RF FCC Far Field EIRP Measurement Test Report

FCC ID: PD917265NG

RF Exposure Info

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TESTING CERT #3478.01                                      TEST REPORT
      EUT Description                                    Wireless Gigabit radio installed in a Dell convertible 2 in 1 laptop

      Brand                                              Intel® Tri-Band Wireless-AC 17265
      Model                                              17265NGW
                                                         Host Laptop: ZAU7002850
      Serial Number
                                                         (see section 4)
      FCC/IC ID                                          FCC ID: PD917265NG
                                                         Test SW: DRTU version 1.7.6-1123
      Hardware/Software Version
                                                         Driver ver.: 1.1.3028
      Date of Sample Receipt                             2015-05-21

      Date of start/end of Tests                         Start : 2015-05-26   End: 2015-06-19
      Date of issue                                      2015-08-05
                                                         Module: WiGig + 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless LAN + BT 4.1
      Features                                           Host: Dell P58G
                                                         (see section 5)

      Applicant                                          Intel Mobile Communications
                                                         100 Center Point Circle, Suite 200
      Address                                            Columbia, South Carolina 29210
      Contact Person                                     Steven Hackett

      Telephone/Fax/ Email                               steven.c.hackett@intel.com

                                                         FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15.255
      Reference Standards
                                                         (see section 1)

      Test Report number                                 15052702.TR01

      Revision Control                                   Rev. 04

          The test results relate only to the samples tested.
          The test report shall not be reproduced in full, without written approval of the laboratory.

                        Issued by                                      Reviewed by                                   Approved by
                                                                              Digitally signed by Jose M.
                                                                                                                           Digitally signed by Nawfal ASRIH
                            Digitally signed by Jose M. FORTES                FORTES
                                                                                                                           DN: cn=Nawfal ASRIH, o=Intel
                            DN: cn=Jose M. FORTES, o=Intel                    DN: cn=Jose M. FORTES, o=Intel               Mobile Communications,
                            Mobile Communications, ou=WRF                     Mobile Communications,                       ou=Wireless RF Lab,
                            Lab,                                              ou=WRF Lab,                                  email=nawfal.asrih@intel.com, c=FR
                            email=jose.m.fortes.lopez@intel.co                email=jose.m.fortes.lopez@intel.             Date: 2015.08.31 10:10:48 +02'00'
                            m, c=FR                                           com, c=FR                                    Adobe Acrobat DC version:
                            Date: 2015.08.31 10:06:53 +02'00'                                                              2015.006.30060
                                                                              Date: 2015.08.31 10:07:09

                    Jose M. FORTES                                   Jose M. FORTES                                 Nawfal ASRIH
                  (Technical Manager)                              (Technical Manager)                           (Laboratory Manager)

                               Intel Mobile Communications France S.A.S – WRF Lab
                  Le Navigator B - 505 route des Lucioles - 06905, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, FRANCE
                                        Tel. +33493001400 / Fax +33493001401

Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                                                                                           Rev. 04

       Table of Contents
       1.      Standards, reference documents and applicable test methods ............................................... 3
       2.      General conditions, competences and guarantees .................................................................... 3
       3.      Environmental Conditions............................................................................................................. 3
       4.      Test samples ................................................................................................................................... 3
       5.      EUT features ................................................................................................................................... 4
       6.      Remarks and comments ................................................................................................................ 4
       7.      Test Verdicts summary .................................................................................................................. 4
       8.      Document Revision History .......................................................................................................... 4
       Annex A.               Test & System Description ............................................................................................. 5
            A.1    TEST CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 5
            A.2    MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................ 5
            A.3    TEST EQUIPMENT LIST ................................................................................................................................... 5
            A.4    MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY EVALUATION...................................................................................................... 6
              A.4.1     Aperture Probe Gain Characterization ............................................................................................ 6
              A.4.2     EUT Measurement. .......................................................................................................................... 6
            A.5    POWER SENSOR CONSIDERATION AND PULSE RESPONSE...................................................................................... 7
       Annex B.               Test Results ...................................................................................................................... 8
            B.1       DUTY CYCLE ................................................................................................................................................ 8
            B.2       EIRP & POWER DENSITY ............................................................................................................................. 13
       Annex C.               Aperture Probe Antenna Characterization .................................................................. 17
            C.1    DESCRIPTION OF THE ANTENNA..................................................................................................................... 17
            C.2    DERIVATION OF CHARACTERIZATION EQUATIONS .............................................................................................. 17
            C.3    CHARACTERIZATION PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................... 18
            C.4    CHARACTERIZATION RESULTS AND VALIDATION ................................................................................................ 19
              C.4.1     Far-Field Distance .......................................................................................................................... 19
              C.4.2     Probe Gain ..................................................................................................................................... 19
              C.4.3     Validation ...................................................................................................................................... 20
       Annex D.               Photographs ................................................................................................................... 21

