Al Near Field Measurement

FCC ID: PD918265NG

RF Exposure Info

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                                        TEST REPORT
 EUT Description                      Wireless Module installed in 2 in 1 PC/Tablet

 Brand Name                           Intel® Model 18265 inside Dell Model P73G

 Model Name                           18265NGW

 FCC/IC ID                            FCC ID: PD918265NG/IC ID: 1000M-18265NG

 Date of Test Start/End               2017-11-24 / 2017-12-01
                                      WiGig + 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Wireless LAN + BDR/EDR 2.1 + BLE 4.2
                                      (see section 5)

 Applicant                            Intel Mobile Communications

 Address                              100 Center Point Circle, Suite 200 / Columbia, SC 29210 / United States

 Contact Person                       Steven Hackett

 Telephone/Fax/ Email       

                                      FCC 47 CFR Part §2.1093
 Reference Standards                  FCC 47 CFR Part §15.255(f)
                                      (see section 1)
 RF Exposure Environment              Portable devices - General population/uncontrolled exposure

 Test separation distance             5 mm (from probe sensor to evaluation plane)

 Test Report identification           161114-01.TR01

 Revision Control                     This test report revision replaces any previous test report revision
                                      (see section 8)

The test results relate only to the samples tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced in full, without written approval of the laboratory.

                               Intel Mobile Communications France S.A.S – WRF Lab
                               425 rue de Goa – Le Cargo B6 - 06600, Antibes, France
                                       Tel. +33493001400 / Fax +33493001401
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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

Table of Contents
1.     Standards, reference documents and applicable test methods ......................................................................... 3
2.     General conditions, competences and guarantees ............................................................................................. 3
3.     Environmental Conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 3
4.     Test samples ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
5.     EUT Features ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
6.     Remarks and comments ......................................................................................................................................... 5
7.     Associated Documents ........................................................................................................................................... 5
8.     Document Revision History .................................................................................................................................... 5
                    Test & System Description ....................................................................................................................... 6
     A.1     POWER DENSITY DEFINITION ................................................................................................................................. 6
     A.2     SPEAG FREE SPACE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ....................................................................................................... 6
       A.2.1        Measurement Setup .................................................................................................................................................... 6
       A.2.2        E-Field Measurement Probe ........................................................................................................................................ 7
       A.2.3        Worst Case Linearization Error.................................................................................................................................... 8
       A.2.4        Data Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
     A.3     SYSTEM CHECK .................................................................................................................................................. 10
     A.4     TEST EQUIPMENT LIST ........................................................................................................................................ 11
       A.4.1        System #2.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
       A.4.2        Shared Equipment ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
     A.5     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY EVALUATION ......................................................................................................... 12
                    Test Results ............................................................................................................................................. 13
     B.1     TEST CONDITIONS............................................................................................................................................... 13
       B.1.1        Test signal, Output power and Test Frequencies ...................................................................................................... 13
       B.1.2        Measurement configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 13
     B.2     SYSTEM CHECK MEASUREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 13
     B.3     TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................... 14
                    Test System Plots.................................................................................................................................... 15
                    Photographs ............................................................................................................................................ 24
     D.1     TEST SETUP ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
     D.2     TEST SAMPLE ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
                    Calibration Certificates ........................................................................................................................... 26

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

1. Standards, reference documents and applicable test methods
    1. FCC 47 CFR Part §2.1093 – Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: portable devices.
    2. FCC 47 CFR Part 15 – Subpart C – §15.255 Operation within the band 57-64 GHz.
    3. SPEAG Application Note – 5G Compliance Testing with DASY6 (5GModule V1.0Beta)

2. General conditions, competences and guarantees
   Intel Mobile Communications France SAS Wireless RF Lab (Intel WRF Lab) is a testing laboratory competent to
    perform this testing.
   Intel WRF Lab only provides testing services and is committed to providing reliable, unbiased test results and
   Intel WRF Lab is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related to the item
    under test and the results of the test.
   Intel WRF Lab has developed calibration and proficiency programs for its measurement equipment to ensure
    correlated and reliable results to its customers.
   This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
   This report does not imply an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies or competent Authorities.

