Emissions Test Report

FCC ID: PNI8001001

Test Report

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EMC Measurement/Technical Report

Ericsson Bluetooth Module
ROK 101 008

Report Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c

7 Layers AG
Borsigstr. 11
40880 Ratingen

The following test results relate only to the devices specified in this document. This report shall not be
reproduced in parts without the written approval of the testing laboratory.

Registergericht - registered in:      Vorstand - Board of Directors:          7 layers AG, Borsigstrasse 11
Ratingen, HRB 3264                    Dr. Wolfgang Dahm                       40880 Ratingen, Germany
Aufsichtratsvorsitzende -             Dr. Hans-Jürgen Meckelburg              Phone: +49 (0) 2102 749 0
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:                                            Fax:    +49 (0) 2102 749 350
Dr. Sabine Grobecker                                                          http://www.7Layers.com

Table of Contents

0. Summary                                                                 3

 0.1 Technical Report Summary                                               3
 0.2 Measurement Summary                                                    5

1. Administrative Data                                                     5

 1.1 Testing Laboratory                                                     5
 1.2 Project Data                                                           5
 1.3 Applicant Data                                                         5
 1.4 Manufacturer Data                                                      5

2. Product Labeling                                                        6

 2.1 FCC ID Label                                                           6

 2.2 Location of Label on the EUT                                           6

3. Testobject Data                                                         7

 3.1 General EUT Description                                                7
 3.2 EUT Main Components                                                    8
 3.3 Ancillary Equipment                                                    8
 3.4 EUT Setups                                                             8
 3.5 Operating Modes                                                        8

4. Measurement Results                                                     9

    -- Conducted Emissions                                                 --
   4.1 Occupied Bandwidth                                                   9
   4.2 Output Power                                                        11
   4.3 Spurious Emissions Conducted                                        13
   4.4 Spurious Emissions Radiated                                         15
    -- Dwell Time                                                          --
    -- Power Density                                                       --
    -- Channel Separation                                                  --
    -- Processing Gain                                                     --

5. Testequipment                                                           19

6. Foto Report                                                             21

7. Setup Drawings                                                          25

8. Annex                                                                   26

 Measurement plots

                            Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c        Page 2 of 37

0 Summary

0.1 Technical Report Summary

Type of Authorization
Certification for an Intentional Radiator (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)

Applicable FCC Rules:

Prepared in accordance with the requirements of FCC Rules and Regulations as listed in
47 CFR Ch.1 Parts 0 to 19 (10-1-98 Edition). The following subparts are applicable to the
results in this test report.

Part 2, Subpart J - Equipment Authorization Procedures, Certification Sections

Part 15, Subpart C - Intentional Radiators

   § 15.201 Equipment authorization requirement

   § 15.203 Antenna requirements

   § 15.207 Conducted limits

   § 15.209 Radiated emission limits; general requirements

   § 15.247 Operation within the bands 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483,5 MHZ
     and 5725-5850 MHz

The tests were selected and performed with reference to the FCC Public Notice DA 00-
705, released March 30, 2000

Summary Test Results:
The EUT complied with all the applicable FCC rules as listed above.

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0.2 Measurement Summary

 FCC Part 15, Subpart C             § 15.247 (a) (1) (ii)
 Occupied Bandwidth
 The measurement was performed according to ANSI C63.4                  1992
 OP-Mode                 Setup                    Port                       Final Result
 op-mode 1               setup 1                  antenna port               passed
 op-mode 2               setup 1                  antenna port               passed
 op-mode 3               setup 1                  antenna port               passed

 FCC Part 15, Subpart C             § 15.247 (b) (1)
 Peak Power Output
 The measurement was performed according to FCC §15.31                  10-1-1998
 OP-Mode                 Setup                    Port                       Final Result
 op-mode 1               setup 1                  antenna port               passed
 op-mode 2               setup 1                  antenna port               passed
 op-mode 3               setup 1                  antenna port               passed

 FCC Part 15, Subpart C             § 15.247 (c)
 Spurious RF Conducted Emissions
 The measurement was performed according to FCC §15.31                  10-1-1998
 OP-Mode                 Setup                    Port                       Final Result
 op-mode 1               setup 1                  antenna port               passed
 op-mode 2               setup 1                  antenna port               passed
 op-mode 3               setup 1                  antenna port               passed

