User Manual


Users Manual

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     For use only with HandiHaler™

       Product Manual
For customer support, go to

This Product Manual will help you
to get the most out of your Hailie™
sensor. Please read the manual
before using the sensor.

Table of Contents

q Safety Statement                               5
    1.1 Hailie™ Sensor Intended Use              5
    1.2 Important User Information               5
    1.3 Warnings and Precautions                 6

w Hailie™ Sensor Overview                        7
    2.1 What is the Hailie™ Sensor?              7
    2.2 Hailie™ Sensor Components                8
    2.3 Compatible Inhalers                     10

e Setting up the Hailie™ Sensor                 10
    3.1 Preparation for First Use               10
    3.2 Installing and Removing an Inhaler      11
    3.3 Setting up Bluetooth® Communications    13

r Using the Hailie™ Sensor                      14
    4.1 Delivering a Dose of Medication         14
    4.2 Medication Reminders                    15
    4.3 Reviewing Inhaler Usage Data            16
    4.4 Manually Uploading Stored Information   16
    4.5 Reviewing the Battery Level             17
    4.6 Recharging the Hailie™ Sensor           17

t Maintenance                                     18
    5.1 Cleaning the Hailie™ Sensor and Inhaler   18
    5.2 Storage                                   19

y Troubleshooting                                 19

u Customer Support and Servicing                  20
    7.1 Customer Support                          20
    7.2 Servicing                                 20

i Disposal                                        20

o Warranty                                        21

a Technical Information and Symbols               21
    10.1 Specifications                           21
    10.2 Symbols                                  23

s Regulatory Statements                           24
    11.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility            24
    11.2 FCC Statement                            25
    11.3 Declaration of Conformity                25


q Safety Statement
1.1. Hailie™ Sensor Intended Use
The Hailie™ sensor is intended for single patient use in
the home environment as a medication reminder and
electronic data capture accessory for recording usage
prescribed Inhaler medication. This may be used in the
following applications:

• In clinical trials, where researchers need to know
  when a patient has used their trial Inhaler medication.
• In clinical practice, where specialists, general 		
  practitioners, nurses and educators need to know if a
  patient has used their prescribed Inhaler medication.
• In self-management, where patients need to track
  their medication use as part of their management plan.

The Hailie™ sensor is compatible only with the
HandiHaler™ Inhaler.

1.2 Important User Information

     Warnings identify actions or situations that could
     lead to personal injury. Take note of all warnings
     before using the Hailie™ sensor.
     Precautions identify actions or situations
     that could damage the Hailie™ sensor or other
     equipment, or affect the accuracy or availability
     of recorded usage data.
     Notes contain advisory information about some
     aspect of the Hailie™ sensor or its use.


1.3 Warnings and Precautions

    To ensure your Inhaler functions correctly, do not
    use the Hailie™ sensor with any other Inhaler or
    medication than that indicated on the Hailie™
    sensor label.

    Refer to the labelling provided with the Inhaler for
    instructions on use. Carry out all steps required to
    use your Inhaler according to the instructions.

    US only: Important instructions for use of the
    HandiHaler™ are printed on the front of the Inhaler.
    The label is covered when the Hailie™ sensor is
    installed. The label can be checked at any time by
    removing the Hailie™ sensor from the HandiHaler™,
    and replacing it after the label is checked. Follow
    the steps in Installing and Removing an Inhaler.

    US only: Read the label on the front of the
    HandiHaler™ before installing into the Hailie™ sensor.

    The Hailie™ sensor is intended to track medication
    usage. It is not intended to diagnose your condition
    or to replace the diagnosis of a licensed physician.

    This manual does not provide information on how to
    use prescription medication, and is not intended to
    replace the advice provided by a health professional.
    Directions for using prescription medication should
    be obtained from a health professional and followed
    accordingly. Any questions related to prescription
    medication should be referred to a health


    To ensure accuracy of Inhaler usage records, use
    the Inhaler within 5 minutes of opening the cap, and
    always close it again afterwards.

