user manual


Users Manual

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                             User Manual


 Thank you for purchasing your new Alinco transceiver. Please read this manual
 carefully before using the product to ensure full performance, and keep this manual
 for future reference as it contains information on after-sales service.
 In case addendum or errata sheets are included with this product, please read those
 materials and keep them together with this instruction manual for future reference.

      ALINCO, INC.


       ■ Introduction
       Please be informed that this manual has been edited with consumer-use
       in mind. The product is delivered to consumers with a default factory
       setting status or after being programmed by dealers if your dealers have
       been programmed it. Some features are programmable using editor-software
       ( PC software) only and they are not mentioned in this manual.
       Please read this manual completely from the first page to the last, to
       learn basic functions the product offers. It is important to note that some
       of the operations may be explained in relation to information in other
       chapters. By reading just one part of the manual, you may risk not
       understanding the complete explanation of the function.

      ■ Utility software and instructions
       The utility software and detailed instructions in PDF format are available
       at distributors' websites. Please consult with your dealer for for details.
       A personal computer and an interface cable ERW-21 is required for

       ■ Lightning
       Any person is not safe outdoor during thunderstorm and lightning.
       This condition is getting worse if somebody keeps a hand-held radio;
       chances of being hit by lightning are doubled since lightning may hit a
       radio antenna as well. At this time, there is no hand-held radio having
       any kind of protection against lightning current (which is higher
       than10 kA.). Note also that no car provides adequate protection of its
       passengers or drivers against lightning as well. Therefore, Alinco will
       not take responsibility for any danger associated with using its
       hand-held radios outdoor or inside the car during lightning.

       ■ Covering ranges (without using repeaters)
       You may expect a range of approx.4km/2.5 miles or more at
       high-power when located on a flat, noise-free place like on a beach.
       However, it may vary depending on how to wear and carry the radios,
       surrounding locations/conditions and static noise levels, etc. In urban
       areas with many buildings or inside a building, such covering range
       may become drastically short.

      ■ About ingress protections
       We don't guarantee any IP grade of this product. Avoid contacts with
       dust and liquid, and wipe off immediately when wet or dusty.


■ Intergarated GPS Receiver
An internal GPS receiver is installed in TGP(FCC) and EGP(CE) models.

■ When using the GPS receiver
 • A GPS receiver is installed under the top panel. When the GPS
receiver is activated, do not cover the top part with anything that will
block satellite signals.
 • GPS signals can't pass through metal objects. When driving or
navigating, you may risk not receiving GPS signals if covered by metal
roof. External antenna can't be connected, so we recommend to operate
near a window or on a deck.
 • GPS signals can't reach to the receiver in places like:
  - Tunnels or a shadow of tall buildings.
  - Underground floors and parking lots
  - Under a wide bridge
  - In remote forested areas
   Also in severe weather conditions, clouds, rain, snow etc may
obstacles signals also.
 • The Global Positioning System is operated by the U.S. Department of
Defense. The Department is responsible for accuracy and maintenance
of the system. Any changes by the Department may affect the accuracy
and function of the GPS system.

Copyright © All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced, translated or
transcribed in any from or by any means without the prior permission
of Alinco. Inc., Osaka, Japan. Alinco and ALINCO logo are registered
trademarks of Alinco incorporated, Japan in United States, EU
States, Russia, China and many other countries.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and other countries.
All other trademarks are the properties of their respective holders.
ALINCO and authorized dealers are not responsible for any
typographical errors there may be in this manual. The contents of this
manual may be updated without any notice or obligation.Alinco
cannot be liable for pictorial or typographical inaccuracies. Changes
or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.



    ■ Compliance Information Statement
     This equipment generates or uses radio frequency energy.
     Changes or modifications to this equipment may cause harmful
     interference unless the modifications are expressly approved in the
     instruction manual. The user could lose the authority to operate this
     equipment if an unauthorized change or modification is made.

     This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
     Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
     These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
     harmful interference in a residential installation.
     This equipment generates, uses and can generate radio frequency energy
     and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
     cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
     guarantee that the interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
     this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
     reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
     the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
     the following measures:
     • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
     • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
     • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to
       which the receiver is connected.
     • Consult the dealer for technical assistance.

