System Description


Operational Description

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WipLL and AS3010
           Wireless IP-Based Local Loop System
                       Release 4.2B

      System Description

Connecting the World with Wireless Access Solutions

The WipLL product bears the CE marking. This CE marking demonstrates WipLL's full compliance with applicable
European Union (EU) directives:

The WipLL product bears the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) marking, demonstrating full compliance with UL's
safety requirements:

WipLL products also bear the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) marking, demonstrating compliance
with FCC Part 15 regulations.

                              Revision Record: WipLL System Description
 Pub/ Rev        Date                                      Update Description
     -          Nov-00     First edition and printing. Author: MCIL
     -          Mar-01     WipLL Release 1.4 (Marconi)
     -          Apr-01     WipLL Release 2.0 (Marconi)
     -          Jul-01     WipLL Release 2.2 (Marconi)
     -          Nov-01     WipLL Release 2.6 (Marconi)
     -          Jun-02     WipLL Release 3.0A (Marconi)
    01          Mar-03     WipLL Release 4.0. Author: InterDoc. Formatting based on Airspan’s template;
                           SDTA deleted; Updating of content.
     02        Apr-03      WipLL Release 4.0 and 4.1 Author: InterDoc (corrections)
     03        June-03     WipLL Release 4.2. Auth: InterDoc.
     04         Jul-03     WipLL Release 4.2A. Auth: InterDoc. Updates: Transparent Bridging; PPR;
                           SDA-4S models
     05         Jul-03     WipLL Release 4.2A. Auth: InterDoc. Updates: 2.8 GHz; 5.8 GHz; Product List
     06         Oct-03     WipLL & as3010 4.2B. Auth: InterDoc. Updates: 900 MHz; Auto Negotiation;
                           SDA-4S/VLtag; BSR dual ext. antenna; wire-coloring.

 Publication No. 25030311-06

 Copyright by Airspan Networks LTD., 2003. All rights reserved worldwide.
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System Description                                                                                     Contents

1.     Introduction .............................................................................................. 1-1
       1.1. Main Features ..................................................................................... 1-2
       1.2. Customer Benefits............................................................................... 1-3
       1.3. System Architecture ............................................................................ 1-4
                 1.3.1. Base Station ......................................................................... 1-5
                 1.3.2. Subscriber Site ..................................................................... 1-9
                 1.3.3. Network Operations Center ................................................ 1-14
       1.4. Applications ....................................................................................... 1-15
                 1.4.1. Broadband Data Access..................................................... 1-15
                 1.4.2. High Speed Internet Access ............................................... 1-16
                 1.4.3. Voice over IP ...................................................................... 1-17
                 1.4.4. Traffic Engineering in Multi-Tenant Application .................. 1-18
                 1.4.5. Repeater Solution............................................................... 1-19

2.     WipLL Radio Technology -Physical Layer............................................. 2-1
       2.1. Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum ................................................ 2-2
       2.2. Modulation........................................................................................... 2-4
       2.3. Frequency Bands ................................................................................ 2-5
       2.4. Standards Compliance ........................................................................ 2-6
       2.5. RF Antenna ......................................................................................... 2-7
                 2.5.1. WipLL Internal Antenna Specifications................................. 2-8
       2.6. Radio Planning .................................................................................. 2-10
                 2.6.1. Main Technical Parameters................................................ 2-11
                 2.6.2. System Coverage ............................................................... 2-12
                   Line of Sight ......................................................... 2-12
                   Link Budget .......................................................... 2-13
                 2.6.3. Interference Analysis .......................................................... 2-15
                   FDD vs. TDD........................................................ 2-16

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Contents                                                                              System Description

                2.6.4. Frequency Allocation .......................................................... 2-17
                  Synchronized vs. Unsynchronized Operation ...... 2-17
                  Frequency Allocation ........................................... 2-19
                2.6.5. Capacity Considerations..................................................... 2-20
                  General ................................................................ 2-20
                  VoIP Bandwidth and Simultaneous Calls............. 2-21
                  Data Bandwidth.................................................... 2-21
                  Calculation Example ............................................ 2-22
                2.6.6. Selecting an Appropriate Operation Mode ......................... 2-22
                  WipLL Multiple Modes.......................................... 2-22
                  System Range Considerations ............................ 2-24
                  Interference Rejection.......................................... 2-26
                  System Capacity .................................................. 2-28
                  Conclusion ........................................................... 2-28
                2.6.7. Radio Planning Software Tool ............................................ 2-29
                  Geographic Information Systems Database ........ 2-29

