Software Security Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                         FCC ID: PD97265NG, PD97265NGU

Software Security Description – KDB 594280 D02v01r02 Section II

General Description

1. Describe how any software/firmware update will be      There is no downloadable software provided by the
obtained, downloaded, and installed. Software that is     manufacturer that can modify critical radio transmitter
accessed through manufacturer’s website or device’s       parameters. All critical parameters are programmed in
management system, must describe the different levels     OTP memory at the factory and cannot be modified or
of security.                                              overridden by third parties.

2. Describe all the radio frequency parameters that are   There are no rf parameters that can be modified. All rf
modified by any software/firmware without any             parameters are programmed in OTP memory at the
hardware changes. Are these parameters in some way        factory and cannot be modified or overridden by third
limited, such that, it will not exceed the authorized     parties.

3. Describe in detail the authentication protocols that The firmware is programmed at the factory and cannot
are in place to ensure that the source of the           be modified by third parties.
software/firmware is legitimate. Describe in detail how
the software is protected against modification.

4. Describe in detail the verification protocols in place The firmware is programmed at the factory and cannot
to ensure that installed software/firmware is legitimate. be modified by third parties.

5. Describe in detail any encryption methods used to      The firmware is programmed at the factory and cannot
support the use of legitimate software/firmware.          be modified by third parties therefore no encryption is

6. For a device that can be configured as a master and This is a client module only.
client (with active or passive scanning), explain how the
device ensures compliance for each mode? In particular
if the device acts as master in some band of operation
and client in another; how is compliance ensured in
each band of operation?

Third‐Party Access Control

1. Explain if any third parties have the capability to    Third parties do not the capability to operate in any
operate a US sold device on any other regulatory          manner that is violation of the certification in the U.S.
domain, frequencies, or in any manner that is in
violation of the certification.

2. What prevents third parties from loading non‐US        RF parameters are programmed into OTP memory at the
versions of the software/firmware on the device?          factory and cannot be reprogrammed or re-flashed by
Describe in detail how the device is protected from       third parties.
“flashing” and the installation of third‐party firmware
such as DD‐WRT. (See, for example, http://www.dd‐

                                                                         FCC ID: PD97265NG, PD97265NGU

3. For Certified Transmitter modular devices, describe    There are no rf parameters that can be modified. All rf
how the module grantee ensures that hosts                 parameters are programmed in OTP memory at the
manufactures fully comply with these software security    factory and cannot be modified or overridden by third
requirements for U‐NII devices. If the module is          parties. The module is not controlled by driver software
controlled through driver software loaded in the host,    on the host and cannot override critical rf parameters
describe how the drivers are controlled and managed       stored in module OTP memory.
such that the modular transmitter parameters are not
modified outside the grant of authorization.



1. To whom is the UI accessible? (Professional installer, No UI provided.
end user, other.)

   a) What parameters are viewable to the professional None

  b) What parameters are accessible or modifiable to      None
the professional installer?

     i) Are the parameters in some way limited, so that The module micro-code reads the parameters from the
the installers will not enter parameters that exceed    module OTP memory. These parameters cannot be
those authorized?                                       modified or overridden by sw drivers.

     ii) What controls exist that the user cannot operate Default mode is always FCC compliant. Other country
the device outside its authorization in the U.S.?         modes cannot be activated without receiving three
                                                          independent country codes from different APs, otherwise
                                                          remains in FCC default mode (always FCC compliant)

  c) What configuration options are available to the      None

     i) Are the parameters in some way limited, so that The module micro-code reads the parameters from the
the installers will not enter parameters that exceed    module OTP memory. These parameters cannot be
those authorized?                                       modified or overridden by sw drivers.

     ii) What controls exist that the user cannot operate Default mode is always FCC compliant. Other country
the device outside its authorization in the U.S.?         modes cannot be activated without receiving three
                                                          independent country codes from different APs, otherwise
                                                          remains in FCC default mode (always FCC compliant)

   d) Is the country code factory set? Can it be changed Default country code is set in the factory and no UI is
in the UI?                                               provided for modification.

     i) If so, what controls exist to ensure that the     Programmed for default mode which is always FCC
device can only operate within its authorization in the   compliant. Always set for default for all start-ups, resets,
                                                          timeouts or other host or network events.

                                                                         FCC ID: PD97265NG, PD97265NGU


   e) What are the default parameters when the device Always FCC compliant
is restarted?

2. Can the radio be configured in bridge or mesh mode? No
If yes, an attestation may be required. Further
information is available in KDB Publication 905462 D02.

3. For a device that can be configured as a master and This is a client device.
client (with active or passive scanning),if this is user
configurable, describe what controls exist, within the UI,
to ensure compliance for each mode. If the device acts
as a master in some bands and client in others, how is
this configured to ensure compliance?

4. For a device that can be configured as different types This device is not an access point.
of access points, such as point‐to‐point or point‐to‐
multipoint, and use different types of antennas,
describe what controls exist to ensure compliance with
applicable limits and the proper antenna is used for
each mode of operation. (See Section 15.407(a))

Name and surname of applicant (or authorized representative):

Date:    May 11, 2015                                         Signature:

Document Created: 2017-08-09 19:12:42
Document Modified: 2017-08-09 19:12:42

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