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                       Rev. 04

       1. Standards, reference documents and applicable test methods
         1. FCC 47 CFR part 2 – Subpart C – §15.255 Operation within the band 57-64 GHz.

       2. General conditions, competences and guarantees
          Intel Mobile Communications Wireless RF Lab (Intel WRF Lab) is a testing laboratory accredited
           by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA).
          Intel Mobile Communications Wireless RF Lab (Intel WRF Lab) is an Accredited Test Firm listed
           by the FCC, with Designation Number FR0011.
          Intel WRF Lab only provides testing services and is committed to providing reliable, unbiased
           test results and interpretations.
          Intel WRF Lab is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information
           related to the item under test and the results of the test.
          Intel WRF Lab has developed calibration and proficiency programs for its measurement
           equipment to ensure correlated and reliable results to its customers.
          This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
          This report does not imply an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies or competent
          Complete or partial reproduction of the report cannot be made without written permission of Intel
           WRF Lab.

       3. Environmental Conditions
              At the site where the measurements were performed the following limits were not exceeded
               during the tests:

                                        Temperature              22ºC ± 2ºC

                                          Humidity                 50% ± 5%

       4. Test samples

                                                                                                    Date of
       Sample         Control #    Description             Model                    Serial #
                   15052702.S01       Laptop            Dell P58G               ZAU7002850        2015-05-21
         #01                                                                    CN-04H6NV-
                   15052702.S02                      Dell DA45NM131           48661-46R-11M1-     2015-05-21

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                          Rev. 04

       5. EUT features
         These are the detailed bands and modes supported by the equipment under Test:

                       WiGig                                60GHz (58.320 – 62.640 GHz)

                       802.11b/g/n                          2.4GHz (2400.0 – 2483.5 MHz)

                       802.11a/n/ac                         5.2GHz (5150.0 – 5350.0 MHz)
                                                            5.6GHz (5470.0 – 5725.0 MHz)
                                                            5.8GHz (5725.0 – 5850.0 MHz)

                       BDR/EDR v2.1                         2.4GHz (2400.0 – 2483.5 MHz)
                       Bluetooth LE v4.0

       6. Remarks and comments
           1. This report documents the results of radiated measurements of the EIRP and the resulting
              power density of a radio device operating in the 60 GHz unlicensed band.
           2. Dell model P58G is the regulatory model number. This identical host is also marketed under
              the name Dell Latitude 7350. In the report we refer only to P58G model.

       7. Test Verdicts summary

       8. Document Revision History

       Revision #           Date           Modified by     Details
        Rev. 00          2015-05-29        W. El Hajj      First Issue
        Rev. 01          2015-06-29        W. El Hajj      Editorial changes
                                                           Added measurements for channels 1 and 3, and Power
                                                           Added Sensor pulse response measurement
         Rev. 02         2015-07-22         W. El Hajj     Editorial changes.
                                                           Modifications to address FCC comments:
                                                            Comment 1: The word “either” in the section B.1 is
                                                            Comment 2: In the section B.2, added explanation
                                                                on the way how the free-space attenuation is used
                                                                in the calculation.
                                                            Comment 3: Captions added below each graph in
                                                                Page 16.
         Rev. 03         2015-08-05         W. El Hajj     Editorial changes: A statement is added in paragraph 6
                                                           concerning the Dell model number information.
         Rev. 04         2015-08-31        J.M. Fortes     Added column for conducted power in results tables in

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                          Rev. 04

       Annex A. Test & System Description
       A.1        Test Conditions
       The EUT is an Intel Wireless Gigabit radio model 17265NGW, FCC ID PD917265NG, installed in a
       Dell P58G convertible 2 in 1 laptop.
       The antenna is an integral phased array antenna with a maximum gain of 15.45 dBi.
       The DUT was set to transmit at highest power on MCS1 with 50% duty cycle using proprietary
       software (Intel DRTU version 1.7.6-1123).