3. Environmental Conditions
        At the site where the measurements were performed the following limits were not exceeded during the tests:

                                           Temperature               21ºC ± 1ºC

                                                Humidity             30% ± 10%

4. Test samples
 Sample        Control #          Description               Model              Serial #    Date of receipt      Note
                               Wireless Module
                                                      18265NGW inside
             161114-01.S03        installed in                                   N/A        2016-12-12          NA
                              conventional laptop
             161114-01.S04        AC Adapter                 NA              72438-69N-     2016-12-12          NA

5. EUT Features
 Brand Name                          Intel® Model 18265 inside Dell Model P73G
 Model Name                          18265NGW
 FCC/IC ID                           FCC ID: PD918265NG/IC ID: 1000M-18265NG
 Software Version                    1.9.0-04603
 Prototype / Production              Production
 Host Identification                 P73G series
 Exposure Conditions                 Localized free space power density
                                      WiGig                                   60GHz (57.24 – 63.72 GHz)
                                      802.11b/g/n                             2.4GHz (2400.0 – 2483.5 MHz)
                                      802.11a/n/ac                            5.2GHz (5150.0 – 5250.0 MHz)
 Supported Radios                                                             5.3GHz (5250.0 – 5350.0 MHz)
                                                                              5.6GHz (5470.0 – 5725.0 MHz)
                                                                              5.8GHz (5725.0 – 5825.0 MHz)
                                      Bluetooth                               2.4GHz (2400.0 – 2483.5 MHz)
 Antenna Information                 RFEM3 (10101RRFW)

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6. Remarks and comments
  1. Per the location of the active antenna array (a.k.a. RFEM3) in the Dell model P73G platform, the distance between
     the antenna arrays to the body of an end user, at the closest contact point, will be in the near-field.
  2. In order to prove that during typical use the energy goes in most cases away from the human body, several tests
     of beamforming behavior were performed under different use case conditions. The results are presented in the
     associated document [2].
  3. These tests are supported by a determination of the near-field average power density performed using an EM
     simulation supported by a near-field measurement. An EM simulation that includes the RFEM 3 transmitter model
     embedded inside the Dell model P73G is used to determine the worst case configuration and the correspondent
     near-field power density. This worst case power density which is a conservative case considering that the energy
     is always oriented toward the human body is also supported by a near-field measurement. The simulation method
     is described in associated document [2]. The simulation results and the near-field measurement results are
     described in [3].

7. Associated Documents
   [1] 161114-Dell P73G - Theory of Operation Report
   [2] 161114-Dell P73G - MPE Simulation Report
   [3] 161114-Dell P73G - Simulations and Measurements Comparisons and Compliance Descriptions Report

8. Document Revision History
  Revision #           Date           Modified by     Revision Details
   Rev. 00          2017-12-04      I. Kharrat        First Issue
   Rev. 01          2018-01-19      K. RIDA           Revision 01 according to FCC comments

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                              Test & System Description
A.1       Power Density Definition
The power density for an electromagnetic field represents the rate of energy transfer per unit area.
The local power density (i.e. Poynting vector) at a given spatial point is deduced from electromagnetic fields by the
following formula:
                                                𝑃𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑙 = Re ( 𝐸⃗ × 𝐻⃗ ∗)

Where 𝐸⃗ is the complex electric field peak phasor and 𝐻  ⃗ ∗ is the complex conjugate magnetic field peak phasor.
This power density is also called “single-point” or “spot power density”.
Considering that the FCC’s Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit is applicable on the average power density
inside 1cm2 area, the single point power densities in the evaluation plane should be averaged inside the 1cm 2 area.

A.2       SPEAG free space Measurement System

A.2.1     Measurement Setup
The DASY6 system for performing compliance tests consists of the following items:

     A standard high precision 6-axis robot (Staübli TX/RX family) with controller, teach pendant and software. It includes
      an arm extension for accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE)
     An isotropic field probe optimized and calibrated for the targeted measurements.
     A data acquisition electronics (DAE) which performs the signal amplification, signal multiplexing, AD-conversion,
      offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision detection, etc. The unit is battery powered with
      standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal is optically transmitted to the EOC.
     The Electro-optical Converter (EOC) performs the conversion from optical to electrical signals for the digital
      communication to the DAE. The EOC signal is transmitted to the measurement server.
     The function of the measurement server is to perform the time critical tasks such as signal filtering, control of the
      robot operation and fast movements interrupts.
     The Light Beam used is for probe alignment. This improves the (absolute) accuracy of the probe positioning.
     A computer running Win7 professional operating system and the cDASY6 software.
     Remote control and teach pendant as well as additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning lamps, etc.