    Take note of the following to prevent triggering
    a false usage record. Avoid using the sensor in
    excessively noisy environments. Do not handle the
    sensor excessively or slide it across a table, while
    the cap is open.

    The Hailie™ sensor is a battery-powered electronic
    device. Do not immerse the Hailie™ sensor in water.
    Do not use the Hailie™ sensor if it is not in
    good condition.

    Take care to not spill liquids on the Hailie™ sensor
    or immerse it in water. Do not expose the Hailie™
    sensor to excessive perspiration during exercise.

    For hygiene and data integrity reasons, do not use
    the Hailie™ sensor with more than one patient.

    Remove the Hailie™ sensor from the Inhaler before
    cleaning the Inhaler.

w Hailie™ Sensor Overview
2.1 What is the Hailie™ Sensor?
The Hailie™ sensor is a companion tool that tracks your
prescribed medication use and reminds you when to
take your prescribed medication.


    The Hailie™ sensor is a small battery-powered
    electronic data logger that attaches to an Inhaler.
    The Hailie™ sensor contains an electronic clock and
    calendar that is used to log the date and time of Inhaler
    usage. Usage data can be uploaded via a wireless
    Bluetooth® connection.

    The Hailie™ sensor has a built-in audio-visual alert to
    remind you when to take your prescribed medication
    — and tracks when you did — so you can have
    confidence you're following your prescription.

    2.2 Hailie™ Sensor Components

With thethe HandiHaler


                                                       


                                                       
                                                       
Without the HandiHaler™

                       

      Without the HandiHaler™
                    Without the HandiHaler™

                                         





     Key
      1. HandiHaler™ Dust Cap       6. HandiHaler™ Piercing
      2. Clips                         Button
      3. Release Buttons            7. Status Button
      4. USB Port                   8. LED
      5. Retaining Fingers


 2.3 Compatible Inhalers
 The Hailie™ sensor is designed to work only with the
 HandiHaler™ Inhaler as indicated on the Hailie™
 sensor label.

 The Hailie™ sensor intended population is identical to
 the intended population of the compatible Inhaler.

 e Setting up the
 Hailie™ Sensor
 3.1 Preparation for First Use
 Following manufacture, the Hailie™ sensor is placed in
 Deep-Sleep mode to conserve battery life. To check if
 the Hailie™ sensor is still in Deep-Sleep mode, press
 the Status Button once. The LEDs will flash white if it is
 still in Deep-Sleep.

 Before first use, place the Hailie™ sensor on charge for
 up to 4 hours or until the LEDs stop flashing green.
 This will wake the Hailie™ sensor from Deep-Sleep mode.

 When recharging is completed, disconnect the Hailie™
 sensor from the power supply. Press the Status Button
 once more to check the battery level. The LEDs should
 flash green prior to first use.


3.2 Installing and Removing an Inhaler


                         US Only - Read the
                         label on the side
                         of the HandiHaler™
                         before installing into
                         the Hailie™ sensor.


                    To install the HandiHaler™,
                    open the HandiHaler™ Dust


                    Rest the HandiHaler™ on top
                    of the Hailie™ sensor so that
                    the Piercing Button rests
                    underneath the Retaining



     Gently push the HandiHaler™
     down towards a horizontal
     position until both Clips
     click into position on the
     HandiHaler™ hinge.


     Replace the HandiHaler™
     Dust Cap.

     The Hailie™ sensor is ready
     to pair with a compatible
     mobile app. Follow the
     instructions below in
     Setting Up Bluetooth®




                            Press the Release
                            Buttons on each side
                            simultaneously to release
                            the HandiHaler™.


                            Gently lift the
                            HandiHaler™ out of the
                            Hailie™ sensor.

3.3 Setting Up Bluetooth® Communications
The Hailie™ sensor must be paired with a compatible
Bluetooth® phone or tablet computer in order to sync
stored usage data.