    FOR CUSTOMERS IN CANADA :              IC : 3070C-DJMD5
    Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux
    appareils radio exempts de liccence.
    (1) I’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
    (2) I’utilisateur de I’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
    même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

                  Hereby, ALINCO, INC. declares that the radio equipment type
                  DJ-MD5 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.
                  The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the
                  following internet address:



This Alinco transceiver has been tested and complies with the standards
listed below, in regards to Radio Frequency (RF) energy and electromagnetic
energy (EME) generated by the transceiver.
• FCC RF exposure limits for Occupational Use Only. RF Exposure limits
   adopted by the FCC are generally based on recommendations from the
   National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, and the
   American National Standards Institute.

 This Alinco transceiver generates RF EME while transmitting. RF EME
 (Radio Frequency Electric and Magnetic Energy) has the potential to
 cause slight thermal, or heating effects to any part of your body less than
 the recommended distance from this radio transmitter's antenna. RF
 energy exposure is determined primarily by the distance to and the power
 of the transmitting device. In general, RF exposure is minimized when the
 lowest possible power is used or transmission time is kept to the minimum
 required for consistent communications, and the greatest distance
 possible from the antenna to the body is maintained. The transceiver has
 been designed for and is classified for Occupational Use Only.
 Occupational/ controlled exposure limits are applicable to situations in
 which persons are exposed to RF energy as a consequence of their
 employment, and such persons have been made aware of the potential for
 exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. This means you
 can use the transceiver only if you are aware of the potential hazards of
 operating a transceiver and are familiar in ways to minimize these
 hazards. This transceiver is not intended for use by the general public in
 uncontrolled environments. Uncontrolled environment exposure limits are
 applicable to situations in which the general public may be exposed to RF
 energy, or in which the persons who are exposed as a consequence of
 their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or
 cannot exercise control over their exposure.



    The following list provides you with the information required to ensure that
    you are aware of RF exposure and of how to operate this transceiver so that
    the FCC RF exposure limitations are not exceeded.
    • While transmitting (holding the PTT key or speaking with VOX enabled),
      always keep the antenna and the radio at least 2 .5 cm (0.98 inches) from your
      face and 0cm from your body., as well as from any bystanders. A LED on the
      top of the radio.
      shows red when the transmitter is operating in both PTT and VOX modes.
    • Do not transmit for more than 50% of the total transceiver use time;
      transmitting over 50% of the total use time may exceed the limits in
      accordance to the FCC RF exposure requirements. Nominal transceiver
      operation is 5% transmission time, 5% reception time, and 90% stand-by
    • Use only the specified antenna for this transceiver; this may be either the
      antenna provided with the transceiver or another antenna authorized by
    Use only Alinco authorized accessories (antennas, battery packs, belt clips,
    Speaker/ Mics or headsets etc.): When worn on the body, always place the
    radio in a Alinco recommended clip or carrying case meant for this product.
    The use of other than recommended or approved body- worn accessories
    may result in RF exposure levels which exceed the FCC's occupational/
    controlled environment RF exposure limits.

     To ensure that your exposure to RF EME is within the FCC limits for
     occupational use, you must observe and adhere to the above points.

    ■ Electromagnetic Interference Compatibility
    Electronic devices are susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if
    they are not adequately shielded or designed for electromagnetic
    compatibility. Because this transceiver generates RF energy, it can cause
    interference to such equipment.
    • Turn OFF your transceiver where signs are posted to do so. Hospitals and
      health care facilities use equipment that is sensitive to electromagnetic
    • Turn OFF your transceiver while on board an aircraft when so instructed.
      Use of the transceiver must be in accordance with airline regulations and/or
      crew instructions.



To prevent any hazard during operation of Alinco's radio product, in this
manual and on the product you may find symbols shown below. Please
read and understand the meanings of these symbols before starting to
use the product.

                    This symbol is intended to alert the user to an
        Danger      immediate danger that may cause loss of life and
                    property if the user disregards the warning.
                    This symbol is intended to alert the user to a
        Alert       possible hazard that may cause loss of life and
                    property if the user disregards the warning.
                    This symbol is intended to alert the user a possible
        Caution hazard that may cause loss of property or injure the
                    user if the warning is disregarded.

                    Alert symbol. An explanation is given.