3.    WipLL’s Air MAC Protocol....................................................................... 3-1
      3.1. MAC Protocol Features ....................................................................... 3-1
      3.2. Preemptive Polling Multiple Access Protocol ...................................... 3-2
                3.2.1. Slotted Aloha Process .......................................................... 3-3
                3.2.2. Packet Transmission ............................................................ 3-3
                3.2.3. Polling Sequence.................................................................. 3-4
                3.2.4. PPMA vs. CSMA .................................................................. 3-4

4.    WipLL Networking.................................................................................... 4-1
      4.1. IP Routing ........................................................................................... 4-2
                4.1.1. Multiple IP Subnets............................................................... 4-3
                4.1.2. Increased Network Efficiency - No Broadcast Packets ........ 4-3
                4.1.3. DHCP Relay Agent Support ................................................. 4-3
                4.1.4. No Need for External Routers .............................................. 4-4
                4.1.5. Interoperability with Third-Party IP Routers .......................... 4-4

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System Description                                                                                      Contents

                 4.1.6. Efficient Air IP Subnet Addressing........................................ 4-4
                 4.1.7. RFC 1918 ............................................................................. 4-6
       4.2. PPPoE Bridging .................................................................................. 4-7
                 4.2.1. PPPoE Limitations................................................................ 4-8
                 4.2.2. PPPoE Bridging and IP Routing Support ............................. 4-9
       4.3. 802.1Q/p Support .............................................................................. 4-10
                 4.3.1. IP Routing........................................................................... 4-12
                 4.3.2. PPPoE ................................................................................ 4-12
       4.4. Transparent Bridging......................................................................... 4-13
       4.5. Quality of Service .............................................................................. 4-15
                 4.5.1. WipLL End-to-End QoS ...................................................... 4-17
                   DiffServ/TOS........................................................ 4-18
                   802.1p .................................................................. 4-19
       4.6. Bandwidth Management.................................................................... 4-20
                 4.6.1. MIR and CIR....................................................................... 4-20
                   MIR ...................................................................... 4-21
                   CIR....................................................................... 4-22
                 4.6.2. CIR Proportional Degradation ............................................ 4-23
                 4.6.3. WipLL CIR/MIR and VoIP................................................... 4-24
                 4.6.4. WipLL CIR/MIR and Modem Rate ...................................... 4-25
                 4.6.5. Fairness.............................................................................. 4-25
       4.7. Security ............................................................................................. 4-27
                 4.7.1. Layer 1: Frequency Hopping .............................................. 4-28
                 4.7.2. Layer 2................................................................................ 4-29
                   PPMA................................................................... 4-29
                   Authentication (PPMA)......................................... 4-29
                   Encryption ............................................................ 4-29
                 4.7.3. PPPoE Bridging.................................................................. 4-30
                 4.7.4. Layers 3 to 7....................................................................... 4-30
                   IP Filtering............................................................ 4-30
                   Intracom ............................................................... 4-31

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Contents                                                                             System Description

                  802.1Q ................................................................. 4-32
                  Management (SNMP) .......................................... 4-32

5.     WipLL Voice-over-IP Solution ................................................................. 5-1
       5.1. Main Features ..................................................................................... 5-1
       5.2. Interconnection with PSTN.................................................................. 5-2
       5.3. Number of Supported VoIP Calls ........................................................ 5-2
       5.4. VoIP Related Capabilities.................................................................... 5-4

