operational description


Operational Description

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                                                                       ACROWAVE SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
                                                                       FCC ID: PE6AWL-1100C
                                                                       JOB #: 689K0
       1. Circuit Description
                                                                       EXHIBIT #: 6A-6F

       2.1 The Architecture
       The radio design is centered on the expected signal characteristics of the modulation method. A
       Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DQPSK) modulation encodes the data in terms of phase
       with minimal amplitude variation, improving noise immunity. This is joined with the IEEE 802.11
       protocol standard Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) and with the FCC
       requirement for 10dB processing gain, to allow signals to be received with approxi mately 0dB Signal
       to Noise Ratio (SNR) for a 10 -5 Bit Error Rate (BER). The CSMA/CA protocol allows only one user,
       per channel, at a time (i.e., first come, first serve) making for a quieter medium. The processing gain,
       achieved by spreading the signal with a PN code, allows a faint signal to be pulled from the noise
       while suppressing non-correlating interferers. From the antenna, the received input is applied to the
       pre-select filter FL1. This filter is a two pole dielectric design, rejecting interferers outside the 2.4GHz
       ISM band and providing image rejection.
       The signal enters the HFA3683 RF/IF Converter, first passing through the integrated LNA section
       and then enters the down converter section of the HFA3683. Low-side local oscillator injection is
       used to mix down to the single intermediate frequency, 374 MHz. The IF receive filter FL3, is a
       Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) device used for channel selection within the band. The SAW output is
       reactively matched to the IF input of the HFA3783 Quadrature IF Modulator/Demodulator. In receive
       mode, the HFA3783 provides two limiting amplifiers, a quadrature baseband demodulator, and two
       baseband low pass filters. The two limiting amplifiers or limiters provide most of the receiver gain,
       giving the radio it’s sensitivity.
       The baseband circuit samples the waveform with 7-bit ADCs and then despreads and demodulates
       the received data.

       On the Transmit side, data can either be DBPSK or DQPSK modulated at 1MSPS (Mega Symbols
       Per Second), resulting in a baseband quadrature signal with I and Q components. These digital
       signals are output to the HFA3783 fifth order Butterworth low pass filters, which are used to provide
       shaping of the phase shift keyed (PSK) signal. The required transmit spectral mask, at the antenna,
       is -30dBc at the first side-lobe relative to the main lobe.
       The signals are then quadrature modulated up to IF using the same 2xLO used for the quadrature
       demodulation. The signal then goes to the high impedance input of the HFA3683 upconverting mixer
       for conversion to the 2.4GHz - 2.5GHz band. The mixer output goes to the pre-amplifier, in the
       HFA3683, amplifies the signal and easing the requirement for HFA3983 RFPA gain.
       FL2, a two pole dielectric bandpass filter, is used to suppress both transmit LO leakage and the
       undesired sideband. The HFA3983 RFPA amplifies the transmit signal to approximately +18dBm.

Copyright© 2000 Acrowave Systems Co., Ltd.
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       The transmit sidelobe performance is approximately -30dBc. Allowing for a 3dB loss in the band
       select filter FL1, this gives a final output power of +15dBm.

       2.2 Transmit Chain Front End Cascade Analysis
       The large gain in the Power Amplifier, HFA3983, keeps the signal level small for the whole chain
       before it. This helps conserve supply current and the cost associated with devices that need to
       handle large signals.
       The output power at the RF filter is shown as 15dBm, with the output of the Power Amplifier at
       18dBm. The design has been optimized for the best use of supply current and cost of the PA. If the
       output power was lower, the supply current and cost of the PA could be saved with smaller and
       cheaper devices. If the output power was higher, the signal will be too close to the P1dB and the
       signal will have excessive distortion, causing regrowth of the side lobes. The transmitted signal must
       suppress side lobes to -30dB to meet the 802.11 spectral mask specification.
       Therefore, the output power needs to be controlled very carefully. The run to run variation in gain
       and insertion loss of the elements in the transmit chain requires either a manual power adjustment or
       an active power adjustment feedback circuit. In this design, a manual potentiometer is used to adjust
       output power and side lobe performance on each unit during manufacturing. For purposes of this
       analysis, the variable attenuator shows 0dB loss and the Modulator output as -12dBm. This was
       done for illustration purposes only, in actuality the Modulator output has a relatively large output
       (200mV P-P ) that needs to be significantly attenuated to the level indicated.