                    Warning symbol. An explanation is given.

                    Instruction symbol. An explanation is given.

■ Environment and condition of use
       Use of this product may be prohibited or illegal outside of your
       country. Be informed in advance when you travel.

      It is recommended that you check local traffic regulations
      regarding the use of a radio equipment while driving. Some
      countries prohibit or apply restrictions for the operation of radios
      and mobile-phones while driving.

      Do not use this product in close proximity to other electronic
      devices, especially medical ones. It may cause interference to
      those devices.


          Keep the radio out of the reach of children.

          In case a liquid leaks from the product, do not touch it. It may
          damage your skin. Rinse with plenty of cold water if the liquid
          contacted your skin.

          Never operate this product in facilities where radio products are
          prohibited for use such as aboard aircraft, in airports, in ports,
          within or near the operating area of business wireless stations or
          their relay stations.

          The manufacturer declines any responsibilities against loss of life
          and/or a property due to a failure of this product when used to
          perform important tasks like life-guarding, surveillance, and

          Do not use multiple radios in very close proximity. It may cause
          interference and/or damage to the product(s).

         Risk of explosion if battery is replaced with an incorrect type.
         Dispose of, or recycle used batteries according to your local

         The manufacturer declines any responsibilities against loss of life
         and property due to a failure of this product when used with or as a
         part of a device made by third parties.

         Use of third party accessory may result in damage to this product.
         It will void our warranty for repair.

     ■ Handling this product
          Be sure to reduce the audio output level to minimum before using
          an earphone or a headset. Excessive audio may damage hearing.

          Do not open the unit without permission or instruction from the
          manufacturer. Unauthorized modification or repair may result in
          electric shock, fire and/or malfunction and voids warranty.

          Do not operate this product in a wet place such as in a shower
          room. It may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction.



    Do not place the product in a container carrying conductive
    materials, such as water or metal in close proximity. A short-circuit
    to the product may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction.

■ About chargers
    Do not use adaptor other than having the specified voltage. It
    may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction,Never turn on
    the radio while charging.

    Do not plug multiple devices using an adaptor into a single wall
    outlet. It may result in overheating and/or fire.

    Do not handle adaptor with a wet hand. It may result in electric

    Securely plug the adaptor into the wall outlet. Insecure installation
    may result in short-circuit, electronic shock and/or fire.

    Do not use the adaptor if the plug or socket contacts are dirty.
    Overheating and/or short-circuiting may result in fire, electric shock
    and/or damage to the product.

■ In case of emergency
    In case of the following situation(s), please turn off the product,
    switch off the source of power, then remove or unplug the
    power-cord. Please contact your local dealer of this product for
    service and assistance. Do not use the product until the trouble is
    resolved. Do not try to troubleshoot the problem by yourself.
    ●When a strange sound, smoke and/or strange odor comes
     out of the product.
    ●When the product is dropped or the case is broken or
    ●When a liquid penetrated inside.
    ●When a power cord (including DC cables, AC cables and
     adaptors) is damaged
    For your safety, turn off then remove all related AC lines to the
    product and its accessories from the wall outlet if a thunderstorm is



     ■ Maintenance
          Do not disassemble the unit and its accessories. Please consult with
          your local dealer of this product for service and assistance.

     ■ Environment and condition of use
          Do not use the product in proximity to a TV or a radio. It may
          cause interference or receive interference.

          Do not place in a humid, dusty or insufficiently ventilated place. It
          may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction.

          Do not place in an unstable or vibrating position. It may result in
          electric shock, fire and/or malfunction when/if the product falls to
          the ground.
          Do not place the product in proximity to a source of heat and
          humidity such as a heater or a stove. Avoid placing the unit in
          direct sunlight.

          Be cautious of a dew formation. Please completely dry the product
          before use when it happens.

          Electronis devices such as solar panels and LED light bulbs may
          generate hight levels of RF noise that may cause an interference.
          This is not a defect of receiver circuits of our product.

     ■ About transceiver
          Be cautious of the whip antenna when carried in your shirt-pocket
          etc. It may make contact with your eye and cause injury.

          Do not connect devices other than specified ones to the jacks and
          ports on the product. It may result in damage to the devices.

