RF Exposure SAR Report


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                                 AT4 wireless, S.A.
                                                                                                              Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
                                                                                                                     c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2
                                                                                                             29590 Campanillas/ Málaga/ España
                                                                                                             Tel. 952 61 91 00 - Fax 952 61 91 13
                                                                                                                MÁLAGA, C.I.F. A29 507 456
                                                                                                           Registro Mercantil de Málaga,Tomo 1169,
                                                                                                              Libro 82, Folio 133, Hoja MA3729

                                                                          TEST REPORT
                                                                REFERENCE STANDARDS:
                                                                    FCC 47CFR Part 2.1093
                                                   FCC OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C (Edition 01-01)
NIE........................................................ :     31131RET.002
                                                                                                   Alejandro Llamas Firmado  digitalmente por
                                                                                                                    Alejandro Llamas Rodríguez
Approved by
                                                                  A. Llamas / RF Lab. Manager      Rodríguez        Fecha: 2010.02.15 17:54:51
(name / position & signature) ............... :                                                           ..........................................................
Elaboration date .................................... :           2010-02-15
Identification of item tested ................ :                  Intel® Centrino® Wireless-N 1000 inside a host laptop
Trademark ............................................ :          Intel
Model and/or type reference ................. :                   USA: 112BNHMW / Canada: 112BNHU
Serial number ........................................ :          MAC: 001E6400F552
Other identification of the product ........ :                    FCC ID: PD9112BNHU / IC: 1000M-112BNHU
Features ................................................. :      802.11 b/g/n
Description ............................................ :        Wireles Module: Intel® Centrino® Wireless-N 1000
                                                                  Antenna Type: WNC 25.91231.041 / 25.91231.031
                                                                  Host platform: S10-3S
Applicant ............................................. :         Intel Corporation
Address.................................................. :       2111 Ne 25th Avenue JF3-3-G14, Hillsboro, OR 97124, USA
CIF/NIF/Passport................................... :             ---
Contact person:                                                   Steven C. Hackett (Wireless Regulatory Engineer)
Telephone / Fax ..................................... :           803-216-2344
e-mail: ................................................... :     steven.c.hackett@intel.com
Test samples supplier ......................... :                 Same as applicant
Manufacturer ...................................... :             Same as applicant

         Report Nº(NIE): 31131RET.002                                          Page 1 of 33                                                 2010-02-15

Test method requested ........................: See Standard
Standard ................................................: 1. FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1093. Radiofrequency radiation exposure
                                                              evaluation: portable devices.
                                                           2. FCC OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C (Edition 01-01), “Evaluating
                                                              Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio
                                                              Frequency Electromagnetic Fields”.
                                                           3. FCC OET KDB 248227 – SAR Measurements Procedures
                                                              802.11a/b/g Transmitters (May 2007 – Revised).
                                                           4. FCC OET KDB 616217 D03 – SAR Evaluation Considerations for
                                                              Notebook/Netbook and Laptop Computers (November 2009).
                                                           5. FCC OET KDB 450824 – SAR Probe Calibration and System
                                                              Verification Considerations for measurements at 150 MHz – 3 GHz
                                                              (January 2007).
Test procedure .......................................: Same as standards.
Non-standardized test method ...............: N/A
Used instrumentation .............................: 1. Dosimetric E-field probe SPEAG ES3DV3
                                                    2. Data acquisition device SPEAG DAE4
                                                    3. Electro-optical converter SPEAG EOC3
                                                    4. 2450 MHz dipole validation kit SPEAG D2450V2
                                                    5. Robot STÄUBLI RX60BL
                                                    6. Robot controller STÄUBLI CM7MB
                                                    7. Oval flat phantom SPEAG ELI 4
                                                    8. SAR measurement software SPEAG DASY4 V4.7 Build 80
                                                    9. Measurement server SPEAG DASY4 SE UMS 001 DC
                                                    10. Body Tissue Equivalent Liquids for 2450MHz band
                                                    11. Vector network analyzer Agilent E5071C
                                                    12. Dielectric probe kit Agilent 85070C
                                                    13. Power meter R&S NRVD
                                                    14. Power Sensor R&S NRV-Z51
                                                    15. Power Sensor R&S NRV-Z1
                                                    16. RF Generator Agilent ESG E4438C
                                                    17. Dual directional coupler NARDA FSCM 99899
                                                    18. Power amplifier MITEQ AMF-4D-00400600-50-30P
                                                    19. Laptop positioning extension SPEAG Laptop Holder
Report template No. .............................: FDT08_11
IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means, except in full, without the previous
written permission of AT4 wireless.