       2.3 Power Amplifier(HFA3983)
       The HFA3983 is fabricated in the fastest SiGe BiCMOS process available, allowing superior RF
       performance, normally found only in GaAs ICs. Cost effective functions, normally requiring external
       components, are integrated into one IC. The HFA3983 integrates the following functions in one
       compact 28 pin EPTSSOP:
       Two Stage, 30dB Gain RFPA,
       Logarithmic power detect function (15dB Dynamic Range),
       CMOS level compatible Power Up/Down function,
       Single Supply, 2.7V to 3.6V Operation.
       The HFA3983 contains a highly linear RFPA designed to deliver 18dBm and meet an ACPR
       specification of -30dBc in the 2.4 to 2.5GHz ISM band. The performance of this two stage RFPA can
       be optimized by adjusting the bias current in each stage with a dedicated resistor. No external
       positive or negative power supplies are required to set the bias currents. The on chip bias network
       provides the optimum bias current temperature compensation when low TC external resistors are
       used. To get the best performance from the HFA3983, the output stage ma tching network can be
       tailored using external components.

       2.4 2.4GHz RF/IF Converter and Synthesizer(HFA3683)

Copyright© 2000 Acrowave Systems Co., Ltd.
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       The HFA3683A is a monolithic SiGe half duplex RF/IF transceiver designed to operate in the 2.4GHz
       ISM band. The receive chain features a low noise, gain selectable amplifier (LNA) followed by a
       down-converter mixer. An up-converter mixer and a high performance preamplifier compose the
       transmit chain. The remaining circuitry comprises a high frequency Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
       synthesizer with a three wire programmable interface for local oscillator applications. A reduced filter
       count is realized by multiplexing the receive and transmit IF paths and by sharing a common
       differential matching network.

       2.5 I/Q Modulator/Demodulator and Synthesizer(HFA3783)
       The HFA3783 is a highly integrated and fully differential SiGe baseband converter for half duplex
       wireless applications. It features all the necessary blocks for quadrature modulation and
       demodulation of “I” and “Q” baseband signals.
       It has an integrated AGC receive IF amplifier with frequency response to 600MHz. The AGC has
       70dB of voltage gain and better than 70dB of gain control range. The transmit output also features
       gain control with 70dB of range.
       The receive and transmit IF paths can share a common differential matching network to reduce the
       filter component count required for single IF half duplex transceivers. A pair of 2nd order antialiasing
       filters with an integrated DC offset cancellation architecture is included in the receive chain for
       baseband operation down to DC. In addition, an IF level detector is included in the AGC chain for
       threshold comparison. Up and down conversion are performed by doubly balanced mixers for “I” and
       “Q” IF processing. These converters are driven by a broadband quadrature LO generator with
       frequency of operation phase locked by an internal 3 wire interface synthesizer and PLL.

       In the transmit path, DC coupled dual single end to differential baseband buffers have been added to
       the design to help interface the device with standard single end ground referenced source equipment.
       The differential buffer also applies the required common mode voltage (VREF) superimposed to the
       desired signal input to each one of the differential baseband inputs. In addition, a set of jumper pins
       (TX±, TX±) have also been added to permit direct monitoring of the differential stimulus/ DC
       differential offset or application of external baseband signals bypassing the evaluation board buffers.
       An output differential offset null capability is included and can be adjusted to zero for DC offset or to
       generate adjustable differential DC levels for carrier generation (vector modulation).
       The 2XLO local oscillator generation is done by an on board 748MHz VCO. The PLL set for a loop
       bandwidth of 1kHz at 25 mA. Itsoutput can be monitored thru an on board loss pad for phase noise
       and spurious responses when switching from transmit to receive mode. The monitor port can also be
       used as an input, taking the pad loss in consideration for evaluation, when using external VCO’s or
       generators, providing the on board VCO is disabled.
       A couple of power supply regulators have been added to improve the transmit and receive switching
       characteristics of the HFA3783. DC current transients which occurs when the device is switched
       from transmit to receive cause VCO spurs to appear.