 FCC Part 15, Subpart C             § 15.247 (c), §15.35 (b), § 15.209
 Spurious Radiated Emissions
 The measurement was performed according to ANSI C63.4                  1992
 OP-Mode                 Setup                    Port                       Final Result
 op-mode 1               setup 2                  enclosure                  passed
 op-mode 2               setup 2                  enclosure                  passed
 op-mode 3               setup 2                  enclosure                  passed

  Responsible for                             Responsible
  Accreditation Scope:                        for Test Report:

                         Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c    Page 4 of 37

1. Administrative Data
1.1 Testing Laboratory
Company Name:                 7 Layers AG
Address:                      Borsigstr. 11
                              40880 Ratingen

This facility has been fully described in a report submitted to the FCC and accepted in a letter
dated February 07, 2000 under the registration number 96716.

The test facility is also accredited by the following accreditation organisation:
- Deutscher Akkreditierungs Rat          DAR-Registration no. TTI-P-G 178/99-10
- Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (Reg TP)

Responsible for Accreditation Scope: Dipl.-Ing Bernhard Retka
                                     Dipl.-Ing Arndt Stöcker

1.2 Project Data
Project Leader:                          Thomas Hoell
Receipt of EUT:                          2000-08-14
Date of Test(s):                         2000-08-14, 2000-09-01, 2000-09-04
Date of Report:                          2000-09-15
No. of Pages in Annex:

1.3 Applicant Data
Company Name:                           Ericsson Microelectronics AB
Address:                                Isafjordsgatan 16, Kista

                                        SE-16481 Kista-Stockholm
Contact Person:                         Mr. Henrik Arfwedson

1.4 Manufacturer Data

Company Name:                           see applicant

Contact Person:

                             Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c     Page 5 of 37

2.0 Product Labeling

2.1 FCC ID Label:

2.2 Location of Label on the EUT:
See 2.1

                       Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c   Page 6 of 37

3. Testobject Data
3.1 General EUT Description

Equipment under Test:            Ericsson Bluetooth Module

Type Designation:                ROK 101 008

Kind of Device:                  Spread Spectrum Transceiver Module
Voltage Type:                    DC

Voltage level:                   3,3 V

General product description:
Bluetooth is a short-range radio link intended to be a cable replacement between
portable and/or fixed electronic devices.

Bluetooth operates in the unlicensed ISM Band at 2.4 GHz. In the US a band of 83.5
MHz width is available. In this band, 79 RF channels spaced 1MHz apart a defined.
The channel is represented by a pseudo-random hopping sequence through the 79
channels. The channel is devided into time slots, with a nominal slot length of 625µs,
where each slot corresponds to different RF hop frequencies. The nominal hop rate is
1600 hops/s. All frequencies are equally used. The average time of occupancy is
0.3797 s within a 30 second period.
The symbol rate on the channel is 1 Ms/s.

The EUT provides the following ports:

antenna port
UART/PCM Interface

The main components of EUT are listed and described in Chapter 2.2

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3.2 EUT Main components:
    Type, S/N, Short Descriptions etc. used in this Test Report
  Short             Equipment                Type             Serial No.        HW Status        SW Status         Date of
Description         under Test            Designation                                                              Receipt

   EUT 1          Bluetooth Module        ROK 101 008        Test Sample 3     RF: marked         F/W: P9A        2000-08-14
                                                                               with "P9A" at
                                                                                 test; BB:
                                                                               P4C/P5A (*)

(*) Detailed HW description: (1) RF Part: PBA 313 01/2 R2A and/or ROK 101 002/1 P9A       (2) Baseband: P4C/P5A

   EUT 2           M/A-COM ant.           AND-C-107               --                 --                --         2000-08-14
                  (collinear dipole)

 NOTE: The short description is used to simplify the identification of the EUT in this
 test report

3.3 Ancillary Equipment

For the purposes of this test report, ancillary equipment is defined as equipment which
is used in conjunction with the EUT to provide additional operational and control
features to the EUT. It is necessary to configure the system in a typical fashion, as a
customer would normally use it.

  Short            Equipment under Test Type Designation         HW Status       SW Status       Serial No.         FCC Id

    AE 1                test fixture                    --             --            --                --

3.4 EUT Setups

This chapter describes the combination of EUT's and ancillary equipment used
for testing.

