RF Exposure Info

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Untertürkheimer Straße 6-10 .   D-66117 Saarbrücken      Phone: +49 (0) 681-598-0   Fax: -9075

                                   Accredited testing-laboratory
                                  DAR registration number: DAT-P-176/94-D1

                                   Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA)
                                   DAR registration number: KBA-P 00070-97

                            Recognized by the Federal Communications Commission
                               Anechoic chamber registration no.: 90462 (FCC)
                               Anechoic chamber registration no.: 3462C-1 (IC)
                                           Certification ID: DE 0001
                                          Accreditation ID: DE 0002

                                   Accredited Bluetooth® Test Facility (BQTF)
                                    The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG,
                                      Inc. and any use of such marks by Cetecom ICT is under license

                     Test report no.     :    2-4900-02-23/08
                     Type identification :    MBR W35
                     Applicant           :    Ericsson AB
                     FCC ID              :    PJWMBRW35
                     IC Certification No :    287X-MBRW35
                     Test standards      :    47 CFR Part 2
                                              47 CFR Part 22
                                              47 CFR Part 24
                                              RSS - 132 Issue 2
                                              RSS - 133 Issue 4
                                              RSS - 102 Issue 2

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Test report no.: 2-4900-02-23/08

Table of contents

1      Ge ne ra l i nf o r ma t io n ....................................................................................................3
    1.1       Notes ...................................................................................................................................................................3
    1.2       Testing laboratory ...............................................................................................................................................4
    1.3       Details of applicant .............................................................................................................................................4
    1.4       Application details ..............................................................................................................................................4
2      Te st st a nda r d/ s: ..........................................................................................................5

3      Te ch ni ca l t e st s ............................................................................................................6
    3.1    Details of manufacturer.......................................................................................................................................6
      3.1.1     Test item......................................................................................................................................................7
    3.2    Test Setup............................................................................................................................................................8
4      An ne x A: M P E ca l cu la t io n ..........................................................................................9
    4.1    Antenna configurations .......................................................................................................................................9
    4.2    MPE calculation ................................................................................................................................................10
      4.2.1    RF Technical Brief Cover Sheet acc. To RSS-102 ...................................................................................11
    4.3    Data sheets ........................................................................................................................................................12
      4.3.1    Antenna combinations...............................................................................................................................12
      4.3.2    Omni-directional antenna ..........................................................................................................................13
      4.3.3    Portable antenna ........................................................................................................................................14
      4.3.4    Yagi antenna..............................................................................................................................................15
      4.3.5    Adapter cable ............................................................................................................................................16

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Test report no.: 2-4900-02-23/08

1    General information

1.1 Notes

All test results of the EUT were taken from the test report 2-4900-02-07_08. This report only describes the MPE-
Calculation of additional antennae.

The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in 3.1.1. The CETECOM ICT Services
GmbH does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalisations drawn from the test results with regard to
other specimens or samples of the type of the equipment represented by the test item. The test report may only be
reproduced or published in full. Reproduction or publication of extracts from the report requires the prior written
approval of the CETECOM ICT Services GmbH.

Test laboratory manager:

2009-05-07           Marco Bertolino
Date                 Name                           Signature

2009-05-07           Stefan Bös
Date                 Name                           Signature

Technical responsibility for area of testing:

2009-05-07           Michael Berg
Date                 Name                           Signature

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Test report no.: 2-4900-02-23/08

1.2 Testing laboratory


Untertürkheimer Straße 6 - 10
66117 Saarbrücken
Phone: + 49 681 5 98 - 0
Fax:      + 49 681 5 98 - 9075

State of accreditation:     The test laboratory (area of testing) is accredited according to
                            DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
                            DAR registration number: DAT-P-176/94-D1

Accredited by:              Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA)
                            DAR registration number: KBA-P 00070-97

Testing location, if different from CETECOM ICT Services GmbH:

Name       :
Street     :
Town       :
Country    :
Phone      :
Fax        :

1.3 Details of applicant

Name:                         Ericsson AB
                              PDU RAN Transmission & Home
Street:                       Datalinjen 3
Town:                         58112 Linköping
Country:                      Sweden
Telephone:                    +46-13-322064
Fax:                          +46 10 711 5089
Contact:                      Anders Svensson
Telephone:                    +46 10 711 5064

1.4 Application details
Date of receipt of order:      2009-04-25
Date of receipt of test item: 2009-04-25
Date of start test:            2009-05-02
Date of end test:              2009-05-07
Persons(s) who have been       -/-
present during the test:

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2    Test standard/s:

47 CFR Part 2                2006-10   Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter I-
                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                       Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; general rules
                                       and regulations

47 CFR Part 22               2006-10   Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter I-
                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                       subchapter B - common carrier services, Part 22-Public
                                       mobile services