6.     WipLL Base Station Units........................................................................ 6-1
       6.1. Base Station Radio (BSR)................................................................... 6-4
                 6.1.1. BSR Models.......................................................................... 6-6
                 6.1.2. Standard Accessories........................................................... 6-7
                 6.1.3. Network Management .......................................................... 6-7
                 6.1.4. Communication Interfaces.................................................... 6-8
                 6.1.5. Physical Interfaces ............................................................... 6-8
                 6.1.6. Technical Specifications ..................................................... 6-14
       6.2. Base Station Distribution Unit (BSDU) .............................................. 6-17
                 6.2.1. Network Management ........................................................ 6-18
                  Management Information Base (MIB) .................. 6-18
                  Capabilities .......................................................... 6-18
                 6.2.2. Interfaces............................................................................ 6-19
                  Connectors........................................................... 6-19
                  Communication Interfaces ................................... 6-19
                 6.2.3. LED Indicators .................................................................... 6-20
                  BSR’s LEDs ......................................................... 6-20
                  100Base-T LEDs.................................................. 6-21
                  Status LEDs ......................................................... 6-22
                 6.2.4. Technical Specifications ..................................................... 6-23

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System Description                                                                                   Contents

                 6.2.5. GPS Synchronization ......................................................... 6-24
                  Configurations and Optional Hardware................ 6-25
                  Connector Pinouts ............................................... 6-25
                  Technical Specifications ...................................... 6-26
       6.3. Base Station Power System (BSPS)................................................. 6-27
                 6.3.1. Features ............................................................................. 6-27
                 6.3.2. System Description............................................................. 6-28
                 6.3.3. Main Unit ............................................................................ 6-29
                  Rectifier Module ................................................... 6-32
                  System Controller ................................................ 6-36
                 6.3.4. DC Distribution Unit ............................................................ 6-39
                  Specifications....................................................... 6-40
                 6.3.5. Battery Unit......................................................................... 6-42
       6.4. Typical Base Station Configurations ................................................. 6-43
                 6.4.1. Single BSR Base Station.................................................... 6-43
                 6.4.2. Multi-Layer Base Station .................................................... 6-44

7.     WipLL CPE Units ...................................................................................... 7-1
       7.1. Subscriber Premises Radio (SPR) ...................................................... 7-3
                 7.1.1. Communication with the BSR............................................... 7-4
                 7.1.2. SPR Models.......................................................................... 7-4
                 7.1.3. Standard Accessories........................................................... 7-5
                 7.1.4. Communication Interfaces.................................................... 7-5
                 7.1.5. Connector Pinouts ................................................................ 7-6
                 7.1.6. Network Management ........................................................ 7-11
                 7.1.7. SPR RSS LEDs .................................................................. 7-12
                 7.1.8. Technical Specifications ..................................................... 7-14
       7.2. Subscriber Data Adapter (SDA) ........................................................ 7-17
                 7.2.1. SDA Models........................................................................ 7-18

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Contents                                                                                System Description

                7.2.2. SDA-1 ................................................................................. 7-18
                  Specifications....................................................... 7-18
                  Connector Pinouts ............................................... 7-20
                7.2.3. SDA-4H .............................................................................. 7-21
                  Specifications....................................................... 7-21
                  Connector Pinouts ............................................... 7-24
                7.2.4. SDA-4S Models .................................................................. 7-26
                  Specifications....................................................... 7-27
                  Connector Pinouts ............................................... 7-29
      7.3. Indoor Data Radio (IDR).................................................................... 7-30
                7.3.1. IDR Models......................................................................... 7-31
                  IDR with a Built-in Antenna .................................. 7-31
                  IDR with an External Antenna.............................. 7-31
                7.3.2. Interfaces............................................................................ 7-32
                  Connectors........................................................... 7-32
                  Network Interface................................................. 7-33
                  Connector Pinouts ............................................... 7-33
                7.3.3. LED Indicators .................................................................... 7-34
                7.3.4. Technical Specifications ..................................................... 7-36

8.    WipLL Point-to-Point Radio..................................................................... 8-1
      8.1. PPR Models and Radio Coverage ...................................................... 8-3
      8.2. Standard Accessories ......................................................................... 8-5
      8.3. Network Management ......................................................................... 8-6
      8.4. Physical Interfaces .............................................................................. 8-7
      8.5. Technical Specifications.................................................................... 8-12

9.    AutoConnect............................................................................................. 9-1
      9.1. Process of AutoConnect...................................................................... 9-1
                9.1.1. Without Redirecting to a Different BSR ................................ 9-1
                9.1.2. Redirecting SPRs/IDRs to a Specific BSR ........................... 9-3
      9.2. Reliability ............................................................................................. 9-6