Copyright© 2000 Acrowave Systems Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 0 1-04-05

       2.6 PLL
       The HFA3783 includes a classical architecture Phase Lock Loop circuit with a three wire serial
       control interface to be used with an external VCO. It consists of a programmable “R” counter used to
       divide down the frequency of a very stable reference signal up to 50MHz to a phase comparator. A
       couple of counters (“A” and “B”) with a front end prescaler (“P or P+1”), with dual modulus control,
       divides down the frequency of an external VCO signal to the same phase comparator. The
       comparator controls a charge pump circuit and an external loop filter closes the loop for VCO control.
       The VCO frequency dividing chain works with a dual modulus control as follows: At the beginning of
       a count cycle, and if the A counter is programmed with a value greater than zero, the prescaler is set
       to a division ratio of (P+1) where P can take programmable values of 16 or 32.
       Notice that the prescaler output signal is always fed simultaneously to both A and B counters. Upon
       filling counter A, the prescaler division ratio becomes P and the B counter continues on its own with
       A standby. This processis known as “pulse swallowing”. The expression B-A (counts) is the
       remainder of counts carried out by the B counter after A is full. Both A and B counters are reset at
       the end of the counting cycle when B fills up. As a result, the total count or division ratio used for the
       VCO signal is A*(P+1) + (B-A)*P which simplifies to [P*B+A]. (A and B counters are referred as the
       “N” counter).
       The Charge Pump (current source/sink) has 4 programmable current settings. This variation allows
       the user to change the reference frequency for different objectives without changing the loop filter
       components. The user can program the charge pump sign based on the direction of increase or
       decrease of the VCO frequency. The most often used VCO’s in the market have positive KVCO’s
       where the VCO frequency increases with an increase in control voltage. In this case, the charge
       pump current shall “source” current (to the main capacitor of the loop filter) when the VCO frequency
       becomes less than the desired frequency of operation.

       2.7 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Baseband Processor(HFA3861)
       The HFA3861B has on-board A/D’s and D/A for analog I and Q inputs and outputs, for which the
       HFA3783 IF QMODEM is recommended. Differential phase shift keying modulation schemes
       DBPSK and DQPSK, with data scrambling capability, are available along with Complementary Code
       Keying to provide a variety of data rates. Both Receive and Transmit AGC functions with 7-bit AGC
       control obtain maximum performance in the analog portions of the transceiver. The HFA3861B is
       housed in a thin plastic quad flat package (TQFP) suitable for PCMCIA board applications.

       The HFA3861B transmitter is designed as a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Phase Shift Keying
       (DSSS PSK) modulator. It can handle data rates of up to 11Mbps (refer to AC and DC specifications).
       The various modes of the modulator are Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying (DBPSK) for 1Mbps,
       Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying (DQPSK) for 2Mbps, and Complementary Code Keying
       (CCK) for 5.5Mbps and 11Mbps. These implement data rates as shown in Table 3. The major

Copyright© 2000 Acrowave Systems Co., Ltd.
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        functional blocks of the transmitter include a network processor interface, DPSK modulator, high rate
        modulator, a data scrambler and a spreader, as shown in Figure 7. CCK is essentially a quadra-
        phase form of M-ARY Orthogonal Keying. A description of that modulation can be found in Chapter 5
        of: “Telecommunications System Engineering”, by Lindsey and Simon, Prentis Hall publishing.
        The preamble is always transmitted as the DBPSK waveform while the header can be configured to
        be either DBPSK, or DQPSK, and data packets can be configured for DBPSK, DQPSK, or CCK. The
        preamble is used by the receiver to achieve initial PN synchronization while the header includes the
        necessary data fields of the communications protocol to establish the physical layer link. The
        transmitter generates the synchronization preamble and header and knows when to make the
        DBPSK to DQPSK or CCK switchover, as required.

