SAR System Check Plots


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                        Date: 8/12/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab A

System Check_D1900V2_SN 5d140
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used: f = 1900 MHz; σ = 1.535 mho/m; εr = 51.97; ρ = 1000 kg/m
Phantom section: Flat Section

Room Ambient Temperature: 24.0 deg. C; Liquid Temperature: 23.0 deg. C
DASY5 Configuration:
- Area Scan setting - Find Secondary Maximum Within: 2.0 dB and with a peak SAR value greater than 0.0012W/kg
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3686; ConvF(6.99, 6.99, 6.99); Calibrated: 1/24/2011
- Sensor-Surface: 2.5mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn1239; Calibrated: 11/17/2010
- Phantom: ELI v4.0(B); Type: QDOVA001BB; Serial: 1099
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.6 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.4.5 (3634)

D1900V2/Pin=100 mW/Area Scan (41x51x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 6.068 mW/g

D1900V2/Pin=100 mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 61.853 V/m; Power Drift = -0.03 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 7.809 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 4.31 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 2.25 mW/g
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 5.760 mW/g

                      0 dB = 5.760mW/g

                                                                                 Date: 8/12/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab A

System Check_D1900V2_SN 5d140
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1

D1900V2/Pin=100 mW/Z Scan (1x1x21): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=5mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 5.763 mW/g

                                                                                                        Date: 8/26/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used: f = 1900 MHz; σ = 1.509 mho/m; εr = 51.696; ρ = 1000 kg/m
Phantom section: Flat Section

Room Ambient Temperature: 24.0 deg. C; Liquid Temperature: 23.0 deg. C

DASY5 Configuration:
- Area Scan setting - Find Secondary Maximum Within: 2.0 dB and with a peak SAR value greater than 0.0012W/kg
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3773; ConvF(7.37, 7.37, 7.37); Calibrated: 5/3/2011
- Sensor-Surface: 2.5mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn1258; Calibrated: 5/2/2011
- Phantom: ELI v5.0 (A); Type: QDOVA001BB; Serial: 1117
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.6 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.4.5 (3634)

Body/Pin=100 mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 5.483 mW/g

Body/Pin=100 mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 59.103 V/m; Power Drift = 0.02 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 7.166 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 3.92 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 2.06 mW/g
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 5.286 mW/g

                     0 dB = 5.290mW/g

                                                                              Date: 8/26/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1

Body/Pin=100 mW/Z Scan (1x1x6): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=20mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 2.940 mW/g

                                                                                                        Date: 8/30/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

SystemPerformanceCheck-D1750V2 SN 1050
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1750 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used: f = 1750 MHz; σ = 1.422 mho/m; εr = 54.374; ρ = 1000 kg/m
Phantom section: Flat Section

Room Ambient Temperature: 24.0 deg. C; Liquid Temperature: 23.0 deg. C

DASY5 Configuration:
- Area Scan setting - Find Secondary Maximum Within: 2.0 dB and with a peak SAR value greater than 0.0012W/kg
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3773; ConvF(7.72, 7.72, 7.72); Calibrated: 5/3/2011
- Sensor-Surface: 2.5mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn1258; Calibrated: 5/2/2011
- Phantom: ELI v5.0 (A); Type: QDOVA001BB; Serial: 1117
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.6 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.4.5 (3634)

Body/Pin=100 mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 4.992 mW/g

Body/Pin=100 mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 59.365 V/m; Power Drift = -0.01 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 6.557 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 3.69 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 1.98 mW/g
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 4.887 mW/g

                      0 dB = 4.890mW/g

                                                                              Date: 8/30/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

SystemPerformanceCheck-D1750V2 SN 1050
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1750 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1

Body/Pin=100 mW/Z Scan (1x1x6): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=20mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 4.939 mW/g

                                                                                                        Date: 8/31/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

SystemPerformanceCheck-D835V2 SN 4d117
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 835 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used (interpolated): f = 835 MHz; σ = 0.981 mho/m; εr = 55.131; ρ = 1000 kg/m
Phantom section: Flat Section

Room Ambient Temperature: 24.0 deg. C; Liquid Temperature: 23.0 deg. C

DASY5 Configuration:
- Area Scan setting - Find Secondary Maximum Within: 2.0 dB and with a peak SAR value greater than 0.0012W/kg
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3773; ConvF(8.67, 8.67, 8.67); Calibrated: 5/3/2011
- Sensor-Surface: 2.5mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn1258; Calibrated: 5/2/2011
- Phantom: ELI v5.0 (A); Type: QDOVA001BB; Serial: 1117
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.6 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.4.5 (3634)

Body/Pin=100 mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.268 mW/g

Body/Pin=100 mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 36.642 V/m; Power Drift = -0.07 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.578 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.05 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.692 mW/g
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.282 mW/g

                      0 dB = 1.280mW/g

                                                                              Date: 8/31/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

SystemPerformanceCheck-D835V2 SN 4d117
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 835 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1

Body/Pin=100 mW/Z Scan (1x1x21): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=5mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.273 mW/g

