Module Integration Guide (Revised)


Users Manual

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                Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                         Version 2.2

Novatel Wireless, Inc.
PCI Express Mini-card
Installation Guidelines for E371

Version 2.2

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                                  Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                          Version 2.2

Notice: Restricted Proprietary Information

© Copyright Novatel Wireless, Inc. (2012)

The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of Novatel Wireless, Inc. All
rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of this manual in any form without the expressed
written approval of Novatel Wireless, Inc. is strictly prohibited. This manual may not, in whole or in
part, be copied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic or magnetic storage medium
without the written consent of a duly authorized officer of Novatel Wireless Inc.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by Novatel Wireless Inc. unless such commitment is expressly given
in a covering document.

Novatel Wireless Inc. makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, regarding this document,
its merchantability, or its fitness, for any particular purpose.

Printed and produced in United States of America.

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                              Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                              Version 2.2

Document Revision History

Rev.   Date        Brief Description of Change        Originator       Approved by
1.0    September   Initial Draft                      Todd Gallagher
       19, 2011
2.0    November    Changes as requested during the    Roman Olmos      Todd Gallagher
       14, 2011    FCC review.
2.1    February    Update made to 1900MHz Antenna     Roman Olmos      Todd Gallagher
       22, 2012    Gain Information
2.2    February    Change to MPE limit in 824 band.   Roman Olmos      Todd Gallagher
       24, 2012

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                                 Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                              Version 2.2

                 FCC KDB Publication Reference

          KDB Title                  Version             Date   Attachment   Version
                                                                 Number      Number

SAR Evaluation Considerations
for Laptop/Notebook and Tablet      KDB 616217     11/13/2009      D03          V01

  Mobile and Portable Device
 RF Exposure Procedures and         KDB 447498     11/13/2009      D01          V04
Equipment Authorization Policies

  SAR Considerations for LTE
                                    KDB 941225     12/15/2010      D05          V01
  Handsets and Data modems

 Modular Transmitter Approvals     KDB 996369      07/12/2011      D01         V01r03

   Permissive Change Policy         KDB 178919     06/08/2011      D01         V05r01

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                                 Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                    Version 2.2
         E371 Module Installation and Collocation
               Guidelines for Host Devices
1.0 Introduction

This document provides module and antenna installation guidelines for notebook computers to be
authorized for use with the E371 module through the FCC Class I or Class II Permissive Change
process. As the grantee Novatel Wireless is responsible for all integrations and must be
consulted on all regulatory matters involving the E371.

The module was originally granted by the FCC as a portable device with respect to RF Exposure
compliance. This document outlines what RF Exposure considerations are required when
integrating the E371 into a laptop type device for mobile or portable operation.

For other basics and details about FCC RF exposure compliance requirements for mobile and
portable devices, see FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C.

The following installation host configurations are addressed in this document.

    1) The E371 module can be installed as a standalone transmitter in notebooks meeting the
       following conditions:
            a. Mobile device notebooks where >20cm separation distance is provided between
                the E371 transmitting antenna and the end user. The technical parameters for
                mobile measurements are defined in Section 2.1.1.
            b. Portable device notebooks where the separation distance is <20cm to ≥2.5cm
               provided between the E371 transmitting antenna that meet the technical
               parameters defined in Section 2.1.2. These devices may not require SAR
               evaluation and are covered by the original FCC/IC application.
            c. Portable device notebooks where the separation distance is <2.5cm provided
               between the E371 transmitting antenna that meet the technical parameters
               defined in Section 2.1.3. Devices require SAR evaluation and consultation by the
               grantee (Novatel Wireless) is required.

         1. “Standalone” when referenced in this document is defined where a single transmitter
            is transmitting, as opposed to two or more transmitters transmitting simultaneously.
         2. Mobile Device Definition - FCC defines as a transmitting antenna located at a
            distance greater than ≥20cm from the user.
         3. Portable Device Definition - FCC defines as a transmitting antenna is located at a
            distance less than ≤20cm from the user.