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

A.2.2        E-Field Measurement Probe
The probe consists of two dipoles (0.8 mm length) optimally arranged with different angles (γ1 and γ2) to obtain pseudo-
vector information, printed on glass substrate protected by high density foam that allows low perturbation of the
measured field.
Three or more measurements are taken for different probe rotational angles, deriving the amplitude and polarization
The probe’s characteristics are:

    Frequency Range                       750 MHz – 110 GHz1
    Length                                       320 mm
    Probe tip external diameter                    8 mm
    Probe’s two dipoles length            0.9mm – Diode loaded
                                        Quartz 0.9 x 20 x 0.18mm
    Probe’s substrate
    Distance between diode sensors                1.5 mm
    and probe’s tip
    Axial Isotropy                                ±0.6 dB
    Maximum operating E-field                    3000 V/m
    Lower E-field detection threshold       5 V/m @ 60 GHz
    Minimum Mechanical separation
    between probe tip and a Surface
    Calibration reference point               Diode Sensor

    The probe calibration range is 750 MHz – 90 GHz
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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

A.2.3     Worst Case Linearization Error
For continuously transmitting signals (100% duty cycle), the worst case linearization error is given by the difference
between non linearized voltage and linearized voltage using CW parameters. The error is increasing with the voltage
levels. In our particular case, the measured voltages averaged over the signal period are below 1mV. We use 1mV in
the below calculation to have the worst case condition. The signal PAR (Peak to Average Ratio) is 6dB and the diode
compression point 100mV.

The maximum voltage through the diode is given by:

                                              vpeak = vmeas avg × PARlinear
                                                    𝑣𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘=1∗4=4 𝑚𝑉

The linearized voltage using CW parameter is given by:
                                     𝑣𝑙𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 = 𝑣𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 +
                                                             𝑑𝑖𝑜𝑑𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡
                                              𝑣𝑙𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 = 4 +         = 4.16 𝑚𝑉

The worst case linearization error is:
                                                       𝑣𝑙𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 4.16
                                         𝑙𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 =            =     = 1.04 = 4%
                                                        𝑣 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘    4

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A.2.4     Data Evaluation
    A.2.4.1 Scan
The scan involves the measurement of two planes with three different probe rotations. The grid steps are optimized by
the software based on the test frequency. The location of the lowest measurement plane is defined by the distance of
first measurement layer from device under test (DUT) entered by the user. The DUT location settings can be used to
offset the center of the grid.

    A.2.4.2 Total Field and Power Flux Density Reconstruction
Computation of the power density in general requires knowledge of the electric (E-) and magnetic (H-) field amplitudes
and phases in the plane of incidence. Reconstruction of these quantities from pseudo-vector E-field measurements is
feasible, as they are constrained by Maxwell's equations.
The reconstruction algorithm developed by the system manufacturer, together with the ability of the probe to measure
extremely close to the source without perturbing the field, permits reconstruction of the E- and H-fields, as well as of the
power density, on measurement planes located as near as 0.5mm away in the frequency band of 60 GHz.

The average of the reconstructed power density is evaluated over a circular area in each measurement plane. The area
of the circle is defined by the user; the default is 1 cm 2.

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

A.3      System Check
The system performance check verifies that the system operates within its specifications. System and operator errors
can be detected and corrected. It is recommended that the system performance check be performed prior to any usage
of the system in order to guarantee reproducible results.
The system performance check uses normal E-field measurements in a simplified setup with a well characterized
source. This setup was selected to give a high sensitivity to all parameters that might fail or vary over time. The system
check does not intend to replace the calibration of the components, but indicates situations where the system uncertainty
is exceeded due to drift or failure.
In the simplified setup for system check, the EUT is replaced by a calibrated source and the power source is replaced
by a controlled continuous wave generated by a signal generator. The calibrated source must be placed at the correct
distance from the E-field probe according to the calibration certificate.

First, the power meter is connected to the output of the signal generator to measure the forward power at the location
of the connector to the system check source. The signal generator is adjusted for the desired forward power to match
the system check source calibration setup at the connector as read by power meter. Then the power meter is replaced
by the system check source.

The output power on the reference source is set to 5.35 dBm (3.43 mW) and E-field results are normalized to a forward
power of 10mW to compare the values with the calibration report.