47 CFR Part 24               2006-10   Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter I-
                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                       subchapter B - common carrier services, Part 24-Personal
                                       communications services

RSS - 132 Issue 2            2005-09   Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Policy -
                                       Radio Standards Specifications
                                       Cellular Telephones Employing New Technologies Operating
                                       in the Bands 824-849 MHz and 869-894 MHz

RSS - 133 Issue 4            2008-02   Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Policy -
                                       Radio Standards Specifications
                                       2 GHz Personal Communication Services
RSS - 102 Issue 2            2005-11   Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of
                                       Radiocommunication Apparatus (All Frequency Bands)

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3          Technical tests
3.1        Details of manufacturer
Name:                                Ericsson AB PDU RAN Transmission & Home

Street:                              Datalinjen 3
Town:                                58112 Linköping
Country:                             Sweden

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3.1.1     Test item
Kind of test item                      :        Mobile Broadband Router with Module MC8790V
Type identification                    :        MBR W35

Serial Number                          :        T710443474
Frequency                              :        1850.2 – 1909.8 MHz and 824.2 – 848.8 MHz
Type of modulation                     :        GMSK; 8-PSK; QPSK
Emission Designator for GSM 1900       :        GMSK: 303KGXW
                                                8-PSK: 316KG7W
Emission Designator for GSM 850        :        GMSK: 303KGXW
                                                8-PSK: 317KG7W
Emission Designator for WCDMA 1900          :   QPSK: 4M68F9W
Emission Designator for WCDMA 850           :   QPSK: 4M64F9W
Number of channels               :              300 (PCS1900) and 125 (PCS850)
                                                103 (FDD V) / 278 (FDD II)
Antenna Type                           :        Internal antenna and external connector
                                                Optional Omni-directional antenna 301202 (Wilson)
                                                Optional Portable antenna Code 5508E
                                                Optional Yagi antenna 301129 (Wilson)
Power supply (normal)             :             DC power supply or Accu-pack
Output power GSM 850 / GMSK       :             cond.: 31.6 dBm
Output power GSM 1900 / GMSK      :             cond : 28.3 dBm
Output power GSM 850 / 8-PSK      :             cond.: 26.7 dBm
Output power GSM 1900 / 8-PSK     :             cond : 25.3 dBm
Output power UMTS 850 / WCDMA :                 cond.: 22.7 dBm
Output power UMTS 1900 / WCDMA :                cond : 21.3 dBm
Transmitter Spurious (worst case) :             0.00004 mW / -44 dBm (noise floor)
Receiver Spurious (worst case)    :             140 µV/m @ 3 m (noise floor)

FCC ID                                 :        PJWMBRW35
Certification No. IC                   :        287X-MBRW35
Open Area Test Site IC No.             :        IC 3462C-1
IC Standards                           :        RSS132, Issue 2; RSS133, Issue 4; RSS 102, Issue 2


I declare that the testing was performed or supervised by me; that the test measurements were made in accordance with
the above-mentioned Industry Canada standard(s); and that the equipment identified in this application has been
subjected to all the applicable test conditions specified in the Industry Canada standards and all of the requirements of
the standard have been met.

Laboratory Manager:

2009-05-07                Stefan Bös
Date                      Name                                   Signature

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Test report no.: 2-4900-02-23/08

3.2        Test Setup

Hardware                           :   R1A
Software                           :   R12A

Mobile; (cond. measurements)       :   T710443474
Mobile; (rad. measurements)        :   T710443474

All test results of the EUT were taken from the test report 2-4900-02-07/08. This report only describes the MPE-
Calculation of additional antennae.

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4     Annex A: MPE calculation

4.1 Antenna configurations

The EUT can be used with different antenna configurations:
        -   Internal PCB-antenna
        -   Omni-directional antenna
        -   Portable antenna (only 850 MHz-band)
        -   Yagi antenna (only 850 MHz-band)
The EUT is equipped with a switching MCX-connector to switch between internal and external antenna.

Maximum conducted output power configurations:
        850 MHz:          GPRS multi-slot class 12            1.446 W
        1900 MHz:         GPRS multi-slot class 12            0.468 W

Maximum antenna gain for internal PCB-antenna
        850 MHz:          Gain -0.2 dBi
        1900 MHz:         Gain 0.5 dBi

Maximum antenna Gain for Omni-directional antenna (datasheet in chapter 4.3.1)
        850 MHz:          Gain 5.12 dBi
        1900 MHz:         Gain 6.12 dBi
        This antenna will be delivered with one 30 ft antenna cable. (30 feet RG58 coax with FME male and FME
        female connector)

        So the effective gain can be calculated as follows:

        Gain = Gain(Antenna) – Attenuation(cable)

