Amended Test report


Test Report

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Name of Test:                    ERP Carrier Power (Radiated)

Specification:                   TIA/EIA 603A (Substitution Method)

                                           Measurement Procedure

The average radiated power of a licensed device is the equivalent power required, when delivered to a half-
wave dipole or horn antenna, to produce at a distant point the same average received power as produced by
the licensed device.

Method of Measurement:
A)   Connect the equipment as illustrated.       Place the transmitter to be tested on the turntable in the
     standard test site.

B)    Raise and lower the test antenna from 1m to 6 m with the transmitter facing the antenna and record the
      highest received signal in dB as LVL.

C)    Repeat step B) for seven additional readings at 45° interval positions of the turntable.

D)    Replace the transmitter under test with a half-wave or horn vertically polarized antenna. The center of
      the antenna should be at the same location as the transmitter under test. Connect the antenna to a
      signal generator with a known output power and record the path loss in dB or LOSS.

E)    Calculate the average radiated output power from the readings in step C) and D) by the following:

        average radiated power = 10 log 10 Ó 10(LVL – LOSS)/10 (dBm)

Name of Test:                 ERP Carrier Power (Radiated)

                                          Test Equipment

    Asset       Description                                  s/n                     Cycle       Last Cal

     i00088     EMCO 3109-B 25MHz-300MHz                     2336                    12 mo.      Sep-03
 X i00089       Aprel 2001 200MHz-1GHz                       001500                  12 mo.      Sep-03
 X i00103       EMCO 3115 1GHz-18GHz                         9208-3925               12 mo.      Jan-04

 X i00028       HP 8449A                                     2749A00121              12 mo.      May-05

Spectrum Analyzer
 X i00029       HP 8563E                                     3213A00104              12 mo.      May-05
 X i00033       HP 85462A                                    3625A00357              12 mo.      Sep-05

Substitution Generator
 X i00067        HP 8920A Communication TS                   3345U01242              12 mo.       Jun-05
     i00207      HP 8753D Network Analyzer                   3410A08514              12 mo.       Jul-05

                                         Measurement Results

g0560269: 2005-Jun-24 Fri 05:51:00
State: 2:High Power
CDMA Cellular:
  Frequency     Frequency     Meter,    CF,     Calc,   Path Loss,       EUT – Ant    ERP, dBm   ERP, Watts
 Tuned, MHz      Emission,    dBuV/m    dB      dBm      dB (Sub)         Loss, dB                 (Max)
  824.730000    824.730000     102.62   25.36    30.6        -2.4           1.2         29.4
  836.500000    836.500000     101.06   25.48    29.2        -1.7           1.2         29.7      0.93
  848.300000    848.300000     103.29   25.61    31.5        -3.2           1.2         29.5

g0560270: 2005-Jun-24 Fri 06:18:00
State: 2:High Power
  Frequency     Frequency     Meter,    CF,     Calc,   Path Loss,       EUT – Ant     EIRP,       EIRP,
 Tuned, MHz      Emission,    dBuV/m    dB      dBm      dB (Sub)         Loss, dB     dBm         Watts
                   MHz                                                                             (Max)
1851.300000 1851.300000         90.60   31.23    26.6        -0.2           1.8         28.6
1880.000000 1880.000000         90.76   31.27    26.8        +0.1           1.8         28.5      0.72
1908.700000 1908.700000         87.41   31.33    23.5        +3.0           1.8         28.3

CDMA Mode:

       The emission bandwidth exceeds the measurement bandwidth of the test receiver.

Test Setup:   Radiated Emissions

Document Created: 2005-10-13 21:32:52
Document Modified: 2005-10-13 21:32:52

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