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

A.4      Test Equipment List

A.4.1    System #2
   ID#          Device               Type/Model             Serial #         Manufacturer   Cal. Date    Cal. Due Date
                                     cDASY6 5G
  0638     Measurement SW               module           9-5ED1AC01             SPEAG          NA             NA
  0636      Light Beam Unit            LB5 / 80              1030               Di-Soric       NA             NA
  0628       6-axis Robot              TX60 L           F17/RCB1/A/01          STAÜBLI         NA             NA
            Robot Remote           P/N: SE UMS 032
  0631                                                        NA               STAÜBLI         NA             NA
               Control                    AA
                                   SE UMS 028 BB             1547               SPEAG          NA             NA

  0633                                 EOC60                 1104               SPEAG          NA             NA
           E-field mm-Wave
  0575                               EUmmWV2                 9354               SPEAG       2017-05-08    2018-05-08
            Data Acquisition
  0657                                  DAE4                 1519               SPEAG       2017-07-12    2018-07-12
  0658       5G Phantom                  5G                   NA                SPEAG          NA             NA
           5G Phantom table
  0635                                  Table                 NA                SPEAG          NA             NA

A.4.2    Shared Equipment
   ID#            Device              Type/Model            Serial #         Manufacturer   Cal. Date    Cal. Due Date
                                                       Logger: 62180216
             Temperature &           TR-72NW-H +
  0398                                                     Sensor:               TandD      2016-02-01    2018-02-01
             Humidity Logger          HHA-3151
           Frequency Multiplier,
  0427                                  SMZ75               101257                R&S          N/A           N/A
  0309      Signal Generator           SMB100A              178217                R&S       2017-03-10    2019-03-10
  0012         Power Meter               NRP2               101567                R&S          N/A           N/A
  0014        Power Sensor             NRP-Z57              101280                R&S       2017-04-25    2019-04-25
  0590    Horn reference source       PE9881-24             201715            Pasternack    2017-05-08    2019-05-08

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

A.5       Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation
 The system uncertainty evaluation is shown in the below table:

                                                Uncertainty Budget
                                Based on IEC 62209 Standard Family (28 - 90 GHz range)

         Error Description        Uncertainty    Probability         Div.             (ci)    Std. Unc.           (vi)
                                    Value        Distribution                                   (±dB)             veff
      Measurement System
         Probe Calibration            0.43            N               1                1         0.43              ∞
      Hemispherical Isotropy          0.60            R               √3               1         0.35              ∞
              Linearity               0.20            R               √3               1         0.12              ∞
      System Detection Limits         0.04            R               √3               1         0.02              ∞
       Modulation Response*           0.17            R               √3               1         0.10              ∞
        Readout Electronics           0.01            N               1                1         0.01              ∞
          Response Time               0.03            R               √3               1         0.02              ∞
          Integration Time            0.11            R               √3               1         0.06              ∞
         RF Ambient Noise             0.04            R               √3               1         0.02              ∞
      RF Ambient Reflections          0.21            R               √3               1         0.12              ∞
          Probe Positioner            0.04            R               √3               1         0.02              ∞
         Probe Positioning            0.11            R               √3               1         0.06              ∞
        Savg Reconstruction           0.61            R               √3               1         0.35              ∞
       Test Sample Related
             Power Drift              0.57            R               √3               1         0.33              ∞
           Power Scaling              0.00            R               √3               1         0.00              ∞
                                 Combined Std. Uncertainty                                       0.77              ∞
                                Expanded Std. Uncertainty                                        1.54

* The modulation response contribution in A.5 is calculated according to 4% linearization error of A.2.3 by :

  Uncertainty Modulation Response (dB)= 10log(1+0.04)= 0.17

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                                  Test Results
B.1         Test Conditions

B.1.1       Test signal, Output power and Test Frequencies
The device under test was an Intel 18265NGW WiGig module (FCC ID: PD918265NG), including an active antenna
array, embedded inside the Dell model P73G.
The device was put into operation by using an Intel Proprietary software (DRTU version 1.9.0-04603).

B.1.2       Measurement configuration
The measurements were performed at several distances from the evaluation plane (see Annex E) using the 4 worst
cases power density configurations (see table below) found in the simulation among the 6 worst cases corresponding
to three subsets (2 worst cases per subset). The simulation method is described in associated document [2]. The
simulation results are presented in Annex D.