          Turn off and remove the power source (AC cable, DC cable,
          battery, cigar cable, charger adaptor etc.) from the product when
          the product is not in use for extended period of time or in case of

          Never pull the cord alone when you unplug AC cable form the wall



Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe off dirt and condensation from the
surface of the product. Never use thinner or benzene for cleaning.

  Check with your local waste officials for details on recycling or
  proper disposal of the electronics product, battery-packs and
  accessories in your area.



                Notice .................................................................... 2
                Warning ................................................................. 7
                Contents .............................................................. 12
                1 Accessories ..................................................... 13
                2 Names and Operations of Parts ...................... 18
                3 Basic Operation ............................................... 19
                4 Options ............................................................ 21
                5 Specifications .................................................. 23


  1          Accessories

1.1 Standard Accessories
• EBP-88 : Li-ion Battery Pack (DC 7.4V 1700mAh)
• EDC-189A : Li-ion Battery Charger
• EDC-191T/E : AC Adaptor (depending on the version of purchase)
• EA-228 : Antenna
• EBC-34 : Belt Clip
• ERW-21 : PC interface cable
• Hand strap
• User manual

  Accessories may differ depending on the version you have
  purchased. Please contact your local dealer for details of standard
  accessories and the warranty-policy.



       1.2 Installations
      1.2.1 Antenna
      ■ Attaching the Antenna
      1. Hold the antenna by its base.
      2. Align the grooves at the base of the
         antenna with the protrusions on the
         antenna connector.
      3. Slide the antenna down and turn it
         clockwise until it stops.
      4. Confirm that the antenna is securely
         connected. Check the connection
         from time to time.

      ■ Removing the Antenna
      Turn the antenna counter-clockwise to disconnect the antenna.

         Do not use third-party antenna as it may radiate more RF that
         exceeds SAR limit guidances.

      1.2.2 Belt Clip
      ■ Attaching the Belt Clip
      1. Put the belt clip on the back of the
         unit, and turn the screw clockwise
         until it stops.
      2. Confirm that the belt clip is securely


      * Tighten up the screw occasionally.

      ■ Removing the Belt Clip
      Turn the screw counter-clockwise to
      remove the belt clip.

      Caution: Use the screws of specified size only. Others may cause
      damage to the product. (screws size M 2.5mm x 3mm)


1.2.3 Battery Pack
■ Attaching the Battery Pack

Match the projections of the battery to
the bottom of the unit as shown with
arrows below.
Push the upper part of the battery until
it clicks to securely hold the battery.

■ Removing the Battery Pack                         Release knob

Pull the release knob toward upper side
of the unit to loose the battery pack.

 Be sure to remove the battery pack from the transceiver when not in
 use. Leaving it attached will discharge the battery faster resulting an
 over-discharge that cause deterioration of the battery pack.



     1.2.4 Prevent Short Circuiting the Battery Pack
     Be extra cautious when carrying the rechargeable battery pack; short
     circuiting will produce surge current possibly resulting in fire.

         DON'T carry with metals of   DON'T carry the battery     DON'T place in the
         any type, e.g. chains.       pack inside bags made of    proximity of metals or
                                      conductive materials.       conductives, e.g. nails,

                                                                  Do protect by spreading a
         Do enclose inside a non-conductive enclosure. (bags or   non-conductive sheet on a
         handkerchief made only of non-conductive material)       flat surface.

         • The battery pack isn't fully charged when shipped. It must be
           charged before use.
         • Charging should be conducted in a temperature range of 0ºC to
           +40ºC (+32ºF to +104ºF).
         • Don't modify, dismantle, incinerate or immerse the battery pack in
           the water as this can be dangerous.
         • Never short-circuit the battery pack terminals, as this can cause
           damage to the equipment or lead to heating of the battery which
           may cause burns.
         • Unnecessary prolonged charging (overcharging) can deteriorate
           battery performance.
         • The battery pack should be stored in a dry place where
           temperature is in -10ºC to +40ºC (14ºF to 104ºF) range.
           Temperatures outside this range can cause the battery liquid to
           leak. Exposure to prolonged high humidity can cause corrosion of
           metal components.
         • Battery-packs are a consuming part. When its operating time
           becomes considerably short after a normal charge, please
           consider that the pack is exhausted and replace it with a new one.
         • The battery pack is recyclable. Check with your local waste
           officials for details on recycling options or proper disposal in your


1.2.5 Using the Charger
1. Connect the AC adaptor plug to the DC-IN jack on the back of the
*The design of the AC adaptor may vary depending on the models.
2. Connect the adaptor to an outlet.

