Test Report JBP

FCC ID: PD99560D2L

Test Report

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            CERTIFICATE #3478.01
                                         TEST REPORT
EUT Description               WLAN and BT, 2x2 PCIe M.2 1216 SD adapter card, LTE Coexistence

Brand Name                    Intel® Wireless-AC 9560

Model Name                    9560D2WL

FCC/ISED ID                   PD99560D2WL/1000M-9560D2WL

Date of Test Start/End        2018-02-23 / 2018-03-09
                              802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Wireless LAN + Bluetooth 5
                              (see section 5)

Applicant                     Intel Mobile Communications
                              100 Center Point Circle, Suite 200
Address                       Columbia, South Carolina 29210
Contact Person                Steven Hackett

Telephone/Fax/ Email          steven.c.hackett@intel.com

                              FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 B
Reference Standards           ICES-003 Issue 6
                               (see section 1)

Test Report identification    180201-02.TR44
                              Rev. 00
Revision Control              This test report revision replaces any previous test report revision
                              (see section 8)

      The test results relate only to the samples tested.
      The test report shall not be reproduced in full, without written approval of the laboratory.

                             Issued by                                                 Reviewed by
                                   Digitally signed by Walid EL                             Digitally signed by Olivier FARGANT
                                   HAJJ                                                     DN: cn=Olivier FARGANT, o=Intel
                                                                                            Mobile Communications, ou=WRF Lab,
                                   Date: 2018.03.20 15:53:45                                email=olivier.fargant@intel.com, c=FR
                                   +01'00'                                                  Date: 2018.03.20 18:12:25 +01'00'

                        Walid EL HAJJ                                            Olivier FARGANT
                     (Test Engineer Lead)                                       (Technical Manager)

                              Intel Mobile Communications France S.A.S – WRF Lab
                              425 rue de Goa – Le Cargo B6 - 06600, Antibes, France
                                      Tel. +33493001400 / Fax +33493001401
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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                                                                                     Rev.00

       Table of Contents
       1.     Standards, reference documents and applicable test methods ............................................... 3
       2.     General conditions, competences and guarantees ................................................................... 3
       3.     Environmental Conditions ............................................................................................................ 3
       4.     Test samples .................................................................................................................................. 4
       5.     EUT features ................................................................................................................................... 4
       6.     Remarks and comments ............................................................................................................... 4
       7.     Test Verdicts summary ................................................................................................................. 4
       8.     Document Revision History .......................................................................................................... 4
       Annex A.            Test & System Description ............................................................................................. 5
            A.1     MEASUREMENT SYSTEM................................................................................................................................ 5
            A.2     TEST EQUIPMENT LIST .................................................................................................................................. 7
            A.3     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY EVALUATION ..................................................................................................... 8
            A.4     CALIBRATION / CORRECTION FACTOR ............................................................................................................... 8
       Annex B.            Test Results ..................................................................................................................... 9
            B.1     TEST CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 9
            B.2     CONDUCTED EMISSION ................................................................................................................................. 9
            B.3     RADIATED EMISSIONS ................................................................................................................................. 12
       Annex C.            Photographs .................................................................................................................. 15

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                     Rev.00

        1. Standards, reference documents and applicable test methods
         1. FCC 47 CFR part 15 - Subpart B – Unintentional Radiators
         2. FCC 47 CFR part 15 - Subpart B – §15.109 Radiated emission limits
         3. FCC 47 CFR part 15 - Subpart B – §15.107 Conducted limits
         4. ICES-003 Issue 6 - Information Technology Equipment (Including Digital Apparatus) – Limits
            and Methods of Measurement.
         5. ANSI C63.4-2014 American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
            Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9kHz to 40GHz

        2. General conditions, competences and guarantees
          Intel Mobile Communications France SAS Wireless RF Lab (Intel WRF Lab) is an ISO/IEC
           17025:2005 testing laboratory accredited by the American Association for Laboratory
           Accreditation (A2LA) with the certificate number 3478.01.
          Intel Mobile Communications France SAS Wireless RF Lab (Intel WRF Lab) is an Accredited
           Test Firm recognized by the FCC, with Designation Number FR0011.
          Intel Mobile Communications France SAS Wireless RF Lab (Intel WRF Lab) is a Registered Test
           Site listed by ISED, with ISED Assigned Code 1000Y.
          Intel WRF Lab only provides testing services and is committed to providing reliable, unbiased
           test results and interpretations.
          Intel WRF Lab is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information
           related to the item under test and the results of the test.
          Intel WRF Lab has developed calibration and proficiency programs for its measurement
           equipment to ensure correlated and reliable results to its customers.
          This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
          This report does not imply an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies or competent

        3. Environmental Conditions
             At the site where the measurements were performed the following limits were not exceeded
              during the tests:

                                           Temperature              20ºC ± 3ºC

                                             Humidity               41% ± 15%

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                             Rev.00

        4. Test samples

                                                                                              Date of
        Sample       Control #      Description           Model           Serial #                          Note
                                      Module           9560D2WL      WFM:3413E87ED803       2018-02-14
                                  Extender Board     PCB00609_01        6092416-493         2017-02-20
          #01                                                                                               N/A
                     170000-                             Latitude
                                      Laptop                             C2HTPF2            2017-06-13
                     01.S16                               E5470
                     170727-     Adapter 1216SD to     JfP Adapter
                                                                            N/A             2017-08-09
                     02.S13             M.2                M2

         NA: Not Applicable

        5. EUT features

        Brand Name                        Intel® Wireless-AC 9560
        Model Name                        9560D2WL
        FCC/ISED ID                       PD99560D2WL/1000M-9560D2WL
                                          Proset BT 20.40.0
        Software Version
                                          Proset WLAN 20.30.3
        Driver Version
        Prototype / Production            Production
                                           802.11b/g/n                       2.4GHz (2400.0 – 2483.5 MHz)
                                           802.11a/n/ac                      5.2GHz (5150.0 – 5350.0 MHz)
        Supported Radios                                                     5.6GHz (5470.0 – 5725.0 MHz)
                                                                             5.8GHz (5725.0 – 5825.0 MHz)
                                           Bluetooth                         2.4GHz (2400.0 – 2483.5 MHz)
                                          CHAIN A: PIFA antenna. WiFi 2.4GHz & 5GHz and BT
        Antenna Information
                                          CHAIN B: PIFA antenna. WiFi 2.4GHz & 5GHz

        6. Remarks and comments

        7. Test Verdicts summary
        FCC part             ICES part                         Test name                                   Verdict
        15.107 (a)           ICES-003 Clause 6.1               Conducted Limits                              P
        15.109 (a)           ICES-003 Clause 6.2               Radiated Emission Limits                      P
       P: Pass
       F: Fail
       NM: Not Measured
       NA: Not Applicable

        8. Document Revision History

        Revision #          Date              Modified by                               Revision Details
         Rev. 00         2018-03-15     T.Andriamiharivolamena        First Issue

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                 Rev.00

       Annex A.Test & System Description

       A.1     Measurement system

       The measurement site and apparatus were manufactured and installed in conformance with the
       requirements of ANSI 63.4-2014 and other equivalent standards.
       The EUTs are measured for compliance using the procedure and setups described in the Annex B,
       made in accordance to the general provisions of the standard ANSI 63.4-2014.
       Conducted emission Setup 150 kHz – 30 MHz
       Measurements were performed using the following setups, the LISN is be grounded to chamber. The
       bonds used shall each individually have a direct current resistance of less than or equal to 2.5m.

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                     Rev.00

       Radiated Setup 30 MHz - 1GHz

       Radiated Setup 1 GHz - 18 GHz

       Radiated Setup 18 GHz - 40 GHz

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                        Rev.00

       A.2      Test Equipment List

       Conducted emission Setup

                                                                                                      Cal. Due
          ID#          Device          Type/Model          Serial #      Manufacturer    Cal. Date
                   Measurement                                             Rohde &
         0027                             EMC32         1300.7010.02                        NA           NA
                     software                                              Schwarz
                     Spectrum                                              Rohde &
         0317                             FSV30            101318                       2016-04-27   2018-04-27
                     Analyzer                                              Schwarz

                                                                           Rohde &
         0532           LISN             ENV216            101321                       2016-09-13   2018-09-13

                                                                           Rohde &
         0607           LISN             ENV216            101342                       2017-09-06   2018-09-06

         0538       Transformer        Monophase          TIMM3.15        Montelem          N/A         N/A

          095       Millivoltmeter         2000           4009301         KEITHLEY      2017-11-13   2019-11-13

                     AC power
         0624                             61604          SM135546         CHROMA            N/A         N/A

         0299        Multimeter          34401A         US36065790            HP        2017-11-14   2019-11-14

       Radiated Setup

                                                          Serial         Manufactur                  Cal. Due
         ID#        Device           Type/Model                                         Cal. Date
                                                         Number             er                        Date
                   Spectrum                                                Rohde &
        0133                            FSV40             101358                        2016-04-14   2018-04-14
                   analyzer                                                Schwarz

                 Semi Anechoic                                               ETS
        0135                            FACT 3             5720                         2016-04-28   2018-04-28
                   chamber                                                 Lindgren

                 Measurement                                               Rohde &
        0530                            EMC32             100623                           N/A          N/A
                   Software                                                Schwarz

                  Log antenna                                                ETS
        0137                            3142E            00156946                       2017-12-17   2019-12-17
                30 MHz – 1 GHz                                             Lindgren
                 Double Ridge
        0325     Horn antenna            3117            00157734                       2017-08-22   2019-08-22
                1 GHz - 18 GHz
                 Double Ridged
        0141     Horn Antenna            3117            00157736                       2016-04-13   2018-04-13
                1 GHz – 18 GHz
                 Horn Antenna
        0139     18 GHz - 26.5          114514           00167100                       2016-03-16   2018-03-16
                 Horn Antenna
        0140     26.5 GHz - 40          120722           00169638                       2016-07-26   2018-07-26
       N/A: Not Applicable

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                            Rev.00

       A.3     Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation

       The measurement uncertainty evaluation is shown in the table below. The coverage probability is 95%
       (coverage factor K=2).
        Measurement type                                                     Level Uncertainty [ ±dB]
        Conducted emission                                                           ±1.45
        Radiated emission < 1GHz                                                      ±3.8
        Radiated emission 1GHz - 40 GHz                                               ±4.7

       A.4     Calibration / Correction factor

       Conducted emission

       The measured level at the spectrum analyzer in dBuV is corrected by a transducer factor taking into
       account the losses of the RF cable and the LISN as follows:

       Conducted Emission level (dBuV) = SALevel + RFCableLosses + LISNLosses

       SALevel is the voltage level displayed on the measurement receiver, in dBuV.
       RFCableLosses is the value of the cable losses between the LISN and the measurement receiver, in dB.
       LISNLosses is the value of the insertion losses of the LISN, in dB.

       Radiated emission
       The spurious received power Pr in the spectrum Analyzer is converted to Electric field strength using
       the transducer factor F corresponding to the Rx path Loss:

       F (dB)= Rx Antenna Factor + Free Space Attenuation + Cable losses – Amplifiers Gain              (All in dB)

        F (dB) is converted to field strength unit at distance D by:

       F (dBuV/m) = F(dB) + 104.8 – 20 log (D)

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                        Rev.00

       Annex B.Test Results
       B.1     Test Conditions

       The EUT is configured to operate, so that all the functions are exercised without enabling the
       The EUT, peripheral and cables are placed in the worst case configuration to maximize the emission
       during the test.
       B.2     Conducted emission

       Standard references:

         FCC part      ICES part                                          Limits
                                     Except as shown in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, for an
                                     intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public utility
                                     (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto
                                     the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies, within the band 150
                                     kHz to 30 MHz, shall not exceed the limits in the following table, as
                                     measured using a 50 μH/50 ohms line impedance stabilization network
                                     (LISN). Compliance with the provisions of this paragraph shall be based
                                     on the measurement of the radio frequency voltage between each power
                                     line and ground at the power terminal. The lower limit applies at the
                                     boundary between the frequency ranges.
                      Clause 6.1
                                                                                      Conducted limit (dBμV)
                                           Frequency of emission (MHz)
                                                                                    Quasi-peak        Average
                                       0.15-0.5                                    66 to 56*       56 to 46*
                                       0.5-5                                       56              46
                                       5-30                                        60              50

                                     *Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

       Test procedure:

       The EUT and peripherals are placed on a wooden table with a nominal size of 1.0 m by 1.5 m, raised
       80 cm above the reference ground plane. The EUT is connected to AC-Power line through a Line
       Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) to accommodate a 50 /50 µH coupling impedance for the
       measurement system. The EUT control PC is considered as a peripheric and therefore is connected to
       a second LISN which has the measurement port connected to a 50 ohms impedance.

       Each measurement is done for each current-carrying conductor (Line and Neutral) at the end plug of
       the EUT power cord. The EUT is tested in operating mode so that all the functions are exercised.

       The exploratory measurement is done over the frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz, while the
       measurement receiver is recording the Peak and Average signal at 10 kHz steps in Max Hold mode.
       The cables manipulation is performed within the range of likely configurations to determine the
       maximum emission. Once the EUT cable configuration, arrangement and mode of operation that
       produced the emission with the highest amplitude relative to the limit is found the six highest AC power-
       line conducted emissions relative to 20 dB of the limit are reported as the final measurement. If fewer
       than six emission frequencies are within 20 dB of the limit, the noise level is reported. For the final
       measurement, the measurement receiver records the Quasi Peak values with 9 kHz resolution
       bandwidth and the average values with 10 kHz resolution bandwidth.

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                                                          Rev.00

                            EUT arrangement for AC power-line conducted emission tests

                                                                                                                      Vertical conducting plane

                                                                         40 cm
              LISN                AC adapter                                                                                        LISN

                                                              10 cm                          10 cm
                                                                      Extender   EUT
                                                                                                     AC adapter

                                                                                             10 cm    Antenna
                                                              10 cm


                                                                                                                                 100 cm

                                                                                                                  Wooden table

                                                                        150 cm                                                       Ground plane

       Test Results:

                                                     150kHz – 30MHz
                                       Conducted Emission – Phase L1

                 Frequency                      Max Peak                               Avg                   Limit               Margin
                     MHz                           dBµV                            dBµV                     dBµV                   dB
                     0.2                            54.9                                --                   65.7                 10.9
                     0.2                                 --                            31.7                  55.7                 24.0
                     0.4                            45.9                                --                   59.5                 13.7
                     0.4                                 --                            32.5                  49.5                 17.0
                     3.8                            37.4                                --                   56.0                 18.6
                     3.8                                 --                            28.2                  46.0                 17.8
                     7.6                            44.0                                --                   60.0                 16.0
                     7.8                                 --                            32.1                  50.0                 17.9
                     13.5                           50.8                                --                   60.0                  9.2
                     13.6                                --                            42.6                  50.0                  7.4
                     23.9                           33.9                                --                   60.0                 26.1
                     24.0                                --                            23                    50.0                 27.0

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                      Rev.00

                                       Conducted Emission – Neutral N

                 Frequency                  Max Peak                 Avg               Limit   Margin
                    MHz                        dBµV                 dBµV               dBµV     dB
                     0.2                       55.2                   --               65.7     10.4
                     0.2                            --              30.8               55.7     24.8
                     0.4                       44.2                   --               59.6     15.4
                     0.4                            --              31.0               49.5     18.5
                     3.2                       32.8                   --               56.0     23.2
                     3.2                            --              22.1               46.0     23.9
                     8.1                       43.1                   --               60.0     16.9
                     8.0                            --              30.4               50.0     19.6
                     11.0                      44.0                   --               60.0     16.0
                     11.0                           --              32.0               50.0     18.0
                     13.5                      47.1                   --               60.0     13.1
                     13.6                           --              39.5               50.0     10.5

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                         Rev.00

       B.3     Radiated emissions

       Standard references:

         FCC part      ICES part                                          Limits
                                     Except for Class A digital devices, the field strength of radiated emissions
                                     from unintentional radiators at a distance of 3 meters shall not exceed the
                                     following values:
                                       Frequency of emission (MHz)         Field strength (microvolts/meter)
                      ICES-003         30-88                               100
         15.109 (a)
                      clause 6.2       88-216                              150
                                       216-960                             200
                                       Above 960                           500

       Test procedure:

       The EUT and peripheral are placed on a non-conductive platform, of a nominal size 1m by 1.5 m, raised
       80 cm above the reference ground plane. The radiated emission measurements are made over the
       frequency range from 30 MHz to the 5th harmonic of the highest frequency or 40 GHz, whichever is

       In the frequency range of 30 MHz to 18 GHz, the measurement antennas are set at 3 m distance from
       the EUT. While from 18 GHz to 40 GHz the antennas are set at a 1.5 m distance.

       For each spurious emission identified, the cables manipulation is performed within the range of likely
       configurations to determine the maximum emission.

       From 30 MHz to 1 GHz:

       The exploratory measurement is recording the maximum field strength generated from the EUT and
       peripheral, through the use of a Peak and Average detector with the RBW of the receiver set at 100
       kHz, in Max Hold mode. The antenna height is varied between 1 m and 4 m in both vertical and
       horizontal polarization, while the turn table is rotated continuously from 0 to 360 degrees.

       The final measurement is recording the value for each frequency whose maximum is above or close to
       the limit, through the use of a Quasi-Peak and Average detector with the RBW of the receiver set at
       (CISPR) 120 kHz, in Max Hold mode. The antenna height is varied and the turn table rotated to find the
       height and degree of the EUT’s maximum radiated emission.

       From 1 GHz to 40 GHz:

       The exploratory measurement is recording the maximum field strength generated from the EUT and
       peripheral, through the use of a Peak and Average detector with the RBW of the receiver set at 1 MHz,
       in Max Hold mode. The antenna height is varied between 1m and 4m in both vertical and horizontal
       polarization, while the turn table is rotated continuously from 0 to 360 degrees.

       The final measurement is recording the value for each frequency whose maximum is above or close to
       the limit, through the use of a Max-Peak and Average detector with the RBW of the receiver set at 3
       MHz, in Max Hold mode. The antenna height is varied and the turn table rotated to find the height and
       degree of the EUT’s maximum radiated emission.

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                      Rev.00

       Radiated Setup < 1GHz

       Radiated Setup 1 GHz - 18 GHz

       Radiated Setup 18 GHz - 40 GHz

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Test Report N°180201-02.TR44                                                                                       Rev.00

       Test Results:

                                                    30MHz – 40GHz
                                                    Radiated Emission

                 Frequency                   MaxPeak                 Avg                Limit   Margin
                    MHz                      dBµV/m               dBµV/m               dBµV/m    dB
                    115.2                      24.5                   ---               43.5     19.1
                    132.4                      29.4                   ---               43.5     14.1
                    226.2                      36.2                   ---               46.0     9.8
                    576.0                      36.4                   ---               46.0     9.7
                    640.0                      33.1                   ---               46.0     12.9
                   1113.5                      42.2                   ---               74.0     31.7
                   1113.5                           ---             36.2                54.0     17.7
                   1190.5                           ---             35.9                54.0     18.1
                   1190.5                      42.1                   ---               74.0     31.8
                   1758.0                           ---             35.1                54.0     18.8
                   1758.0                      42.8                   ---               74.0     31.2
                   1992.5                      45.6                   ---               74.0     28.4
                   15518.1                     53.1                   ---               74.0     20.9
                   15540.8                          ---             40.6                54.0     13.4
                   20297.8                          ---             31.6                54.0     22.4
                   20367.7                     43.6                   ---               74.0     30.4
                   20855.5                          ---             31.1                54.0     22.9
                   20872.1                     43.5                   ---               74.0     30.5
                   30241.9                          ---             38.8                54.0     15.2
                   30332.6                     49.8                   ---               74.0     24.1
                   37374.3                          ---             42.1                54.0     11.9
                   37394.0                     53.0                   ---               74.0     21.0
                   38032.9                          ---             41.5                54.0     12.5
                   38157.3                     52.5                   ---               74.0     21.5

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Document Created: 2018-03-20 18:12:25
Document Modified: 2018-03-20 18:12:25

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