Test Report

FCC ID: PMM046480565

Test Report

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                        FCC CERTIFICATION TEST REPORT


                                                Tasco Products
                                           9710 Farrar Court, Suite O
                                             Richmond, VA 23236

                                      FCC ID: PMM8046480565

                                                      May 2, 2001


     This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written consent of Washington Laboratories, Ltd.

                                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.0      INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................................1
  1.1       SUMMARY...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.0      DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .................................................................1
  2.1       ON-BOARD OSCILLATORS........................................................................................................................................... 1
3.0      TEST CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................................................2
  3.1     CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TESTING ........................................................................................................................... 2
  3.2     RADIATED EMISSIONS TESTING ............................................................................................................................... 2
     3.3.1   Radiated Data Reduction and Reporting ............................................................................ 2


           Table     1.                 Conducted Emissions Results
           Table     2.                 Radiated Emissions Results
           Table     3.                 System Under Test
           Table     4.                 Interface Cables Used
           Table     5.                 Measurement Equipment Used


           Appendix A.                  Statement of Measurement Uncertainty

                                                                                                                                                                ILJ Corporation
                                                                                                                                                        FCC ID:PMM8046480565
                                                                                                                                                           WLL Project #:5911X

                          FCC CERTIFICATION TEST REPORT


                                                Tasco Products

                                        FCC ID: PMM8046480565

1.0      Introduction

This report has been prepared on behalf of ILJ Corporation to support the attached Application for Equipment
Authorization. The test and application are submitted for a Periodic Intentional Radiator under Part 15.231 of the
FCC Rules and Regulations. The Equipment Under Test was the CM-67 Club Minder.

All measurements herein were performed according to the 1992 version of ANSI C63.4. The measurement
equipment conforms to ANSI C63.2 Specifications for Electromagnetic Noise and field Strength Instrumentation.
Calibration checks are made periodically to verify proper performance of the measuring instrumentation.

All measurements are performed at Washington Laboratories, Ltd. test center in Gaithersburg, MD. Site
description and site attenuation data have been placed on file with the FCC's Sampling and Measurements Branch at
the FCC laboratory in Columbia, MD. Washington Laboratories, Ltd. has been accepted by the FCC and approved
by NIST NVLAP (NVLAP Lab Code: 200066-0) as an independent FCC test laboratory.

All results reported herein relate only to the equipment tested. The measurement uncertainty of the data contained
herein is ±2.3 dB. Refer to Appendix A for Statement of Measurement Uncertainty. This report shall not be used to
claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the US Government.

1.1      Summary

The ILJ Corporation CM-67 Club Minder complies with the limits for a Periodic Intentional Radiator under Part
15.231(e) of the FCC Rules and Regulations.

2.0      Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT)

The ILJ Corporation Club-Minder CM67 (EUT) is a device that is designed to prevent golfers from losing their clubs
or leaving them behind when moving from one playing hole to another. The EUT a low power intentional radiator
used in conjunction with a receiver. The receiver is clipped to the belt of a golfer. The transmitter is contained
within a divot repair tool that a golf club handle rests upon. The transmitter transmits for a duration of 0.3 seconds
every 10 seconds and if the belt clip receiver travels out of range of the signal an alarm is sounded.

2.1      On-board Oscillators

The ILJ Corporation CM-67 Club Minder contains the following oscillators: 32.768kHz, 315MHz SAW Oscillator.

                                                                                                       ILJ Corporation
                                                                                               FCC ID:PMM8046480565
                                                                                                  WLL Project #:5911X

3.0      Test Configuration

To complete the test configuration required by the FCC, the EUT was set for continuous transmission. The EUT
was tested in all three orthogonal planes. All testing was performed with a fully charged 3VDC battery.

Worst case emissions are recorded in the data tables.

3.1      Conducted Emissions Testing

The EUT is a stand-alone, battery powered unit. Therefore, no conducted emissions testing were required.

3.2      Radiated Emissions Testing

The EUT was placed on an 80 cm high 1 x 1.5 meters non-conductive motorized turntable for radiated testing on a 3
meter open field test site. The emissions from the EUT were measured continuously at every azimuth by rotating
the turntable. Biconical and log periodic broadband antennas were mounted on an antenna mast to determine the
height of maximum emissions. The height of the antenna was varied between 1 and 4 meters. The peripherals were
placed on the table in accordance with ANSI C63.4-1992. Cables were varied in position to produce maximum
emissions. Both the horizontal and vertical field components were measured.

The output from the antenna was connected, via a preamplifier, to the input of the spectrum analyzer. The detector
function was set to quasi-peak or peak, as appropriate. The measurement bandwidth on the spectrum analyzer system
was set to at least 120 kHz, with all post-detector filtering no less than 10 times the measurement bandwidth.