    AC adaptor


3. Turn off the unit. The battery pack can't be charged correctly when the
   unit is turned on. Insert the unit to the charger as shown above.

The red indicator on the desktop charger turns on while charging.
When charging is completed, the green indicator turns on.
It takes up to 3.5 hours to fully charge the battery.

   You can't operate the unit with using a provided charger.
   The charger is to charge the battery pack only.


       2          Names and
                  Operations of Parts

                                           Channel Selector Knob
      Antenna                              (Main dial)

                                            Power / Volume Knob (Power dial)

                                                            RX in Analog: Green
                                         TX/RX indicator RX in Digital: Cyan
                                                            TX is Red

     PTT Key                                                 Accessory port:
                                                             To keep the radio
                                         Display (LCD)       dust and splash
                                                             resistant, the cover
     PF1 Key
                                                             must be closed
     PF2 Key
                                                             properly with the
                                                             original supplied
       MENU                               EXIT               cover when
     Microphone                                              accessories are not
                                                             in use.

        Name                            Function
     PTT key       Press to transmit, release to receive.
                   Press to enter function menu set up.
     MENU key
                   Press to select/confirm a selection.

                   Press to return to previous menus.
     EXIT key
                   Press to delete characters when texting message.

           key     Press to select desired menus/parameters.

     PF1 key
                   Press to activate pre-programmed functions.
     PF2 key


   3              Basic Operation

 3.1 Turning On the Power
Turn Power dial clockwise to power on.
Turn it counter-clockwise to power off.

   • Please be patient, it takes about 8 seconds until it turns on.

 3.2 Adjusting the Audio Output (Volume)
Turn Power dial clockwise to increase the audio level,
counter-clockwise to decrease.
Never use earphone while adjusting audio level for your safety.

 3.3 Selecting the Operating Channel
Turn Main dial clockwise to increase the channel number,
counter-clockwise to decrease.


     Basic Operation

       3.5 Receiving
     When a signal is received on the channel that you selected, S-meter is
     displayed on the LCD, then the received signal can be heard.
     The indicator lights green while radio is receiving in analog channel or lights
     cyan if it is receiving in digital channel.

       3.6 Transmitting
     1. Press the PTT key. The red TX indicator turns on while transmitting.
     2. While holding down the PTT key, speak into the unit at normal voice
        from the distance of 5cm (2").
     3. Release the PTT key to receive.

         • Speaking too loud, too close or too far from the unit may distort
           the audio.
         • Do not close the microphone hole on the front panel with your
           finger. Be cautious specially when wearing gloves.

       3.7 Keylock
     Press and hold the     key to lock the keypad.
     Press [Menu] key then      key to unlock.


 4 Options
EME-56A Earphone Microphone
EMS-76 Speaker Microphone

EA-228   Antenna
EBC-34   Belt Clip
EBP-88   Li-ion Battery Pack (DC 7.4V 1700mAh)
EDC-189A Li-ion Battery Charger
EDC-191E AC Adaptor (220V)
EDC-191T AC Adaptor (120V)
ERW-21   PC interface cable



       4.1 Accessory port
     Open the jack cover and insert the
     accessory plug into the jack as shown.
     When the accessory is not used, please
     be sure to close the cover securely.

       1.To keep the radio dust and splash
       resistant, the cover must be closed
       properly with the supplied cover.
       2.The radio is not dust and splash
       resistant while using the optional
       accessory risking that the water may
       penetrate inside through the plug.

       4.2 Earphone Microphone
     Recommended installation of Earphone Microphone


                                          Use a clip to fix with collar.

                                          Clip the PTT unit closer to your mouth.

                                          Carry the radio on the side or the back
                                          of your body, and the cable should go
                                          around the back as shown. Clamp the
                                          excessive length of cable at your waist.