     Setup No.                   Combination of EUTs                                  Description
        setup 1            EUT 1 + AE 1                         for the conducted measurements

        setup 2            EUT 1 + EUT 2 + AE 1                 for the radiated measurements

3.5 Operating Modes

This chapter describes the operating modes of the EUT's used for testing.

Op. Mode Description of Operating Modes                                                   Remarks

 op-mode 1    Transmitting DH1 packets at 2402 MHz                                   without hopping
              (Channel B)
 op-mode 2    Transmitting DH1 packets at 2441 MHz                                   without hopping
              (Channel M)
 op-mode 3    Transmitting DH1 packets at 2480 MHz                                   without hopping
              (Channel T)

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4. Test Results

4. 1           Occupied Bandwidth
   Standard FCC Part 15,             10-1-98
            Subpart C
   The test was performed according to: ANSI C63.4 1992

4. 1 .1 Test Description
        The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI

           The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was setup in a shielded room to perform
           the occupied bandwidth measurements.

           The reference level is the level of the highest amplitude signal observed
           from the transmitter at either the fundamental frequency or first-order
           modulation products in all typical modes of operation, including the
           unmodulated carrier, even if atypical.

           The results recorded were measured with the modulation which produce the
           worst-case (widest) occupied bandwidth.

           The resolution bandwidth for measuring the reference level and the
           occupied bandwidth was 10 kHz.

           The reference level of the spectrum analyser was set equal to the reference
           level of the EUT.

4. 1 .2 Test Limits
           FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.247 (a) (1) (ii)
           (1) Frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400 - 2483.5 MHz band
           should use at least 75 hopping frequencies.
           (2) The average time of occupancy on any frequency should not be greater
           than 0.4 seconds within a 30 second period.
           (3) The maximum 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel is 1MHz.

4. 1 .3 Test Protocol

Temperature:       25,1 °C
Air Pressure:      1012 hPa
Humidity:          39%

Op. Mode          Setup          Port                          Test Parameter
op-mode 1        setup 1     antenna port
 20 dB Bandwidth   Remarks
       0,684                                            none

Remark:   none

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Temperature:       25,1 °C
Air Pressure:      1012 hPa
Humidity:          39 %

Op. Mode          Setup          Port                             Test Parameter
op-mode 2        setup 1     antenna port
 20 dB Bandwidth   Remarks
      0,688                                               none

Remark:   none

Temperature:       25,1 °C
Air Pressure:      1012 hPa
Humidity:          39%

Op. Mode          Setup          Port                             Test Parameter
op-mode 3        setup 1     antenna port
 20 dB Bandwidth   Remarks
      0,72                                                none

Remark:   none
4. 1 .4       Test result: Occupied Bandwidth
                                FCC Part 15, Subpart C Op. Mode   Setup      Port     Result

                                                      op-mode 1   setup 1 antenna port passed

                                                      op-mode 2   setup 1 antenna port passed

                                                      op-mode 3   setup 1 antenna port passed

                                Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c            Page 10 of 37

4. 2           Peak Power Output
   Standard FCC Part 15,           10-1-98
            Subpart C
   The test was performed according to: FCC §15.31 10-1-1998

4. 2 .1 Test Description
        The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was set up in a shielded room to perform
        the output power measurements.

           The results recorded were measured with the modulation which produces
           the worst-case (highest) output power.

           The resolution bandwidth for measuring the output power was 1 MHz.

           The reference level of the spectrum analyser was set equal to the output
           power of the EUT.

           The EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer via a short coax cable
           (Type: Rosenberger RTK 161, 1m, SMA connectors), with a known loss.

4. 2 .2 Test Limits
           FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.247 (b) (1)
           (1) For frequency hopping systems operating in the band 2400 - 2483,5 MHz
           or 5725 - 5850 MHz and for all direct sequence systems: 1 Watt

           Used conversion factor: Limit (dBm) = 10 log (Limit (W)/1mW)

               ==> Maximum Output Power: 30 dBm

4. 2 .3 Test Protocol

Temperature:       25 °C
Air Pressure:      1014 hPa
Humidity:          31 %

Op. Mode          Setup        Port                              Test Parameter
op-mode 1        setup 1   antenna port
  Output Power                                          Remarks
       -0,81                       The EIRP including antenna gain (1,9 dBi) is 1,09 dBm

Remark:   none

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Temperature:      25 °C
Air Pressure:     1014 hPa
Humidity:         31 %