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System Description                                                                                      Contents

10.    Management System.............................................................................. 10-1
       10.1. Main Features ................................................................................. 10-2
       10.2. WipManage ..................................................................................... 10-3
                 10.2.1. Network Topology............................................................. 10-4
                 10.2.2. Alarm and Event Management ......................................... 10-5
                 10.2.3. Configuration .................................................................... 10-6
                 10.2.4. Performance Monitoring ................................................... 10-7
                 10.2.5. Security............................................................................. 10-8
                 10.2.6. WipLL Database ............................................................... 10-8
       10.3. WipConfig...................................................................................... 10-10
                 10.3.1. Configuration File Support.............................................. 10-11
       10.4. WipConfig PDA ............................................................................. 10-12
       10.5. WipAD ........................................................................................... 10-14
       10.6. WipLL DB Upgrade ....................................................................... 10-15

A.     Glossary ....................................................................................................A-1

B.     WipLL Product List ..................................................................................B-1
       B.1. WipLL 2.4............................................................................................ B-2
       B.2. WipLL MMDS (Trial) ........................................................................... B-5
       B.3. WipLL 3.x ............................................................................................ B-7
       B.4. WipLL 5.8.......................................................................................... B-11
       B.5. WipLL 2.8.......................................................................................... B-13
       B.6. WipLL 900 MHz ................................................................................ B-15

C.     WipLL Feature List ...................................................................................C-1

D.     TCP/UDP Ports for IP Applications.........................................................D-1

E.     IP Routing and PPPoE Vs. Transparent Bridging ................................. E-1

F.     WipLL MTBF Ratings ............................................................................... F-1

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Contents                                            System Description

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xii                Airspan Networks Ltd.                    25030311-06

Airspan’s AS WipLL system (hereafter referred to as WipLL) is a low-cost, high-
performance point-to-multipoint IP-based Broadband Fixed Wireless (BFW) Access
solution. WipLL provides wireless local-loop (last-mile) connectivity designed to
deliver high-speed data, Voice over IP (VoIP), and multimedia services to
residential, SOHO (small office/home office), and SME (small medium enterprise).
WipLL offers service providers an integrated access solution, providing quick-to-
market deployment and low-market entry cost for broadband services.
WipLL provides connectivity speeds of up to 4 Mbps in the licensed 2.8 GHz, 3.x
GHz, and Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Services (MMDS), and unlicensed
900 MHz, 2.4 GHz (ISM), and 5.8 GHz radio frequency bands. Each WipLL base
station, at maximum configuration, supports up to 3,024 subscribers.
WipLL enables interconnection with the Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN) by the use of an IP-to-PSTN gateway. WipLL provides VoIP by its
interoperability with a wide range of third-party products such as residential
gateways (RGW), access gateways, gatekeepers, and softswitches.
WipLL utilizes air protocol technology for wireless packet switching using
Frequency Hopping technology. In addition, WipLL's in-house Preemptive Polling
Multiple Access (PPMA) air MAC protocol technology, which recognizes
transmission type and assigns bandwidth, is highly efficient—80% throughput (e.g.,
80% of 4 Mbps = 3.2 Mbps net capacity)—allowing multiple concurrent subscribers
to utilize bandwidth.
WipLL provides bandwidth management by supporting Committed Information
Rate (CIR) and Maximum Information Rate (MIR), guaranteeing bandwidth levels
to subscribers. In addition, WipLL supports VLANs/VPNs based on IEEE
802.1Q/p. WipLL supports IP routing and PPPoE bridging, as well as transparent

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Introduction                                                   System Description

WipLL provides embedded security features such as IP (packet) filters based on
addresses, protocols, and applications.
The WipLL system provides SNMP-based management, allowing remote and local
management, configuration, and monitoring of WipLL equipment.

