one. Or operate
High: fiter no use calling or background nolse, but may also flter the caling from long distance.   the below.
1 ) Program the SQL key.                                                                            Note: Enable or disable this function to those active radios.
2) A positive tone means high SQL; A negative tone means normal SQL.                                1 ) Program the key with VOX function and can tum onfoff.
                                                                                                    2) Talk to microphone after active the tone of allowing tone.
HighLow Power
High power enable communication with long distance radio. Low power enable communication            Tone/Beoper ON/OFF
with short distance radlo.                                                                          Enable/disable the radio with tone/besper if necessary.
1 ) Program High/Low Power key.                                                                     1 ) Program the key with Tone ON/OFF function.
2) A positive tone means radlo transmit at the low power; A negative tone meansradlo tran—          2) A positive tone means tum on beepertone function; A negative tone means tun off beeper
   smit at the high power.                                                                             Aone function.
vox                                                                                                 Chock Battory
‘This function enable your radlo to make a call with a programmed channel. No matter when           LED light yallow: charging
                                                                                                    LED light green:fully charged.                                                              in

Press programmed key to check the battery capacity by the beeper.
1) Very low power: "Dlling, Dlling" Tone.
2) High: Three tones of "Diing Diling®
3) Middle: Two tones of "Diling Diing®
4) Low: One tone of "Dling Diing*.                                      [3       ificati

                                                                    Trouble shooting guide
                                                                        Warranty card



Digital Data rate   9600bps

Recelver                                                                                      Trouble shooting guide
 Analog sensibilty                            0.35uV/—116dBm(20dB SINDA)
                                              0.22uv!—1200Bm(Type)                            oe
                                                                                              No Electrical Source                      © The battery has been exhausted.
 Digital sensibilty                           0.3uV—117.4dBm (BER 5%)                                                                     Replace or recharge the battory.
                                              0.22uv!—110dBm (BER 1%)                                                                   ® The battery is Installed Incorrectly.
 Co—channel Refection                         >—120B                                                                                      Remove it and install again.
 Adjacent Channel Selectivity                 TASO3C:65dB ETSESOdB                            The operating time becomes short, even    * Replace the battery.
 Spurious Response                            TIAGO3C:75dB _ETSE7OdB                          the battery is fully charged.
 Rated audio power                            1W                                              Not sble to communicate with the          ® Confim the QT/DQT is the same.
 Audio response                               =108~30B                                        franscelvers of the same group.           ® The distance is outaide of range.
 Rated audio distortion                       3%(Type)                                        The volce of anothergroup can be heard.   ® Change all QTADQT of the group.
 Spurious Rediation                           Antenna: OKHz—1GHz          <—67dBm             Other radios can not receive the TX       ® Switch the volume knob to the highest
                                                        1GHz—12.75GHz <—47dBm                 signals or recaive signals in a low         level
                                                                                              volume.                                   ® The microphone may be damaged,
Noto: Speclfications wil be revised without notlcs due to technical improvement. Thank you.
                                                                                                                                          send it to the local dealer for check.
                                                                                              Noise is always heard.                    ® The distance is outside of range.
                                                                                                                                          Turn on the radio in nearer range and
                                                                                                                                          ty again.

Document Created: 2017-10-09 16:04:16
Document Modified: 2017-10-09 16:04:16

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