RF Probe Calibration


RF Exposure Info

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Calibration Laboratory of                                                             SetwaizernchorKattvardiost
Schmid & Partner                                                                      Servce uiss etaionnage
  Engineering AG                                                                      Serviio svzzer usns
Hrvgbanstrasse136004 2urch, Suizriand                                                 Snss Cattraton Servce

Acernstes o tneSis AccestatonServce5)                                    Acereitatonos SCS 108
ThSss Accrestation Serdce is oneofthasignatros o te EX
Mismert Agreement o ha reognitono cativatoncoriicton
cien CCS                                                                 ceriteaisn: EX3—3600_Jant1

 Oe                            EX3DV4 — SN:3686

‘ Caeatonpecesirets            OA CAL—O1V7, OA CAL—1240, OA CAL—14, OA CAL—23vi and
                               OA CAL25v3
                               Calibration procedurefor dosimetric E—feld probes

|extatondi                     January 24, 2011

 Ti altratoncovaedonunent ie rceanay o naton!stardais uic eaieteenun omeanoremens()
 ‘The measuenens ant inuncatanie uictdence ropany aregvan on the atoing sageand e parof h crfcnte
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Ceritcate No: EX3—3606.Juntt                          Page t ot 1t

Calibration Laboratory of                        «>                                 SetwoisenscrerRatonerenst
Schmid & Partner                                                                    Service sunse tiomnage
  Engineering AG                                                                    Senvionizer i aratun
ioappacsstaase i3 to0t zarch, Sutzriand                                             uiss Gatvaton Servce

Acerste by e Sss Acresaton Sevce($A8)                                           Acerestatin: SCS 108
The SwnsAcredaton Serie i on ofthe sinatona o th EA
HiiatrtAgreement ortha recognionofcalbraton certicaten

Ts.                     tssue smulatng lqud
NoRibcyz                sensitviy in ree space
Con                     sensitviy in TSL / NORMy.z
oce                     diode compression point
or                      erest factor(1iduty_cycle) ofthe RF signal
As.C                    modlaton dependent Incarizaton parameters
Polarzaton o              otation around probe ans
Polareation o           5rotationaround an ax‘ that i n the plane normal t probe ax‘s(at measurement center);
                        ie 9 0is normato probe is
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a). IEEE Sté 1626—2003, 1EEE Recommended Procie for Determining the Peak Spatal—Averaged Specifc
       Abscrption Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devicos: Moasurement
       Techniques‘, December 2008
   ): 120 62200—1,‘Procedure to measurethe Specifc Absorption Rate (SAR) for handheld devics used in closo
       proximiy t the ear (Requeney range of 300 Nitz to 3 GHtz, Febrvary 2005
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
    + NORhcacz: Assossed forE—feld polaization 9 = 0 (= 900 Mz in TEM—cal; > 1800 MH: RZ2woveguide)
      NORM)e are only nlermediate values, iethe uncertaintes of NORMy.z does not efletthe Efeld
      uncertainty inside T9L (see below Conv#)
    * NORM(Mey.z = NORM.z * requencyresponse (see Frequency Response Char). This incarzaton is
      implemented in DASY4 software versions laterthan 4.2. The uncertainy of the frequency response is included
      in the stted uncertainty of Conv
    + 0CPEy.z: DGP are numericalinsarization parameters assessed based on the data opower sweep win CW
      signal(no uncertaintyrequred). DCP does not depend on frequency nor meda
    +0 Auz: Brgcz: Cuy.z, VRy.z A, 8. C are numerical Incaricaton parameters assessed based on the data of
       power snsep for specif modulation sgnal. The parameters do not depend on freauency nor media, VRis the
       mamum caliiraton range expressed in RMS votage across te clode
    + Gons£ and Boundary Effect Paramaters: Assessed in lt phantem using E—feld(or Tamporature Transter
       Standard for s 800 MHtz) aninside waveguide usinganalytcalfeld distnbations based on power
       measurementsfor > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessmant of the parameters appled for
       bountary compensation (alpha, danth)of wnich tyniel uncartainty valios are gwen. These paramoters are
       used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close tothe boundary, The sensiivty in TSL correspands
       to NOR32 * ConyE whereby the uncertaintycoresponds tthat gven for Cony" A frequency dependont
       Conv‘is used in DASY version 4.4 and higherwhich alows extencing the vality om 50 Miz to : 100
    + Spheicalisatropy (3D deviation rom isotropy) in a feld of ow grecients realzed using a fat phantom
      exposed by a patch antenna
    + Sensor Offse:The sensoroffet correspandstothe affet f vral measurement conterrom the probe tp
      (on probe axis) No tolerance requred.

Gertteate No: ©XG—3628.Jantt                       Page2ot 11

Exspvs sN:ss86                                                                January 24, 2011

                         Probe EX3DV4

                          Manufactured:                    March 10, 2009
                          Last calibrated:                 March 23, 2009
                          Recalibrated                     January 24, 2011

                               Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                   (Note: non.compattle wit DASY2 system)

  Centate No: ©13—3500.Jantt                 Page 30(1

Exsovs sN:sces                                                                         January 24, 2011

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 SN:3686

Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                           Sensor x| Sensorv sensor2 June tet)
Norm (uVI(Vim)?f*                                            ES       o«s       ass     |a101%
oc m‘                                                        os 1     sse       se«