1.1. Main Features
The WipLL system includes the following main features:
! Low initial investment, maximum return on investment (ROI)
! Packet-based air interface supporting high speed data, VoIP, and multimedia
! Modular architecture with flexible deployment architectures
! 4 Mbps (3.2 Mbps net) per sector—up to 24 sectors per base station
! Compact, integrated design allowing easy and quick deployment
! Advanced Quality of Service (QoS)
! Simultaneous support of IP routing and PPPoE bridging
! Supports transparent bridging, allowing easy IP addressing schemes
! Bandwidth management: CIR and MIR
! Supports 802.1Q/p for VLANs/VPNs and end-to-end QoS
! Provides automatic connection to base stations of first-time powered-on and
  unconfigured subscriber devices
! Allows redirection of subscriber devices to different base station radios
! Supports configuration files, allowing the same configuration settings to be
  applied to multiple WipLL devices
! Supports local and remote SNMP-based management, providing an intuitive
  GUI for easy management

1-2                             Airspan Networks Ltd.                    25030311-06

System Description                                                   Introduction

1.2. Customer Benefits
The WipLL system provides the following customer benefits and advantages over
! No IF or RF cables required for indoor unit-to-outdoor unit (IDU-to-ODU)
  connectivity, providing a more cost-effective and easier installation. Instead of
  IF/RF cables, WipLL implements standard CAT-5 Ethernet cables.
! Scalability and modular base station architecture allows customers to add
  equipment when needed, thereby allowing low initial cost entry and pay-as-you-
  grow strategy. Unlike competitors, the WipLL base station is not a chassis-based
  design, providing flexibility and saving space at the base station.
! WipLL's open architecture allows interoperability with multi-vendor products
  such as residential gateways (RGW), access gateways, gatekeepers, and
  softswitches, thereby, operating seamlessly in multi-vendor environments.
! WipLL’s proprietary PPMA air MAC protocol is highly efficient—80%
  throughput—allowing multiple concurrent subscribers to utilize bandwidth
  without network degradation (from collisions and high BER).
! Long-distance radio coverage.
! WipLL is both an IP router and a PPPoE bridge.
! Supports transparent bridging for easy implementation of IP addressing schemes
! WipLL’s IP routing provides efficiency and eliminates the need for additional
! Enhanced QoS—based on IP addresses, protocols, and applications.
! End-to-end QoS—based on DiffServ/TOS or 802.1p.
! Fast-and-easy installation and configuration using WipLL Auto Connect.
! Embedded security features such as IP (packet) filters based on addresses,
  protocols, and applications.
! Rich networking packages such as 802.1Q/p VLANs/VPNs.

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Introduction                                                                    System Description

1.3. System Architecture
The WipLL system architecture is composed of the following three basic areas (see
Figure 1-1):
! Base station site: consists of WipLL access units that interface between the
  provider’s backbone and the WipLL system.
! Subscriber site: consists of WipLL customer premises equipment (CPE) that
  interfaces between the base station and the subscriber’s network.
! Network operations center (NOC): consists of the WipLL SNMP-based
  management system that manages the entire WipLL system.


               Subscriber                       Base Station
                  Site                             Site                      Non IP Systems

            Site                   Base Station

      Subscriber                                                   Network        Operating
                                         Base Station

                                                                               Non WiPLL
                                                    Base Station                 Users
                   Subscriber                           Site


                            Figure 1-1: WipLL System Architecture

1-4                                        Airspan Networks Ltd.                              25030311-06

System Description                                                      Introduction

1.3.1. Base Station
The WipLL base station provides a radio link between the subscriber and the service
provider's backbone to provide high-speed data access, Internet access, and VoIP.
The WipLL base station equipment consists of a radio transceiver that transmits and
receives signals to and from the subscriber, and of various optional routers and
switches that connect the WipLL transceiver to the service provider’s backbone,
through a 100BaseT Ethernet connection.
The WipLL base station is comprised of the following units (see Figure 1-3):
! Base Station Radio (BSR):
   The BSR is a radio transceiver that provides the wireless link between the
   subscriber and the provider's backbone. The standard BSR has 60-degree radio
   coverage, serving up to 126 subscribers in that sector.
   The BSR is installed outside the base station site, typically mounted on a pole.
! Point-to-Point Radio (PPR):
   The PPR device is similar to the BSR, but implemented in a point-to-point radio
   configuration providing wireless communication with a single remote WipLL
   radio unit (i.e., Subscriber Premises Radio).