       A.2        Measurement system
       A Thorlabs Motorized Travel Stage controlled by software is used to maintain a consistent and
       accurate placement of the probe.
       Absorber material covering up to 110GHz is placed around the support structures and alignment
       fixture to reduce reflections, scattering and perturbations.
       The Aperture Probe is aligned with the boresight of the EUT antenna. The probe is scanned over X / Y
       / Polarization to maximize the emissions level.
       The channel power is measured and recorded for all channels, then Pt*Gt, Power density and EIRP
       are calculated as described below.
       The measurement distance is varied from 10 to 20 cm in 1-cm steps and the power and results of
       subsequent calculations are recorded for each distance. The distance corresponds to the separation
       between the antenna plane of the EUT and the aperture plane of the probe.

       A.3        Test Equipment List

                                                                                                      Cal. Due
        ID#            Device        Type/Model      Serial Number     Manufacturer   Cal. Date

                   Power Sensor                                           Rohde &
       0014                           NRP-Z57          00152266                       2015-05-06     2017-05-06
                   (DC -67 GHz)                                           Schwarz

                                                                          Rohde &
       0015      Spectrum analyzer     FSU67            100092                        2013-11-12     2015-11-12

                                                                          Rohde &
       0016      Signal Generator     SMF100A           102117                        2014-03-11     2016-03-11

                   Standard Horn     FH-SG-075-
       0066                                              20012              RPG        Calibration Not Required
                      Antenna            25

                  Aperture Probe
       0331                          15EWG1.85        J215060133           A-Info      Characterized Internally
       0063       ASSEMBLY 40-       AFM-40-220           394               RPG        Calibration Not Required

       Note: The Duty cycle is measured using the FSU67 spectrum analyzer and a standard horn antenna.
       The FSU67 covers (20Hz-67GHz) frequency range, therefore the measurement is performed directly
       without a need to an external mixer.

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                                Rev. 04

       A.4         Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation
       The Total Measurement Uncertainty is of 1.26 dB. This value is obtained by calculating first the
       Aperture Probe Gain Measurement Uncertainty (see A.4.1) and then using this value with the other
       uncertainty sources to deduce the total Uncertainty (see A.4.2).

       A.4.1       Aperture Probe Gain Characterization
       3 Antennas Gain Method / Probe Characterization
                                                        Value        Probability               Sensitivity
               Source of Uncertainty                                                 Divisor                 Uncertainty
                                                        [dB]         Distribution              Coefficient
     Mismatch VSWR SG Block 1.1 - TR 1.5                 0.08         U-shaped        1.414         1           0.06
     Mismatch VSWR TR 1.5 - PM 1.35                      0.26         U-shaped        1.414         1           0.18
     Insertion Loss transition                           0.40        rectangular      1.732         1           0.23
     Mismatch VSWR
                                                         0.02         U-shaped        1.414         1           0.01
     SG Block 1.1 - Antenna Block 1.1
     Mismatch VSWR
                                                         0.14         U-shaped        1.414         1           0.10
     Antenna Block 1.1 - TR 2
     Mismatch VSWR TR 2 - PM 1.35                        0.44         U-shaped        1.414         1           0.31
     Position of the phase centre
                                                         0.13        rectangular      1.732         1           0.08
     (Receiving Ant.)
     Linearity (included in Repeatability)              0.000        rectangular      1.732         1           0.00
     Zero Offset                                        0.211        rectangular      1.732         1           0.12
     Repeatability (Relative Power Meas.)                0.01        rectangular      1.732         1           0.01
     Meas Noise                                         0.043        rectangular      1.732         1           0.02

                                                                           Combined Standard Uncertainty        0.47
                                                                              Expanded Uncertainty (k=2)*       0.93

