SAR Probe SN3772


RF Exposure Info

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Calibration Laboratory of                                               Schvolarncher Kibvortinst
Schmid & Partner                                                        Servessuis tisanoage
     Engineering AG                                                     Senio svezeedltntre
Povghnvnnvanse1304 2urch Swtzerand                                      Guis caltratonce
Acnias o te SnsAcresato Sevcn 5)                              Accrtatonto: 5CS 108
Te Suis AccestaonSrice n one o thnizontore to h tA
Motlwrldgorentforthe reenqntlofcaltratoncotfentes
ciem      ULCCS                         .                     Ceriicasn: EX3—3772_May11

CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                             |
Omea                       exsovs —shiarre

Cntvatensccemve)           oA CA—0Tv7, CA CA—T2V6, CA CAL—14va, OA CAL—23v4,
                           CA CAL25va
                           Galibrtion procedure for dosimetric E—feld probes

catatonoue                 mays,zort
Tscatatoncentcat comumenst Hacestity t rsor intats inenesize e snyscaueot msuremens (30
Te neascemaniant n urcanartas wonidene mctsoy e gvenonh smung saamand e utn contone
Ajcaivacons ns beoncantesiniv cesanontofsiy onrornenttncraure 297C e uy «To
CatvatonEasenontaadTE eten rcaieton

[#           sace        [          C |GaBieCentcrens)
| rocemow ceeri8          conmiate
                               _               stmen no emoure
[ rosersenr stzn          mssn                 srmen beerour
  Retrerces t roevaie     ou se ao             zomens n 2omm
  Reterce 2cb atonmr      on sscee oo
  Retrerc 2 ob anenier    on seres oon
  Retemrce rise Escove    on sors              zoneet ts rsvson on
 oree                    | sw seo              fotctr e pnceass mnem
[Senmytaien           a                        Ccbrewn                    Enmeem
[ ht promic ie aeesc  vesemtome                «u98intormced 6sted        ntease ces ons
[ eteaizernm arsse _| usarsooes                186a0 inrowe aect 020      ntomegea oatt
                        fime                      mam                          ase
catmaiensy                  retersone                Teovahinigee   /&

Assovssy                    wawiaae                  aspmnee           &i

                                                                           hnes may t
 mes          certcestat en rmtcnd cesn 4 miout inie iotwe tsrnoy

CorifeaNo x3.arze.Mayi1                       Page rot 11

Calibration Laboratory of                                                        SchmoizeiseherKatbodians
Schmid & Partner                                                                 Serice slstnonnace
  Engineering AG                                                                 Sevido svezee o tatrn
Zovahivensaene100 uicSuizerand                                                   Suis CattratonBervce