Download a compatible mobile app to communicate
with your sensor. For more information go to

1. Ensure Bluetooth® is enabled on your phone or
   tablet computer.
2. Open the compatible mobile app and follow the
   prompts to complete the pairing process.
3. On the Hailie™ sensor press the Status Button 3


    times quickly to enter pairing mode. The LEDs will
    flash blue when the Hailie™ sensor is in pairing mode.
 4. The LEDs will flash green to indicate successful

      If pairing is not successful within 60 seconds the
      LEDs will flash red. The pairing process can be
      repeated if necessary.

      The Hailie™ sensor can only be paired with a single
      phone or tablet computer at a time. Successful
      pairing with a new phone or tablet computer will
      remove the current pairing. If pairing on the new
      phone or tablet computer fails, the existing pairing
      will be retained.

 r Using the Hailie™ Sensor
 4.1 Delivering a Dose of Medication
      Refer to the labelling provided with the Inhaler for
      instructions on use. Carry out all steps required to use
      your Inhaler according to the instructions.

 The Hailie™ sensor logs Inhaler usage by monitoring
 the sound made by inhaling the medication, when the
 Inhaler Dust Cap is opened and closed.

      To ensure accuracy of Inhaler usage records, use
      the Inhaler within 5 minutes of opening the cap, and
      always close again afterwards.


     Take note of the following to prevent triggering
     a false usage record. Avoid using the sensor in
     excessively noisy environments. Do not handle the
     sensor excessively or slide it across a table, while
     the cap is open.

The Hailie™ sensor LEDs flash green, orange or red
(to indicate battery level) 3 seconds after detecting
medication usage and the Dust Cap is closed.

If the LEDs flash red or if there is no flash, the Hailie™
sensor is not monitoring usage. Check the battery
level according to Reviewing the Battery Level.

     This manual does not provide information on
     how to use prescription medication, and is not
     intended to replace the advice provided by a health
     professional. Directions for using prescription
     medication should be obtained from a health
     professional and followed accordingly. Any
     questions related to prescription medication should
     be referred to a health professional.

     The Hailie™ sensor does not detect or record the
     quantity of medication delivered by the Inhaler.

4.2 Medication Reminders
Audio-visual reminders may be available to set
up from a compatible mobile app. If enabled, the
medication reminders are generated on the Hailie™
sensor with increasing frequency for up to 24 minutes,
until either the prescribed medication dose is taken or
the reminder is cancelled. The LEDs flash green and
the Hailie™ sensor emits a beeping sound when the
reminder alert is triggered.

 To cancel the reminder, hold down the Status Button
 until you hear a beeping sound and the LEDs flash red.

 4.3 Reviewing Inhaler Usage Data
 The Inhaler usage history can be automatically
 uploaded via a compatible paired phone or tablet
 The upload of new information will occur automatically
 as long as the Hailie™ sensor is within range (10 meters
 or 32 feet) of the phone or tablet computer with
 Bluetooth® enabled.

      When travelling ensure your phone or tablet computer
      is set to the local time zone for accuracy
      of Inhaler usage data.

 4.4 Manually Uploading Stored Information
 The Hailie™ sensor can manually upload data to a
 paired Bluetooth® phone or tablet computer.

 1. Hold down the Status Button for 3 seconds until the
    LEDs show white, then release.
 2. The LEDs will flash white while the Hailie™ sensor
    attempts to upload, then flash green if the upload is

      The Hailie™ sensor LEDs will flash red if the upload
      is not successful. Check the Hailie™ sensor is within
      range of the paired phone or tablet computer, and
      ensure Bluetooth® communications are enabled.


4.5 Reviewing the Battery Level
The LEDs on the Hailie™ sensor indicate the battery
level after detecting medication usage, or when the
Status Button is pressed once.

 LED Colour Battery Status

 Green          The battery level is good. The Hailie™
                sensor is monitoring Inhaler usage.

 Orange         The battery level is low. The Hailie™
                sensor is still monitoring Inhaler usage.

 Red            The battery is depleted. The Hailie™
                sensor has stopped monitoring
                Inhaler usage.