       A.4.2       EUT Measurement.
                                                    Value        Probability                   Sensitivity
             Source of Uncertainty                                                  Divisor                  Uncertainty
                                                    [dB]         Distribution                  Coefficient
     Meas. Antenna Gain Rx Aperture
                                                     0.93         rectangular       1.732          1            0.47
     Mismatch VSWR Block Antenna 2 -
                                                     0.44          U-shaped         1.414          1            0.31
     PM 1.35
     Power Meter Accuracy                            0.25         rectangular       1.732          1            0.14
     Range Length (near/far field
                                                     0.00         rectangular       1.732          1            0.00
     Position of the phase center
                                                     0.13         rectangular       1.732          1            0.08
     (Receiving Ant.)
     Ambient temperature impact                      0.10           normal            1            1            0.10
     Repeatability                                   0.20           normal            1            1            0.20
     Zero Offset                                    0.144         rectangular       1.732          1            0.08
     Meas Noise                                     0.019         rectangular       1.732          1            0.01

                                                                           Combined Standard Uncertainty        0.63
                                                                             Expanded Uncertainty (k=2)*        1.26

       SG : Signal Generator     TR : Transition PM : Power Meter

       * The expanded Measurement Uncertainty with coverage factor (k=2) corresponds to a confidence level of 95%.

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                       Rev. 04

       A.5        Power Sensor Consideration and Pulse Response
       The averaging settings of the power meter / power sensor combination must be adjusted to respond
       properly to the modulation bursts and burst period.

       The power sensor is connected to the microwave signal generator. The output frequency of the
       generator is set to 60.48 GHz corresponding to EUT channel 2. The generator is adjusted for pulse
       modulation using the nominal timing values for the Duty cycle across the Burst Period (500 msec ON,
       1000 msec Period). The Duty cycle is verified by measurement (see figure below) using the FSU67
       spectrum analyzer.

                                                                                                Duty Cycle
                                           ON Time            Period           Duty Cycle
                   Description                                                                  Correction
                                            (ms)               (ms)              Linear
            Nominal Duty Cycle
                                              500              1000                 0.5             3
             over Burst Period
        Measured Nominal Duty Cycle
                                          494.102564       996.794872              0.4957         3.0479
             over Burst Period

       The power meter averaging number is then adjusted to provide a stable measurement (after the
       published settling time has elapsed).
       Pulse modulation is then turned off, the delta between Modulation OFF and ON is measured, and
       compared to the expected measured value of 10 * Log (Measured Nominal duty cycle across Burst
       period) = 3.0479 dB.

       An averaging number of 64000 provided measurements stable to within approximately 0.018 dB
       (3.0479-3.03dB) for the EUT’s nominal pulse characteristics documented above. The power sensor
       showed a measured difference of 3.03 dB, between CW and modulated.

                                       Pulse Modulation        Pulse Modulation        Measured Difference
                                             OFF                      ON                      (dB)
             Average Power (dBm)            -29.63                  -32.66                    3.03

       Note: The output average level of the mm-Wave generator is adjusted to be similar to the lowest
       power value obtained during the EIRP measurement. This confirms the measurement averaging
       stability at the measured power levels.

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                          Rev. 04

       Annex B. Test Results
       B.1        Duty Cycle

       Test procedure

       Duty cycle is calculated as [(ON Time)/Period].

       The Duty cycle within the Burst is multiplied by the Duty cycle over the Burst Period to derive the Duty

       The duty cycle of the EUT modulation is measured, and used to provide the duty cycle correction

       Duty Cycle Correction Factor = 10*Log(Duty Cycle)

       Duty Cycle Correction Factor is (dB)
       Duty Cycle is (Linear)

       The Duty cycle is measured using the FSU67 spectrum analyzer and a standard horn antenna. The
       FSU67 covers (20Hz-67GHz) frequency range. Therefore the measurement is performed directly
       without a need to an external mixer.

       Results tables

       Channel 1

                                               ON Time                      Period              Duty Cycle
                                                (ms)                         (ms)                 Linear
                Duty Cycle
                                               1.991506                    2.046635                0.973
               Within Burst
                Duty Cycle
                                              496.794872                   1003.205                0.495
             over Burst period
                Duty Cycle                                                                        0.48187

                                 Duty Cycle Correction (dB)                                       3.1707

       Channel 2

                                               ON Time                      Period              Duty Cycle
                                                (ms)                         (ms)                 Linear
                Duty Cycle
                                               1.998397                    2.067308                0.967
               Within Burst
                Duty Cycle
                                              496.794872                     1000                  0.497
             over Burst period
                Duty Cycle                                                                        0.48023