Op. Mode          Setup        Port                               Test Parameter
op-mode 2        setup 1   antenna port
  Output Power                                           Remarks
      -0,6                          The EIRP including antenna gain (1,9 dBi) is 1,3 dBm

Remark:   none

Temperature:      25 °C
Air Pressure:     1014 hPa
Humidity:         31 %

Op. Mode          Setup        Port                               Test Parameter
op-mode 3        setup 1   antenna port
  Output Power                                           Remarks
      -0,53                         The EIRP including antenna gain (1,9 dBi) is 1,37 dBm

Remark:   none
4. 2 .4       Test result: Peak Power Output
                              FCC Part 15, Subpart C Op. Mode      Setup        Port        Result

                                                      op-mode 1    setup 1 antenna port passed

                                                      op-mode 2    setup 1 antenna port passed

                                                      op-mode 3    setup 1 antenna port passed

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4. 3        Spurious RF Conducted Emissions
    Standard FCC Part 15,              10-1-98
             Subpart C
   The test was performed according to: FCC §15.31 10-1-1998

4. 3 .1 Test Description
        The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was set up in a shielded room to perform
        the output power measurements

           The EUT was connected to spectrum analyzer via a short coax cable (Type:
           Rosenberger RTK 161, 1m, SMA connectors), with a known loss.

           Analyser settings:
           - Detector: Peak-Maxhold
           - Frequency range: 30 – 25000 MHz
           - Resolution Bandwidth (RBW): 100 kHz
           - Video Bandwidth (VBW): 100 kHz
           - Sweep Time: Coupled

           The reference level of the spectrum analyser was set equal to the reference
           level of the EUT.

4. 3 .2 Test Limits
          FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.247(c)
          (1) All harmonics/spurs must be at least 20dB below the highest emission
          level within the authorized band as measured with a 100kHz RBW, based on
          either RF conducted or radiated measurement.

4. 3 .3 Test Protocol

Temperature:      24,5 °C
Air Pressure:     1019 hPa
Humidity:         41 %

Op. Mode         Setup           Port                             Test Parameter
op-mode 1       setup 1      antenna port
Frequency Measured Value Correction Factor   Corrected     Reference Value         Limit      Delta to Limit
   MHz        dBm               dB             Value             dB                 dBm            dB

Remark:   No spurious emissions found closer than 20 dB to the limit (-21,9 dBm)

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Temperature:      24,5 °C
Air Pressure:     1019 hPa
Humidity:         41%

Op. Mode         Setup           Port                                Test Parameter
op-mode 2       setup 1      antenna port
Frequency Measured Value Correction Factor   Corrected     Reference Value         Limit        Delta to Limit
   MHz        dBm               dB             Value             dB                 dBm              dB

Remark:   No spurious emissions found closer than 20 dB to the limit (-21,9 dBm)

Temperature:      24,5 °C
Air Pressure:     1019 hPa
Humidity:         41%

Op. Mode         Setup           Port                                Test Parameter
op-mode 3       setup 1      antenna port
Frequency Measured Value Correction Factor   Corrected     Reference Value         Limit        Delta to Limit
   MHz        dBm               dB             Value             dB                 dBm              dB

Remark:   No spurious emissions found closer than 20 dB to the limit (-21,9 dBm)
4. 3 .4     Test result: Spurious RF Conducted Emissions
                                 FCC Part 15, Subpart C Op. Mode     Setup      Port       Result

                                                         op-mode 1   setup 1 antenna port passed

                                                         op-mode 2   setup 1 antenna port passed

                                                         op-mode 3   setup 1 antenna port passed

                                  Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c              Page 14 of 37

4. 4     Spurious Radiated Emissions
   Standard FCC Part 15,         10-1-98
            Subpart C
  The test was performed according to: ANSI C63.4 1992

4. 4 .1 Test Description
        The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI

        The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was set up on a non-conductive table 1.0
        x 2.0 m in the semi-anechoic chamber. The test was performed at an EUT to
        receiving antenna distance of 3m.
        The radiated emissions measurements was made in a typical installation

        The measurement procedure consists of four steps. It is implemented into
        EMI test software ES-K1 from R&S.