                    Plane         MCS index1                                                     Measurement   Scan Plane
                                                     Subset         Channel       Worst-case
                   position       @ Duty Cycle                                                     Distance     size [cm2]
                                    MCS 1
     Case #1     Base plane                             1               1              1             5 mm       4.23x4.23
                                    @ 100%
                                    MCS 1
     Case #2     Base plane                             1               2              1             5 mm       4.23x4.23
                                    @ 100%
                                    MCS 1
     Case #3     Base plane                             1               3              1             5 mm       4.23x4.23
                                    @ 100%
                                    MCS 1
     Case #4     Base plane                             1               1              2             5 mm       4.23x4.23
                                    @ 100%
     Case #5                        MCS 1
                 Base plane                             3               1              1             5 mm       4.23x4.23
                                    @ 100%
     Case #6                        MCS 1
                 Base plane                             3               2              1             5 mm       4.23x4.23
                                    @ 100%

B.2         System Check Measurements
                                              Target E-field 2     Measured E-field 2          Deviation
       Frequency              Signal Type                                                                        Date
                                                  (V/m)                 (V/m)                    (%)
        60 GHz          Continuous Wave            90.3                  96.5                    6.87          2017-11-24

The fields presented in the System Check Measurements table are RMS values normalized to 10 mW input power.
Indeed, as indicated in the calibration certificate of the reference horn antenna (see Annex F), the maximum measured
E-field value at 10 mm is 67.91 V/m with 7.53 dBm (5.66 mW) source power. This is equivalent to 90.3 V/m target E-
field value showed in the table above normalized to 10 dBm (10 mW) source power.

The system check measurement is performed at 5.35 3 dBm (3.43 mW) source power. The maximum measured E-field
value is 56.5 V/m (see plot 7 in Annex C). This is equivalent to 96.5 V/m measured E-field value showed in the table
above normalized to 10 dBm source power.

    MCS1 Modulation and coding scheme uses π/2-BPSK modulation
    Normalized to 10mW
    5.35 dBm is the maximum power level of the mmW source power
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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

B.3      Test Results

                                                                       Max localized      Spatially
                      Distance     Max E-Field      Max H-Field
      Test case                                                             PD         Averaged PD    Plot #
                       (mm)          [V/m]            [A/m]
                                                                        [mW/cm2]         [mW/cm2]
       Case #1             5         71.1753            0.204              0.664          0.3925         1
       Case #2             5         78.3291           0.2632              0.763          0.3756         2
       Case #3             5         75.2339            0.186               0.69          0.2907         3
       Case #4             5         70.7634           0.2206              0.7075         0.2946         4
       Case #5             5         83.0713           0.1984              0.8084         0.2370         5
       Case #6             5         76.9413           0.2441              0.8233         0.3132         6

All fields’ strength showed in the table are peak values.
The measured PAPR level of the modulation used in the tests is 5 dB.

The measurement distance correspond to the distance from the probe sensor and evaluation plane boundary. The figure
in section A.2.2 illustrates the measurement distance of 2 mm.

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                           Test System Plots
1.       Case # 1 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane……………………………………………………………... 16

2.       Case # 2 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane……………………………………………………………... 17

3.       Case # 3 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane……………………………………………………………... 18

4.       Case # 4 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane……………………………………………………………... 19

5.       Case # 5 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane……………………………………………………………... 20

6.       Case # 6 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane……………………………………………………………... 21

7.       System Check 60 GHz……………………………………………………………............................................... 22

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                       1. Case # 1 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane
DUT: Sample 161114-01.S03; Type: RFEM-3; Serial: N/A
Communication System: UID 0, Wi-Gig (0); Communication System Band: 60 GHz; Frequency: 58320MHz;
Communication System PAR: 0 dB
Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 0 kg/m3
Phantom section: Table Section
Measurement Standard: DASY6 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19-2011)
DASY Configuration:
    Probe: EUmmW - SN9354; ConvF(1, 1, 1); Calibrated: 2017-02-23;
          o Modulation Compensation:
    Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface), z = 5 mm
    Electronics: DAE4 Sn1519; Calibrated: 2017-07-12
    Phantom: Cover; Type: SPEAG Phantom Cover;
    cDASY6 5G Module V1.0.0.12565;

Channel 1-Distance-5mm/Measure Sample 161114-01.S03 (42.3x42.3):
Resolution = 1.28 mm