                Figure 1-2: PPR in a building-to-building application

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Introduction                                                  System Description

! Subscriber Data Adapter (SDA):
      The SDA is implemented at base stations comprised of a single BSR. The SDA
      provides the BSR with -48 VDC power supply and Ethernet connectivity to the
      provider's backbone. The SDA is installed inside, connected to the BSR with a
      CAT-5 cable. For a description of the various SDA models, see Section 1.3.2,
      “Subscriber Site”.
! Base Station Distribution Unit (BSDU):
      The BSDU is implemented at base stations comprising multiple BSRs. The
      BSDU provides BSRs with –48 VDC power supply, connectivity to the
      provider's backbone, and frequency hop synchronization. The BSDU is installed
      inside, connected to BSRs with CAT-5 cables.
      Each BSDU can support up to six BSRs, and up to four BSDUs can be daisy-
      chained to support a maximum of 24 BSRs. Therefore, a base station at
      maximum configuration can serve up to 3,024 subscribers.
! Base Station Power Supply (BSPS):
      The BSPS is an optional WipLL unit that provides AC-to-DC power conversion
      and power redundancy to BSDUs.
! Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna:
      The GPS antenna is a rugged, self-contained GPS receiver and antenna that
      receives a universal GPS satellite clock signal. The GPS connects to the BSDU
      and synchronizes frequency hopping of multiple base stations to allow the
      WipLL network to operate with the same clock, and eliminating radio frequency
      ghosting effects.

1-6                              Airspan Networks Ltd.                  25030311-06

System Description                                                      Introduction

Figure 1-3 shows the WipLL base station devices and their interconnections.

                           BSR BSR BSR
                                        BSR BSR BSR
                         BSR BSR BSR
                                      BSR BSR BSR
                       BSR BSR BSR
                                    BSR BSR BSR
                     BSR BSR BSR
                                  BSR BS
                                       S R BSR
                                            BSDU                              -48 VDC
GPS                                     BSDU

       100BaseT                                                        BSPS
                                     Interface unit
                                  (e.g. router, switch)

                                  (IP, ATM,FR, MPLS)

              Figure 1-3: WipLL base station units (maximum configuration)

25030311-06                       Airspan Networks Ltd.                          1-7

Introduction                                                   System Description

1.3.2. Subscriber Site
The WipLL subscriber site is located at the service provider's subscribers’ premises.
The WipLL subscriber site equipment consists of a radio transceiver that receives
and transmits signals from and to the base station. The WipLL radio transceiver
provides the subscriber with high-speed data access, Internet access, and VoIP at up
to 4 Mbps. The WipLL transceiver connects to the subscriber’s network or PC via
WipLL’s Ethernet hub (i.e., Subscriber Data Adapter).
The WipLL system can group subscribers into VLANs, as well as assign MIR and
CIR levels to each subscriber, guaranteeing bandwidth to subscribers.
The WipLL system provides two different CPE installation configurations:
! Indoor unit (IDU) and outdoor unit (ODU): this setup is composed of
  WipLL’s SDA and SPR devices, representing the IDU and ODU, respectively.
! Indoor unit (IDU) only: this setup is composed of the Indoor Data Radio (IDR)

1-8                             Airspan Networks Ltd.                     25030311-06

System Description                                                        Introduction

WipLL’s subscriber site equipment is comprised of the following:
! Subscriber Premises Radio (SPR):
   The SPR is a radio transceiver that provides a wireless link between the base
   station and the subscriber’s network. The SPR is installed outside the
   subscriber's premises, typically on a roof.
! Subscriber Data Adapter (SDA):
   The SDA is a hub/switch that provides the SPR with -48 VDC power supply and
   Ethernet connectivity to the subscriber’s network/PC. The SDA is installed
   inside the subscriber's premises and is connected to the SPR by a CAT-5 cable.
   The SDA models include the following:
   !   SDA-1: provides one 10BaseT connection to the subscriber’s computer
       and/or network.
   !   SDA-4H: provides a hub and four 10BaseT interfaces to the subscriber’s
       computers and/or networks. The hub interface is a crossed Ethernet cable that
       can connect to another hub or LAN switch. Alternatively, it may be
       connected to another PC via a crossed Ethernet cable.
   !   SDA-4S models: integrated LAN switches, providing four Auto Negotiation
       10/100BaseT (Full or Half Duplex mode) ports for interfacing with the
       subscriber’s PCs/network) These models include the following:
       −      SDA-4S (standard): Standard integrated LAN switch, providing four
              10/100BaseT interfaces to the subscriber’s computers. This model is
              ideal for SOHO implementation.
       −      SDA-4S/VL: Provides VLANs between its ports and the SPR, ensuring
              privacy between users of different ports. For example, all users connected
              to Port 1 do not “see” users connected to Port 2. This model is ideal for
              multi-tenant implementation.