        Step 1: Preliminary scan
        Preliminary test to identify the highest amplitudes relative to the limit.
        Settings for step 1:
        - Detector: Peak-Maxhold
        - Frequency range: 30 – 1000 MHz
        - Frequency steps: 60 kHz
        - IF–Bandwidth: 120 kHz
        - Measuring time / Frequency step: 100 µs
        - Turntable angle range: –180 to 180 °
        - Turntable stepsize: 90°
        - Height variation range: 1 – 3m
        - Height variation stepsize: 2m
        - Polarisation: Horizontal + Vertical

        Intention of this step is, to determine the radiated EMI-profile of the EUT.
        With this data, the test system performs ( to reduce the number of final
        measurements) a data reduction with the following parameters:

        - Offset for acceptance analysis: Limit line – 10 dB
        - Maximum number of final measurements: 12

        Step 2:
        With the frequencies determined in step 1, an additional measurement with
        the following settings will be performed. Intention of this step is, to find out
        the approximate turntable angle and antenna height for each frequency.

        Settings for step 2:
        - Detector: Peak – Maxhold
        - Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
        - IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
        - Measuring time: 100ms
        - Turntable angle range: –180 to 180 °
        - Turntable stepsize: 45°
        - Height variation range: 1 – 4m
        - Height variation stepsize: 0,5m
        - Polarisation: horizontal + vertical

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After this step the EMI test system has determined the following values for
each frequency (of step 1):
- Frequency
- Azimuth value (of turntable)
- Antenna height

The last two values have now the following accuracy:
- Azimuth value (of turntable): 45°
- Antenna height: 0,5m

Step 3:
In this step the accuracy of the turntable azimuth and antenna height will
be improved. This is necessary to find out the maximum value of every

For each frequency the turntable azimuth and antenna height, which was
determined in step 3, will be adjusted.
The turntable azimuth will be slowly varied by +/- 22,5° around this value.
During this action the value of emission is continuously measured. The
turntable azimuth at the highest emission will be recorded and adjusted. In
this position the antenna height is also slowly varied by +/- 25 cm around
the antenna height determined in step 3. During this action the value of
emission is also continuously measured. The antenna height of the highest
emission will also be recorded and adjusted.

Settings for step 3:
- Detector: Peak – Maxhold
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time: 100ms
- Turntable angle range: –22,5° to + 22,5 ° around the value determined in
step 2
- Height variation range: -0,25m to + 0,25m around the value determined
in step 2

Step 4:
With the settings determined in step 3, the final measurement will be
EMI receiver settings for step 4:
- Detector: Quasi-Peak(< 1GHz)
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time: 1s

The following modfications apply to the measurement procedure for the
frequency range
above 1 GHz:
The measurement distance was reduced to 1m. The results were
extrapolated by the extrapolation factor of 20 dB/decade (invers linear-
distance for field strength measurements, invers linear-distance squared for
the power reference level measurements). Due to the fact that in this
frequency range a double ridged wave guided horn antenna (up to 18 Ghz)
and a horn antenna (18-25 GHz) are used, the steps 2-4 are omitted. Step
1 was performed with one height of the receiving antenna only.
Detector: Peak, Average
RBW = VBW = 1 MHz, above 7 GHz 100 kHz

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               After the measurement a plot will be generated which contains a diagram
               with the results of the preliminary scan and a chart with the frequencies
               and values of the results of the final measurement.

4. 4 .2 Test Limits
             FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.247(c)
             (2) A radiated emission test applies to harmonic/spurs that fall in the
             restricted bands as listed in § 15.205(a). The maximum permitted QP (<
             1GHz) and average (> 1GHz) field strength is listed in § 15.209(a).
             FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.209, Radiated Emission Limits
             Frequency Range (MHz):           Class B Limit (dBµV/m)
                30 – 88                                 40,0
               88 – 216                                 43,5
               216 – 960                                46,0
              above 960                                 54,0

             ..., there is also a limit on the radio frequency emissions, as measured using
             instrumentation with a peak detector function, corresponding to 20 dB above
             the maximum permitted average limit....

             Used conversion factor: Limit (dBµV/m) = 20 log (Limit (µV/m)/1µV/m)

4. 4 .3 Test Protocol

Temperature:         23,1 °C
Air Pressure:        1010 hPa
Humidity:            45 %

Op. Mode           Setup              Port                              Test Parameter
op-mode 1         setup 2           enclosure
Polarisation    Frequency           Corrected Value          Limit       Limit   Delta to    Delta to
                   MHz                  dBµV/m               QP/AV        Peak    AV/QP     Peak Limit
                               QP        Peak         AV    dBµV/m      dBµV/m   Limit/dB      dB
  Vertical       4804,00                 49,50    37,90      54,00       74,00    16,10       24,50

Remark:      No other spurious found, closer than 20 dB to the limit.