    2) Collocated transmitters that can operate simultaneously with the E371 module is only
       allowed if the technical requirements defined in Section 4.0 are satisfied.
    3) Should end-user installation be available module/notebook Two-Way Authentication is
       required. Please contact Novatel Wireless for additional details.
    4) The FCC and Industry Canada IDs must be permanently affixed on the exterior of the
       notebook or readily accessible under a panel or battery pack of the host device that
       cannot be separated from the host device itself.

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                         Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                         Version 2.2
   The label must state:
      • This device contains FCC ID: PKRNVWE371
      • This device contains IC:3229A-E371

5) These installation guidelines are not applicable to non-notebook host devices or
   tablet PCs. The installation guidelines are applicable for notebook computers
   where the E371 antennas and collocated antennas are located in the display
   portion of a notebook computer. SAR evaluation is completed with the display
   open at a ninety-degree angle as defined in KDB pub 616217 and Section 4 of KDB
   pub 447498.

6) These guidelines do not apply to devices that require power reduction to meet SAR
   limits. These integrations must be coordinated directly through Novatel Wireless.

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                                       Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                                    Version 2.2
2.0 Module Installation Guidelines

This section defines host installation limitations for mobile device and portable device hosts.

2.1 Installation Guidelines

2.1.1 Mobile Device Hosts (WWAN to user separation distance >20cm)

The E371 module can be installed for use in any authenticated mobile device notebook as long
as the antenna gain of the host antenna does not exceed the gain listed in table 1. The modem
must not be collocated with other antennas or transmitters unless the guidelines are followed
within this document. Please refer to section 4.0 for collocated information.

The maximum E371 conducted power and host antenna gain is listed in Table 1.

                            Table 1 Maximum conducted power and antenna gain

                                          Maximum Conducted       Conducted      Maximum Antenna Gain
        Technology   Frequency (MHz)
                                             Power (dBm)          Power (W)             (dBi)
       LTE Band 17        706.5                 24.50               0.282                5.0
        GPRS 1 UL         824                    33.0                1.99                 3.5
          UMTS            824                    25.0               0.282                 3.5
        LTE Band 4       1710.7                 24.50               0.282                 5.0
       UMTS (AWS)         1700                   24.5               0.282                 5.0
        GPRS 1 UL         1850                   30.0                1.0                  3.0
          UMTS            1850                   24.5               0.282                 3.0

2.1.2 Portable Device Hosts (WWAN to user separation distance ≤20cm or ≥2.5cm)

The E371 module can be installed for use in a portable device notebook as a Class I change if
the antenna separation distance is ≤20cm or ≥2.5cm. Table 2.0 describes the limitations if there
are no collocated transmitters. For collocated restrictions please see section 4.0.

                       Table 2 Portable Device Notebook Limitations – No collocated transmitters

                                                                                   RF Exposure
    Parameter                                      Requirement                     Justification
    Device type                                    Notebook
    Display size                                   Any
    Antenna type                                   PIFA
    WWAN Antenna locations                         Display
    Exterior Display Material                      (Non metal)
    WWAN module location                           Anywhere
    Minimum WWAN to User Distance                  ≥2.5cm                          Section 3.0
    Maximum WWAN to User Distance
    (Portable application)                         ≤20cm
    SAR evaluation required                        No
    Collocated Transmitter Condition               Restricted.                     Section 4.0

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                                    Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                                    Version 2.2

2.1.3 Portable Device Hosts (WWAN to user separation distance ≤2.5cm)

The E371 module can be installed for use in a portable device notebook as a Class II change if
the antenna separation distance from the user is ≤2.5cm. Table 3.0 describes the limitations if
there are no collocated transmitters. Collocated radios must be considered as per FCC KDB
616217 D03 and section 3 of KDB 447498. Section 2.1.3 does not apply to tablets or non-
notebook devices or devices that require power reduction to meet SAR.