        850 MHz:          Gain(eff) = 5.12 dBi – 2.27 dB = 2.85 dBi
        1900 MHz:         Gain(eff) = 6.12 dBi – 3.21 dB = 2.91 dBi

Maximum antenna Gain for Portable antenna (datasheets in chapter 4.3.2)
        850 MHz:          Gain 4.5 dBi

Maximum antenna Gain for Yagi-antenna (datasheets in chapter 4.3.3)
        850 MHz:          Gain 10.0 dBi     (antenna)
        This antenna will be delivered with two 30 ft antenna cables. (1 x ft 30 feet RG58 low loss coax with N-male
        and FME-female connector (cable 1) and 30 feet RG58 coax with FME- male and FME-female connector
        (cable 2))

        So the effective gain can be calculated as follows:

        Gain = Gain(Antenna) – Attenuation(cable 1) – Attenuation(cable 2)

        850 MHz:          Gain(eff) = 10 dBi – 2.27 dB – 2.27 dB = 5.46 dBi

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4.2 MPE calculation

Maximum possible radiated output power configurations

    850 MHz:    31.6 dBm + 5.46 dBi = 37.06 dBm = 5081 mW (EIRP) = 3104 mW (ERP)   (with Yagi-antenna)

    1900 MHz: 28.3 dBm + 2.91 dBi = 31.21 dBm = 1321 mW (EIRP)                     (with Omni-directional

Maximum permissive exposure (MPE)

       850 MHz:        Limit 0.57 mW/cm²

                                PD = Prad * DF / (4 * Л * r²)

                                PD = 5081 mW * 0.5 / (4 * Л * 20² cm²)

                                PD = 0.505 mW/cm²

       Result: The device complies with the rules for a distance of 20 cm.

       1900 MHz:       Limit 1.00 mW/cm²

                                PD = Prad * DF / (4 * Л * r²)

                                PD = 1321 mW * 0.5 / (4 * Л * 20² cm²)

                                PD = 0.131 mW/cm²

       Result: The device complies with the rules for a distance of 20 cm.

       PD = Power Density
       Prad = Maximum radiated output power in mW
       DF = Duty factor
       r = Distance in cm

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4.2.1      RF Technical Brief Cover Sheet acc. To RSS-102

 All Fields must be completed with the requested information or the following codes: N/A for Not Applicable, N/P for
                  Not Performed or N/V for Not Available. Where applicable, check appropriate box.

1. COMPANY NUMBER:                287X

2. MODEL NUMBER:                  MBR W35

3. MANUFACTURER:                  Ericsson AB PDU RAN Transmission & Home

4. TYPE OF EVALUATION:            (c) RF Evaluation

● Evaluated against exposure limits: General Public Use   Controlled Use
● Duty cycle used in evaluation: 100 %
● Standard used for evaluation: RSS-102 Issue 2 (2005-11)
● Measurement distance: 0.20 m
● RF value: 5.05 V/m □ A/m □ W/m         (850 MHz)
● RF value: 1.31 V/m □ A/m □ W/m         (1900 MHz)

Measured     Computed       Calculated

Declaration of RF Exposure Compliance


I attest that the information provided in this test report are correct; that a Technical Brief was prepared and the
information it contains is correct; that the device evaluation was performed or supervised by me; that applicable
measurement methods and evaluation methodologies have been followed and that the device meets the SAR and/or RF
exposure limits of RSS-102.

Name:           Stefan Boes
Title:          Dipl.Ing.(FH)
Company:        Cetecom ICT Services GmbH

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4.3 Data sheets

4.3.1 Antenna combinations

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Omni—directional Antenna                                                                              800/1900 MHz

+ Omni—directional dual—band antenna
+ Mounting hardware included
* For fixed installations


           Part Number                    301202
             Frequency              806—894 / 1850—1990
             Impedance                    50 ohm

          Antenna Gain      5.12 dBi 806—894 / 6.12 dBi 1850—1980
             Max Power                    25 walts

            Polarization                   Vertical
          Ground Plane                     built—in

             Connector             FME Female connector              * Built—in ground plane
                 Length                  18 inches                   * Discreet design
                                                                     * Weather resistant

                              30                  Toll Free 1—866—294—6996

                                                                                                      & sygw s vk a~

Test report no.: 2-4900-02-23/08

4.3.3 Portable antenna

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4.3.4 Yagi antenna

CKA 4/30/09 – Theoretical gain of Wilson 301129, 5 element Yagi

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4.3.5 Adapter cable

CKA test – 4/23/2009; All frequencies shown are in MHz

Attenuation of 30 FT cable (RG58):       2.27 dB @ 850 MHz
                                         3.21 dB @ 1900 MHz

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Document Created: 2009-05-07 15:26:32
Document Modified: 2009-05-07 15:26:32

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