Confidentiality Request Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                                    Adherium (NZ) Limited
                                                                     Level 2, 204 Quay Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
                                                                              PO Box 106-612, Auckland 1143, New Zealand
                                                                                                     Phone +64 9 307 2771

01st May 2018

Federal Communications Commission - Authorization and Evaluation Division

Confidentiality Request regarding application for certification of FCC ID: PN2-SHD1

Pursuant to FCC DA 04-1705, this application includes a request for short term confidentiality for the
following exhibits:

 External Photos                                           Appendix A1_PN2-SHD1_External Photos
 Test Setup Photos                                         Appendix A2_ PN2-SHD1_Test Setup Photos
 Internal Photos                                           Appendix A3_ PN2-SHD1_Internal Photos
 User Manual                                               Appendix B_ PN2-SHD1_User Manual

As the above information contains proprietary information which would be benefit to our competitors, we
request that these exhibits be held from public view for 180 days from the issue date of the grant of

In addition, pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission’s Rules, we hereby request
confidential treatment of information accompanying this application as outlined below and to withhold this
information from public disclosure indefinitely:

 Operational Description                                   CONF_1_ PN2-SHD1_OPDES
 Block Diagram                                             CONF_2_ PN2-SHD1_BLKDIA
 Schematics                                                CONF_3_ PN2-SHD1_SCHEM

The above materials contain trade secrets and proprietary information not customarily released to the
public. The public disclosure of these materials may be harmful to the applicant and provide unjustified
benefits to its competitors.

The applicant understands that pursuant to Section 0.457 of the Rules, disclosure of this application and all
accompanying documentation will not be made before the date of the Grant for this application.

                 Digitally signed by Chris Mander
                 DN: cn=Chris Mander, o=Adherium (NZ)
                 Ltd, ou,,

_________________Date: 2018.05.02 08:53:17 +12'00'

Name: Chris Mander
Title: Head of Quality and Regulatory

Document Created: 2018-05-02 08:53:17
Document Modified: 2018-05-02 08:53:17

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