 Measured E-field                                            Reconstructed H-field (from Measured E-field)
 Maximum value = 71.1753 V/m - Peak                          Maximum value = 0.2040 A/m - Peak

 Reconstructed localized free space power density            Reconstructed Spatially Averaged power density
 Maximum value = 0.6640 mW/cm2                               Maximum value = 0.3925 mW/cm2

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                       2. Case # 2 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane
DUT: Sample 161114-01.S03; Type: RFEM-3; Serial: N/A
Communication System: UID 0, Wi-Gig (0); Communication System Band: 60 GHz; Frequency: 60480MHz;
Communication System PAR: 0 dB
Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 0 kg/m3
Phantom section: Table Section
Measurement Standard: DASY6 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19-2011)
DASY Configuration:
    Probe: EUmmW - SN9354; ConvF(1, 1, 1); Calibrated: 2017-02-23;
          o Modulation Compensation:
    Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface), z = 5 mm
    Electronics: DAE4 Sn1519; Calibrated: 2017-07-12
    Phantom: Cover; Type: SPEAG Phantom Cover;
    cDASY6 5G Module V1.0.0.12565;

Channel 2-Distance-5mm/Measure Sample 161114-01.S03 (42.3x42.3):
Resolution = 1.24 mm

 Measured E-field                                            Reconstructed H-field (from Measured E-field)
 Maximum value = 78.3291 V/m - Peak                          Maximum value = 0.2632 A/m - Peak

 Reconstructed localized free space power density            Reconstructed Spatially Averaged power density
 Maximum value = 0.7630 mW/cm2                               Maximum value = 0.3756 mW/cm2

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                       3. Case # 3 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane
DUT: Sample 161114-01.S03; Type: RFEM-3; Serial: N/A
Communication System: UID 0, Wi-Gig (0); Communication System Band: 60 GHz; Frequency: 62640MHz;
Communication System PAR: 0 dB
Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 0 kg/m3
Phantom section: Table Section
Measurement Standard: DASY6 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19-2011)
DASY Configuration:
    Probe: EUmmW - SN9354; ConvF(1, 1, 1); Calibrated: 2017-02-23;
          o Modulation Compensation:
    Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface), z = 5 mm
    Electronics: DAE4 Sn1519; Calibrated: 2017-07-12
    Phantom: Cover; Type: SPEAG Phantom Cover;
    cDASY6 5G Module V1.0.0.12565;

Channel 3-Distance-5mm/Measure Sample 161114-01.S03 (42.3x42.3):
Resolution = 1.19 mm

 Measured E-field                                            Reconstructed H-field (from Measured E-field)
 Maximum value = 75.2339 V/m - Peak                          Maximum value = 0.1860 A/m - Peak

 Reconstructed localized free space power density            Reconstructed Spatially Averaged power density
 Maximum value = 0.6900 mW/cm2                               Maximum value = 0.2907 mW/cm2

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                       4. Case # 4 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane
DUT: Sample 161114-01.S03; Type: RFEM-3; Serial: N/A
Communication System: UID 0, Wi-Gig (0); Communication System Band: 60 GHz; Frequency: 58320MHz;
Communication System PAR: 0 dB
Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 0 kg/m3
Phantom section: Table Section
Measurement Standard: DASY6 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19-2011)
DASY Configuration:
    Probe: EUmmW - SN9354; ConvF(1, 1, 1); Calibrated: 2017-02-23;
          o Modulation Compensation:
    Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface), z = 5 mm
    Electronics: DAE4 Sn1519; Calibrated: 2017-07-12
    Phantom: Cover; Type: SPEAG Phantom Cover;
    cDASY6 5G Module V1.0.0.12565;

Channel 1-Distance-5mm/Measure Sample 161114-01.S03 (42.3x42.3):
Resolution = 1.28 mm

 Measured E-field                                            Reconstructed H-field (from Measured E-field)
 Maximum value = 70.7634 V/m - Peak                          Maximum value = 0.2206 A/m - Peak

 Reconstructed localized free space power density            Reconstructed Spatially Averaged power density
 Maximum value = 0.7075 mW/cm2                               Maximum value = 0.2946 mW/cm2