Acundn o e Snss Actosnin Seven 99)                                            Acerdainos 5CS 108
Th Snie AccostatonSrvicis one o thngnntarsto e EA
MuttateaAgroomontfotecnaniton ofcattratoncorsfenon
Ts                    Hissue simutating taus
NoRMcy.z              senstiiy in reo space
come                  sensthity in TSL /NORMyz
bor                   lode compression poit
or                    eretfactr (tidutyyco the RF signal
As.c                  modutaton dependantInearizaton parameters
Polrtzaton o          rotatonaround mrobe axis
Polatzaton 8          8 retatonaround an ax‘ hatis in theplane normalto probe axis t measurement ceten)
                      ie., 8 = 0is nomalto robe axis
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a). IEEE Sts 120—2009, 1EEE Recommended Pracice fr Delerminingthe Peak Spatal—Averaged Specitc
       Absorpton Rate (GAR) in the Human Head fom Wreless Communicatons Devicos: Measurement
       Techniques®, Docember 2003
   ) 12G 62200—1, "Frocedure to measure the Specifc Absorpton Rate (SAR)for hand.hald devices used in close
       provimiy o he ear (reguency range of 200 Mite to 3 Grtz}, Febriay 2005
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   + NORMi.z Assonsod for Elld polarztion = (= 900 Mz n TEM:cal; > 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide)
     NORMy.z are only ntermediate vaues, . the uncertaintes of NORMyz dos not affectthe E—feld
     uncertaint nsTSL (sea blow Corv)
   + NORMfMry:z NORMiyz *requencyresponse (see Frequency Response Chart. This Incarzaton is
     implemented in DASY sotware versons atethan 42. The uncertainy ofthe freavency response is ncluded
     in the stateuncetainy of Conve:
   + DCPxyiz: DCP are numefcal Incaizationparametars assessed based on the data of poser seepwth CW
     sgnal(rouncerainy reauire) DGP does not depend on freauency nor media
   + PaR: PRis the Peak to Average Ratl thatis not calbrated bot determined based on the signal
   +0 Alpie Biy z: Ciy.z are numericalUnearizaion paramters in B assessed based on the data o power
      sween for specife modlaton signal.The parameters donot depond on requency nor media
   +VR VR is the valdiy range ofthe calbratonrelated o he average dlode valage or DAE votago n mV.
   + Gonv£ and Boundary Eflct Parametors: Assessed in fat hantom using E—feld(or Temperatire Transtor
      Standar forf ©800 Mz and nside waveguide using analticalfel distibutons based on pover
      measurements fo1> 800 NHe,The same selups are used for asessmont o the parameters apaled fr
      boundary compensation (alsha. depthof which typiea uncertaity vales are gven. These parametors aro
      used in DASYA salware to improve probe accuracy clos to h boundary. The sensvly in TSL coresponds
      to NORky:z" Goreewhereby the uncetaity crtesponds to that gven or GorvF. A requency denandant
      ConyE is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which alons extending the valdiy fom 2 50 Mz t 2 100
   + Spharea!isorapy (3deviation m isotrpy) in feld of ow gracients ealzed usig fat phantom
      exposed by a paich antemna
   + Sonsor Offt: The sensor offet cortspandsto the ofsef vityal measurement antefrom the probe to
      (on probe avis. No torance reauired

ConticaNo: EXG—3772.Mayin                       Pageaot i1

exove—suarre                                                                maya. 201

                   Probe EX3DV4


                                Manufactured:          January 10, 2011
                                Calibrated:            May 3, 2011

                              Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                  (Note: non—compattie win DASYZ system!)

Cortfcat No: Exc—arze May1t                    Page sot 11

    exiovs— suarre                                                                            ty a 2011

    DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3772

    Basic Calibration Parameters
C                                  SenorX               "Sinsory       —   Smare              wetes
| Norm (a¥i(vim)            1        aso _                 ase              ass               ri0% |
     5cF(iy)"_              1       1008                   sas              102                           |

    Modulation Calibration Parameters
     uo       Gommunicaton Systom Name       ran         imw       s        c         w         Une?
                                                           «o      c       «o         mt        tea
     rxs—|ow                                 se(    5C ow    |Cow|         uesc       mer      rek |
                                                    Y |oee~| "ose          10e        se           |
I                                                   2 ose—|ose             100        mer          |
     o                                       se     [oc|as|Caas            ns         was      se
                                                    y Isie—| Caes          ies        mss
[                                                   2   57e  sro           1e7        n
(naar—       emrsemoitense                   senc   oc es    ~|"mo|        o)         ce c|    sns
                                                    y   465  m3            iss |      mio
                                                    2| ger   |Cear~|       un         es
     woose   commmmamnon                     s30    x | sar  ear           7          ies      9k|
                                                    y sae~|  Neez          ~|iea ~|   se
                                                    2       sar    se      mz      | mss
     o       |qcoimninsonpuns                |wh\x|fs              ms      us         d        ie
              bon                              J
                                                    y      ez      e       |~tea      mss
                                                2| maos            ras|    te8~| eo
             eecarmennazon                   mt |X | mm            ns      mee ns              sirk
             (osesoroil se veon
                                                v| mar|            onz           m
L                                               z| se              var           mms

    The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
    mutipled by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distrbution carresponds to a coverage
    probabilty of approximately 95%

