SAR Test Report-3


RF Exposure Info

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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                            Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

1.4. D1750V2 Dipole Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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                            Appendix A:
                                     A Calibration
                                                 n Certificate

1.5. D1900V2 Dipo
                ole Calibra
                          ation Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration
                      n Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration
                      n Certificate

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Aditional EUT Data
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CeritcaNo 15230se                              Page«oto

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DASYS Validation Reportfor Hoad TSL                                 bue: 12 tez01s
Test Laboratory: TMG, Beling, China
DUT: Dipole 1900 Miz; Type: D190OV2;Seril: D1900V2— SN: Sats0
       Communicaton System: CWW, Frequency: 1900 Mz
       :n;mgm parameters used: 1 = 1000 Miz; a = 1.418 mhofm; er = 38.01; p= 1000
       Phantom secton: Flat Section
       Measurement Sandard: DASY5 (EEENECIANSI C63.19—2007)
DASYS Confquation
            Probe: ESIDV3— SN3140; Conv®(,5.00); Calrated: 201591
            Sensor.Surface: Imm (Mechanical Surface Detecton)
            Electonics: DAE4 Sn777; Callbrated: 222.2015
            Phanion: SAM 1126; Type: €O0OPADCC;
            DASYS2 528:7(1137); SEMCAD X Verion 14.8.10 (7164)
      Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=280mW, d=10mmZoom Scan
      (TxTx7)(Gube 0: Measirement grd: de=Smm, dy=5mm, dz=Srim
      Reference Value = 90.054 Vim; Power Drft= 001 48
      Peak SAR (extapolated) = 17.0 Who
      SARCI g) =9.71 Wikg: SARTO g) 5.08 Wikg
      Maximum value of SAR (measured) 1 .8 Whg





                0 d = 11.8 Wig = 10.72 dBwhg

Certteat N: 1523082                         Pagesots

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Centeais No 15202                   Pagesots

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DASYS Validation Report for Body TSL                              Date: 2102013
Test Laboratory: TMG, Beling, China
DUT: Dipole 1900 Miz; Type: D1900Vz;Serial: D1900¥2— SN: sat50
       Communication System: CWFrequency: 1900 MHz:
       Medium parameters used: 1 = 1900 MHz: o = 1528 mhoim; e= 53.74;      1000
       Phantom section: Flat Phantom
       Measurement Sandard: DASY5 (EEENECIANSI Ce3.19—2007)
DASYS Coniquration
       * Probe: ESIDVS — SN149; ComF(.72,472,4.72) : Caliorated: 2015008
           SensorSurface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
           Electronics: DAE4 Sn777; Callbated: 2222015
           Phantom: SAMI1RS: Type: 20000PA0CC;
           DaSYS2 528—7(1137); SEMCAD X Version 146.10 (7164)
      Dipole Calibration for Body TissuelPin=250mW, d«10mmZoom Scan
      (xTx7)(Gube 0: Measurement grid: x=Smm, dy=5mm, de=Smm
      Reference Valye = 83.60 Vim: Power Drft   =—0.06 dB
      Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 17.7 Whg
      saRtt g) = .00 Whkg: SARTO g) 5.26 Wig
      Maximum valueof SAR (measured) 12.1 W



        aes    +          mc           ‘-fl
               0 48 = 12.1 Wig   1083 aBWhg

Certicai No: 152s0se                       Pagerots

Appendix A: Calibration
                      n Certificate

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                            Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

1.6. D2450V2 Dipole Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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                            Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

1.7. DAE4 Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate

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Appendix A: Calibration Certificate


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Document Created: 2016-05-05 09:40:08
Document Modified: 2016-05-05 09:40:08

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