                       Table 3 Portable Device Notebook Limitations – No collocated transmitters

                                                                                      RF Exposure
    Parameter                                     Requirement                         Justification
    Device type                                   Notebook
    Display size                                  Any
    Antenna type                                  PIFA
    WWAN Antenna locations                        Display
    Exterior Display Material                     (Non metal)
    WWAN module location                          Anywhere
    Maximum WWAN to User Distance                 <2.5cm†                             Section 3.0
    SAR evaluation required                       Yes
                                                  KDB 616217 D03
    Collocated Transmitter Condition                                                  Section 4.0
                                                  KDB 447498 section 3.
   †Based on the SAR data collected during the original application.

2.1.4 End User Installation

Two-way authentication documentation has been submitted as part of a Class II permissive
change allowing end-user installation into notebooks that utilize the method of authentication.

Authentication occurs in two methods:

    1.    Software installed on the modem:
         a) Installation Software including list of pre-approved Notebooks and Modules.
         b) PID/VID identification numbers in Module: Factory Installed
         c) Module identification numbers in Notebook: Factory Installed

    2. Implementation:
       When a Module Upgrade Kit is procured the module is available for End-User installation
       in approved Notebook computers.

         The connection manager software is run on the Notebook and the Module ID numbers
         are checked against a pre-determined list of approved ID numbers in the installation
         software. Both the Notebook and the Module are checked. If either ID does not match,
         the installation of the Driver is halted and the Module will not work.

         Moving the Module to other NON approved notebooks will not allow the module to
         operate. Since the driver will ONLY operate in pre-approved Notebooks with the proper
         ID and while a properly ID-checked Module is resident, you cannot load the driver for
         NON-approved Modules or Notebooks.

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                                 Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                        Version 2.2
2.1.5 User Instructions

Installers and end user must be provided with specific information regarding FCC RF exposure
requirements for Mobile or portable devices.

As an example the following text should be provided in the user guide with the regulatory

This device has been evaluated for and shown compliant with the FCC RF Exposure limits under
mobile exposure conditions (antennas are greater than 20cm from a person’s body). This device
has also been evaluated for and shown compliant with the FCC RF exposure limits under portable
exposure conditions (antennas are within 20 cm of a person's body) when installed in certain
specific configurations.
Before this device is made available for sale to the public, it was evaluated to ensure that it does
not exceed the limit established by the government-adopted requirement for safe exposure.

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                                   Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                                Version 2.2

3.0 Individual SAR Evaluation

Portable RF exposure evaluation has been completed based on SAR measurements on a
representative PIFA antenna in a representative notebook computer. Integrations that provided
≥2.5cm of separation distance between the edge of the WWAN antenna and the end user
orientated at 90 degrees as illustrated in Figure 1-1 and 1-2 do not require additional SAR testing.
The measured SAR value at 2.5cm was 0.374W/kg.

As indicated in KDB 447498 section 2 a), i) when SAR values are <0.4W/kg for a conservative
exposure measurement the devices can be used in portable host platforms with no restrictions.
These instructions are restricted to laptop and notebook type devices. Please refer to section 4.0
for collocation guidelines.

                                                Figure 1-1
                Portable Device Notebook Antenna Location – Horizontal orientation (Note 1)

                                                                                          Minimum Tx Antenna


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                                   Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                               Version 2.2
                                                Figure 1-2
                 Portable Device Notebook Antenna Location – Vertical orientation (Note 1)

                                                                                             Minimum Tx Antenna


   1. Figures 1-1 and 1-2 are used to illustrate the proper separation distance with different
       antenna orientations. These illustrations are to be used as a design reference and are not
       to scale.
   2. Mobile Device Definition - FCC defines as a transmitting antenna located at a distance
       greater than ≥20cm from the user.
   3. Portable Device Definition - FCC defines as a transmitting antenna is located at a
       distance less than ≤20cm from the user.

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                                     Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                                   Version 2.2

4.0 Collocated Installation Guidelines

4.1 Collocated transmitter application

Collocated transmitters can be operated simultaneously with the E371 module, provided the
technical parameters listed in Table 4 are maintained and the information specified in Section 5.0
is on file as part of a Class I permissive change. A Class II permissive change is required if the
host device does not meet the requirements specified in Table 4 and in section 6.

                            Table 4 Host Device Limitations – Collocated transmitters

                                                                                        RF Exposure
    Parameter                                         Requirement                       Justification
    Device type                                       Notebook
    Display size                                      Any
    Antenna type                                      PIFA
    WWAN Antenna locations                            Display
    Exterior Display Material                         (Non metal)
    WWAN module location                              Anywhere
      Minimum WWAN to User Distance                   ≥2.5cm†                               Section 3.0
              Maximum WWAN SAR                        0.374W/kg (1g)*                       Section 3.0
        Maximum RF coaxial cable loss                 1.41dBi*
     Mobile Collocated Transmitter Condition
                                                      <0.766 W/kg (1g)                   Section 6.5 and 6.6
      (Mixed mobile and WWAN portable)
                                                                                          Section 6.4 and
    Portable Collocated Transmitter Condition         SAR <1.226W/kg (1g)
                                                                                            Section 6.6
                                                      TBD based on
     Mobile Collocated antenna gain (mobile
                                                      conducted power and                Section 6.5Table 0
                                                      maximum MPE
      Mobile Collocated antenna gain
                                               5 dBi                                     Section 6.1 and 6.2
             (Portable WWAN)
       Distance to external card slots         >5cm                                             N/A
†Based on the SAR data collected during the original application.
*Based on the original antenna tested with the module.

Other devices may be approved as collocated transmitters, provided the technical requirements
of FCC KDB 616217 D03 are satisfied. Please contact Novatel Wireless for additional installation


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                                 Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                       Version 2.2

5.0 Class I Permissive Change Documentation

The following documentation from KDB 616217 D03 must be supplied by the OEM and approved
by the regulatory manager at Novatel Wireless as part of a Class I permissive change request.
The following items are required address simultaneous transmission concerns. These documents
will be kept on file at Novatel Wireless to support our Class I claim. A Class II permissive change
is required if the technical requirements cannot be met.

    1. List of all collocated transmitters with FCC and IC IDs
    2. Verification that all WWAN and WLAN antennas are >5cm from external USB, PCMCIA
       or other notebook I/O ports that support an external plug-in transmitter.
    3. Drawings showing antenna locations and separation distances
    4. Antenna types with respective dimensions and far field antenna gains
    5. Specific module to antenna RF coaxial cable losses
    6. RF exposure analyses demonstrating compliance with Section 4 of FCC KDB 616217
       D03 as shown below ;

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                                   Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                           Version 2.2
6.0 Simultaneous RF Exposure Evaluation Guidelines
For Collocated Transmitters Allowable through a Class I
Permissive change

6.1 Mobile Simultaneous Transmission guidelines

Collocated transmitters can be operated simultaneously with the E371 module in mobile
configurations, provided the technical parameters listed in KDB pub 447498 section 8 are met.
These procedures apply to antennas in the display screen for laptop devices.

These parameters are:

    a) Transmitters and modules certified for mobile or portable exposure conditions and
       categorically excluded by § 2.1091(c) can be incorporated in mobile device notebooks
       without further testing or certification when:

            i.    The closest separation among all simultaneous (radiating) transmitting antennas
                  is ≥20cm, or

            ii.   The antenna separation distance and MPE compliance boundary requirements
                  that enable all simultaneous transmitting antennas incorporated within the host to
                  comply with MPE limits are specified in the application filing of at least one of the
                  certified transmitters incorporated in the host device. In addition, when
                  transmitters certified for portable use are incorporated in a mobile device
                  notebook the antenna(s) must be ≥ 5 cm from all other simultaneous transmitting

    b) All transmitters in the final product must be at least 20cm from users and nearby persons.

6.2 Mobile Hosts calculations through power density calculations

This section can be used to select WWAN transmitters and antennas for use in Mobile device
configurations. Simultaneous transmitters must be selected to ensure that the compliance
evaluation will not result in issues with the WWAN transmitters or antennas.

The following tables provide guidance on maximum recommended gain and conducted powers of
WLAN transmitters.

Per OET 65, when RF sources have different frequencies, the fraction of the FCC power density
limit shall be determined and the sum of all fractional components shall be less than 1. The
fractional MPE calculation is also addressed in FCC KDB 616217 D03 (Simultaneous
Transmission Considerations).

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                                     Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                               Version 2.2
    These tables are for reference only and are to be used as a guide.

    Table 5 – The power density calculations for standalone transmitters at an exposure separation
    distance of 20 cm are shown in table 5 with the declared transmit power and antenna gain values.
    The calculations are based on a cable loss of 0 dBi. The collocated transmitter values represent
    worst-case transmit power and antenna gains allowable for use with the E371 WWAN module.

    For frequency dependent limits, the lowest transmitter frequency was used to represent the
    lowest MPE limit (e.g. 706.5MHz = 0.4717mW/cm ). The WLAN power levels listed represent the
    worst-case values for the corresponding frequency ranges.

    Table 6 - Based on the WWAN MPE calculations in table 5 this table provides guidance on the
    collocated power density with the various WWAN modems in the 700MHz band of the E371.

    Table 7 - Based on the references in table 5, this table provides guidance on the collocated
    power density with the various WWAN modems in the 850MHz band of the E371.

    Table 8 - Based on the references in table 5, this table provides guidance on the collocated
    power density with the various WWAN modems in the 1700MHz band of the E371.

    Table 9 - Based on the references in table 5, this table provides guidance on the collocated
    power density with the various WWAN modems in the 1900MHz band of the E371.

                             Table 5 WWAN and WLAN Standalone MPE Calculations

                         Maximum                 Maximum                                    Power
                                                                     Average                            FCC MPE
             Frequency   Conducted   Conducted   Antenna     Duty              Average     Density @
Technology                                                             EIRP                               Limit
               (MHz)       Power     Power (W)     Gain      Cycle             EIRP (W)      20cm
                                                                      (dBm)                            (mW/cm^2)
                           (dBm)                   (dBi)                                  (mW/cm^2)
   LTE         706.5       24.50       0.282       5.0       1.00     29.50      0.891      0.177        0.471

  GPRS         824         33.00       1.995       3.5       0.25     30.48     1.1177      0.222        0.55

  UMTS         824         25.00       0.316       3.5       1.00     28.50      0.708      0.141        0.55

   LTE        1710.7       24.50       0.282       5.0       1.00     29.50      0.891      0.177        1.000

  UMTS         1700        24.50       0.282       5.0       1.00     29.50      0.891      0.177        1.000

  GPRS         1850        30.00       1.06        3.0       0.25     26.98      0.499      0.099        1.000

  UMTS         1850        24.50       0.266       3.0       1.00     27.50      0.562      0.112        1.000

  WLAN         2400        29.00       0.794       5.0       1.00     34.00      2.512      0.500        1.000

  WLAN         5150        29.00       0.794       5.0       1.00     34.00      2.512      0.500        1.000

  WLAN         5250        29.00       0.794       5.0       1.00     34.00      2.512      0.500        1.000

  WLAN         5500        29.00       0.794       5.0       1.00     34.00      2.512      0.500        1.000

  WLAN         5800        29.00       0.794       5.0       1.00     34.00      2.512      0.500        1.000

 WIMAX         2600        29.00       0.794       5.0       1.00     34.00      2.512      0.500        1.000

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                                  Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                                  Version 2.2
                         Table 6 WWAN 700 MHz Collocation Power Density

                                                                       (WWAN       MHz
                         FCC MPE                700 MHz     FCC MPE      700      WWAN
             WLAN Pd                   Pd) /
WLAN Band                  Limit                WWAN Pd       Limit     MHz) /   fraction)   Limit    Pass/Fail
            (mW/cm^2)                 (MPE
                        (mW/cm^2)              (mW/cm^2)   (mW/cm^2)    MPE           +
                                                                        Limit)    (WLAN
 2.4 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       0.471      0.378     0.878       1         Pass

 5.1 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       0.471      0.378     0.878       1         Pass

 5.2 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       0.471      0.378     0.878       1         Pass

 5.5 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       0.471      0.378     0.878       1         Pass

 5.8 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       0.471      0.378     0.878       1         Pass

 2.6 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       0.471      0.378     0.878       1         Pass

                         Table 7 WWAN 850 MHz Collocation Power Density

                                                                       (WWAN       MHz
                         FCC MPE                850 MHz     FCC MPE      850      WWAN
             WLAN Pd                   Pd) /
WLAN Band                  Limit                WWAN Pd       Limit     MHz) /   fraction)   Limit    Pass/Fail
            (mW/cm^2)                 (MPE
                        (mW/cm^2)              (mW/cm^2)   (mW/cm^2)    MPE           +
                                                                        Limit)    (WLAN
 2.4 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.222       0.55       0.428     0.928       1         Pass

 5.1 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.222       0.55       0.428     0.928       1         Pass

 5.2 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.222       0.55       0.428     0.928       1         Pass

 5.5 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.222       0.55       0.428     0.928       1         Pass

 5.8 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.222       0.55       0.428     0.928       1         Pass

 2.6 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.222       0.55       0.428     0.928       1         Pass

                         Table 8 WWAN 1700 MHz Collocation Power Density

                                                                       (WWAN        MHz
                         FCC MPE                1700 MHz    FCC MPE     1700      WWAN
             WLAN Pd                   Pd) /
  Band                     Limit                   Pd         Limit     MHz) /   fraction)   Limit    Pass/Fail
            (mW/cm^2)                 (MPE
                        (mW/cm^2)              (mW/cm^2)   (mW/cm^2)    MPE          +
                                                                        Limit)    (WLAN
 2.4 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       1.000      0.177     0.677       1         Pass

 5.1 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       1.000      0.177     0.677       1         Pass

 5.2 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       1.000      0.177     0.677       1         Pass

 5.5 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       1.000      0.177     0.677       1         Pass

 5.8 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       1.000      0.177     0.677       1         Pass

 2.6 GHz      0.500       1.000       0.500      0.177       1.000      0.177     0.677       1         Pass

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                                                                                                      Version 2.2
                             Table 9 WWAN 1900 MHz Collocation Power Density

                                                                           (WWAN        MHz
                             FCC MPE                1900 MHz    FCC MPE     1900      WWAN
                 WLAN Pd                   Pd) /
   Band                        Limit                   Pd         Limit     MHz) /   fraction)   Limit    Pass/Fail
                (mW/cm^2)                 (MPE
                            (mW/cm^2)              (mW/cm^2)   (mW/cm^2)    MPE          +
                                                                            Limit)    (WLAN
  2.4 GHz         0.500       1.000       0.500      0.112       1.000      0.112     0.612       1         Pass

  5.1 GHz         0.500       1.000       0.500      0.112       1.000      0.112     0.612       1         Pass

  5.2 GHz         0.500       1.000       0.500      0.112       1.000      0.112     0.612       1         Pass

  5.5 GHz         0.500       1.000       0.500      0.112       1.000      0.112     0.612       1         Pass

  5.8 GHz         0.500       1.000       0.500      0.112       1.000      0.112     0.612       1         Pass

  2.6 GHz         0.500       1.000       0.500      0.112       1.000      0.112     0.612       1         Pass

6.3 Portable Simultaneous Transmission guidelines

Collocated transmitters can be operated simultaneously with the E371 module in portable
configurations. Evaluations of the simultaneous transmitters will be applied against KDB 616217
D03 or KDB 447498 D01. These procedures apply to antennas in the display screen for laptop

To reduce the possibility of SAR testing of simultaneous transmitters the following steps should
be applied:

   1.     Antennas that are located < 5 cm from persons
           i. Keep the closest antenna separation distance ≥ 5 cm for all simultaneous
              transmitting antennas within the host or device; and
          ii.   If available calculate the sum of the 1-g SAR to ensure it is < 1.6 W/kg for all
                simultaneous transmitting antennas that require stand-alone SAR evaluation; and
            iii. The output power is ≤ 60/f(GHz) mW for any simultaneous transmitting antenna(s)
                 for which stand-alone SAR evaluation is not required.