    1 re sns tanion oNt¥ t netatet eweanany node 75L ns Pages ns 8
    (WummrenInowatonpaanter wertanyratrnwne
      Urearantiatem ns uang tmax avasenfam iew essm ol us anvcto ad s ervesss o tsour ofre

    ConfeaNo Ex8.377ety                       Page aot 1

excove— suarme                                                                      wya. 2011

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3772

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
  tumg?                      "laim" comex                  comez apm Tam)              (e8
     aso                      oer        a0e                ecs      ore     100     ersas
     1so                      ase        mss      ses       se       ore     ost     s120%
     sas                      aso        ass       sse      ass      or      os| stow |
     sco     ans      oor                az0      sz        ssm oss          oss | r120%
     use |__sos | im |                   tm       tm        tm | os«         ors | »120%
     1s«o    «s__|__ 12e                 mss      iss       iss ore          ost rm0%
     i7so    ao1 _    r3r _|             rao      rso       mss om           oso strow
     1900         «0           140.     _raz       zi7      rir    | om      ost     +120%
     1050         «00          140       ase                sse      ore  oso :120%
     200|         100          140       me                 i2       or   oso s120%
     2300         sos          187       see       se       se       ore  oss 120%
     2uso         s02                    sas       se       sas         |_ost_|21204 |
     2600         200                    sz        sz       ssm      oss om r0%
     asco         are          201       e2s       em       em       om 10 ctsi%
     aro          arz          is        ses       see      ses | om         iss     mi%
     soso         s       an          _| am        am  am ow                  im      emsi%
     seeo         o       ass            as0       ass sss | ow               im      rmi%
     sxoo         2B      are            azm       iz  am ois                 im      emsn%
     seoo         se__|__ass             am        am am      o|              im      ci%
     seoo         sss     sor            ass       sse |_oss                  180     e1m1%
     seoo         ass     sar            a1        a1  a10 |.                 180     ens1%
  Frecsnep en o 100 M onangte o DABY ue an harr(oe Page 2 ni c t S NK Trencranty imR
ot e Gert unsndant o cltater ramancyant h rentart o mnacundtamengy tana
* atrancn ta ot vain o un poroneto ono) can t ane ts 101 e conpamatn on i ovles o
rnomuzn SA viven Fvenoesanove 3.GMs m niny otw aamies (cad )1s raver t #%.The urcnranty i me s t
be Gond wrearart e nawand wge tase soancten

Cerifcate No: Ex3772 Mayi1                 Pagesot i1

exsovs— suarre                                                                        woys. zon

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4— SN:3772

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
            .      faive , Conduetyiy |                   T                  Beam       Unet
   taumin           mhiy" | _ (Gim)" | ComX| Comp¥ Conmez Alpha              |_(mm)     _|__(EeB)
     aso          ser        ose    _|    sss      oss .         | cos       100 | +1943
     1so          sss        oos    _| ser         ser           | orm       on | s10u
     ass          se         osr    _| ssr         ssr     asr       ors oss | »120%|
     sco          sso _|     tos       s4s         sas     sas       oro oss »120%
     raso         sio        130       ras         7«      ze        ore oss 10%
     180          sse        10           zse      zes     tss       ore     or | s1z04
     1750         ssa        140          ms       zis     zis |     ore     osr_|     »120%
    1900          sss        1se          am_|     s       ere_|     o|      om _\     120% |
     1es0         sss        18e          sse      see     sss       ore     oss       »120%
     2000         ses.       is2 _|       sst      sat     set       or      oss       +120% |
     2150         s1         18s _|       sso      seo     |_sso |   o7      |_om      «120%
     2x0          see        1e1__|       aso      seo     sso       ors     ose |     +120
     asso         sez        1e _|        sa1      sa      s         or      os        rm0%
     2500         ses        216                   ss0     es        or      ost       +120#
     asco         sus        aa                    see     |_see |   on      im        «i31%
     sroo         sto        ass |        sm       sm      sm |      om      an        ami%
     «sso       _ aoa        sor     _|   27       a27     «22   | oas       iss       ana1%
     sz           100        s3o _| sos            saos    aos | om          i9        rmi%
     ssco         1e         sa»_| ses             ses     sss   om          i9        ami%
     seeo         «s         ses _| sso            sso     sso   om          is        am1%
     seoo_|       4s         sir__|_      310      310     210       ass |   i8        at01%
     seco         «2         sco          am     se        sas       oso i9 a191%
  Rressne uky t 10c clacsin o DASY ve t n hger se Page1i i en i The wceranty a e RSS
ofi GonZ wncetary a altvater fewensyant e wrestary in o wwfrwangtne
* attasvencestw Gte hoh otoicant o can o alres t 10lconpersatn oi iaotes o
mssn SA%ues Atecueesatore 3 Gl h valoty ol irmparaten s)t rewrams t a 9 Th ncnrany o ne SS t
be Gonf ursatart e nautet agectowe manainn

