Test Report UL Far Field Eirp Measurement

FCC ID: PD917265NG

Test Report

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               TO SUPPORT


           MODEL: DELL P58G

          FCC ID: PD917265NG

 REPORT NUMBER: 15U19818-E2, Revision C

       ISSUE DATE: August 5, 2015

              Prepared for
         COLUMBIA, SC 29210 USA

               Prepared by
         47173 BENICIA STREET
       FREMONT, CA 94538, U.S.A.
           TEL: (510) 771-1000
           FAX: (510) 661-0888

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

                                                  Revision History

 Rev.        Date               Revisions                                                              Revised By
   --        04/05/2015         Initial Issue                                                          M. Heckrotte
   A         04/06/2015         Revised title and model number                                         M. Heckrotte
                                Added conducted output power, revised MU,
   B         07/28/2015                                                                                M. Heckrotte
                                revised FCC ID
   C         08/05/2015         Added Clarification to Section 2 and 7.1                               C. Cheung

                                     Page 2 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                                    DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                                            FCC ID: PD917265NG

                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.      ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS ................................................................................. 5

2.      PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................................... 6

3.      TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 6

4.      FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION ................................................................................. 6

5.      CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................... 6

6.      MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY...................................................................................... 7
     6.1.      EUT MEASUREMENT ................................................................................................. 7
     6.2.      APERTURE PROBE GAIN MEASUREMENT .............................................................. 8

7.      EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ............................................................................................... 9
     7.1.      DESCRIPTION OF EUT .............................................................................................. 9
     7.2.      DESCRIPTION OF ANTENNA..................................................................................... 9
     7.3.      SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE .................................................................................... 9
     7.4.      DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................ 9

8.      TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ......................................................................11

9.      MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES .....................................................................................11
     9.1.      EQUATIONS...............................................................................................................11
     9.2.      SETUP AND PROCEDURE ........................................................................................13

10.         RESULTS ......................................................................................................................14
     10.1.    DUTY CYCLE .........................................................................................................14
       10.1.1.   CALCULATIONS ..............................................................................................14
       10.1.2.   EUT MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................................14
       10.1.3.   POWER SENSOR CONSIDERATIONS ...........................................................18
       10.1.4.   POWER SENSOR PULSE RESPONSE ..........................................................18
     10.2.        POWER DENSITY PLOTS ......................................................................................19
     10.3.        EIRP PLOTS ...........................................................................................................19
     10.4.        TABULAR RESULTS FOR CHANNEL 1 .................................................................20
     10.5.        TABULAR RESULTS FOR CHANNEL 2 .................................................................21
     10.6.        TABULAR RESULTS FOR CHANNEL 3 .................................................................22

11.         APERTURE PROBE ANTENNA ....................................................................................23
     11.1.        DESCRIPTION OF ANTENNA ................................................................................23
     11.2.        DERIVATION OF CALIBRATION EQUATIONS ......................................................24
     11.3.        CALIBRATION PROCEDURE .................................................................................26
                                     Page 3 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                             DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                                     FCC ID: PD917265NG

  11.4.    CALIBRATION RESULTS .......................................................................................26
    11.4.1.   FAR-FIELD DISTANCE ....................................................................................26
    11.4.2.   STANDALONE PROBE....................................................................................27
    11.4.3.   PROBE/ISOLATOR/LNA ASSEMBLY ..............................................................28
  11.5.    VALIDATION OF EQUATIONS AND DESIGN CHANGE ........................................29
    11.5.1.   VALIDATION OF EQUATIONS ........................................................................29
    11.5.2.   VALIDATION OF DESIGN CHANGE ...............................................................29

12.      SETUP PHOTO..............................................................................................................30

                                     Page 4 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

                                    100 CENTER POINT CIRCLE, SUITE 200
                                    COLUMBIA, SC 29210 USA

EUT DESCRIPTION:                    Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell laptop

MODEL:                              Dell P58G

SERIAL NUMBER:                      ZAU7002850

DATE OF TESTS:                      FEBRUARY 17, 23 and March 31, 2015

                                         APPLICABLE PROCEDURES
                          FCC                                                        IEEE
                    FCC § 2.1093                                            IEEE Std C95.3-2002

UL Verification Services Inc. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements
set forth in the above standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions
expressed by UL Verification Services Inc. based on interpretations and/or observations of test
results. Measurement Uncertainties were not taken into account and are published for
informational purposes only. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the
conditions and modes of operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or
revised in any way unless done so by UL Verification Services Inc. and all revisions are duly
noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out by UL Verification
Services Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be used
by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any
agency of the Federal Government, or any agency of any government.