                                 Duty Cycle Correction (dB)                                       3.1855

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                             Rev. 04

       Channel 3

                                           ON Time                       Period    Duty Cycle
                                            (ms)                          (ms)       Linear
               Duty Cycle
                                           1.984615                     2.060417     0.963
              Within Burst
               Duty Cycle
                                         496.794872                     1003.205     0.495
            over Burst period
               Duty Cycle                                                            0.4799

                                Duty Cycle Correction (dB)                           3.2149

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                            Rev. 04

       Results screenshot

                                         Duty Cycle
       Channel 1

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            Burst_DutyCycle                                     RBW    10 MHz   Delta    3       [Tl     ]
                                                               * VBW   10 MHz                           —1.44    dB
            Ref —20 dBm                       Att   5 dB        SWT    2   s            1000.000000 ms

                                                                                   ker       1    [Tl        ]
1   RM *




            Center 60.48 GHz                               200 ms/
            DutyCycleinBurst                                    RBW 10 MHz      Delta 3          [Tl ]
                                                                VBW    10 MHz                            3.31 dB
            Ref    —20    dBm                 Att   5 dB        SWT    4.3 ms                    2.067308 ms

                                                                                   ker       1    [Tl        ]



            Center       60.48   GHz                       430 ns/

Date:       22.MAY.2015            18:02:49

Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                            Rev. 04

       Channel 3

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                      Rev. 04

       B.2        EIRP & Power Density
       Test procedure

       The radiated emission level is measured with the aperture probe antenna connected to a power

       Using the far-field Friis equation:

                                                 𝑃𝑅           𝜆 2
                                                    = 𝐺𝑇 𝐺𝑅 (    )
                                                 𝑃𝑇          4𝜋𝐷
       the measured power PR is converted to PT*GT using the same equation in logarithmic domain:

                                     (PT*GT)= PR – GR + Free Space Attenuation (dB)

       Where the:
                                     Free space Attenuation (dB) = 20𝐿𝑜𝑔(               )


       (PT*GT) is (dBm) (P is the transmitted power and GT the emission antenna Gain)

       D is in (m)
       PR is in (dBm)
       GR is the small aperture probe antenna Gain in (dBi)
       λ is the wavelength in (m)

       PT*GT is converted to power density using:

                                                                     𝑃𝑇 𝐺𝑇
                                                 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 =

       Power Density is in (mW/cm )
       PT*GT is in (mW)
       D is in (cm)

       PT*GT is also converted to EIRP during the ON time of the burst using:
                                       EIRP = (PT*GT) + Duty Cycle Correction Factor

       EIRP is in (dBm)
       PT*GT is in (dBm)
       Duty Cycle Correction Factor is in (dB)

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                        Rev. 04

       Results tables

       Channel 1
       EUT antenna gain = 15.30dBi

                     Small                     Meas
                                     Free                                              Duty
            Meas.   Aperture                   Avg                            Power                    Cond
      Freq                          Space               PT*GT     PT*GT                Cycle     EIRP
           Distance  Probe                    Power                          Density                  Power
     (GHz)                            Att.              (dBm)     (mW)                 Corr.    (dBm)
             (cm)    Gain                       PR                          (mW/cm2)                  (dBm)
                                     (dB)                                              (dB)
                    GR(dBi)                   (dBm)
     58.32    10      5.37           47.76    -26.65     15.74     37.48     0.02983   3.1707   18.91      3.61
     58.32       11          5.37    48.59    -27.44     15.78     37.81     0.02487   3.1707   18.95      3.65
     58.32       12          5.37    49.34    -27.80     16.17     41.42     0.02289   3.1707   19.34      4.04
     58.32       13          5.37    50.04    -28.37     16.30     42.63     0.02007   3.1707   19.47      4.17
     58.32       14          5.37    50.68    -28.79     16.52     44.88     0.01822   3.1707   19.69      4.39
     58.32       15          5.37    51.28    -29.14     16.77     47.53     0.01681   3.1707   19.94      4.64
     58.32       16          5.37    51.84    -29.70     16.77     47.54     0.01478   3.1707   19.94      4.64
     58.32       17          5.37    52.37    -30.13     16.87     48.61     0.01338   3.1707   20.04      4.74
     58.32       18          5.37    52.86    -30.65     16.84     48.35     0.01187   3.1707   20.01      4.71
     58.32       19          5.37    53.33    -31.13     16.83     48.23     0.01063   3.1707   20.00      4.70
     58.32       20          5.37    53.78    -31.49     16.92     49.19     0.00979   3.1707   20.09      4.79