 No Flash       The battery is depleted, or the Hailie™
                sensor has failed, e.g. due to liquid
                immersion or mechanical stress.

4.6 Recharging the Hailie™ Sensor
The Hailie™ sensor contains a rechargeable battery
that is recharged via the USB Port. To recharge the
Hailie™ sensor, connect it to a computer USB port or
USB wall plug adaptor, using the supplied USB cable
or a micro-USB cable less than 3 metres (9ft 10in)
in length.

When connected to a charging source, the LEDs
will flash slowly in a colour according to the battery
level. When charging is complete, the LEDs will turn
off. The Hailie™ sensor should not be used while


 Allow up to 4 hours to fully recharge a Hailie™ sensor
 that is displaying red flashing LEDs. Charging times
 will significantly increase in temperatures below
 10°C (50°F).

 The Hailie™ sensor should be recharged every 4 months
 as a minimum to ensure continued battery function.

 t Maintenance
 5.1 Cleaning the Hailie™ Sensor and Inhaler
 Check the instructions from the Inhaler manufacturer for
 keeping the Inhaler and mouthpiece clean.

       Remove the Hailie™ sensor from the Inhaler before
       cleaning the Inhaler.

 Keep the Hailie™ sensor clean and free of chemicals,
 steam, water and dust. Clean the outside plastic
 enclosure with a lightly dampened cloth. Check the
 Hailie™ sensor is clean and repeat if necessary. Leave it
 to dry in a warm place that is less than 30°C (86°F).

       The Hailie™ sensor is a battery-powered electronic
       device. Do not immerse the Hailie™ sensor in water.
       Do not use the Hailie™ sensor if it is not in good

 The cleaning method is intended to support single
 patient use. If the sensor is contaminated by another
 individual, it is recommended that the Hailie™ sensor
 be discarded and replaced with a new sensor.


5.2 Storage
To help maintain battery capacity, store your Hailie™
sensor below 30°C (86°F). Keep out of direct sunlight
and avoid extreme temperatures.

The Inhaler medication has its own storage
recommendations. Refer to the labelling provided with
the Inhaler medication.

y Troubleshooting
If the Hailie™ sensor is not responding to Bluetooth®
communications, check the Hailie™ sensor battery
level as per Reviewing the Battery Level in this manual.
Ensure Bluetooth® is enabled in your phone or tablet

Other wireless communications equipment such
as wireless home network devices, mobile phones,
cordless telephones and their base stations, walkie-
talkies, and equipment such as contactless payment
or anti-theft systems, can affect the Hailie™ sensor, and
should be kept at least 30cm (12in) away.

Increase the separation distance between the Hailie™
sensor and any such devices if this could be
causing problems.

If this does not help, contact Customer Support for
further assistance.


u Customer Support
and Servicing
7.1 Customer Support
For support on this product, go to

     For information about your medical condition or your
     medication, contact your healthcare provider.

7.2 Servicing
Contact Customer Support for Hailie™ sensor servicing.
Do not attempt to open or service the Hailie™ sensor.
Tampering with the Hailie™ sensor voids the warranty.

i Disposal
Dispose of or recycle the Hailie™ sensor in accordance
with regulations for your country, as applicable for
electronic devices containing a lithium polymer battery.
Ensure that the Inhaler is removed from the Hailie™
sensor prior to disposal.

EU only: Do not dispose of the Hailie™ sensor as
unsorted municipal waste. The Hailie™ sensor must
be recycled in accordance with Directives 2012/19/EU
and 2006/66/EC. To arrange for return or disposal of
the Hailie™ sensor, contact Customer Support.


o Warranty
The Hailie™ sensor includes a 24 month warranty
against manufacturing defects from date of first use.
This warranty may be voided under the following
circumstances: damage to the Hailie™ sensor including
dropping, water damage resulting from condensation
or immersion, tampering, attempts to service, or other
forms of abuse.