   -    Header/Packet Description
       The HFA3861B is designed to handle packetized Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) data
       transmissions. The HFA3861B generates its own preamble and header information. It uses two packet
       preamble and header configurations. The first is backwards compatible with the existing IEEE 802.11-
       1997 1 and 2Mbps modes and the second is the optional shortened mode which maximizes
       throughput at the expense of compatibility with legacy equipment.
       In the long preamble mode, the device uses a synchronization preamble of 128 symbols along with a
       header that includes four fields. The preamble is all 1's (before entering the scrambler) plus a start
       frame delimiter (SFD). The actual transmitted pattern of the preamble is randomized by the scrambler.
       The preamble is always transmitted as a DBPSK waveform (1Mbps). The duration of the long
       preamble and header is 19 s.
       In the short preamble mode, the modem uses a synchronization field of 56 zero symbols along with an
       SFD transmitted at 1Mbps. The short header is transmitted at 2Mbps. The synchronization preamble is
       all 0’s to distinguish it from the long header mode and the short preamble SFD is the time reverse of
       the long preamble SFD. The duration of the short preamble and header is 9 s.

   -    Scrambler and Data Encoder Description
       The modulator has a data scrambler that implements the scrambling algorithm specified in the IEEE
       802.11 standard. This scrambler is used for the preamble, header, and data in all modes. The data
       scrambler is a self synchronizing circuit. It consists of a 7-bit shift register with feedback from specified
       taps of the register. Both transmitter and receiver use the same scrambling algorithm. The scrambler
       can be disabled by setting CR32 bit 2 to 1

   -    Spread Spectrum Modulator Description
        The modulator is designed to generate DBPSK, DQPSK, and CCK spread spectrum signals. The
        modulator is capable of automatically switching its rate where the preamble is DBPSK modulated,
        and the data and/or header are modulated differently. The modulator can support date rates of 1, 2,
        5.5 and 11Mbps. The programming details to set up the modulator are given at the introductory

Copyright© 2000 Acrowave Systems Co., Ltd.
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        paragraph of this section. The HFA3861B utilizes Quadraphase (I/Q) modulation at baseband for all
        modulation modes. In the 1Mbps DBPSK mode, the I and Q Channels are connected together and
        driven with the output of the scrambler and differential encoder. The I and Q Channels are then both
        multiplied with the 11-bit Barker word at the spread rate. The I and Q signals go to the Quadrature
        upconverter (HFA3724) to be modulated onto a carrier. Thus, the spreading and data modulation are
        BPSK modulated onto the carrier.
        For the 2Mbps DQPSK mode, the serial data is formed into dibits or bit pairs in the differential
        encoder as detailed above. One of the bits from the differential encoder goes to the I Channel and
        the other to the Q Channel. The I and Q Channels are then both multiplied with the 11-bit Barker
        word at the spread rate. This forms QPSK modulation at the symbol rate with BPSK modulation at
        the spread rate.

   -    Transmit Filter Description
       To minimize the requirements on the analog transmit filtering, the transmit section shown in Figure 11
       has an output digital filter. This filter is a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) style filter whose shape is set
       by tap coefficients. This filter shapes the spectrum to meet the radio spectral mask requirements while
       minimizing the peak to average amplitude on the output. To meet the particular spread spectrum
       processing gain regulatory requirements in Japan, an extra FIR filter shape has been included that
       has a wider main lobe. This increases the 90% power bandwidth from about 11MHz to 14MHz. It has
       the unavoidable side effect of increasing the amplitude modulation, so the available transmit power is
       compromised by 2dB when using this filter (CR 11 bit 5). The receive section Channel Matched Filter
       (CMF) is also tailored to match the characteristics of the transmit filter.

       2.8 Wireless LAN Medium Access Controller(HFA3841)
       The HFA3841 is designed to provide maximum performance with minimum power consumption.
       External pin layout is organized to provide optimal PC board layout to all user interfaces. Firmware
       implements the full IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN MAC protocol. It supports BSS and IBSS operation
       under DCF, and operation under the optional Point Coordination Function (PCF). Low level protocol
       functions such as RTS/CTS generation and acknowledgement, fragmentation and de-fragmentation,
       and automatic beacon monitoring are handed without host intervention. Active scanning is performed
       autonomously once initiated by host command. Host interface command and status handshakes allow
       concurrent operations from multi-threaded I/O drivers.

Copyright© 2000 Acrowave Systems Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   0 1-04-05


Document Created: 2019-09-28 15:02:21
Document Modified: 2019-09-28 15:02:21

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