user manual part 2


Users Manual

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DTMF setting                                                                                    Note: press [M] to delete the last digit and press PTT to confirm the editing.
Press the [MENU] key to enter the menu mode, Press [(@or@] key to select DTMF and               CH ID Code
then press [MENU] to start as below.                                                            Every channel can store some ID code in advance and please kindly note that ID code
ID Code:                                                                                        should be 3 digits in minimum and 10 digits in maximum and during editing, press [MENU]
It shows the ID code of your radio, which can be set by programming software (TH—UV8200         to confirm and [BACK] to exit. When transmitting, the display of receiving party will show
—>channel information—>ID code) or by keypad. Press any number key to change ID code,           your ID code automatically.
press [MONI] to delete the last digit, press [MENU] to store, (Note: ID code must be 3 digits   Rx Message
in minimum and 10 digits in maximum).                                                           Here you can check the last DTMF ID you received, if this DTMF ID is the one of
Keypad Input:                                                                                   transmitting party, you can press [PTT] directly to transmit and if the one is your DTMF ID
You can input the DTMF code, whose length is 16 digits(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,*,#),        # DTMF ID of others, you cannot press [PTT] directly to transmit.
then press PTT to send out this DTMF code and this DTMF code should be the ID code of           Remote kill,stun and activate
receiving party, If you want to send out your ID code, please add DTMF with #+your ID and       Before using this function, you should program the remote stun and kill code in the
when you press PTT to talk, you can see your ID is shown in the display of receiving party.     programming software, (TH—UV8200 programming software—>DTMF function—>Decode—
And you also can input DTMF code +#+* to transmit, your ID code also can be shown.              stunned/killed) and please kindly note the timing in default setting is the best one, it is better
And you also can press PTT and hold in the standby mode, input receiving party+ #+your          not to revise it. Then we set stun code as 123456 and kill code as 123456789.
ID and your ID will be shown in the display of receiving party. And in the way, you can use
                                                                                                                                                                               o | @© | & |

to stand for your ID.                                                                                                                                 ID Code 000

                                                                                                                                                                                    [] [] 4 (] (] )
Pleased kindly note that before using this function, you should open then menu 10 of ID
                                                                                                                                                  Group Code    Off

                                                                                                                                                set Time [s]    10

                                                                                                                                                   Tx Decode \On
verification and "ID" will shown on the display.                                                                                                      ID Edit \On

Call list:
                                                                                                                                         Decode Time Out [ms]   500

                                                                                                                                           Decoding Response    Off

This radio can store 16 groups of DTMF call list. Press [ @or @] key to select the list
                                                                                                                                                                [(V)ID Reset Beep

number which you prepare to edit or transmit, press [MENU] to edit then press [PTT] to                                                          Rentely Stun 123456

                                                                                                                                                Rentely Stun    123456789


311                                                                                                                                                                                                   | 32

And there are two ways to remote stun and kill other radios, please check following             DTMF transmission
competing.                                                                                      1.Single call:
1. Press PTT and hold on, press 123456 or 123456789 to stun the radio, please kindly note       Open the menu 10 of ID verification and using following two ways to transmitting.
that when you input 123456 or 123456789, the rapid should not be too slow, or it will fail.     a. DTMF—>Keypad input —>Input DTMF code and this DTMF code should be the ID code of
When the radio is stunned or killed, you will hear "DI".                                        receiving party, If you want to send out your ID code, please add DTMF with #+your ID and
2. Menu—> DTMF—>Keypad input—> input 123456 or 123456789, then press PTT to transmit.           when you press PTT to talk, you can see your ID is shown in the display of receiving party.
3. When the radio is stunned or killed, using stun code or kill code + # to activate it. When   And in this way, you can use * to stand for your ID.
the radio is activated , you will hear "DIDI".                                                  b. And you also can press PTT and hold in the standby mode, input receiving party+ #+your
4. Press PTT and hold on, press 123456 +# or 123456789+# to activate radio, please kindly       ID and your ID will be shown in the display of receiving party. And in this way, you cannot
note that when you input 123456 +# or 123456789+#, the rapid should not be too slow, or         use * to stand for your ID.
it will fail.                                                                                   2.Group call:
5. Menu—> DTMF—>Keypad input—> input 123456 +# or 123456789+#, then press PTT to                In the group call, you also can use following two ways to transmit, but before transmitting,
transmit, then stunned/kill radio will be activated again.                                      you should set in the TH—UV8200 programming software—>Group code as A/B/C/D.
6. You also can read the data from one normally working radio and write into the stunned /
                                                                                                                                 §@ DTMF Function                                     [ & J( ® |[ 2 )
killed radio, which will work properly again.
Please kindly note that stunned radio cannot transmit but can receive, while the killed radio                                                                 ID Code 000

                                                                                                                                                                                           [] [] (] [] (] (]
                                                                                                                                                           Group Code   &

cannot transmit and receive.                                                                                                                    Auto Reset Time [s]     10

                                                                                                                                                            Tx Decode \On

                                                                                                                                                              ID Edit   \On

                                                                                                                                                Decode Time Out[(ms]    500

                                                                                                                                                    Decoding Response   Off

                                                                                                                                                                        (V)ID Reset Beep

                                                                                                                                                         Rentely Stun 123456

                                                                                                                                                         Rentely Stun 123456789

                                                                                                                                                                                                               | 34

The Squelch system allows you to mute the background noise when no signal is being              Voice (Menu 9)
received. Not only does the Squelch system "standby" operation more pleasant, but also          Function:Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and press 9 to enter Voice function. Select on/
significantly reduces battery current consumption.You can select the Squelch Level as           off to enable or disable the voice prompt.
your need.                                                                                      Default: On.
Default: 5.
                                                                                                ID Verification (Menu 10)
Dual Wait/Standby (Menu 5)                                                                      Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and press 10 to enter ID Verification function.
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and press 5 to enter Dual Wait/Standby function.    While receiving , select on/off to select check itself ID code or not in order to implement
It allows you to receive the sub band signal even if you are working on the operating band,     group call or selective call.
it could monitor the signal under both master and sub band at the same time.                    Default:On.
Default: On.
                                                                                                PTT ID (Menu 11)
Backlight (Menu 6)                                                                              Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and press 11 to enter PTT ID function. Before
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and press 6 to enter Dual Wait/Standby function.    using tthis function, please set it in the programming software.
ON: When standby, the light are always light on .                                               Off: PTT ID is off.                                                                                       __
                                                                                                                                                                {§G DTMF Function                         [e][ G |[ &))

5S/108/155: When standby, The light will light off after 5S/105S/15S                            BOT: the PTT ID will be shown at the beginning                     Encode |Decode | Autodial Menory|
Default: 5S.                                                                                          of transmission.                                               _mme tewenisine tinetn) (it                ©
Brightness( Menu 7)                                                                             EOT: the PTT ID will be shown at the end of transmission.                    hnBioebay tmon                     :
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and press 7 to enter Brightness function. It        Both: the PTT ID will be shown both the beginning and end                           m []                        S
                                                                                                      of transmission.                                                        Encode Space Tinens] (500         &
allows you to choose the brightness of backlight. The higher level it is, the brighter it is.
Default: Two.                                                                                   Default: Off.                                                                         TTA mm                    ~

Beep (Menu 8)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and press 8 to enter Beep function. Select
on/off to enable or disable the keypad beeper.
      L —— L 7 h   —A 6 C


TX:144-148MHz & 420-450MHz
RX:136-174MHz & 400-520MHz

UHF:     7
VHF:     7

Document Created: 2017-05-15 19:16:38
Document Modified: 2017-05-15 19:16:38

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