The Hailie™ sensor warranty expires 4 years from date
of manufacture.

a Technical Information
and Symbols
10.1 Specifications
 Model Number      NF0101

 Usage Log         1 second

 Usage Log         5120 usage logs and sensor
 Capacity          status records

                   ± 1 hour after 12 months
                   Note: the Hailie™ sensor clock
 Internal Clock    is updated every time data is
 Accuracy          uploaded to a compatible
                   mobile app.


                  iOS or Android phones and tablet
 Compatible       computers. Go to
 with    for more

 Wireless      Bluetooth® 4.0: 2.40 - 2.48 GHz,
 Communication 2.5 mW Low Energy

                  Lithium Polymer 85mAh,
 Battery Type     Rechargeable

 Shelf Life       2 years

 Service Life/    2 years
 Battery Life

 Operating        0 to 40ºC (32 to 104ºF)

 Storage          -20 to 60ºC (-4 to 140ºF)

 Operating /      15 to 90% RH (non-condensing)
 Storage          at water vapour pressure ≤ 50 hPa


10.2 Symbols

     Manufacturer: Adherium (NZ) Ltd

     Serial Number

     Part Number

     Year of Manufacture

     Keep dry

     Rechargeable Sensor

     EU only: Do not dispose Hailie™ sensor as
     unsorted municipal waste

    EU only: European conformity mark

    AU only: Regulatory compliance mark

    NZ only: Regulatory compliance mark

    Temperature limit

    Humidity limitation


s Regulatory Statements
11.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility
The Hailie™ sensor does not perform any clinical
function where loss or degradation would result in
unacceptable risk.
 Emissions / Immunity Test
                               Compliance Level
 and Standard
 Conducted and Radiated
                               Group 1 Class B
 Electrostatic Discharge       ± 8 kV contact,
 IEC 61000-4-2                 ± 2/4/8/15 kV air
 Radiated RF EM Fields
                               10 V/m: 80 - 2700 MHz
 IEC 61000-4-3
 Proximity fields from RF      9 V/m: 710, 745, 780,
 wireless communications       5240, 5500, 5785 MHz
 IEC 61000-4-3                 27 V/m: 385 MHz

                               28 V/m: 450, 810,
                               870, 930, 1720, 1845,
                               1970, 2450 MHz
 Power frequency
 magnetic fields               30 A/m
 IEC 61000-4-8
 Voltage dips and              0 % UT : 0.5 cycle
 Interruptions                 0 % UT : 1 cycle
 IEC 61000-4-11                70 % UT : 25/30
                               0 % UT : 250/300


11.2 FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference
   received, including interference that may cause
   undesired operation.
"Harmful interference” is defined by FCC as any emission, radiation
or induction that endangers the functioning of a radio navigation
service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs
or repeatedly interrupts a radiocommunications service operating in
accordance with FCC rules.

The Grantee is not responsible for any changes or
modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance. Such modifications could
void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

11.3 Declaration of Conformity
Adherium (NZ) Ltd declares that this Hailie™ sensor
is in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 93/42/EEC.
Email for a copy of the declaration
of conformity.

Hereby, Adherium (NZ) Ltd declares that the radio
equipment type Hailie™ sensor is in compliance
with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU
declaration of conformity is available at:


No part of this document may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of Adherium (NZ) Ltd.

Product specifications may change without notice.

Emergo Europe
Prinsessegracht 20
2514 AP The Hague
The Netherlands

Australian Sponsor
Adherium Ltd
Collins Square | Tower Four
Level 18, 727 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3008

Hailie™ sensor is manufactured by:
Adherium (NZ) Ltd
Level 2, 204 Quay Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand

Hailie™ Sensor Product Manual
Part Number: ND0271
Version: 4
Issue Date: 04 Sep 2018

© 2018 Adherium (NZ) Ltd. All rights reserved.


For patent and trade mark information, including third-
party trademarks, refer to

HandiHaler is a trademark of Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharma GmbH & Co. KG.


       Customer Support

For support on this product,
go to For
information about your medical
condition or your medication,
contact your healthcare provider.

Document Created: 2018-09-17 11:40:56
Document Modified: 2018-09-17 11:40:56

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