25030311-06                        Airspan Networks Ltd.                             1-9

Introduction                                                  System Description

       −   SDA-4S/VLtag: This model is ideal for multi-tenant applications where
           traffic engineering and privacy is required. SDA-4S/VLtag assigns the
           traffic from each of its four ports with a different VLAN ID. The VLAN
           IDs are fixed (since SDA-4S/VLtag is not user configurable). SPR
           converts the four VLAN IDs tagged by SDA-4S/VLtag to four VLAN
           IDs configured via WipLL’s NMS. The tag conversion is performed by
           SPR before sending the traffic to the air and the other way around when
           coming from the air.
       −   SDA-4S/1H3L: Provides a high priority port (left-most port) for VoIP
       −   SDA-4S/VL/1H3L: Combines the functionality of the SDA-4S/VL and
           SDA-4S/1H3L models (VLAN for each port and a high priority port for
! Indoor Radio Adapter (IDR):
   The IDR functions as a transceiver and a hub, eliminating the need for an SPR
   and SDA. The IDR is installed inside the subscriber's premises, typically
   mounted on a wall, desktop, or pole. The IDR is connected to a third-party
   antenna, which is typically mounted outside to provide line-of-site with the base
! Residential Gateway (RGW)—optional unit:
   The RGW is a third-party unit that provides gateway support for VoIP. The
   RGW is typically connected to the SDA through a 10BaseT port. Typically, the
   RGW provides two POTS ports for telephony; a LAN port for the local
   PC/network; and a LAN port for connectivity to the SDA.

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System Description                                                     Introduction

Figure 1-4 and Figure 1-5 display the WipLL customer premises equipment and
their interconnections.

      Figure 1-4: Subscriber site with SPR and SDA units (optional RGW unit)

Figure 1-5: Subscriber site with IDR and third-party external antenna (optional RGW)

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Introduction                                                  System Description

1.3.3. Network Operations Center
Airspan’s WipLL system provides state-of-the-art, use-friendly management tools
for managing the WipLL system. These management tools provide fault,
configuration, performance, and security management of the WipLL system.
The WipLL system provides the following management tools:
! WipManage™:
   WipManage is the WipLL network (element) management system (NMS)
   providing fault, configuration, performance, and security management.
   WipManage is a Windows-based, stand-alone WipLL application that provides a
   user-friendly and intuitive Graphic User Interface (GUI).
   WipManage provides local and remote network management that is based on
   Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). WipManage provides
   configuration, fault and alarms, security, and bandwidth management to all the
   WipLL units—WipLL base station equipment and WipLL CPE.
! WipConfig™:
   WipConfig is an easy-to-use, Windows-based application that provides local
   initial configuration for WipLL devices during installation. This initial
   configuration includes, for example, assigning the units IP addresses and
   positioning the antenna (or transceiver) for optimal reception.
! WipConfig PDA™:
   WipConfigPDA is designed to run on personal digital assistants (PDA), and
   provides an alternative tool to WipConfig (described above) for providing initial
! WipAD™:
   WipAD is a Windows-based application that provides quick-and-easy automatic
   downloading of software versions to multiple WipLL devices.

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System Description                                                  Introduction

1.4. Applications
The following subsections provide examples of typical WipLL applications.

1.4.1. Broadband Data Access
Using a standard PSTN modem in circuit-switched networks, subscribers are limited
to 56 Kbps of throughput, and in most cases, to 28.8 Kbps. From the operator's
perspective, once a subscriber has dialed up with a PSTN modem, a full channel is
occupied for as long as the session lasts.
WipLL subscribers are limited only by their own configuration, with a maximum of
4 Mbps—70 times faster than the fastest PSTN modem. However, subscribers do
not necessarily consume more bandwidth from the operator, since bandwidth is used
only when a data packet is transmitted.
These characteristics of WipLL make it suitable for providing data access to
subscribers while maintaining best usage of bandwidth and capacity.