Approved & Released For
UL Verification Services Inc. By:                                Tested By:

MICHAEL HECKROTTE                                                STEVE AGUILAR
PRINCIPAL ENGINEER                                               WiSE ENGINEER
UL Verification Services Inc.                                    UL Verification Services Inc.

                                     Page 5 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

This report documents the results of radiated measurements of the power density and EIRP of a
radio operating in the 60 GHz unlicensed band. The purpose is to enable a comparison with
power density simulations in far field and assist in the determination of the far field boundary.

Due to the lack of standardized code validation, benchmarking and uncertainty of the simulation
software, the far field results are provided for the purpose of providing confidence for the
software simulation model used and that the results produced were within an acceptable range
when compared with the measured results.

The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with IEEE Std C95.3-2002,
“IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Radio Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields With Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields, 100 kHz–300 GHz”
and the measurement distance limitations specified in FCC Rules § 2.1093(d).

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 47173 and 47266
Benicia Street, Fremont, California, USA. Line conducted emissions are measured only at the
47173 address. The following table identifies which facilities were utilized for radiated emission
measurements documented in this report. Specific facilities are also identified in the test results

                            47173 Benicia Street                   47266 Benicia Street
                                  Chamber A                              Chamber D
                                  Chamber B                              Chamber E
                                  Chamber C                              Chamber F
                                                                         Chamber G
                                                                         Chamber H

UL Verification Services Inc. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0. The full
scope of accreditation can be viewed at http://ts.nist.gov/standards/scopes/2000650.htm.

The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been
calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to
recognized national standards.

                                     Page 6 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

The following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the

                  PARAMETER                                            UNCERTAINTY
 Power Density                                        +/- 19.36 %            +0.77 / - 0.93 dB

Uncertainty figures are valid to a confidence level of 95%.

        6.1.      EUT MEASUREMENT

                                     Page 7 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG


                                     Page 8 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                      DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                              FCC ID: PD917265NG


         7.1.      DESCRIPTION OF EUT

The EUT is an Intel Wireless Gigabit radio model 17265NGW LC, FCC ID PD917265NG
installed in an Dell P58G convertible 2 in 1 laptop.

Please note, Dell model P58G is the regulatory model number. This identical host is also
marketed under the name Dell Latitude 7350. In the report we refer only to P58G model.

         7.2.      DESCRIPTION OF ANTENNA
The antenna is an integral phased array antenna with a maximum gain of 15.45 dBi.

         7.3.      SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE
Intel Wireless Gigabit 17265 Driver Version: 1.1.3028

Test Tool: DRTU, version 1.7.6-1123

The EUT is set to transmit on MCS1 with 50% duty cycle.

         7.4.      DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP

       Description              Manufacturer              Model                      Serial Number
                                                    DA45NM131              CN-04H6NV-48661-46R-
 AC / DC Adapter               DELL


  Cable No.           Port          Cable Length (m)                             Remarks

 1                AC Power         0.8                       AC Mains
 2                DC power         1.9                       EUT Power

                                     Page 9 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
     This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG






                                        MAINS POWER SOURCE

                                     Page 10 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG


The following test and measurement equipment was utilized for the tests documented in this

        Description              Manufacturer             Model             Asset        Cal Date          Cal Due
 Power Sensor                    HP                  V8486A-H01          T234           12/16/2014      12/16/2015
 Power Sensor                    Agilent             V8486A-H02          T433           5/6/2014        5/6/2015
 Power Meter                     Agilent             N1913A              T412           5/1/2014        5/1/2015
 Spectrum Analyzer               Agilent             N9030A              T313           9/13/2014       9/13/2015
 Signal Generator                Agilent             E8257D              T181           9/26/2014       9/26/2015
 Downconverter                   Agilent             MT463               T499           8/6/2014        8/6/2015
 Harmonic Mixer 50-                                  M1970V              T994           6/18/2014       6/18/2015
 Aperture Probe Antenna          UL                  60 GHz Probe        Copper         12/16/2014      12/16/2015

         9.1.     EQUATIONS


The duty cycle of the EUT modulation is measured, and used to provide the duty cycle
correction factor.