3.3.1    Radiated Data Reduction and Reporting

To convert the raw spectrum analyzer radiated data into a form that can be compared with the FCC limits, it is
necessary to account for various calibration factors that are supplied with the antennas and other measurement
accessories. These factors are grouped into a composite antenna factor (AFc) and are supplied in the AFc column of
Table 1. The AFc in dB/m is algebraically added to the Spectrum Analyzer Voltage in dbµV to obtain the Radiated
Electric Field in dBµV/m. This level is then compared with the FCC limit.


Spectrum Analyzer Voltage:                  VdBµV

Composite Antenna Factor:                   AFcdB/m

Electric Field:                             EdBµV/m = VdBµV + AFcdB/m

To convert to linear units:                 EµV/m = antilog (EdBµV/m/20)

Data is recorded in Table 1.

                                                                                                     ILJ Corporation
                                                                                             FCC ID:PMM8046480565
                                                                                                WLL Project #:5911X

                       Table 1: FCC 15.231(e) 3M Radiated Emissions Data

CLIENT:                   ILJ
MODEL NO:                 CM67
DATE:                     6/12/00
BY:                       Greg Snyder
JOB #:                    5911
Tx Frequency:             315 MHz

Frequency Polarity    Azimuth Antenna SA Level      Afd    Afc     E-Field   E-Field   Limit    Margin
                               Height       (QP)
  MHz       H/V       Degree     m         dBuV     dB     dB/m    dBuV/m     uV/m     uV/m       dB

  315.00        V      45.00     2.5        48.1    -7.5   18.5     59.1      901.6    2634.0    -9.3
  315.00        H      0.00      1.5        50.8    -7.5   18.5     61.8     1234.5    2634.0    -6.6
  629.98        V     270.00     2.5        11.0    -7.5   25.1     28.6      26.9     263.4     -19.8
  629.98        H     180.00     1.5        13.2    -7.5   25.1     30.8      34.7     263.4     -17.6
  944.97        V     112.50     2.1        12.5    -7.5   31.7     36.7      68.4     263.4     -11.7
  944.97        H     180.00     1.0        18.2    -7.5   31.7     42.4      131.8    263.4     -6.0

                                       Average Measurements Above 1 GHz

Frequency Polarity Azimuth Antenna SA Level         Afd    Afc     E-Field   E-Field   Limit    Margin
                               Height       Peak
   MHz          H/V   Degree     m          dBuV     dB    dB/m    dBuV/m     uV/m      uV/m      dB
  1259.90       V     180.00     1.0        54.5    -7.5   -10.6    36.4       66.1     263.4    -12.0
  1259.90       H     180.00     1.0        54.3    -7.5   -10.6    36.2       64.6     263.4    -12.2
  1575.00       V     180.00     1.0        56.7    -7.5   -8.5     40.7      108.9     263.4     -7.7
  1575.00       H     225.00     1.0        55.7    -7.5   -8.5     39.7       97.1     263.4     -8.7
  1890.00       V     225.00     1.0        52.2    -7.5   -6.7     38.0       79.3     263.4    -10.4
  1890.00       H     247.50     1.0        50.3    -7.5   -6.7     36.1       63.7     263.4    -12.3
  2204.90       V     180.00     1.0        52.7    -7.5   -5.7     39.5       93.9     263.4     -9.0
  2204.90       H     225.00     1.0        51.0    -7.5   -5.7     37.8       77.2     263.4    -10.7
  2520.00       V     247.50     1.0        51.7    -7.5   -5.2     39.0       89.2     263.4     -9.4
  2520.00       H      0.00      1.0        50.5    -7.5   -5.2     37.8       77.7     263.4    -10.6 Amb
  2835.00       V      0.00      1.0        49.8    -7.5   -4.7     37.6       75.8     263.4    -10.8 Amb
  2835.00       H      0.00      1.0        50.0    -7.5   -4.7     37.8       77.5     263.4    -10.6 Amb
  3149.90       V     225.00     1.0        50.5    -7.5   -4.3     38.7       86.3     263.4     -9.7
  3149.90       H      0.00      1.0        49.8    -7.5   -4.3     38.0       79.7     263.4    -10.4 Amb

                                                                                                 ILJ Corporation
                                                                                         FCC ID:PMM8046480565
                                                                                            WLL Project #:5911X

                                        Table 2: System Under Test

                                         FCC ID: PMM8046480565

EUT:                       ILJ Corporation EUT; M/N: Club-Minder CM67

                                      Table 3: Interface Cables Used

The EUT is a stand-alone unit; therefore no interface cables were used during testing.

