RF Exposure Info

FCC ID: PNI8001001

RF Exposure Info

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RF exposure compliance issues:

Depending on the product that the module is used with, the final device could be subject
to routine evaluation for rf exposure, either SAR limits or MPE limits. However, the
maximum rf power output from the module is 0 dBm or 1 milliwatt. The device is also
designed to use a quarter wave monopole antenna with a nominal gain of 0dBi as the
radiating element. If the entire rf power output were absorbed by 1 gram of tissue (not
possible considering typical rf circuits), the SAR limit would still not be exceeded.
Further, with a separation distance of 20 cm or greater, the MPE limits are well above the
potential a 1 milliwatt device is capable of producing.
There has been some discussion regarding the potential the module could exhibit for
altering the ground currents in devices such as cell phones and pcs phones. However,
these devices could not be retrofitted with a module the size of the Ericsson module
without a redesign of the phone to accommodate the additional space and the requirement
for connecting data interfaces between the module and the phone. This redesign would
require submission of the modified phone to the FCC for certification as a new phone.
Thus, rf exposure issues related installation of this module in a device such as a pcs or
cell phone would be addressed by the certification requirement.

Document Created: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

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