       Channel 2
       EUT antenna gain = 15.45dBi

                     Small                     Meas
                                     Free                                              Duty
            Meas.   Aperture                   Avg                            Power                    Cond
      Freq                          Space               PT*GT     PT*GT                Cycle     EIRP
           Distance  Probe                    Power                          Density                  Power
     (GHz)                            Att.              (dBm)     (mW)                 Corr.    (dBm)
             (cm)    Gain                       PR                          (mW/cm2)                  (dBm)
                                     (dB)                                              (dB)
                    GR(dBi)                   (dBm)
     60.48    10      5.86           48.07    -26.30     15.91     39.03     0.03106   3.1855   19.10      3.65
     60.48       11          5.86    48.90    -26.90     16.14     41.13     0.02705   3.1855   19.33      3.88
     60.48       12          5.86    49.66    -27.40     16.40     43.63     0.02411   3.1855   19.58      4.13
     60.48       13          5.86    50.35    -27.97     16.52     44.90     0.02114   3.1855   19.71      4.26
     60.48       14          5.86    51.00    -28.50     16.64     46.10     0.01872   3.1855   19.82      4.37
     60.48       15          5.86    51.60    -28.95     16.79     47.71     0.01687   3.1855   19.97      4.52
     60.48       16          5.86    52.16    -29.40     16.90     48.94     0.01521   3.1855   20.08      4.63
     60.48       17          5.86    52.68    -29.70     17.12     51.56      0.0142   3.1855   20.31      4.86
     60.48       18          5.86    53.18    -30.20     17.12     51.52     0.01265   3.1855   20.30      4.85
     60.48       19          5.86    53.65    -30.62     17.17     52.11     0.01149   3.1855   20.35      4.90
     60.48       20          5.86    54.09    -31.05     17.18     52.30      0.0104   3.1855   20.37      4.92

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Test Report N°15052702.TR01                                                                                        Rev. 04

       Channel 3
       EUT antenna gain = 15.00dBi

                     Small                     Meas
                                     Free                                              Duty
            Meas.   Aperture                   Avg                            Power                    Cond
      Freq                          Space               PT*GT     PT*GT                Cycle     EIRP
           Distance  Probe                    Power                          Density                  Power
     (GHz)                            Att.              (dBm)     (mW)                 Corr.    (dBm)
             (cm)    Gain                       PR                          (mW/cm2)                  (dBm)
                                     (dB)                                              (dB)
                    GR(dBi)                   (dBm)
     62.64    10      7.56           48.38    -25.60     15.22     33.26     0.02646   3.2149   18.43      3.43
     62.64       11          7.56    49.21    -26.30     15.35     34.25     0.02253   3.2149   18.56      3.56
     62.64       12          7.56    49.96    -26.99     15.41     34.77     0.01922   3.2149   18.63      3.63
     62.64       13          7.56    50.66    -27.62     15.48     35.30     0.01662   3.2149   18.69      3.69
     62.64       14          7.56    51.30    -28.20     15.54     35.82     0.01454   3.2149   18.76      3.76
     62.64       15          7.56    51.90    -28.71     15.63     36.56     0.01293   3.2149   18.85      3.85
     62.64       16          7.56    52.46    -29.24     15.66     36.82     0.01145   3.2149   18.88      3.88
     62.64       17          7.56    52.99    -29.63     15.80     38.00     0.01046   3.2149   19.01      4.01
     62.64       18          7.56    53.48    -30.24     15.68     37.02     0.00909   3.2149   18.90      3.90
     62.64       19          7.56    53.95    -30.72     15.67     36.93     0.00814   3.2149   18.89      3.89
     62.64       20          7.56    54.40    -31.26     15.58     36.14     0.00719   3.2149   18.79      3.79

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       Results graph

                                                   Power Density

                                        Power Density (mW/cm^2)
                                   Channel 1             Channel 2             Channel 3
                    10        11      12       13   14   15     16    17                      18       19        20
                                               Measurement Distance (cm)
                     Power Density measured during the tests (i.e. with the ~ 48 % duty cycle measured in B.1)