Duty Cycle Correction Factor = 10*Log(Duty Cycle)

         Duty Cycle Correction Factor is (dB)
         Duty Cycle is (Linear)

                                     Page 11 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG


The radiated emission level is measured with the aperture probe antenna connected to a power

The measured power is converted to Pt*Gt using the far-field Friis equation:

Pt*Gt = 32.44 + 20*Log(Distance/100) + Measured Power - Aperture Probe Gain +


         Pt*Gt is (dBm)
         Distance is (cm)
         Measured Power is (dBm)
         Aperture Probe Gain is (dBi)
         Frequency is (GHz)

Pt*Gt is converted to power density using

Power Density = (Pt*Gt) / [4 * π * (Distance)2]


         Power Density is (mW/cm2)
         Pt*Gt is (mW)
         Distance is (cm)

Pt*Gt is also converted to EIRP during the ON time of the burst using

EIRP = (Pt*Gt) + Duty Cycle Correction Factor


         EIRP is (dBm)
         Pt*Gt is (dBm)
         Duty Cycle Correction Factor is (dB)

                                     Page 12 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

        9.2.      SETUP AND PROCEDURE
Optical-grade linear and rotation stages enable fine adjustments of X / Y / Z / Polarization, and
are used to maintain a consistent and accurate placement of probe.

Absorber material is placed around the support structures and alignment fixture to reduce
reflections, scattering and perturbations.

The Aperture Probe is aligned with the boresight of the EUT antenna at a distance of 0.5 cm.
The probe is scanned over X / Y / Polarization to maximize the emissions level.

The power is measured and recorded, then Pt*Gt, Power density and EIRP are calculated as
described above.

The measurement distance is varied from 10 to 20 cm in 1-cm steps and the power and results
of subsequent calculations are recorded for each distance.

The measurement distance is the distance from the surface of the enclosure of the laptop
display to the probe antenna aperture. The antenna separation distance is the measurement
distance plus the internal spacing between the antenna and the outside surface of the
enclosure. Calculations of Pt*Gt, power density and EIRP are based on the antenna separation

                                     Page 13 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

10.      RESULTS
         10.1. DUTY CYCLE

               10.1.1. CALCULATIONS

Duty cycle is calculated as either [(ON Time)/Period] or {1-[(OFF Time)/Period]}.

The Duty cycle within the Burst is multiplied by the Duty cycle over the Burst Period to derive
the Duty Cycle.

The Duty Cycle Correction Factor is calculated as 10 * Log (Duty Cycle).

               10.1.2. EUT MEASUREMENTS

CH 1
                              ON Time            Period          Duty Cycle         Duty Cycle Correction
                               (ms)               (ms)            (Linear)                  (dB)

Duty Cycle within Burst         1.994             2.037             0.979

Duty cycle over Burst
                                498.8             1000              0.499
Duty Cycle                                                          0.488                     3.11

CH 2
                              ON Time            Period          Duty Cycle         Duty Cycle Correction
                               (ms)               (ms)            (Linear)                  (dB)

Duty Cycle within Burst         1.996             2.038             0.979

Duty cycle over Burst
                                498.8             1001              0.498
Duty Cycle                                                          0.488                     3.12

CH 3
                              ON Time            Period          Duty Cycle         Duty Cycle Correction
                               (ms)               (ms)            (Linear)                  (dB)

Duty Cycle within Burst         1.995             2.036             0.980

Duty cycle over Burst
                                498.8             1001              0.498
Duty Cycle                                                          0.488                     3.11

                                     Page 14 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG




                                     Page 15 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG



                                     Page 16 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG



                                     Page 17 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

               10.1.3. POWER SENSOR CONSIDERATIONS

The averaging settings of the power meter / power sensor combination must be adjusted to
respond properly to the modulation bursts and burst period.

The power sensor is connected to a microwave signal generator with a mm-wave source
module extension. The output frequency of the generator is set to 60.48 GHz, corresponding to
EUT channel 2. The generator is adjusted for pulse modulation using the nominal timing values
for the Duty cycle across the Burst Period (500 msec ON, 1000 msec Period).

The power meter averaging number is then adjusted to provide a stable measurement (after the
published settling time has elapsed).

Pulse modulation is then turned off, the delta between Modulation OFF and ON is calculated,
and compared to the expected value of 10 * Log (Nominal duty cycle across Burst period) =
3.00 dB.