                                Table 4: Measurement Equipment Used

The following equipment is used to perform measurements:

Hewlett-Packard Spectrum Analyzer: HP8564E
Hewlett-Packard Spectrum Analyzer: HP8568B
Hewlett-Packard Spectrum Analyzer: HP8593A
Hewlett-Packard Quasi-Peak Adapter: HP85650A
Hewlett-Packard Preselector: HP85685A
Hewlett-Packard Preamplifier: HP8449B
Antenna Research Associates, Inc. Biconical Log Periodic Antenna: LPB-2520A (Site 2)
Antenna Research Associates, Inc. Horn Antenna: DRG-118/A
Solar 50 Ω/50 µH Line Impedance Stabilization Network: 8012-50-R-24-BNC
Solar 50 Ω/50 µH Line Impedance Stabilization Network: 8028-50-TS-24-BNC
AH Systems, Inc. Portable Antenna Mast: AMS-4 (Site 2)
AH Systems, Inc. Motorized Turntable (Site 2)
RG-214 semi-rigid coaxial cable
RG-223 double-shielded coaxial cable

                                                                                                 ILJ Corporation
                                                                                         FCC ID:PMM8046480565
                                                                                            WLL Project #:5911X

                                    EXHIBIT 1

                         DUTY CYCLE CALCULATIONS

The following page shows spectrum analyzer plots of the transmitter coding. The
following calculations show the worst-case 100 ms duty cycle correction used for
calculating the average level of the carrier, harmonics, and emissions.

Plot 1 shows that the transmitter has a pulse train period of 10.2 ms and consists of
varying lengths of pulses. The various pulse widths are measured on Plot 2. From this
plot, the following duty cycle correction factor is calculated.


(2 x 1.44ms) + (1 x 980 us) + (1 x 420 us) = 4.28 ms ON TIME PER 10.2 ms Pulse

                          = 4.28 ms/10.2 ms = 0.4196 Duty Cycle
                          = 41.9% Duty Cycle
                          = -7.5 dB AFd

                                                                             ILJ Corporation
                                                                     FCC ID:PMM8046480565
                                                                        WLL Project #:5911X

                                                                                              MKR A 10.20 msec
                                  \flu   REF         74.0 dBpV       ATTEN   0 dB     +8 dB              .60 dB

                                 10 dB/

                                 OFFSET                 x       —           x                   —              c
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                                 CENTER 314.966 MHz                                                    SPAN 0 Hz
                                         RES BW 100 kHz                     VBW    100 kHz    SWP   100 msec

                                                                          MKR A 1.440 msec
\fi   REF   74.0    dBpV     ATTEN   @ dB     +8 dB                                    .90 dB

10 dB/

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CENTER   314.966   MHz                                                             SPAN   0 Hz
          RES BW   199    kHz       VBW    100   kHz                      SWP   20 msec

                                     EXHIBIT 2

                          CARRIER BANDWIDTH DATA

The 20 dB modulated bandwidth shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency.

      Bandwidth Limit = Carrier Frequency x .0025

      Bandwidth Limit = 314.966 MHz x .0025 = 787.415 kHz

      Measured EUT Bandwidth = 238 kHz

                                                                             ILJ Corporation
                                                                     FCC ID:PMM8046480565
                                                                        WLL Project #:5911X

                                                                              MKR A 238 kHz
                            \fi   REF 74.0 dBpV      ATTEN 0 dB     +8 dB             .10 dB

                            10 dB/

                            L240°*                                   /

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                            CENTER 314.956 MHz                               SPAN 2.000 MHz
                                     RES BW   100 kHz    VBW     100 kHz   SWP 100 msec

                                                  Appendix A

                                Statement of Measurement Uncertainty

For the purposes of the measurements performed by Washington Laboratories, the measurement uncertainty is ±2.3
dB. This has been calculated for a worst-case situation (radiated emissions measurements performed on an open area
test site).

The following measurement uncertainty calculation is provided:

                                     Total Uncertainty = (A2 + B2 + C2)1/2/(n-1)


A = Antenna calibration uncertainty, in dB = 2 dB
B = Spectrum Analyzer uncertainty, in dB = 1 dB
C = Site uncertainty, in dB = 4 dB
n = number of factors in uncertainty calculation = 3

Thus, Total Uncertainty = 0.5 (22 + 12 + 42)1/2 = ±2.3 dB.

                                                                                                    ILJ Corporation
                                                                                            FCC ID:PMM8046480565
                                                                                               WLL Project #:5911X

Document Created: 2019-10-23 14:33:15
Document Modified: 2019-10-23 14:33:15

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