Temperature:         23,1 °C
Air Pressure:        1010 hPa
Humidity:            45 %

Op. Mode           Setup              Port                              Test Parameter
op-mode 2         setup 2           enclosure
Polarisation    Frequency           Corrected Value          Limit       Limit   Delta to    Delta to
                   MHz                  dBµV/m               QP/AV        Peak    AV/QP     Peak Limit
                               QP        Peak         AV    dBµV/m      dBµV/m   Limit/dB      dB
  Vertical       4882,00                 53,50    38,40      54,00       74,00    15,60       20,50

Remark:      No other spurious found, closer than 20 dB to the limit.

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Temperature:       23,1 °C
Air Pressure:      1010 hPa
Humidity:          45 %

Op. Mode          Setup            Port                              Test Parameter
op-mode 3        setup 2         enclosure
Polarisation   Frequency         Corrected Value          Limit       Limit    Delta to     Delta to
                  MHz                dBµV/m               QP/AV        Peak     AV/QP      Peak Limit
                            QP        Peak         AV    dBµV/m      dBµV/m    Limit/dB       dB
                  0,00                48,30    37,60      54,00       74,00      16,40        25,70

Remark:   No other spurious found, closer than 20 dB to the limit.
4. 4 .4        Test result: Spurious Radiated Emissions
                                  FCC Part 15, Subpart C Op. Mode    Setup       Port      Result

                                                         op-mode 1   setup 2   enclosure   passed

                                                         op-mode 2   setup 2   enclosure   passed

                                                         op-mode 3   setup 2   enclosure   passed

                                   Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c             Page 18 of 37

5. Testequipment

EUT Digital Signaling System

Equipment                     Type              Serial No.         Manufacturer              Cal due
Digital Radio Communication   CMD 55             831050/020         Rohde & Schwarz       17.06.2001

EMI Test System

Equipment                     Type              Serial No.         Manufacturer              Cal due
EMI Analyzer                  ESI 26             830482/004         Rohde & Schwarz       29.06.2001
Signal Generator              SMR 20             846834/008         Rohde & Schwarz       26.07.2002
Comparison Noise Emitter      CNE III            99/016             York                  04.05.2001

EMI Radiated Auxiliary Equipment

Equipment                     Type              Serial No.         Manufacturer              Cal due
High Pass Filter              5HC2700/12750-1. 9942012              Trilithic             02.11.2000
Log.-per. Antenna             HL 562 Ultralog    830547/003         Rohde & Schwarz       04.10.2001
Loop Antenna                  HFH2-Z2            829324/006         Rohde & Schwarz       16.06.2001
Double-ridged horn            HF 906             357357/002         Rohde & Schwarz       18.05.2001
Double-ridged horn            HF 906             357357/001         Rohde & Schwarz       18.05.2001
Biconical dipole              VUBA 9117          9117108            Schwarzbeck           03.06.2001
High Pass Filter              4HC1600/12750-1. 9942011              Trilithic             02.11.2000
Pyramidal Horn Antenna 26,5   Model 3160-09      9910-1184          EMCO                  22.08.2001
Cable "ESI to EMI Antenna"    RTK081+Aircell7    W18.01+W38.01a     Huber+Suhner          09.12.2000
Cable "ESI to Horn Antenna"   RTK 081            W18.04+3599/001 Rosenberger              09.12.2000
Broadband Amplifier 45MHz-    JS4-00102600-42-5 619368              Miteq

EMI Conducted Auxiliary Equipment

Equipment                     Type              Serial No.         Manufacturer              Cal due
Two-Line V-Network            ESH 3-Z5           829996/002         Rohde & Schwarz       22.06.2001
Cable "LISN to ESI"           RG214              W18.03+W48.03      Huber+Suhner          14.09.2000
Two-Line V-Network            ESH 3-Z5           828304/029         Rohde & Schwarz       22.06.2001