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Introduction                                                   System Description

1.4.2. High Speed Internet Access
One of the advantages of WipLL is the fact that subscribers are "always on" Internet.
This means that there is no dialing process and no need for the hassle involved with
dialup access. Subscribers need only to open their Web browser or e-mail to be
instantly connected.
WipLL can also distinguish between applications and subscribers, thus, enabling the
operator to provide different class of service to subscribers. For example, it can
provide different services to Web browsing and e-mail by prioritizing Web browsing
for ensuring best "Internet experience".
Figure 1-6 shows a typical WipLL application for high-speed Internet access.

        Figure 1-6: Typical WipLL Application for High-Speed Internet Access

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System Description                                                  Introduction

1.4.3. Voice over IP
The WipLL system enables customers the flexibility of migration from a data-only
network to an integrated Voice-over-IP and data network. The WipLL voice solution
provides interoperability with any IP-to-PSTN network gateway. The use of the IP-
to-PSTN gateway allows operators seamless PSTN connectivity such as SS7
(signaling network), G3-303, and V5.2 over E1, allowing deployment in multi-
national markets.
Figure 1-7 shows a typical WipLL application for VoIP.

                  Figure 1-7: Typical WipLL Application for VoIP

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Introduction                                                    System Description

1.4.4. Traffic Engineering in Multi-Tenant Application
Airspan’s WipLL system provides high-speed wireless broadband (e.g., Internet)
access for multiple-tenant units (MTU). WipLL provides a dedicated high-speed
connection to the building, and then distributes that bandwidth among the tenants,
providing them with a private, secure connection.
The WipLL system provides traffic engineering in MTU applications in networks
that connect to MPLS, ATM, or Frame Relay backbones. The WipLL hardware
responsible for providing MTU solutions is the SDA-4S/VLtag Ethernet switch.
SDA-4S/VLtag assigns a different VLAN ID (fixed) to traffic from each of its four
ports. WipLL’s SPR converts these four VLAN IDs, tagged by SDA-4S/VLtag, to
four VLAN IDs configured by WipLL’s NMS (WipManage). SPR performs this tag
conversion before sending traffic to the air, and when receiving traffic from the air.
This VLAN conversion is applicable only when SPR is used as a transparent bridge.
Figure 1-8 shows an example of how MTU works in an ATM environment.

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System Description                                                     Introduction

   Figure 1-8: Multi-tenant solution (i.e., multiple VLANs) in an ATM environment

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Introduction                                                       System Description

1.4.5. Repeater Solution
WipLL units can be used to provide repeater functionality. This is implemented in
where the BSR needs to be “extended” to remote subscriber sites that are blocked by
obstacles (such as trees, hills, and other typical line-of-sight obstructions) or that the
BSR-SPR (or BSR-IDR) transmission is out-of-range. Back-to-back Ethernet
connectivity of a BSR with an SPR/IDR provides the repeater capability, as
demonstrated in Figure 1-9.

                         Figure 1-9: WipLL Repeater Solution

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System Description                                                              Introduction

In Figure 1-9, BSR A is part of a WipLL base station that is connected to the service
provider’s backbone. BSR A serves multiple SPRs, marked as SPR Ai. Two SPRs—
SPR B1 and SPR B2—cannot communicate directly with the base station.
Therefore, an SPR acts as a repeater by connecting back-to-back with BSR B (SPR
B1 and B2 are served by BSR B).

              - Careful planning is required to cope with issues such as interferences and
              delay that are introduced by the repeater solution. For example, if the system is
              used as a frequency hopping system, GPS may be required at each base
              - Space and frequency isolation between the “repeater SPR” and BSR B is
              - Bandwidth management should be calculated to support the “repeater
              - IP addressing and routing tables should be configured to support the
              repeater solution.

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Document Created: 2003-11-30 15:43:27
Document Modified: 2003-11-30 15:43:27

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