CBRS Test Report


Test Report

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                                          PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                                          7185 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046 USA
                                                                Tel. 410.290.6652 / Fax 410.290.6654

                                                                   MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                                                           Part 96

    Applicant Name:                                                                               Date of Testing:
    Inseego Corporation                                                                           3/19/2019 – 3/25/2019
    9605 Scranton Road Suite 300                                                                  Test Site/Location:
    San Diego, CA 92121                                                                           PCTEST Lab. Columbia, MD, USA
    United States                                                                                 Test Report Serial No.:

    FCC ID:                                                  PKRNVWMIFI8800
    APPLICANT:                                               INSEEGO

    Application Type:                                         Certification
    Model:                                                    MIFI8800L
    EUT Type:                                                 MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
    FCC Classification:                                       Citizens Band End User Devices (CBE)
    FCC Rule Part(s):                                         96
    Test Procedure(s):                                        KDB 940660 D01 v01, WINNF-TS-0122 V1.0.0

    This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as indicated in the measurement
    report and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in §2.947. Test results reported herein relate only to the
    item(s) tested.

    I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my supervision and are
    correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for the
    qualifications of all persons taking them.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 1 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                               T A B L E                        O F             C O N T E N T S

1.0          INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 3
             1.1        Scope ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
             1.2        PCTEST Test Location....................................................................................................................................... 3
             1.3        Test Facility / Accreditations ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.0          PRODUCT INFORMATION........................................................................................................................... 4
             2.1        Equipment Description ....................................................................................................................................... 4
             2.2        Test Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 4
             2.3        EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications .......................................................................................................... 4
3.0          TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATA ................................................................................................... 5
4.0          TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................ 6
             4.1        Summary ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
             4.2        End User Device Additional Requirement (CBSD Protocol) ............................................................................... 7
5.0          CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................. 12

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                 Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                 Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                    Page 2 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

1.0          INTRODUCTION

1.1              Scope
Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EMC) of radio frequency devices including
intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission.

1.2           PCTEST Test Location
These measurement tests were conducted at the PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. facility located at 7185
Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046. The measurement facility is compliant with the test site requirements
specified in ANSI C63.4-2014.

1.3           Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at PCTEST Engineering Lab located in Columbia, MD 21046, U.S.A.

•     PCTEST is a CBRS Alliance (OnGo) Approved Test Lab

•     PCTEST is a WInnForum Approved Test Lab

•     PCTEST is an ISO 17025-2005 accredited test facility under the American Association for Laboratory
      Accreditation (A2LA) with Certificate number 2041.01 for CBRS Alliance Certification Test Plan and WInnForum
      Conformance and Performance Test Technical Standard.

•     PCTEST is an ISO 17025-2005 accredited test facility under the American Association for Laboratory
      Accreditation (A2LA) with Certificate number 2041.01 for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), Hearing Aid
      Compatibility (HAC) testing, where applicable, and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing for FCC and
      Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada rules.

•     PCTEST TCB is a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) accredited to ISO/IEC 17065-2012 by A2LA
      (Certificate number 2041.03) in all scopes of FCC Rules and ISED Standards (RSS).

•     PCTEST facility is a registered (2451B) test laboratory with the site description on file with ISED.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 3 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


2.1              Equipment Description
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the Inseego MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router FCC ID: PKRNVWMIFI8800.
The test data contained in this report pertains only to the EUT’s LTE Band 48 operation in the CBRS band.

Test Device Serial No.: 990009312531802

2.2              Test Configuration
The EUT was tested per the guidance of KDB 940660 D01 v01, WINNF-TS-0122 V1.0.0.

2.3              EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
No EMI suppression device(s) were added and no modifications were made during testing.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 4 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


Test Equipment Calibration is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Measurements antennas used during testing were calibrated in accordance to the requirements of ANSI C63.5-

   Manufacturer                       Model                                   Description                             Cal Date      Cal Interval       Cal Due        Serial Number

       Agilent                       N9038A                               MXE EMI Receiver                           6/11/2018         Annual          6/11/2019        MY51210133
                                                                    Table 3-1. Test Equipment

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 5 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