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Auxiliary Test Equipment

Equipment                      Type                Serial No.       Manufacturer             Cal due
Notch Filter ultra stable      WRCA800/960-6EE 24                    Wainwright           03.02.2003
Digital Multimeter 02          Voltcraft M-3860M   IJ095955          Conrad               03.06.2001
Digital Multimeter 01          Voltcraft M-3860M   IJ096055          Conrad               03.06.2001
Digital Oscilloscope           TDS 784C            B021311           Tektronix            26.05.2001
Fibre optic link Transceiver   FO RS232 Link       182-018           Pontis
ThermoHygro_01                 430202                                Fischer              10.11.2001
Broadband Resist. Power        1515 / 93459        LN673             Weinschel
Divider SMA
Broadband Resist. Power        1506A / 93459       LM390             Weinschel
Divider N
Signal Generator               SMIQ 03B            832492/061        Rohde & Schwarz      09.11.2000
I/Q Modulation Generator       AMIQ-B1             832085/018        Rohde & Schwarz      27.10.2000
Temperature Chamber            VT 4002             58566002150010    Vötsch
Temperature Chamber            S-1.2C-B            393/25-1389-27RF Thermotron            23.05.2003
Fibre optic link Satellite     FO RS232 Link       181-018           Pontis

                                  Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c     Page 20 of 37

7. Setup Drawings

Drawing 1   : There are no drawings, but all setups are shown in chapter 'Fotos'

                                Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c       Page 25 of 37

8. Annex
Occupied Bandwidth

Op. Mode     Setup           Port
op-mode 1   setup 1      antenna port

       20 dB bandwidth 2402 MHz

                             Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c   Page 26 of 37

Op. Mode     Setup           Port
op-mode 2   setup 1      antenna port

       20 dB bandwidth 2441 MHz

                             Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c   Page 27 of 37

Op. Mode     Setup           Port
op-mode 3   setup 1      antenna port

       20 dB bandwidth 2480 MHz

                             Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c   Page 28 of 37

Peak Power Output

Op. Mode          Setup             Port
op-mode 1        setup 1        antenna port

                                 Marker 1 [T1]            RBW     1 MHz      RF Att      30 dB
                Ref Lvl                      -0.81 dBm    VBW     3 MHz
                 5 dBm                  2.40184469 GHz    SWT     5 ms       Unit          dBm
                 0.9 dB Offset
                                                                    1 [T1]            -0.81 dBm A

            0                                       1                         2.40184469 GHz



                1MAX                                                                             1MA







                Center 2.402 GHz                   500 kHz/                         Span 5 MHz

      Date:              6.OCT.2000   12:05:49

       Measured Output Power, 2402 MHz

                                      Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c          Page 29 of 37

Op. Mode          Setup             Port
op-mode 2        setup 1        antenna port

                                 Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   1 MHz     RF Att      30 dB
                Ref Lvl                      -0.60 dBm       VBW   3 MHz
                 5 dBm                  2.44101503 GHz       SWT   5 ms      Unit          dBm
                 0.9 dB Offset
                                                                    1 [T1]            -0.60 dBm A
                                                         1                    2.44101503 GHz


                1MAX                                                                             1MA







                Center 2.441 GHz                   500 kHz/                         Span 5 MHz

      Date:              6.OCT.2000   12:06:51

       Measured Output Power, 2441 MHz

                                      Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c          Page 30 of 37

Op. Mode          Setup             Port
op-mode 3        setup 1        antenna port

                                 Marker 1 [T1]            RBW     1 MHz      RF Att     30 dB
                Ref Lvl                     -34.69 dBm    VBW     3 MHz
                 5 dBm                  2.47750000 GHz    SWT     5 ms       Unit          dBm
                 0.9 dB Offset
                                                                    1 [T1]          -34.69 dBm A

            0                                                                 2.47750000 GHz



                1MAX                                                                             1MA







                Center 2.48 GHz                    500 kHz/                         Span 5 MHz

      Date:              6.OCT.2000   12:07:29

       Measured Output Power, 2480 MHz

                                      Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c         Page 31 of 37

Spurious RF Conducted Emissions

Op. Mode          Setup            Port
op-mode 1        setup 1       antenna port
                                Marker 1 [T1]            RBW   100 kHz      RF Att      20 dB
              Ref Lvl                       -1.94 dBm    VBW   300 kHz
                0 dBm                  2.40184068 GHz    SWT    21 ms       Unit           dBm
            0 1                                      2                                    3
                 0.9 dB Offset
                                                                   1 [T1]            -1.94 dBm A