ConifeaNo £x8.3772.Mayt                     Pagesoti1

exsovs— suarre                                                                                                waya zon

                                               Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                      (TEM—Cellifit10 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

        Freuency respane (normaiized)

                                                sto         1000       1soo       z0n         2200     anto

                                              Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—ld: £ 63% (te2)

Corifeat No: ©XG—3772.Moyit                                        Page t i1

exoovs~ swarre                                                                                    Maya zon

                                 Receiving Pattern (§), 9 = 0°

                     £=600 MHz,TEM                                          £21800 MHzR22

          t«x                 ao‘g
                              ®   f             ©
                                                :                 t«a            n*—z
                                                                                 &   f            +f

      E so                enctt dnipeyspapupepcesraret4o4tmEi tb+5
         s H‘t                                                                               i
              Ci{         l             _2              i2        i44 d aa caaaaga
                    <bs           ite         4              t             $       m         ie
                       P                                  ram
                      «o‘                    «httle                     uotths           shibe
                               Uncertainty of Axia sotropy Assossments 2 0.5% (ke2)

Cortfcats No: ©9.3772.Maytt                           Pageaot 1

excous—suare                                                                               ways.zon

                                  Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                             (TEM cell , £=900 MHz)



               &&   10


                    10                             ___1i4L__—
                                                    ToSin mwend)a
                            rmsfifns                      "l            +
                                                      coffiien cociitiens

                    €w 6/
                    ® .

                         tos           io:         io            io       o           10
                                 rotlem                 B
                                                  seutfleee                 «
                               Vooreimpaomied          3
                                                   Zconpemans              _
                                Uncertainty of Linearty Assessment: £0.6% (ke2)

Certieme o Bxsarz2 maytt                           Page Sot 11

exoovs—swame                                                                    y a201

                        Conversion Factor Assessment
           1+ 1780 wite wGLs R22 (h.comt)   1= 750 hiz WGLS R9 @t.come)

                              a    W    Uz               hCmmc

                      Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                    Error (4, 8). £=900 MHz

                    10 os as o« o2 os or o6 os or to
                     Uncertalnty of Spherica sotropy Assossment: # 2.6% (ke2)

Coriicate No: xarreMayit                   Page 1oot 11

exiove— swarre                                         waya.aon

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3772

Other Probe Parameters
 Sensor Arangement                                     Tangur
 Comedr Anle ()                                     Notapplcabie
 Mechanical Surface Detecton Mode                       enabied
 Opical Surace Detecton Node                            deaties
 Probe Overal Leagh                                     357 mm
 Probe Body Diameter                                      10 mm|
  To Lagh                                                S mm
  To Dametr                                           ~25mm
| Probe Tito Sensor X Gaieraton Pamt                     Tam
  Frobe Tto Sensor V Gatbraton Pont                      Tmm
  Probe Tto Sensor 2 Gallraton Pont                      Tmm

CortfeaNo Bxo.ar7e.Mayit               Page 1 o 1

Document Created: 2019-10-12 05:31:32
Document Modified: 2019-10-12 05:31:32

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