    Description           ON Time           Period        Duty Cycle        Duty Cycle Correction
                           (ms)              (ms)          (Linear)                 (dB)
 Nominal Duty                 500            1000              0.50                    3.00
 Cycle across Burst

               10.1.4. POWER SENSOR PULSE RESPONSE

An averaging number of 500 provided measurements stable to within approximately 0.1 dB for
the EUT’s nominal pulse characteristics documented above. The V8486A-H01 power sensor
showed a measured difference of 2.95 to 3.03 dB, between CW and modulated.

                                     Page 18 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG


        10.3. EIRP PLOTS

                                     Page 19 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

Frequency (GHz)                               58.32
Probe Gain (dBi)                               26.0
Antenna Offset inside platform (cm)            0.15
EUT Antenna Gain (dBi)                        15.45
Duty Cycle Correction (dB)                     3.11

     Measurement            Distance       Meas       (Pt*Gt)    (Pt*Gt)      Measured          EIRP       Conducted
       Distance              From          Avg                                  Power                       Output
                            Antenna       Power                                Density                        Power

          (cm)                 (cm)        (dBm)      (dBm)      (mw)        (mW/cm^2)         (dBm)          (dBm)

          10.0               10.150        -4.53      17.4       54.4           0.042               20.5                5.0
          11.0               11.150        -5.24      17.5       55.7           0.036               20.6                5.1
          12.0               12.150        -5.92      17.5       56.6           0.031               20.6                5.2
          13.0               13.150        -6.58      17.6       56.9           0.026               20.7                5.2
          14.0               14.150        -7.23      17.5       56.7           0.023               20.6                5.2
          15.0               15.150        -7.81      17.6       56.9           0.020               20.7                5.2
          16.0               16.150        -8.34      17.6       57.2           0.017               20.7                5.2
          17.0               17.150        -8.84      17.6       57.5           0.016               20.7                5.3
          18.0               18.150        -9.34      17.6       57.4           0.014               20.7                5.3
          19.0               19.150        -9.84      17.6       57.0           0.012               20.7                5.2
          20.0               20.150       -10.57      17.3       53.3           0.010               20.4                4.9

                                     Page 20 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

Frequency (GHz)                               60.48
Probe Gain (dBi)                               25.8
Antenna Offset inside platform (cm)            0.15
EUT Antenna Gain (dBi)                        15.45
Duty Cycle Correction (dB)                     3.12

     Measurement            Distance       Meas       (Pt*Gt)    (Pt*Gt)      Measured          EIRP       Conducted
       Distance              From          Avg                                  Power                       Output
                            Antenna       Power                                Density                        Power

          (cm)                 (cm)        (dBm)      (dBm)      (mw)        (mW/cm^2)         (dBm)          (dBm)

          10.0               10.150        -4.43      18.0       62.6           0.048           21.1                    5.6
          11.0               11.150        -5.12      18.1       64.5           0.041           21.2                    5.8
          12.0               12.150        -5.87      18.1       64.4           0.035           21.2                    5.8
          13.0               13.150        -6.42      18.2       66.5           0.031           21.3                    5.9
          14.0               14.150        -7.03      18.3       66.9           0.027           21.4                    5.9
          15.0               15.150        -7.63      18.2       66.8           0.023           21.4                    5.9
          16.0               16.150        -8.13      18.3       67.7           0.021           21.4                    6.0
          17.0               17.150        -8.71      18.2       66.8           0.018           21.4                    5.9
          18.0               18.150        -9.15      18.3       67.6           0.016           21.4                    6.0
          19.0               19.150        -9.61      18.3       67.7           0.015           21.4                    6.0
          20.0               20.150        -9.93      18.4       69.6           0.014           21.5                    6.1

                                     Page 21 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

Frequency (GHz)                               62.64
Probe Gain (dBi)                               25.0
Antenna Offset inside platform (cm)            0.15
EUT Antenna Gain (dBi)                        15.45
Duty Cycle Correction (dB)                     3.11

     Measurement            Distance       Meas       (Pt*Gt)    (Pt*Gt)      Measured          EIRP       Conducted
       Distance              From          Avg                                  Power                       Output
                            Antenna       Power                                Density                        Power

          (cm)                 (cm)        (dBm)      (dBm)      (mw)        (mW/cm^2)         (dBm)          (dBm)