  5 Specifications
Frequency Range                            136-174MHz / 400-480MHz
Number of Channels                         4000ch
Zones per Radio                            250 zone (MAX 250ch/zone)
                                           Analog: 12.5kHz
Channel Spacing
                                           Digital: 12.5kHz
Operating Voltage                          7.4V DC nominal
Operating Temperature Range                -10℃ to +40℃
Frequency Stability                        ±2.5ppm
Antenna Impedance                          50Ω
Dimensions (W x H x D Approx.)             59x118x40 mm
with EBP-88 Li-ion pack                    (2.32x4.65x1.57 inches)
Weight (Approx.) with EBP-88 Li-ion pack   256g /9.03 ounces
Recording time                             14 hours

RF Power Output                            5W / 2.5W / 1W / 0.2W
                                           Less than 1GHz: -36dBm
Spurious Emission
                                           More than 1GHz: -30dBm
FM Hum & Noise (Analog)                    12.5kHz: 36dB
                                           Analog: 11K0F3E
Modulation                                 Digital: 7K60FXD/7K60FXW


Sensitivity (Analog/12dB SINAD)            12.5kHz: 0.35uV

                                           5%: 0.3uV
Sensitivity (Digital/BER)
                                           1%: 0.7uV

FM Hum & Noise (Analog)                    12.5kHz:40dB

Audio Distortion                           Less than 5%
Audio Output                               1000mW /16Ω



Yodoyabashi Dai-bldg 13F
4-4-9 Koraibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0043 Japan
Phone: +81-6-7636-2362 Fax: +81-6-6208-3802

                                           Copyright Alinco, lnc.
                                           Printed in China


                     our Alinco Incorporated, Electronics Division radio generators RF electromagneticision
                 during transmit mode.This radio is designed for and classified as"Occupational Use Only",
                meaning it must be used only during the course of employment by individuals aware of the
hazards,and the ways To Minimize Such hazards. This radio is NOT intended for use by the"General Population"
in an uncontrolled environment. This radio has been tested and complies with the FCC RF exposure limits for
"Occupational Use Only".Inaddition, our Alinco Incorporated, Electronics Division radio complies with the.nics Division
following Standards and Guidelines with regard to RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels and evaluation
of such levels for exposure to humans:

 --IEEE Std. 1528:2013 and KDB447498, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human
Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.
 --American National Standards Institute (C95.1-1992), IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to
Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
 --American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992), IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement
of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields- RF and Microwave.

               The information listed above provides the user with the information needed to make him or
             her aware of RF exposure, and what to do to asÿsure that this radio operates with the FCC RF
               exposure limits of this radio.

Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility
   During transmissions, Alinco Incorporated, Electronics Division radio generates RF energy that cansion
possibly cause interference with other devices or systems. To avoid such interference, turn off the radio in
areas where signs are posted to do so. DO NOT operate the transmitter in areas that are sensitive to
electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals, aircraft, and blasting sites.

Occupational/Controlled Use
  The radio transmitter is used in situations in which persons are exposed as consequence of their employment
provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure.
      This radio complieswith IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposure
emvironment at operating duty factors of up to 50% and is authorized by the FCC for occupational use only. An
appropriate warning lable is affixed to all units. In order to comply with RF exposure requirements, a minimum
distance of 2.5cm must be maintained when held-to-face, and body-worn operations are restricted to the approved
original acessories (belt clip),a minimum distance of 0 cm. Do not use this device when antenna shows obvious
This product is compliance to FCC RF Exposure requirements and refers to FCC website search for(Model:DJ-MD5,DJ-MD5T,DJ-MD5TGP FCC ID:
PH3DJ-MD5 ) to gain further information include SAR Values.

This EUT is compliance with SAR for general population/uncontrolled exposure limits in IC RSS-102 and had
been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in IEEE 1528 and IEC
62209. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 0 cm between the radiator for
your body and distance 2.5 cm for your face.

Cet EUT est conforme aux normes SAR pour les limites de population générale / limites incontrôlées de l'IC
RSS-102 et a été testé conformément aux méthodes et procédures de mesure spécifiées dans les normes IEEE
1528 et IEC 62209. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé à un e distance minimale de 0 c m. entre le
radiateur pour votre corps et la distance de 2,5 cm pour votre visage.

Document Created: 2018-09-03 13:23:43
Document Modified: 2018-09-03 13:23:43

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC