RF Exposure Info MPE

FCC ID: PD99260D2L

RF Exposure Info

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Report No.: 1930503R—SAUSPO3VOO0                                                                     >       D E K RA

                        RF Exposure Evaluation Report

                           Product Name : Intel® Wireless—AC 9260D2WL

                           Model No.             : 9260D2WL

                           FCC ID                : PD99260D2L

                    Applicant : Intel Corporation
                    Address         _: 100 Center Point Circle Suite 200 Columbia,

                                      South Carolina 29210, United States

                                Date of Receipt          :   Mar. 30, 2019

                                Date of Declaration :         July 01, 2019

                                Report No.               :    1930503R—SAUSPO3VOO0

                                Report Version           :   V1.0

The test results relate only to the samples tested.
The test results shown in the test report are traceable to the national/international standard through the calibration report of
the equipment and evaluated measurement uncertainty herein.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by TAF or any agency of the government.
The test report shall not be reproduced without the written approval of DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd.

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Report No.: 1930503R-SAUSP03V00

                                                                       Issued Date: July 01, 2019
                                                                       Report No.: 1930503R-SAUSP03V00

      Product Name            Intel® Wireless-AC 9260D2WL

      Applicant               Intel Corporation

                              100 Center Point Circle Suite 200 Columbia, South Carolina 29210,
                              United States

      Manufacturer            INTEL MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS

      Model No.               9260D2WL

      FCC ID.                 PD99260D2L

      Trade Name              Intel

      Applicable Standard FCC 47 CFR 1.1307

      Test Result             Complied

      Documented By       :

                                                  ( Senior Adm. Specialist / Rita Huang )

      Tested By           :

                                                         ( Supervisor / Wen Lee )

      Approved By         :

                                                         ( Director / Vincent Lin )

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Report No.: 1930503R—SAUSPO3VOO0                                                       5> DEKRA

1.1.        EUT Description

 Product Name            Intel® Wireless—AC 9260D2WL

 Trade Name              Intel

 Model No.               9260D2WL

 FCC ID.                 PD99260D2L

 Frequency Range         802. 11b/g/n—20MHz:24 1 2MHz~2472MHz
                         802.11a/n—20MHz: 5180—5320MHz, 5500—5700MHz, 5720 MHz, 5745—5825MHz

                         802.11n—40MHz: 5190—5310MHz, 5510—5670MHz, 5710 MHz, 5755—5795MHz
                         802.11ac—80MHz: 5210—5290MHz, 5530—5690MHz, 5775MHz
                         802.11ac—160MHz: 5250MHz, 5570MHz
                         BT : 2402—2480MHz
 Channel Number          802.11b/g/n—20MHz: 13, n—40MHz: 9
                         802.11a/n—20MHz: 25; 802. 11n—40MHz: 12
                         802.11ac—80MHz: 6, 802.11ac—160MHz: 2

                         BT : 79 , BLE : 40
 Type of Modulation      DSSS/OFDM/BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/64QAM/256QAM/1024—QAM

                         FHSS: GFSK(1Mbps) / z /ADQPSK(2Mbps) / SDPSK(3Mbps)

 Antenna Type            Dipole Antenna

 Channel Control         Auto

 Antenna Gain            Refer to the table "Antenna List"

     Antenna List
     No. |Manufacturer              Part No.                      Antenna Type     Peak Gain
     1   |WIESON Technologies       GY121HT0321—003—H /           Dipole Antenna   2.89dBi for 2.4 GHz

                                                                                   3.19 dBi for 5.25~5.35GHz
                                                                                   4.41 dBi for 5.47~5.725GHz
                                                                                   4.22 dBi for 5.725~5.85GHz

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Report No.: 1930503R-SAUSP03V00

2.      RF Exposure Evaluation

2.1.    Limits

        According to FCC 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
        environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in 1.1307(b)
          Frequency Range        Electric Field       Magnetic Field      Power Density        Average Time
               (MHz)            Strength (V/m)        Strength (A/m)        (mW/cm2)             (Minutes)
                                    (A) Limits for Occupational/ Control Exposures
             300-1500                  --                     --              F/300                  6
           1500-100,000                --                     --                 5                   6
                              (B) Limits for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposures
             300-1500                  --                     --              F/1500                 6
           1500-100,000                --                     --                 1                   30
        F= Frequency in MHz

       Friis Formula
       Friis transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G)/(4*pi*r 2)

       Pd = power density in mW/cm2
       Pout = output power to antenna in mW
       G = gain of antenna in linear scale
       Pi = 3.1416
       R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

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Report No.: 1930503R-SAUSP03V00

2.2.          Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation

        Product         :      Intel® Wireless-AC 9260D2WL
        Test Item       :      RF Exposure Evaluation

         WLAN 2.4G Peak Gain: 2.89dBi
                               Conducted maximum Worst case
                   Frequency                                  Output Power to Power Density at  Limit
       Band                        Peak Power    Duty Cycle                                            Pass/Fail
                    (MHz)                                     Antenna (mW) R = 20 cm (mW/cm2) (mW/cm2)
                                     (dBm)          (%)

       2.4G         2442            29.68          84.04        1105.386             0.4278            1       Pass

       WLAN 5G Peak Gain: 4.41dBi
                               Conducted maximum Worst case
                   Frequency                                  Output Power to     Power Density at   Limit
       Band                      Average Power   Duty Cycle                                                 Pass/Fail
                    (MHz)                                     Antenna (mW)      R = 20 cm (mW/cm2) (mW/cm2)
                                     (dBm)          (%)

       5G           5825            23.17          69.87        296.968              0.1631            1       Pass

       Note: The Maximum conducted output power is refer to report No.: 1930503R-RFUSP25V00,
               1930503R-RFUSP30V00, 1930503R-RFUSP23V00, 1930503R-RFUSP23V00-A from the DEKRA.

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Document Created: 2019-07-24 16:16:36
Document Modified: 2019-07-24 16:16:36

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