                                            EIRP (dBm)            EIRP (dBm)             EIRP (dBm)
                                            Ch1                   Ch2                    Ch3





                             10    11      12   13  14     15   16   17                        18       19       20
                                           Measurement Distance (cm)
                EIRP normalized for 100% duty cycle (after adding the Duty cycle correction factor measured in B.1)

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       Annex C. Aperture                                            Probe               Antenna
       C.1        Description of the Antenna
       The measuring antenna is an open-ended waveguide as specified in IEEE Std C95.3-2002 Clause Small apertures. The aperture probe antenna consists of a 19 cm straight section of WR15
       rectangular waveguide with a standard UG-385/U flange at one end. The aperture dimensions are
       (1.88 x 3.76 mm ).

       C.2        Derivation of characterization equations
       Indeed, the ratio between the received power and the transmitted power between a pair of antennas is
       expressed in terms of their gains as follow:

                                                      𝑃𝑅 4𝜋𝐷 2
                                              𝐺𝑇 𝐺𝑅 =   (   )
                                                      𝑃𝑇 𝜆

       Converting from linear to logarithmic domain yields:

                                       𝐺𝑇 + 𝐺𝑅 = 𝑃𝑅 − 𝑃𝑇 + 20𝐿𝑜𝑔 (               )

       Converting from wavelength in meters to frequency in GHz yields:

                                𝐺𝑇 + 𝐺𝑅 = 𝑃𝑅 − 𝑃𝑇 + 20𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝐷) + 20𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝑓) + 32.44                            (1)


       GT is the gain of the transmit antenna (dBi)
       GR is the gain of the receive antenna (dBi)
       PR is the power received (dBm)
       PT is the power transmitted (dBm)
       D is the distance between the antennas (m)
       f is the frequency (GHz)

       The individual far-field gain of each of three different antennas can be determined from three path loss
       measurements made under identical far-field conditions using the three different antennas taken in
       pairs. Three path loss measurements (PR12 - PT), (PR13 - PT) and (PR23 - PT) are sufficient to
       simultaneously solve for three unknowns G1, G2 and G3.

       The Equation (1) is applied to each of the three path loss measurement as follows applied

                               𝐴 = 𝐺1 + 𝐺2 = 𝑃𝑅12 − 𝑃𝑇 + 20𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝐷) + 20𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝑓) + 32.44                        (2)

                               𝐵 = 𝐺1 + 𝐺3 = 𝑃𝑅13 − 𝑃𝑇 + 20𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝐷) + 20𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝑓) + 32.44                        (3)

                               𝐶 = 𝐺2 + 𝐺3 = 𝑃𝑅23 − 𝑃𝑇 + 20𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝐷) + 20𝐿𝑜𝑔(𝑓) + 32.44                        (4)

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       A= (G1 + G2) is the sum of the gains of Antennas 1 and 2
       B= (G1 + G3) is the sum of the gains of Antennas 1 and 3
       C= (G2 + G3) is the sum of the gains of Antennas 2 and 3
       PR12 is the power received when measuring Antennas 1 and 2 (dBm)
       PR13 is the power received when measuring Antennas 1 and 3 (dBm)
       PR23 is the power received when measuring Antennas 2 and 3 (dBm)
       PT is the transmitted power (dBm)
       D is the distance between the antennas (m)
       f is the frequency (GHz)

       The gain of each individual antenna is calculated as follows:

                                           𝐺1 = 0.5 (𝐴 + 𝐵 − 𝐶)                                             (5)
                                           𝐺2 = 0.5 (𝐴 + 𝐶 − 𝐵)                                             (6)
                                           𝐺3 = 0.5 (𝐵 + 𝐶 − 𝐴)                                             (7)


       G1 is the gain of Antenna 1 (dBi)
       G2 is the gain of Antenna 2 (dBi)
       G3 is the gain of Antenna 3 (dBi)
       A is the result of applying Equation (2)
       B is the result of applying Equation (3)
       C is the result of applying Equation (4)

       C.3        Characterization Procedure

       1. Allow the signal source, power sensor and power meter to warm up as specified by the
       manufacturer of the instruments.