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Competences and guarantees ................................................................................................................ 4
General conditions ................................................................................................................................ 4
Uncertainty............................................................................................................................................ 4
Usage of samples................................................................................................................................... 5
Testing period ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Environmental conditions ..................................................................................................................... 5
Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Remarks and comments ........................................................................................................................ 6
Testing verdicts ..................................................................................................................................... 6
APPENDIX A: Test Configuration....................................................................................................... 7
APPENDIX B: Test results................................................................................................................. 15
APPENDIX C: Measurements Reports .............................................................................................. 20
APPENDIX D: Calibration Data ........................................................................................................ 24
APPENDIX E: Photographs ............................................................................................................... 31

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Competences and guarantees
AT4 wireless is a testing laboratory competent to carry out the tests described in this report.
In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, AT4 wireless has a calibration
and maintenance programme for its measurement equipment.
AT4 wireless guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the
measurements and the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on the
report and, it is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at AT4 wireless at the time of
performance of the test.
AT4 wireless is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related to the item
under test and the results of the test.
General conditions
       1.   This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
       2.   This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification
            Bodies or competent Authorities.
       3.   This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous
            written permission of AT4 wireless.
       4.   This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without
            previous written permission of AT4 wireless and the Accreditation Bodies.
       Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the following documents:

       1.   FCC OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C (Edition 01-01), “Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for
            Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields”.

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Usage of samples
Samples undergoing test have been selected by: the client.
Sample M/01 is composed of the following elements:
     Control Nº          Description                 Model                     Serial Nº      Date of reception
                                                 ®           ®
     31131/02           WiFi module        Intel Centrino Wireless-          MAC Adress:         2010-02-10
                     inside a Laptop PC    N 1000 / Laptop S10-3S /         001E6400F552
                                                Yageo Antennas

1.      Sample M/01 has undergone the test(s) specified in subclause “Test method requested”.

Testing period
The performed test started on 2010-02-11 and finished on the same day.
The tests have been performed at AT4 wireless.

Environmental conditions
In the laboratory for measurements, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                  Temperature                                    Min. = 21.52 ºC
                                                                 Max. = 23.37 ºC
                  Relative humidity                              Min. = 37.74 %
                                                                 Max. = 45.17 %
                  Air pressure                                   Min. = 1008 mbar
                                                                 Max. = 1010 mbar

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Considering the results of the performed test according to FCC 47CFR Part 2.1093, the item under test is IN
COMPLIANCE with the requested specifications specified in the standard.
The maximum 1g volume averaged SAR found during this test has been 0.027 W/kg, for the 2450 MHz band and
802.11n with 20MHz BW mode.
NOTE: The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in page 1
of this document, as presented for test on the date(s) shown in section, “USAGE OF SAMPLES, TESTING
Remarks and comments
1: 802.11n = 20MHz BW / 802.11n* = 40MHz BW.
2: Testing of 802.11g is not required due to the testing reductions mentioned in FCC OET KDB 248227 – SAR
Measurements Procedures 802.11a/b/g Transmitters (May 2007 – Revised), paragraph “Frequency Channel
3: Testing of other channels in each band is optional when the maximum output channel SAR fulfills the testing
reductions mentioned in FCC OET KDB 248227 – SAR Measurements Procedures 802.11a/b/g Transmitters (May
2007 – Revised), paragraph “Frequency Channel Configurations”.

Testing verdicts
Not applicable .................................................... :          NA
Pass..................................................................... :    P
Fail ..................................................................... :   F
Not measured...................................................... :           NM

2450 MHz band
                                     FCC 47CFR Part 2.1093 Paragraph                                   VERDICT
                                                                                                  NA    P   F  NM
(d)(2)      802.11b                                                                                     P
(d)(2)      802.11g                                                                                            NM2
(d)(2)      802.11n1                                                                                    P
(d)(2)      802.11n*1                                                                                   P
1 and 2: See Remarks and Comments.

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               APPENDIX A: Test Configuration

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   1.     GENERAL INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 9
   1.1. Application Standard.............................................................................................................................. 9
   1.2. General requirements ............................................................................................................................. 9
   1.3. Measurement system and phantom requirements ................................................................................... 9
   1.4. Measurement Liquids requirements. ...................................................................................................... 9

   2.     MEASUREMENT SYSTEM............................................................................................................... 10
   2.1. Measurement System............................................................................................................................ 10
   2.2. Test Positions of device relative to body.............................................................................................. 11
   2.3. Test to be performed ............................................................................................................................ 11
   2.4. Description of interpolation/extrapolation scheme............................................................................... 11
   2.5. Determination of the largest peak spatial-average SAR ....................................................................... 11
   2.6. System Validation ................................................................................................................................ 12

   3.     UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................................................. 13

   4.     SAR LIMIT.......................................................................................................................................... 14

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1.1.     Application Standard
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) sets the limits for General Population /
Uncontrolled exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields for transmitting devices designed
to be used within 20 centimetres of the user body under FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1093 -
“Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: portable devices”, paragraph (d)(2).
Specific requirements and procedure for SAR assessment are describe under FCC OET Bulletin 65,
Supplement C (Edition 01-01), “Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure
to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields”, and all the FCC OET Knowledge Database documents
referred at the beginning of this document.

1.2.     General requirements
The SAR measurement has been performed continuing the following considerations and
environment conditions:
       - The ambient temperature shall be in the range of 18ºC to 25ºC and the variation shall not
       exceed +/-2ºC during the test.
       - The ambient humidity shall be in the range of and 30% - 70%.
       - The device battery shall be fully charged before each measurement.

1.3.     Measurement system and phantom requirements
The measurement system used for SAR tests fulfils the procedural and technical requirements
described at the reference standards used.
The phantom is a simplified representation of the human anatomy and comprised of material with
electrical properties similar to the corresponding tissues in human body.

1.4.     Measurement Liquids requirements.
The liquids used to simulate the human tissues, must fulfils the requirements of the dielectric
properties required. These target dielectric properties per FCC OET KDB 450824 instructions come
from the dipole and probe calibration data which are included in Appendix B, Section 2, of this
As indicated in FCC OET KDB 450824, it is allowed a 5% variation of the above mentioned level at
the 2450 MHz band.

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2.1.   Measurement System

                     Manufacturer                  Device                  Type

                   Schmid & Partner
                                           Dosimetric E-Fiel Probe        ES3DV3
                    Engineering AG
                   Schmid & Partner           Data Acquisition
                    Engineering AG              Electronics
                   Schmid & Partner            Electro-Optical
                    Engineering AG               Converter
                   Schmid & Partner           2450 MHz System
                    Engineering AG            Validation Dipole
                        Stäubli                     Robot                 RX60BL
                        Stäubli                Robot controller           CM7MB
                   Schmid & Partner
                                              Oval flat phantom            ELI 4
                    Engineering AG
                   Schmid & Partner                                   DASY V4.7 Build
                                            Measurement Software
                    Engineering AG                                         80
                   Schmid & Partner                                   DASY4 SE UMS
                                             Measurement Server
                    Engineering AG                                       001 DC
                                               Vector Network
                        Agilent                                           E5071C
                        Agilent              Dielectric Probe Kit         85070C
                  Rohde & Schwarz               Power Meter                NRVD
                  Rohde & Schwarz               Power Sensor             NRV-Z51
                  Rohde & Schwarz               Power Sensor              NRV-Z1
                        Agilent                 RF Generator            ESG E4438C
                       NARDA               Dual directional coupler     FSCM 99899
                        MITEQ                  Power amplifier             50-30P
                   Schmid & Partner
                                                Laptop Holder         SM LH1 001 AC
                    Engineering AG

                                  Table 1: Measurement Equipment

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2.2.   Test Positions of device relative to body
The laptop device was tested in one position for all tests, with the bottom face placed directly
against the phantom so the position of the laptop would be used (normal use condition). Further
analysis was performed to determine the location which showed the highest SAR.
The antennas on the laptop are located within the edge screen. According to FCC OET Bulletin 65 –
Supplement C, the antennas which would applied in the test are antennas or radiating structures in
direct contact with the user’s body within 20 centimetres of the body of a user under normal
operating conditions.

2.3.   Test to be performed
In all operating modes and bands the measurements have to be performed on the “default test
channels” defined at FCC OET KDB 248227 – SAR Measurements Procedures 802.11a/b/g
Transmitters (May 2007 – Revised), except those channels defined as “required test channels” at the
same document.

2.4.   Description of interpolation/extrapolation scheme
The local SAR inside the Phantom is measured using small dipole sensing elements inside a probe
element. The probe tip must not be in contact with the Phantom’s surface in order to minimise
measurement errors, but the highest local SAR is obtained from measurements at a certain distances
from the shell trough extrapolation. The accurate assessment of the maximum SAR averaged over 1
gr. and 10 gr. requires a very fine resolution in the three dimensional scanned data array. Since the
measurements have to be performed over a limited time, the measured data have to be interpolated
to provide an array of sufficient resolution.
The interpolation of 2D area scan is used after the initial area scan, at a fixed distance from the
Phantom shell wall. The initial scan data is collected with a proper spatial resolution and this
interpolation is used to find the location of the local maximum for positioning the subsequent 3D
scanning to within a 1mm resolution.
For the 3D scan, data is collected on a spatially regular 3D grid having 5mm steps in both lateral
directions, and 5mm in depth direction for the 2450MHz band. After the data collection by the SAR
probe, the data are extrapolated in the depth direction to assign values to points in the 3D array
closer to the shell wall. A notional extrapolation value is also assigned to the first point outside the
shell wall so that subsequent interpolation schemes will de applicable right up to the shell wall

2.5.   Determination of the largest peak spatial-average SAR
To determine the maximum value of the peak spatial-average SAR of a EUT, all device positions,
configurations and operational modes should be tested for each frequency band.
According to FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1093, the averaging volume shall be chosen as 1 g of contiguous
tissue. The cubic volumes, over which the SAR measurements are averaged after extrapolation and
interpolation, are chosen in order to include the highest values of local SAR.
The maximum SAR level for the EUT will be the maximum level obtained of the performed
measurements, and indicated in the previous points.

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2.6.   System Validation
Prior to the SAR measurements, system verification is done daily to verify the system accuracy. As
FCC OET Bulletin 65 – Supplement C, Appendix D “SAR measurement procedures” Paragraph
“System Verification” specifies, a complete SAR evaluation is done using a half-wavelength dipole
as source with the frequency of the mid-band channel of the operating band, or within 100MHz of
this channel.
The measured 1 gr. and 10 gr. SAR should be within 10% of the expected target values specified in
the calibration certificate of the dipole, for the specific tissue and frequency used.

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  Uncertainty for 300 MHz – 3 GHz

                                                                                            Standard      Standard
                               Uncertainty   Probability                     (ci)   (ci)                                vi
   ERROR SOURCES                                                 Divisor                   uncertainty   uncertainty
                                value (%)    distribution                    1g     10g                                veff
                                                                                              (1g)          (10g)
Measurement Equipment
     Probe Calibration           ±5.9%         Normal                1        1      1      ±5.90 %       ±5.90%           ∞
      Axial Isotropy             ±4.7%       Rectangular                 3   0.7    0.7     ±1.92%        ±1.92%           ∞
  Hemispherical Isotropy         ±9.6%       Rectangular                 3   0.7    0.7     ±3.92%        ±3.92%           ∞
      Boundary effect            ±1.0%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±0.58%        ±0.58%           ∞
         Linearity               ±4.7%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±2.71%        ±2.71%           ∞
  System detection limits        ±1.0%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±0.58%        ±0.58%           ∞
    Readout electronics          ±1.0%         Normal                1        1      1      ±1.00%        ±1.00%           ∞
      Response time              ±0.8%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±0.46%        ±0.46%           ∞
      Integration time           ±2.6%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±1.50%        ±1.50%           ∞
  RF Ambien conditions           ±3.0%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±1.73%        ±1.73%           ∞
     Probe positioner            ±0.4%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±0.23%        ±0.23%           ∞
     Probe positioning           ±2.9%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±1.67%        ±1.67%           ∞
Maximum SAR evaluation           ±1.0%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±0.58%        ±0.58%           ∞
 Test Sample Related
  Device positioning             ±2.9%         Normal                1        1      1      ±2.90%        ±2.90%       145
      Device Holder              ±3.6%         Normal                1        1      1      ±3.60%        ±3.60%           5
       Power Drift               ±5.0%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±2.89%        ±2.89%           ∞
   Phantom and Setup
   Phantom uncertainty           ±4.0%       Rectangular                 3    1      1      ±2.31%        ±2.31%           ∞
   Liquid conductivity
                                 ±5.0%       Rectangular                 3   0.64   0.43    ±1.85%        ±1.24%           ∞
  (deviation from target)
   Liquid conductivity
                                 ±2.5%         Normal                1       0.64   0.43    ±1.60%        ±1.08%           ∞
   (measurement error)
    Liquid permittivity
                                 ±5.0%       Rectangular                 3   0.60   0.49    ±1.73%        ±1.41%           ∞
  (deviation from target)
    Liquid permittivity
                                 ±2.5%         Normal                1       0.60   0.49    ±1.50%        ±1.23%           ∞
   (measurement error)
   Combined standard
      uncertainty                            uc =   ∑c      i
                                                                 ⋅ ui2                      ±10.85%       ±10.62%      330
   Expanded uncertainty
                                                ue =2.00 uc                                 ±21.71%       ±21.24%
(confidence interval of 95%)

                               Table 2: Uncertainty Assessment for 300 MHz - 3 GHz

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Having a worst case measurement, the SAR limit is valid for general population/uncontrolled
The SAR values have to be averaged over a mass of 1g (SAR 1 gr.) with the shape of a cube. This
level couldn’t exceed the values indicated in the application Standard:

                Standard                         SAR                  SAR Limit (W/Kg)

        FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1093
                                               SAR 1 gr.                      1.6
           Paragraph (d)(2)

                                      Table 4: SAR limit

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                      APPENDIX B: Test results

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    1.     TEST CONDITIONS...............................................................................................................................17
    1.1.   Power supply (V):.....................................................................................................................................17
    1.2.   Temperature (ºC):.....................................................................................................................................17
    1.3.   Test signal, Output Power and Frequencies..............................................................................................17
    1.4.   DUT information ......................................................................................................................................17

    2.     TISSUE PARAMETERS MEASUREMENTS........................................................................................18

    3.     SYSTEM VALIDATION MEASUREMENTS .......................................................................................18
    3.1.   Validation results in 2450 MHz Band for Body TSL...............................................................................18

    4.     MEASUREMENT RESULTS FOR SAR (SPECIFIC ABSORPTION RATE) ......................................18
    4.1.   Summary maximum results.......................................................................................................................18
    4.2.   Results for 2450 MHz Band .....................................................................................................................19

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1.1.   Power supply (V):
Vn = 11.1 Vdc battery
Type of power supply = DC Voltage from rechargeable Li-Ion 11.1 V battery.

1.2.   Temperature (ºC):
Tn = +21.52 to +23.37

The subscript n indicates normal test conditions.

1.3.   Test signal, Output Power and Frequencies
The device was put into operation by using an own control software to program the test mode
required for select the continuous transmission with 100% duty cycle.
In all operating bands the measurements were performed on the “default test channels” defined at
FCC OET KDB 248227 – SAR Measurements Procedures 802.11a/b/g Transmitters (May 2007 –
Revised), except those that fulfil the frequency channel selection criteria mentioned on paragraph
“Frequency Channel Configuration” at the same document.
The output power of the device was set to maximum power level for all tests; a fully charged battery
was used for every test sequence.
The maximum average conducted power of the device was measured with a Power meter R&S
NRVD and a thermocoupled Power sensor NRV-Z51.

1.4.   DUT information
The device under test was the Intel® Centrino® Wireless-N 1000 card located inside a host laptop
(S10-3S) computer which utilises a set of WNC antennas (25.91231.041 / 25.91231.031). The card
was operated utilizing proprietary software (CRTU Version and each channel was
measured using a broadband power meter to determine the maximum average power. The device
was tested in a single chain configuration which is representative of the maximum exposure
condition of this wireless transceiver.

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                     Target Body Tissue:           Target Body Tissue:
                   Parameters used in Probe      Parameters used in Dipole           Measured Body Tissue
Frequency                Calibration                   Calibration                                                   Measured
  (MHz)                                                                                                               Date
                                Conductivity                     Conductivity                     Conductivity
               Permittivity                     Permittivity                       Permittivity
                                   [S/m]                            [S/m]                            [S/m]

  2450            52.7 ± 5%      1.95 ± 5%      53.2 ± 6%         2.00 ± 6%           50.44          2.02           2010-02-10

  Note: The dielectric properties have been measured by the contact probe method at 21.5° C.


  3.1.      Validation results in 2450 MHz Band for Body TSL

                               Target SAR             Measured SAR
          SAR                                                                        Drift (%)              Limit (%)
                                 (W/kg)                  (W/kg)
          1 gr.                   53.0                    50.76                        -4.23                      ± 10
          10 gr.                   25.0                     23.54                      -5.84                      ± 10


  4.1.      Summary maximum results

         2450 MHz band:

                                                                                                       SAR limit
                                                               Frequency        Measured SAR 1g
                   Band           Mode         Channel                                                    1g
                                                                 (MHz)              (W/Kg)
                                 802.11b         1               2412                0.026                  1.6
             2450 MHz            802.11g          -                -                 NM                     1.6
               band              802.11n1        6               2437                0.027                  1.6
                                802.11n*         6               2437                0.013                  1.6
         1 and 2: See Remarks and Comments.

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4.2.     Results for 2450 MHz Band

                                                  Conducted           SAR
                                      Frequency                                    Power      Limit
               Mode         Channel                Power          averaged over
                                        (MHz)                                     Drift (%)    (%)
                                                   (dBm)           1g (W/Kg)
                              1         2412        16.75             0.026        -4.41       ±5
              802.11b         6         2437        16.59             NM              -        ±5
                              11        2462        16.45             NM              -        ±5
                              1         2412        12.60             NM              -        ±5
              802.11g         6         2437        16.53             NM2             -        ±5
                              11        2462        11.40             NM              -        ±5
                              1         2417        11.75             NM              -        ±5
              802.11n         6         2437        16.42            0.027         -2.61       ±5
                              11        2457        10.76             NM              -        ±5
                              3         2422        10.40             NM3             -        ±5
             802.11n*         6         2437        12.18            0.013         -0.98       ±5
                               9       2452          9.60             NM              -        ±5
       1, 2 and 3: See Remarks and Comments.

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          APPENDIX C: Measurements Reports

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2450 MHz Band – 802.11b Channel 1
DUT: S10-3S + Intel 112BNHMW + WNC Antennas; Type: Laptop; Serial: ---
Program Name: 802.11b at 2450MHz

Communication System: 802.11; Frequency: 2412 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used (interpolated): f = 2412 MHz; σ = 1.96 mho/m; εr = 50.6; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section

DASY4 Configuration:
- Probe: ES3DV3 - SN3052; ConvF(4.06, 4.06, 4.06); Calibrated: 27/10/2009
- Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn669; Calibrated: 26/10/2009
- Phantom: Flat Phantom ELI4.0; Type: QDOVA001BA; Serial: SN:1060
- Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 80; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 186

802.11b, Channel 1/Area Scan (81x81x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.029 mW/g

802.11b, Channel 1/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 3.36 V/m; Power Drift = -0.392 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.045 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.026 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.017 mW/g
Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.028 mW/g

                       0 dB = 0.028mW/g

Report Nº(NIE): 31131RET.002                       Page 21 of 33                                 2010-02-15

2450 MHz Band – 802.11n Channel 6
DUT: S10-3S + Intel 112BNHMW + WNC Antennas; Type: Laptop; Serial: ---
Program Name: 802.11n at 2450MHz

Communication System: 802.11; Frequency: 2437 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used (interpolated): f = 2437 MHz; σ = 2 mho/m; εr = 50.5; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section

DASY4 Configuration:
- Probe: ES3DV3 - SN3052; ConvF(4.06, 4.06, 4.06); Calibrated: 27/10/2009
- Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn669; Calibrated: 26/10/2009
- Phantom: Flat Phantom ELI4.0; Type: QDOVA001BA; Serial: SN:1060
- Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 80; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 186

802.11n, Channel 6/Area Scan Chain (81x81x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.030 mW/g

802.11n, Channel 6/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 3.42 V/m; Power Drift = -0.230 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.049 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.027 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.017 mW/g
Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.029 mW/g

                       0 dB = 0.029mW/g

Report Nº(NIE): 31131RET.002                       Page 22 of 33                              2010-02-15

2450 MHz Band – 802.11n* Channel 6
DUT: S10-3S + Intel 112BNHMW + WNC Antennas; Type: Laptop; Serial: ---
Program Name: 802.11n* at 2450MHz

Communication System: 802.11; Frequency: 2437 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium parameters used (interpolated): f = 2437 MHz; σ = 2 mho/m; εr = 50.5; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Phantom section: Flat Section

DASY4 Configuration:
- Probe: ES3DV3 - SN3052; ConvF(4.06, 4.06, 4.06); Calibrated: 27/10/2009
- Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn669; Calibrated: 26/10/2009
- Phantom: Flat Phantom ELI4.0; Type: QDOVA001BA; Serial: SN:1060
- Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 80; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 186

802.11n*, Channel 6/Area Scan (81x81x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.014 mW/g

802.11n*, Channel 6/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 2.70 V/m; Power Drift = -0.086 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.024 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.013 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.00916 mW/g
Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.014 mW/g

                       0 dB = 0.014mW/g

Report Nº(NIE): 31131RET.002                       Page 23 of 33                              2010-02-15

                 APPENDIX D: Calibration Data

Report Nº(NIE): 31131RET.002   Page 24 of 33    2010-02-15

                                                                                                                          argQ@                    Winrceicss

Calibration Laboratory of                                         ,\t“'@?"«                                      Schweizsriacher Kalibrierdienst
Schmid & Partner                                                  in                                             Service suisse d‘étalonnage
  Engineerlng AG                                                 2 s                                             Servizio svizzero di taratura
Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzorland                      *¥A .-\'?                                      Swiss Calibration Service

Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                             Accreditation No.: SCS 108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

Client      ATA wireless                                                                        Contificate No: ES3—3052_OctO9

 Objmct                               ES3SDV3— SN:3052

 Calibration procedure{s)             QA CAL—01 .v6, QA CAL—23.v3 and QA CAL—25.v2
                                      Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

 Calibration date                     October 27, 2009

 This calibration certficate documents the Iraceability to national standards, which realize the physical units of measurements (S1)
 The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probability are given on the following pages and are part of the certificate

 All calibrations have been conducted in the dlosed iaboratory faciity: environment temperatune (22 + 3)°C and bumidity < 70%

 Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration}

 Primary Standards                    |lp«                        Cal Date (Cenificate No—.]                          Scheduled Calibration
 Power meter E44198                     GB41203074                1—Apr—08 (No— 217—01030)                            Apr—10
 Power sensor E44124                    MYA1495277                1—Apr—08 {NMo. 217—01030}                           Apr—10
 Power sensor E4412A                    MY4149A0A7                1—Apr—08 (No. 217—01030)                            Apr—10
 Reference 3 dB Attenuator              SN; 55054 (3¢)            31—Mar—O$ (No. 217—01028)                           Mar—1Q
 Reference 20 dB Attenuator             SN; §5006 (20b6)          31—Mar—08 (No, 217—01028)                           Mar—10
 Reference 30 dB Attenuator             SN. 55129 (30b)           31—Mar—08 (No. 217—01027}                           Mar—10
 Reference Probe ES3DV2                 SN: 3013                  2—Jam—09 (No ES3—3013_Jan09)                        Jan—10
 OAE4                                   SN; 860                   20—5ep—09 (No. DAE4—560_SepQD)                      Sep—10

 Secondary Standards                    ID #       8              Check Date (im house)        _________              Scheduled Chack ____
 RF generator HP 8648C                  US3042UO1700              4—Aug—99 (in house check Oct—09)                    in house check: Oct—11
 Network Analyzer HP 8753E              US37 300505               18—Oct—01 {in house check Oct—09)                   in house check: Oct10

                                        Name                                   Function                                Signature
 Calibrated by                         Marcel Fahr                             Laboratory Technician                 W{-"
                                                                                                                            7 PC T
 Approved by:                          Katta Pokowvic                          Technical Manager

                                                                                                                      Issued: October 27. 2009
 This calibration certficate shall not be reprndunen excepl in full veathout written approval of the 1amra1n|y

Certificate No: ES3—3052_Oct09                                       Page 1 of 11

                                                                                                                              AT4~@                          Winrceicss

ES3DV3 SN:3052                                                                                                                        October 27, 2008

DASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV3 SN:3052

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media

f [MHz]         Valldity (MHz]®        Permittivity       Conductivity       ConvF X _ConvF ¥__          ConvF z              Alpha       ____Depth Unc (k=2)
835             + 50 / + 100           41.5 + 5%          0.90 £+5%                 5.03          5.43           5.83          0.76         113 £11.0%

900             + 50 / £ 100           41,5.25%            0.97 + 5%                5.65          5.65           5.65          0.49         117 %11.0%

1750            + 50 / 4 100           40.1 + 5%           1.37 £5%                 4.99          4.99           4.99          0.39         165 +11.0%

1900            + 50 / + 100           40,.0 + 5%          140 £5%                  4.81          4.81           4.81          0.43         161 £11.0%
2000            + 50 /+ 100            40.0 £5%            1.40 + 5%                4.60          4.69           4.69          0.45         1162 +11.0%

2450            + 50 / 100             39.2 £5%            1.80 + 5%                4.26          4.26           4.26          0.31         222 £11.0%

  The valdity of + 100 MHz only spphes for DASY wi.4 and higher (see Page 2). The uncertainty is the RSS of the ConwF uncertainty at calibration frequency

and the uncertainty for the incicated frequency band.

      Certificate No: ES3—3052 OctOd                                  Page 5 of 11

                                                                                                                                 ara@                            Winrceicss

ES3DV3 SN:3052                                                                                                                            October 27, 20098

DASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV3 SN:3052

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media

f [MHz]         Validity [MHz]®        Permittivity        Conductivity       ConvF X        ConvF ¥_        ConvF Z2            Alpha        Depth Unc (k=2) _

835             + 50/ +100             55.2 £5%            0.97 £5%                   5.71           5.71           5.71          0.70          118 211.0%
§00             * 50 / +100            55.0 4 5%            1.05 £5%                  5.55           5.55           5.55           0.78         116 2 11.0%
1750            + 50 / £ 100           53.4 £5%             149 £5%                   4.66           4.66          4.86            0.26         2.59 +11.0%
1900            + 50 / + 100           53.3 4 5%            1.52 £5%                  4.43           4 43           4 43           0.30         245 +11.0%
2000            + 50/ +100             532.3 £ 5%           1.52 £5%                  4.46           4. 46          4 46           0.25         2.90 2 11.0%
2450            + 50 / + 100           52.7 4 5%            1.85 4 5%                 4.06           4. 06          4.06           0.49         149 £11.0%

  The valldity of + 100 MHz only appbes ftor DASY vi 4 and higher (see Page 2).   The uncerlainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertiinty al calibration frequency

and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band

      Certificate No: ES3—3052 OctOo                                   Page 6 of 11

                                                                                                                          areQ@                   Winrceicss

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                         Schwelzerischer Kalibrierdienst
Schmid & Partner                                                                                                  Service suissed‘étalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                                                  Servigio svizzero di taraturs
Zeughausstrasse 43,8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                                       Swiss Calibration Service

Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of callbration certificates


 Calibration procedure(s)

 Calibration date:

 Condition of the calibrated Mam

 This calibration cortficate documents the traceability to national standards, which realize the physical units of measuremeants (S1).
 The measurements and the uncertainties with contidence probatility are given on the following pages and are part of the certificate,

 All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: environment temperature {22 4 3)°C and humidiy <70%,

 Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical tor calibration}

 Primary Standards                       10 #                     Cal Date (Calibrated by, Certiticate No.)            Scheduled Calibration
 Power meter EPM—4424                    GB37480704               08—Oct—08 (No. 217—00898)                            Oct—O8
 Power sensor HP 84814                   Us37202783               08—Oct—08 (No. 217—00898)                            Oct—O8
 Reference 20 dB Attenuatar              SN: 5006 (209)           31—Mar—09 (No, 217—010258)                           MarA1Q
 Type—N miamaich combination             Sh: 5047.2 / Gesz?y      31—Mar—09 (No. 217—01029)                            Mar—40
 Reference Probe ES3OV2                  SN: 30256                28—Apr—08 (No— ES3—3025 _ Apr08)                     Apr—Od
 Retorence Probe ES3DV2                  SN: 3025                 30—Apr—08 (No. E53—3025_Aprou)                       Apr—10
 DAE4                                    SN: 601                  07—Mar—09 (No, DAE4—601_Mart9)                       Mar—10

 Secondary Standards                     ID #                     Check Date (in house)                                Schoduled Chack
 Power sansor HP 8491A                   Mya10g2317               18—0ct—02 (in house chack Oct—07)                    In house check; Oct—O§
 RF genarator A&S SMT—O6                 100005                   4—Aug—09 (in house check Oct—07)                     In house check: Oct—O8
 Network Analyzer HP8753E                US37300585 54206         18—Oct—01 (in house check Oct—08)                    In house check: Oct—09

                                                                               Function                               Signature
 Calibrated by:

 Approved by:

                                                                                                                      Issuad: June 19, 2008
 This calibration certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without witten approval of the laboratory.

Certificate No: D2450V2—756_JunO§                                     Page 1 of 9

                                                                                                     arae@               Winrceicss

Measurement Conditions
    DASY system confiquration, as tar as not g Iven on page 1
      DASY Version                                                 DASYS                                5.0
      Extrapolation                                       Advanced Extrapotation
      Phantom                                           Modular Flat Phantom ¥5.0
      Distance Dipole Center — TSL                                 10 mm                             with Spacer
      Zoom Scan Resolution                                   dx, dy, dz =5 mm
      Frequency                                             2450 MHz +1 MHz

Head TSL parameters
    The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                   Temperature        Permittivity        Conductivity
      Nominal Head TSL parameters                                     22.0 °C            39.2              1.80 mhoim
      Measured Head TSL parameters                                (22.0 + 0.2) °C     40.4 +6 %         1.78 mha‘m 1 6 %
      Head TSL temperature during test                            (22.4 + 0.2) °C         4e

SAR result with Head TSL

      SAR averaged over 1 em" (1 g) of Head TSL                     Condition
      SAR measured                                            250 mW input power                  13.3 mW /g
      SAR normalized                                            normalized to 1 W                 53.2 mW /g
      SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters ‘                    normalized to 1W           53.9 mW /g #17.0 % (k=2)

      SAR averaged over 10 cm" (10 g) of Head TSL                   condition
      SAR measured                                            250 mW input power                  6.28 mW /g
      SAR normalized                                           normalized to 1W                   25.2 mW / g
      SAA for nominal Head TSL parameters /                    normalized to 1W           25.3 mW ig =16.5 % (k=2)

‘ Correction to nominal TSL parameters according to d), chapter "SAR Sensitivitles"

Cerificate No: D2450V2—756_JunOg                           Page 3 of 9

Report Nº(NIE): 31131RET.002   Page 30 of 33   2010-02-15

Document Created: 2010-02-15 17:54:52
Document Modified: 2010-02-15 17:54:52

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