          10.0               10.150        -6.46      17.0       50.6           0.039               20.2                4.7
          11.0               11.150        -7.18      17.1       51.8           0.033               20.3                4.8
          12.0               12.150        -7.72      17.3       54.3           0.029               20.5                5.0
          13.0               13.150        -8.33      17.4       55.2           0.025               20.5                5.1
          14.0               14.150        -8.93      17.5       55.7           0.022               20.6                5.1
          15.0               15.150        -9.46      17.5       56.5           0.020               20.6                5.2
          16.0               16.150       -10.02      17.5       56.5           0.017               20.6                5.2
          17.0               17.150       -10.55      17.5       56.4           0.015               20.6                5.2
          18.0               18.150       -10.93      17.6       57.8           0.014               20.7                5.3
          19.0               19.150       -11.41      17.6       57.6           0.013               20.7                5.3
          20.0               20.150       -11.78      17.7       58.6           0.011               20.8                5.3

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UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

The measuring antenna is an open-ended waveguide as specified in IEEE Std C95.3-2002
Clause Small apertures. The aperture probe antenna consists of a 20 cm straight
section of WR15 rectangular waveguide with a standard UG-385/U flange at one end.

Several improvements to the basic design have been made.

The aperture end is tapered to reduce diffraction and scattering.

An isolator is connected to the output of the probe to reduce reflections and improve matching.

A low noise amplifier (LNA) is connected to the output of the isolator to increase the system

A 16 cm long absorber sleeve is wrapped around the probe to minimize reflections, scattering
and coupling. The placement of the absorber sleeve along the probe is optimized by varying the
sleeve position upon setting up for the probe calibration. No difference in received power is
observed as the sleeve is moved along the probe, as long as the end of the sleeve does not
extend past the end of the probe. After the sleeve is extended beyond the probe tip, the power
begins to drop. A repeatable sleeve position is established by aligning the end of the sleeve with
the corner of the taper and the full-thickness portion of the rectangular waveguide.

                                     Page 23 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

The far-field gain of the Aperture Probe is measured in accordance with IEEE Std C95.3-2002,
“IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Radio Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields With Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields, 100 kHz–300 GHz.”

IEEE Std C95.3, Clause Antenna gain determination, states that the power transmitted
between a pair of antennas is measured in the far field then apply C95.3 Equation (2),
excerpted as follows:

GT * GR = (PR / PT) * (4* π * d / )2

Converting to the log form yields:

GT + GR = PR - PT + 20*Log (4 * π * d / )

GT + GR = PR - PT + 21.98 + 20*Log (d) - 20*Log ()

Denoting distance by D rather than d, and converting from wavelength in meters to frequency in
GHz yields:

GT + GR = PR - PT + 21.98 + 20*Log (D) - 20*Log (0.3 / f)

GT + GR = PR - PT + 32.44 + 20*Log (D) + 20*Log (f)                                 Equation (1)


GT is the gain of the transmit antenna (dBi)
GR is the gain of the receive antenna (dBi)
PR is the power received (dBm)
PT is the power transmitted (dBm)
D is the distance between the antennas (m)
f is the frequency (GHz)

                                     Page 24 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

Although a single path loss measurement of (PR - PT) is insufficient to solve for two unknowns
GT and GR, the individual far-field gain of each of three different antennas is determined from
three path loss measurements made under identical far-field conditions using the three different
antennas taken in pairs. Three path loss measurements (PR12 - PT), (PR13 - PT) and (PR23 - PT)
are sufficient to simultaneously solve for three unknowns G1, G2 and G3.

Equation (1) is applied to each of the three path loss measurements as follows:

(G1 + G2) = (PR12 - PT) + 32.44 + 20*Log (D) + 20*Log (f)                           Equation (2)

(G1 + G3) = (PR13 - PT) + 32.44 + 20*Log (D) + 20*Log (f)                           Equation (3)

(G2 + G3) = (PR23 - PT) + 32.44 + 20*Log (D) + 20*Log (f)                           Equation (4)


(G1 + G2) is the sum of the gains of Antennas 1 and 2
(G1 + G3) is the sum of the gains of Antennas 1 and 3
(G2 + G3) is the sum of the gains of Antennas 2 and 3
PR12 is the power received when measuring Antennas 1 and 2 (dBm)
PR13 is the power received when measuring Antennas 1 and 3 (dBm)
PR23 is the power received when measuring Antennas 2 and 3 (dBm)
PT is the power transmitted (dBm)
D is the distance between the antennas (m)
f is the frequency (GHz)

The gain of each individual antenna is calculated as follows:

G1 = [(G1 + G2) + (G1 + G3) - (G2 + G3)] / 2                              Equation (5)

G2 = [(G1 + G2) + (G2 + G3) - (G1 + G3)] / 2                              Equation (6)

G3 = [(G1 + G3) + (G2 + G3) - (G1 + G2)] / 2                              Equation (7)


G1 is the gain of Antenna 1 (dBi)
G2 is the gain of Antenna 2 (dBi)
G3 is the gain of Antenna 3 (dBi)
(G1 + G2) is the result of applying Equation (2)
(G1 + G3) is the result of applying Equation (3)
(G2 + G3) is the result of applying Equation (4)

                                     Page 25 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

    1. Allow the signal source, power sensor and power meter to warm up as specified by the
       manufacturer of the instruments.

    2. Adjust the instruments to the applicable frequency. Connect the power sensor to the
       output of the source. Measure and record Power Transmitted.

    3. Connect the first pair of antennas to their respective source (Tx antenna) and power
       sensor (Rx antenna). Place the antennas at the selected far-field separation distance in
       a bore-sight configuration using a laser level to align the antennas. Measure and record
       Power Received.

    4. Repeat step 3 for each pair of antennas.

    5. Calculate the antenna gains by applying Equations (2) through (7).


               11.4.1. FAR-FIELD DISTANCE

IEEE Std C95.3 Clause Figure 5 gives the estimated gain reduction (relative to the far-
field gain G) of an antenna as a function of normalized distance. The normalized distance is
given in terms of n = d/a2 where d is distance,  is wavelength and a is the largest aperture
dimension. IEEE Std C95.3 further states that the far-field gain holds for distances greater than
about (8a2)/ (n > 8).

For WR15 waveguide, a = 0.0038 m

For Channel 1 (58.32 GHz),  = 0.0051 m, thus a2/ = 0.0028 m

For Channel 2 (60.48 GHz),  = 0.0050 m, thus a2/ = 0.0029 m

For Channel 3 (62.64 GHz),  = 0.0048 m, thus a2/ = 0.0030 m

The probe is calibrated in the far field at a 0.1 m distance, corresponding to normalized
distances as follows:

(35.6a2)/ (n > 35) for 58.32 GHz

(34.5a2)/ (n > 34) for 60.48 GHz

(33.3a2)/ (n > 33) for 62.64 GHz

The selected calibration distance of 0.1 m is greater than the minimum distance indicated by
IEEE Std C95.3.

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UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

               11.4.2. STANDALONE PROBE

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UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG

               11.4.3. PROBE/ISOLATOR/LNA ASSEMBLY

The aperture probe antenna is configured as a receive-only antenna assembly consisting of the
WR15 Aperture Probe, Isolator, LNA and Absorber Sleeve.

                                     Page 28 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG


               11.5.1. VALIDATION OF EQUATIONS

The measured gain of the original probe antenna is compared to the realized gain from a
theoretical model of an open ended V-band rectangular waveguide provided by Zhong Chen of

 Frequency        Measured Gain    Theoretical Model Gain                  Delta to Model
                 Standalone Probe    Standalone Probe
    (GHz)              (dBi)                (dBi)                                 (dB)
    58.32               6.3                   6.1                                  0.2
    60.48               6.8                   6.3                                  0.5
    62.64               5.4                   6.5                                 -1.1
                               Average Delta to Model (dB)                        -0.1

               11.5.2. VALIDATION OF DESIGN CHANGE

The effectiveness of the isolator is validated by comparing the gain measured with and without
the isolator. Since the received power increases when reflections are reduced and matching is
improved, an increase in the measured antenna gain indicates that the isolator is effective.

 Frequency       Effective Gain of Probe Measured Gain of                 Gain Increase
                  (Less Isolator & LNA)   Standalone Probe
    (GHz)                  (dBi)                 (dB)                           (dB)
    58.32                   8.3                   6.3                            2.0
    60.48                   8.1                   6.8                            1.3
    62.64                   7.5                   5.4                            2.1
                                  Average Gain Increase (dB)                     1.8

                                     Page 29 of 30
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U19818-E2C                                                                     DATE: AUGUST 05, 2015
EUT: Intel Wireless Gigabit radio installed in Dell 2 in 1 laptop                             FCC ID: PD917265NG


                                             END OF REPORT

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UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Document Created: 2015-08-05 11:14:50
Document Modified: 2015-08-05 11:14:50

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