4.0          TEST RESULTS

4.1              Summary

            Company Name:                           Inseego
            FCC ID:                                 PKRNVWMIFI8800
            FCC Classification:                     Citizens Band End User Devices (CBE)
            Mode(s):                                LTE

               FCC Part                                                                                                    Test                   Test
                                       Test Description                              Test Limit                                                                 Reference
               Section(s)                                                                                                Condition               Result

                                                                        End User Devices may operate
                                                                        only if they can positively
                                                                        receive and decode an
                                                                        authorization signal transmitted
                                                                        by a CBSD, including the
                                                                        frequencies and power limits
                                    End User Device                     for their operation.
              96.47                                                                                                     CONDUCTED                 PASS          Section 7.2
                                    Requirements                        An End User Device must
                                    (CBSD Protocol)                     discontinue operations, change
                                                                        frequencies, or change its
                                                                        operational power level within
                                                                        10 seconds of receiving
                                                                        instructions from its associated

                                                         Table 4-1. Summary of Conducted Test Results

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 6 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

4.2              End User Device Additional Requirement (CBSD Protocol)

Test Overview and Limit

End user device additional requirements (CBSD Protocol) are tested per the test procedures listed below. During
testing, the EUT is connected to a certified CBSD (Ruckus FCC ID: S9GQ910US00) as a companion device to
show compliance with Part 96.47.

End User Devices may operate only if they can positively receive and decode an authorization signal
transmitted by a CBSD, including the frequencies and power limits for their operation.

An End User Device must discontinue operations, change frequencies, or change its operational power
level within 10 seconds of receiving instructions from its associated CBSD.

Test Procedure Used

KDB 940660 D01 v01, WINNF-TS-0122 V1.0.0.

Test Setup/Method

The EUT was connected via an RF cable to a certified CBSD and spectrum analyzer. The following procedure is
performed by applying WINNF-TS-0122 CBRS CBSD Test Specification.

      1. Run#1:
            a.             Setup WINNF.PT.C.HBT.1 with 3615MHz – 3635MHz and power level at 13 dBm/MHz.
            b.             Enable AP service from Ruckus Cloud management.
            c.             Check EUT Tx frequency and power.
            d.             Disable AP service from Ruckus Cloud management and check EUT stop transmission within 10s.
      2. Run#2:
            a.             Setup WINNF.PT.C.HBT.1 with 3660MHz – 3680MHz and power level at 8 dBm/MHz.
            b.             Enable AP service from Ruckus Cloud management.
            c.             Check EUT Tx frequency and power.
            d.             Disable AP service from Ruckus Cloud management and check EUT stop transmission within 10s.

Test Notes

The EUT is an End User Device.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 7 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


      •      Tx frequency set: 3615 – 3635MHz.
      •      MaxEIRP set: 13dBm/MHz

                                           Plot 4-1. Run#1 End User Device Frequency of Operations

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 8 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                 Plot 4-2. Run#1 End User Device Discontinues Operations within 10s


Marker 1: CBSD sends instructions to discontinue LTE operations.
Marker 2: EUT discontinues operation.
Marker 3: 10 seconds elapsed time from CBSD sending instructions to EUT.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 9 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


      •      Tx frequency set: 3660– 3680MHz.
      •      MaxEIRP set: 8dBm/MHz

                                           Plot 4-3. Run#2 End User Device Frequency of Operations

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 10 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                 Plot 4-4. Run#2 End User Device Discontinues Operations within 10s

Marker 1: CBSD sends instructions to discontinue LTE operations.
Marker 2: EUT discontinues operation.
Marker 3: 10 seconds elapsed time from CBSD sending instructions to EUT.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 11 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

5.0          CONCLUSION

The data collected relate only to the item(s) tested and show that the Inseego MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
FCC ID: PKRNVWMIFI8800 complies with all of the End User Device requirements of Part 96.47 of the FCC Rules.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 12 of 12
 1M1903190040-01.PKR                   3/19/2019-3/25/2019             MiFi Wireless Hotspot Router
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                       V1.0 12/17/2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Document Created: 2019-03-25 14:09:04
Document Modified: 2019-03-25 14:09:04

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