FCC Waiver Approval


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                          ARECEVED       InsPECTE
 Federal Communications Commission                       April 11, 2017        eveo e ns .ELTCD
 1270 Fairfield Rd.                                                                        2017
 Gettysburg, PA 17325—7245~                                                     . APR 1414 20
               s                                                           FCC—GBG MAILROOMAo ewnnw_
 Attn: Daniel McCleary

. Re: Request for Waiver of Section 90.207(i) to Permit QAM Modulation‘ini
 XetaWave XETA Radio Platform                  '     —



    XetaWave has developed the XETA series of innovative radio ttransceiver
 products for narrowband industrial data transmission, control, and telemetry
 applications. These digitally—modulated radios are capable of a variety of
 modulations and bandwidths in several frequency bands that are regulated under
 Part 90. XetaWave has developed MSK. nFSK., nPSK, and nQAM modulations
 that comply with the technical requirements of Part 90; however, the Ggneral
 Technical Standards (47 C.F.R. 90, Subpart I) currently do not perfnit QAM
 modulation types for telemetry because the emission designator that would apply
 to QAM fnodulation (emission designator D1D) is prohibited under Paragraph
 90.207(i): "For telemetry operations, when specifically authorized under this
 part, only A1D, A2D, F1D, or F2D emissions will be authorized."                                    s

    A goal of recent "narrowbanding" efforts by the FCC has been to encourage
 greater bandwidth efficiency in congested frequency bands (150—174 MHz and
 421—512 MHz) by requiring new Part 90 equipment certifications to meet
 minimum bandwidth efficiency requirements (4800 bps per 6.25 KHz, reference:
 section 90.203(j)(4) and 90.203(i)(5)), as well as requiring certain users to migrate
 from 25 KHz bandwidth to 12.5 KHz bandwidth equipment. The XETA platform
 of radio products is compliant with the bandwidth efficiency requirements, but the
 maximum bandwidthefficiency is achieved when using the QAM modulation
 types. For example, XetaWave‘s 64QAM modulation is capable of data rates of _
 up to 68000 bps in a 12.5 KHz channel, while MSK achieves 9650 bps in a 12.5
 KHz channel. If the QAM modulation types are permitted, they can help to
 further reduce congestion in these frequency bands through greater bandwidth
 efficiency.            ~                                          |       5    *

  . Other companies which supply competitive radio products have been granted
 waivers of the restriction on QAM emission designators for their radio platforms.
 These orders include DA 14—368, which applies to 4RF Limited‘s Aprisa SR+


             radio platform, and DA 15—593, which applies to GE MDS LLC‘s Orbit radio
             platform. XetaWave is seeking an equivalent waiver so that the XETA platform
             of radio products can compete with these products on a level playing field.
             Increased competition is in the public interest since it generally results in lower
             cost, better performance, greater choice of features, and better value.
             The XETA platform includes the following products which have existing Part90
         — certifications, with additional products planned or in development:
             ss                                      .
              ‘ ‘_    XETAI (FCC ID: PEJ9382010), 150.8—173.4 MHz
                     XETAZ (FCC ID: PEJ—XETA2), 217—220 MHz and 220—222 MHz
                      XETA4 (FCC ID: PEJ—93824—XETA4HP), 450—470 MHz

             All of these products comply with the technical requirementsin Pgn 90 (including
             QAM modulation types) XetaWave requests a waiver of Section 90.207(i) to
             apply to the XETA series of products since all of these products are based on
             similar technology.

                In summary, XetaWave LLC requests a waiver of the emission desiéq‘ator
             limitations in Section 90.207(i) to allow the use of the D1D emission designator
             for QAMmodulations in the XETA series of radio products. This serves the
             public interest by promoting efficient use of limited spectrum through greater
             bandwidth efficiency. In addition, precedent exists for this waiver, which has
             been previously granted to competing radio platforms with similar justification.      &
             Additional competition serves the public interest by reducing cost, encouraging
             improvements in technology and performance, and better satisfaction of users‘

                XetaWave has spent a considerable amount of resources to design and
             manufacture digitally modulated radios. These narrowband telemetry radios
             utilize dynamic modulations that automatically optimize parameters and shape the
             spectrum to safeguard against interference. They also ensure required throughput,
             given available channel sizes and environmental noise. This advanced and ©
             proprietary technology enables end user effectiveness in supporting critical
             infrastructure and is in the best interest of the public.
             Moreover, granting this request fosters free competition in the market place. In
             DA 15—593 and DA 14—368, the FCC granted waivers allowing for the use of the
             DID emissions designator in similar telemetry devices. Granting the same access
             to the D1D and G1D emissions designators, and/or updating the regulations
             ensures—consistent application of the rules, efficient use of FCC and TCB
             resources and does not favor those who file individual requests. Specifically cited
             in the approval of DA 15—593, the FCC noted "Allowing licensees to utilize the

                                                                                                 258 South Taylor Avenue
                                                                                                Louisville, Colorado 80027
                                                                                 Ph: 303.447.2745 * E: info@xetawave.com


              DID emissions will promote the efficient use oflimited spectrum resources, and
              can improve the effectiveness ofcritical infrastructureoperations thatprotect life,
              property, and the environment.10 Based on the information before us, we
              conclude that grant ofa waiver would notfrustrate the underlying purposes ofthe
              emission designator rules and would serve the public interest.11. (10 See GE                    Nt t
              Request at 2—3. 11 See 4RF Limited, Order, WT Docket No. 13—188, 29 FCC Red
          . 2898, 2899 5 (WTB MD 2014) (granting waive to permit D1D emission for
            telemetry equipment utilizing linear modulation methods to address spectrum _
              efficiency) (citing Lojack Corporation, Order, 20 FCC Red 20497, 20499 « 7
            (WTB PSCID 2005) (granting waiver to permit D1D emission on frequency on
            which 47 C.F.R. § 90.20(e)(6) permitted only FID and F2D, on the grounds that
          — allowing greater efficiency was in the public interest and would not frustrate the
              rule‘s underlying purpose)).                                      (

                 Furthermore, in granting DA 12—1659, the FCC stated, "7. Conclusion. We
              grant 4RF‘s request as set forth above. We agree with 4RF that Section 90.207(i)
              already permits G1D emissions for telemetry operations".            ¥    as
              Section 90.207(i). is outdated and does not recognize advances in techriology that
              employ advanced QAM modulation schemes. Currently, there is no bl%zet
              acceptance of the DID, amplitude— and angle— modulated emissions desi aator.
              This denies XetaWave of the full use of our technology and frustrates the efficient
              use of limited spectrum resources.

                 For the above reasons, XetaWave, LLC reduest for waiver of section 90.207(i)                   s
              of the Commission‘s Rules, to allow the use of QAM type emission designator
              D1D for all XETAWAVE XETA platform of products.

                 We look forward to a favorable and timely response.


                 Jonathan Sawyer              —

                 CEO, XETAWAVE LLC

Document Created: 2019-09-21 21:58:33
Document Modified: 2019-09-21 21:58:33

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