    2. Antennas that are located ≥ 5 cm from persons may require additional review and
       consultation by the FCC.

The operating and installation requirements, including restrictions, must be provided for OEM
integrators and end users to comply with simultaneous transmission SAR requirements.

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                                                                                        Version 2.2

6.4 Portable Device Hosts: Sum of Total SAR < SAR Limit

A portable collocated transmitter can be operated simultaneously with the WWAN transmitter
provided the individual SAR results for the portable collocated transmitter are less than the value
specified below based on Section 4)a) of the Supp note for FCC KDB 616217 D03. The
maximum individual SAR value is based on the worst case SAR recorded on the external
antenna at 2.5cm (0.374 W/kg).

                                 SARcollocated ≤ 1.6 − 0.374W / kg
                                   SARcollocated ≤ 1.226W / kg

6.5 Portable Device Hosts Sum of WWAN SAR + Collocated MPE <1

(Mobile Collocated transmitter with a portable transmitter)
For mobile collocated transmitters operating greater than 1 GHz, mobile collocated transmitter
can be operated simultaneously with the portable WWAN transmitter, provided the individual
MPE results for the mobile collocated transmitter are less than the value specified below based
on Section 4)a) of FCC KDB 616217 D03. The maximum individual SAR value is based on the
worst case SAR recorded on the test antenna at 2.5cm (0.374 W/kg).

                                   MPE collocated ≤ 1−
                                   MPEcollocated   ≤ 0.766W / kg

6.6 Portable Device Hosts Max Collocated SAR Vs. Distance

If the summation of SAR exceeds the FCC limit, collocation is permitted through a Class I
permissive change provided the minimum allowable separation distance derived from the
equation below is satisfied. An alternate equation provides the maximum collocated SAR based
on a specified separation distance. In addition, the sum of the highest MPE must be less than the
corresponding MPE limit as defined in section 4. B) ii) of FCC KDB 616217 D03.

Minimum separation distance for Collocated Transmitters
                 SARWWAN + SARcollocated 1.5
          5 ∗ ([                        ] ) ≤ Ant _ SeparationWWAN −to−Collocated
Maximum collocated SAR vs distance
                SARWWAN + SARcollocated 1.5
         5 ∗ ([                          ] ) ≤ Ant _ SeparationWWAN −to−Collocated
                                     SeparationWWAN −to−Collocated 3
             SARcollocated = 1.6 ∗ (                              ) − SARWWAN

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                                  Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                                                         Version 2.2

7.0 Regulatory Statements - Federal Communications
Commission Notice (FCC—United States)

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Contact your service provider for help.

Notice to Consumers: Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved
by Novatel Wireless may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with Industry Canada ICES-003.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

            1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and
            2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
               may cause undesired operation.

The E371 is compliant to the relevant sections of the FCC rules:
    •   FCC CFR47 Part 2 (General Rules and Regulations, RF Exposure Evaluation)
    •   FCC CFR47 Part 15 (All Radio Frequency Devices)
    •   FCC CFR47 Part 24 (Narrow and wideband PCS modules)
    •   FCC CFR47 Part 22 (Cellular Service)
    •   FCCCFR47 Part 27 (Wireless Communications Services)

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                    Novatel Wireless Inc.

                                                              Version 2.2

8.0 Technical Support Contacts


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Document Created: 2012-02-24 12:22:51
Document Modified: 2012-02-24 12:22:51

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