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                       5. Case # 5 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane
DUT: Sample 161114-01.S03; Type: RFEM-3; Serial: N/A
Communication System: UID 0, Wi-Gig (0); Communication System Band: 60 GHz; Frequency: 58320MHz;
Communication System PAR: 0 dB
Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 0 kg/m3
Phantom section: Table Section
Measurement Standard: DASY6 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19-2011)
DASY Configuration:
    Probe: EUmmW - SN9354; ConvF(1, 1, 1); Calibrated: 2017-02-23;
          o Modulation Compensation:
    Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface), z = 5 mm
    Electronics: DAE4 Sn1519; Calibrated: 2017-07-12
    Phantom: Cover; Type: SPEAG Phantom Cover;
    cDASY6 5G Module V1.0.0.12565;

Channel 1-Distance-5mm/Measure Sample 161114-01.S03 (42.3x42.3):
Resolution = 1.28 mm

 Measured E-field                                            Reconstructed H-field (from Measured E-field)
 Maximum value = 83.0713 V/m - Peak                          Maximum value = 0.1984 A/m - Peak

 Reconstructed localized free space power density            Reconstructed Spatially Averaged power density
 Maximum value = 0.8084 mW/cm2                               Maximum value = 0.2370 mW/cm2

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                       6. Case # 6 – 5 mm distance from Evaluation plane
DUT: Sample 161114-01.S03; Type: RFEM-3; Serial: N/A
Communication System: UID 0, Wi-Gig (0); Communication System Band: 60 GHz; Frequency: 60480 MHz;
Communication System PAR: 0 dB
Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 0 kg/m3
Phantom section: Table Section
Measurement Standard: DASY6 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19-2011)
DASY Configuration:
    Probe: EUmmW - SN9354; ConvF(1, 1, 1); Calibrated: 2017-02-23;
          o Modulation Compensation:
    Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface), z = 5 mm
    Electronics: DAE4 Sn1519; Calibrated: 2017-07-12
    Phantom: Cover; Type: SPEAG Phantom Cover;
    cDASY6 5G Module V1.0.0. 12565;

Channel 2-Distance-5mm/Measure Sample 161114-01.S03 (42.3x42.3):
Resolution = 1.24 mm

 Measured E-field                                            Reconstructed H-field (from Measured E-field)
 Maximum value = 76.9413 V/m - Peak                          Maximum value = 0.2441 A/m - Peak

 Reconstructed localized free space power density            Reconstructed Spatially Averaged power density
 Maximum value = 0.8233 mW/cm2                               Maximum value = 0.3132 mW/cm2

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                                        7. System Check 60 GHz
DUT: Horn reference source; Type: PE9881-24; Serial: 201715
Communication System: UID 0, Wi-Gig (0); Communication System Band: 60 GHz; Frequency: 60000 MHz;
Communication System PAR: 0 dB
Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 0 kg/m3
Phantom section: Table Section
Measurement Standard: DASY6 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19-2011)
DASY Configuration:
    Probe: EUmmW - SN9354 ; ConvF(1, 1, 1); Calibrated: 2017-02-23;
          o Modulation Compensation:
    Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface), z = 10 mm
    Electronics: DAE4 Sn1519; Calibrated: 2017-07-12
    Phantom: Cover; Type: SPEAG Phantom Cover;
    cDASY6 5G Module V1.0.0. 12565;

Distance-10mm/Measure Horn reference source (36x36):
Resolution = 1.25 mm
Maximum value measured: 56.5 V/m (RMS) for 5.35 dBm input power.

The plots below show the comparison between the calibration certificate and the system check results in terms of
normalized E-field distribution and the 1D variation along the two axis of the maximum.

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

 Calibration Certificate                                        System Check
  -   scan area: 30 mm x 16 mm                                   -    scan area:30 mm x 16 mm
  -   Resolution: 1 mm                                           -    Resolution: 1 mm

                           Field variation through the maximum along the E-field polarization

                           Field variation through the maximum along the H-field polarization

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

D.1      Test Setup
                                       Evaluation plane Position

                                          Measurement Setup

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

D.2      Test Sample
                                              Sample #01

                                           Laptop Front view

                                          Laptop Bottom view

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Test Report N° 161114-01.TR01

                           Calibration Certificates
                   ID              Device            Type/Model           Serial Number   Manufacturer

                            E-field mm-Wave
                 0575                                 EUmmWV2                  9354         SPEAG

                                Horn reference
                 0590                                 PE9881-24               201715       Pasternack

                                    Calibration certificates are in attachment

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Document Created: 2018-01-23 19:54:59
Document Modified: 2018-01-23 19:54:59

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