                                                                                                         Date: 9/8/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

SystemPerformanceCheck-D1750V2 SN 1050
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1750 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used: f = 1750 MHz; σ = 1.511 mho/m; εr = 52.665; ρ = 1000 kg/m
Phantom section: Flat Section

Room Ambient Temperature: 24.0 deg. C; Liquid Temperature: 23.0 deg. C

DASY5 Configuration:
- Area Scan setting - Find Secondary Maximum Within: 2.0 dB and with a peak SAR value greater than 0.0012W/kg
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3773; ConvF(7.72, 7.72, 7.72); Calibrated: 5/3/2011
- Sensor-Surface: 2.5mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn1258; Calibrated: 5/2/2011
- Phantom: ELI v5.0 (B); Type: QDOVA001BB; Serial: 1118
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.6 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.4.5 (3634)

Body/Pin=100 mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 5.081 mW/g

Body/Pin=100 mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 58.585 V/m; Power Drift = -0.02 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 6.942 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 3.8 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 2 mW/g
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 5.122 mW/g

                      0 dB = 5.120mW/g

                                                                              Date: 9/8/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

SystemPerformanceCheck-D1750V2 SN 1050
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1750 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1

Body/Pin=100 mW/Z Scan (1x1x6): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=20mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 5.053 mW/g

                                                                                                       Date: 9/10/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

SystemPerformanceCheck-D750V3 SN 1019
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 750 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used: f = 750 MHz; σ = 0.977 mho/m; εr = 56.36; ρ = 1000 kg/m
Phantom section: Flat Section

Room Ambient Temperature: 24.0 deg. C; Liquid Temperature: 23.0 deg. C

DASY5 Configuration:
- Area Scan setting - Find Secondary Maximum Within: 2.0 dB and with a peak SAR value greater than 0.0012W/kg
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3773; ConvF(8.74, 8.74, 8.74); Calibrated: 5/3/2011
- Sensor-Surface: 2.5mm (Mechanical Surface Detection (Locations From Previous Scan Used)), Sensor-Surface: 2.5mm
(Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn1258; Calibrated: 5/2/2011
- Phantom: ELI v5.0 (B); Type: QDOVA001BB; Serial: 1118
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.6 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.4.5 (3634)

Body/Pin=100 mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.075 mW/g

Body/Pin=100 mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 33.667 V/m; Power Drift = 0.0042 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.323 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.893 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.592 mW/g
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.083 mW/g

                      0 dB = 1.080mW/g

                                                                              Date: 9/10/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

SystemPerformanceCheck-D750V3 SN 1019
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 750 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1

Body/Pin=100 mW/Z Scan (1x1x21): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=5mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.079 mW/g

                                                                                                        Date: 11/9/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab A

2011-11-09 SystemPerformanceCheck-D835V2 SN 4d117
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 835 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used: f = 835 MHz; σ = 0.971 mho/m; εr = 53.562; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section

Room Ambient Temperature: 24.0 deg. C; Liquid Temperature: 23.0 deg. C

DASY5 Configuration:
- Area Scan setting - Find Secondary Maximum Within: 2.0 dB and with a peak SAR value greater than 0.0012W/kg
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3749; ConvF(8.79, 8.79, 8.79); Calibrated: 12/13/2010
- Sensor-Surface: 2.5mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn500; Calibrated: 7/14/2011
- Phantom: ELI v4.0(A); Type: QDOVA001BB; Serial: 1119
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.6 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.4.5 (3634)

Body/Pin=100 mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.192 mW/g

Body/Pin=100 mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 36.630 V/m; Power Drift = 0.0089 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.487 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.992 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.653 mW/g
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.209 mW/g

                     0 dB = 1.210mW/g

                                                                              Date: 11/9/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab A

2011-11-09 SystemPerformanceCheck-D835V2 SN 4d117
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 835 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1

Body/Pin=100 mW/Z Scan (1x1x21): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=5mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.849 mW/g

                                                                                                      Date: 11/29/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

System Check_D1900V2_SN 5d140
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used: f = 1900 MHz; σ = 1.514 mho/m; εr = 50.949; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section

Room Ambient Temperature: 24.0 deg. C; Liquid Temperature: 23.0 deg. C

DASY5 Configuration:
- Area Scan setting - Find Secondary Maximum Within: 2.0 dB and with a peak SAR value greater than 0.0012W/kg
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3773; ConvF(7.37, 7.37, 7.37); Calibrated: 5/3/2011
- Sensor-Surface: 2.5mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn1258; Calibrated: 5/2/2011
- Phantom: ELI v5.0 (A); Type: QDOVA001BB; Serial: 1117
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.6 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.4.5 (3634)

Body/Pin=100 mW/Area Scan (41x51x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 5.791 mW/g

Body/Pin=100 mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 59.455 V/m; Power Drift = -0.0028 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 7.470 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 4.04 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 2.11 mW/g
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 5.466 mW/g

                     0 dB = 5.470mW/g

                                                                              Date: 11/29/2011

Test Laboratory: UL CCS SAR Lab B

System Check_D1900V2_SN 5d140
Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1

Body/Pin=100 mW/Z Scan (1x1x21): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=5mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 5.152 mW/g

Document Created: 2011-12-08 17:18:53
Document Modified: 2011-12-08 17:18:53

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