       2. Adjust the instruments to the applicable frequency. Connect the power sensor to the output of the
       source. Measure and record Power Transmitted.

       3. Connect the first pair of antennas to their respective source (Tx antenna) and power sensor (Rx
       antenna). Place the antennas at the selected far-field separation distance in a bore-sight configuration
       using a laser level to align the antennas. Measure and record Power Received.

       4. Repeat step 3 for each pair of antennas.

       5. Calculate the antenna gains by applying Equations (2) through (7).

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       C.4        Characterization Results and Validation
       C.4.1      Far-Field Distance
       The gain reduction (relative to the far-field gain G∞) of an antenna is estimated as a function of
       normalized distance.
       The normalized distance is given in terms of n = dλ/a2 where d is distance, λ is wavelength and a is
       the largest aperture dimension. The far-field gain holds for distances greater than about (8a2)/λ (n >

       Note that for the verification we use three aperture antennas, the far field distance is therefore
       calculated using the largest aperture dimension among the three antennas (in our case it is the
       antenna 1) and a= 5mm.

       The minimum far field distance is calculated for each channel as follow:

         Frequency               Wavelength         Largest aperture                      2        Minimum distance
                                                                             Ratio (a /λ )
           (GHz)                   λ (m)            dimension a (m)                                     d (cm)
             58.32               0.005144033               0.005                0.00486                  3.888
             60.48               0.004960317               0.005                0.00504                  4.032
             62.64               0.004789272               0.005                0.00522                  4.176

       We decide therefore to do the characterization at 15 cm.

       C.4.2      Probe Gain
       The probe under verification is noted Antenna 3 with Gain G3. The antennas 1 and 2 are used to
       perform the characterization. The verification procedure (see § 12.3) is applied as follow:
                        1 Path Loss measurement  In Tx : Antenna 1 / In Rx : Antenna 2

                                           PT         PR12
                             Channel                               D (m)      f (GHz)         G1+G2 (dBi)
                                         (dBm)       (dBm)
                                  1       5.01       -30.53        0.15        58.32             15.74
                                  2       7.34       -29.41        0.15        60.48             14.84
                                  3       7.04       -28.28        0.15        62.64             16.58
                       2        Path Loss measurement  In Tx : Antenna 2 / In Rx : Antenna 3

                                           PT         PR23
                             Channel                               D (m)      f (GHz)         G2+G3 (dBi)
                                         (dBm)       (dBm)
                                  1       5.01        -35.3        0.15        58.32            10.97
                                  2       7.34       -32.93        0.15        60.48            11.32
                                  3       7.04       -30.66        0.15        62.64            14.199

                        3 Path Loss measurement  In Tx : Antenna 1 / In Rx : Antenna 3

                                           PT         PR13
                             Channel                               D (m)      f (GHz)         G1+G3 (dBi)
                                         (dBm)       (dBm)
                                  1       5.01       -30.76        0.15        58.32             15.51
                                  2       7.34       -29.01        0.15        60.48             15.24
                                  3       7.04       -27.35        0.15        62.64             17.51

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       The measured gains are deduced and showed as follows:

                                                                         Channel 1        Channel 2    Channel 3
                                                                         Gain (dBi)       Gain (dBi)   Gain (dBi)
                         Aperture Antenna 1                                10.14            9.38         9.94
                         Aperture Antenna 2                                 5.60            5.46         6.63
                 Open Ended Waveguide Probe Antenna                         5.37            5.86         7.56

       C.4.3      Validation
         The measured gain of the original probe antenna is compared to the realized gain from a theoretical
         model of common open-ended waveguide apertures with a two-to-one aspect ratio, i.e., a /b = 2,
         provided by IEEE Std C95.3 Clause equation (4)
                                                                                                        Delta to
                        Frequency         Dimension a         Theoretical Gain (dBi)                   Theoretical
         Channel          (GHz)               (m)             10 log(21.6 ∙ 𝑓[𝐺𝐻𝑧] ∙ 𝑎)                   Gain
             1               58.32             0.00376                   6.75                 5.37        1.38
             2               60.48             0.00376                   6.91                 5.86        1.05
             3               62.64             0.00376                   7.06                 7.56        0.50

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       Annex D. Photographs
       Test Setup

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Document Created: 2015-08-31 10:10:48
Document Modified: 2015-08-31 10:10:48

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