       -10                                                                   2.40184068 GHz
                                                                   2 [T1]            -1.87 dBm
                                                                             2.44099699 GHz
       -20                                                         1 [T1]          -38.72 dB
                                                                            -1.84068136 MHz

       -30                                                         2 [T1]          -41.36 dB
                1MAX                                                        81.65931864 MHz 1MA
            1                                                      3 [T1]         -1.87 dBm
       -40                                                                   2.48015331 GHz2






              Start 2.4 GHz                      8.35 MHz/                  Stop 2.4835 GHz

      Date:             1.SEP.2000   11:58:09

                                     Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c          Page 32 of 37

                                                 RBW   100 kHz    RF Att      20 dB
       Ref Lvl                                   VBW   300 kHz
        0 dBm                                    SWT    330 s     Unit           dBm
         0.9 dB Offset


        D1 -21.9 dBm

        1MAX                                                                           1MA







       Start 30 MHz                      2.497 GHz/                      Stop 25 GHz

Date:           1.SEP.2000   12:47:49

                             Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c        Page 33 of 37

Op. Mode          Setup            Port
op-mode 2        setup 1       antenna port
                                Marker 1 [T1]            RBW   100 kHz      RF Att      20 dB
              Ref Lvl                       -1.94 dBm    VBW   300 kHz
                0 dBm                  2.40184068 GHz    SWT    21 ms       Unit           dBm
            0 1                                      2                                    3
                 0.9 dB Offset
                                                                   1 [T1]            -1.94 dBm A

       -10                                                                   2.40184068 GHz
                                                                   2 [T1]            -1.87 dBm
                                                                             2.44099699 GHz
       -20                                                         1 [T1]          -38.72 dB
                                                                            -1.84068136 MHz

       -30                                                         2 [T1]          -41.36 dB
                1MAX                                                        81.65931864 MHz 1MA
            1                                                      3 [T1]         -1.87 dBm
       -40                                                                   2.48015331 GHz2






              Start 2.4 GHz                      8.35 MHz/                  Stop 2.4835 GHz

      Date:             1.SEP.2000   11:58:09

       Reference Power

                                     Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c          Page 34 of 37

                                                 RBW   100 kHz    RF Att      20 dB
       Ref Lvl                                   VBW   300 kHz
        0 dBm                                    SWT    330 s     Unit           dBm
         0.9 dB Offset


        D1 -21.9 dBm

        1MAX                                                                           1MA







       Start 30 MHz                      2.497 GHz/                      Stop 25 GHz

Date:           1.SEP.2000   12:47:49

 Measurement Plot

                             Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c        Page 35 of 37

Op. Mode          Setup            Port
op-mode 3        setup 1       antenna port
                                Marker 1 [T1]            RBW   100 kHz      RF Att      20 dB
              Ref Lvl                       -1.94 dBm    VBW   300 kHz
                0 dBm                  2.40184068 GHz    SWT    21 ms       Unit           dBm
            0 1                                      2                                    3
                 0.9 dB Offset
                                                                   1 [T1]            -1.94 dBm A

       -10                                                                   2.40184068 GHz
                                                                   2 [T1]            -1.87 dBm
                                                                             2.44099699 GHz
       -20                                                         1 [T1]          -38.72 dB
                                                                            -1.84068136 MHz

       -30                                                         2 [T1]          -41.36 dB
                1MAX                                                        81.65931864 MHz 1MA
            1                                                      3 [T1]         -1.87 dBm
       -40                                                                   2.48015331 GHz2






              Start 2.4 GHz                      8.35 MHz/                  Stop 2.4835 GHz

      Date:             1.SEP.2000   11:58:09

       Reference Power

                                     Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c          Page 36 of 37

                                                 RBW   100 kHz    RF Att      20 dB
       Ref Lvl                                   VBW   300 kHz
        0 dBm                                    SWT    330 s     Unit           dBm
         0.9 dB Offset


        D1 -21.8 dBm

        1MAX                                                                           1MA







       Start 30 MHz                      2.497 GHz/                      Stop 25 GHz

Date:           1.SEP.2000   12:59:58

 Measurement Plot

                             Testreport Reference: 5BT_Ericsson_Qual_02_c        Page 37 of 37

Document Created: 2001-05-14 14:40:30
Document Modified: 2001-05-14 14:40:30

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