Modulation Calibration Parameters
uo         (communication System Name        pan              A       a          c        va      Une!
                                                              «o     sow                  my      ten
toose      ow                                 oo      x         aco!    oc           100 ima     a21%
                                                      v         oco!    oc           10 mss
                                                      z         oc      a0o          10 tme

 "The reported uncertainly of measurementis stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multpled
 by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probabilty of
 approximately 95%

 trouncstas t enz o ut atuc e tss uncerary eage T9.e Page S anc)
 Nemereinsaeson pantr ientart eteres
©entantya ernnn sany e marnin devaton om ireamsoneanoog reangir saicio and s eprmme t h wpareof m tsce

     Centicaho: BG—3666_Jantt                 Pageaot 11

Exsove snsses                                                                              January 24, 2011

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 SN:3686

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media

«uie      vateiy utte®    remitivly    Conductiiy ComFXComPY ComFZ                  Alph      Desth use(or)
aso       asore 100       asasm        oaresh        sar   sar   sar                 on        100 a133%
Tso       asore 100       anoasm       ossesn        sos   aos   sos                 ost       oss «ro%
sas       «sore 100       aisesm       ostess        aes   ass   ass                 ose       oss «tow
sco       «sore t..       arsasm       oors%         as    as    ase                 aso       ors x tos
veso      «sore to        sosasm       r20i5%        soo   aco   ace                 aso       aso atox
1s40      asore t         sosasm       rzsasn        o     27e   170                 ase       oss es
1rs0        soraroo       aoress       rarass        zse   7e    ze                  ase       oss a1o%
reoo      «sore 100       «oo«sn       140k5%        zee   o     rae                 ase       ass atok
1eso      «sor 100        «oosm        1a0k5%        r22   22e   r2e                 ass       ost a1o%
2000      «sors 100       «oosm        14028%        730   73    130                 ose       oss «1108
2300      «sors 100       sosesm       18725%        Te    m     r2                  o3s       oss atok
2eso      «sors 100       sozesm       18025%        se    see   se                  oo         vas atow
ze00      «sors 100       soosm        196+5%        a7s   a7s   a7s                 026        o8 atiow
sso       «sors 00        argesw       2ores%        sez   se    s«2                 o40        rze a13i%
arco      ssor 100        anrasm       adresn        s1    s13   a1s                 om         120 ataim
«oso      asore t..       seaasm       «ades%        «s    ans   ats                 oa0        rso ai3i%
sao       asore o         ssoasm       «ssesn        ase   ase   «se                 oas        rso arais
soo       asore too       asoass       «reasn        a3s   «2s   «2s                 ca0        se arai%
ssto      «so/a 100       assasn       49625%        ans   an3   a13                 o4         is aror%
seoo      «sor100         assasn       s0r28%        ass   ass   s9s                 o«s        reo anok
seco      asork100        assasn       s2res%        «0e   «04   o                   oas        reo adoik

  Trevasan o 10 is onaspistoDMSY v o hges m Page ) Tre norany a e RSGf e Cord ncntantyacatoaton tenancy
antire woenany o ie nsctwareyons

   Centicae ho ©13—3000.Jantt                  PageSot it

Exsovs sN:3ses                                                                            January 24, 2011

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 SN:3686

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media

1ib_      valany iide®   nomitvly     Conductiiy ComEX ComEY ComFZ                Alaha     Deoth ure td
«so       ssore oo       seresm       oores%        ar     arr   arr               sos       10«93%
rso       ss0re 100      sesasm       ossash        sar    sar   sar               os        o«ti0%
sos       «sore 10       seaesm       oors%         are    ae    a7e               o7        oss x to%
sco       asore 100      ssoasm       tosas%        set    aet   set               oso       o«08
1eso      as0re100       seoass       t0k9%         zse    Teo   7e                ost       ose 0s
1s«0      «sore100       sanasm       rapase        7e«    ts    7e«               aso       osr t0%
u7s0      «sore 100      saeasn       ragesn        ras    ras   12e               on        oss atos
1e00      «sore 100      sogsn        rszes%        ase    soo   sse               ars       oss amon
roso      «sore 100      sogasn       rszes%        r2s    r2a   r2a               azo       oss a 10
2000      «sore 100      sagasn       rszes%        Tie    re    re                oss       are amon
2a0o      «sors 100      sag«sm       18125%        sos    soe   soe               o4t       ose «on
2aso      «sore 100      sarksm       19528%        sos    sas   sas               o4r       ore tw
2000      «sore 0        sasesn       2deash        a7e    a7e   a7e               ost       oation
ssoo      asork 100      staasm       osrash        sos    sos   sos               090       30 ara1%
arco      ssore 10       stousn       assesn        see    see   see               oss        130 at21%
«oso      asors 00       asa«sm       sora8%        aro    an    are               oso       is ararm
seco      asor mo        asosn        ssorsh        sos    ase   ase               ose       is aiarm
sso       asore too      asoasn       saresn        a70    aze   aro               os         is adame
ssoo      «sora 100      assasn       sesr5%         ass   ass   ass               oss        is a31%
seoo      as0r 100       assasn       s7725%        aze    sz    az                oso        rs0 aro%
seoo      «sors 00       «ezesm       600r8%         a7o   a7o   a7o               oss        iso ana1%

5 e asany o 10 zonopisfo DAGY i annger o Page ) Trencenany a e RGB ob Cori ncndanty atcatoaton bemany
antire ocenanye nsuaes ewensy Snd

   Centar No ©13—3006Jantt                    Pagesot 11

Exsova SN:sse5                                                                                                    January 24, 2011

                                                            Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                              (TEM—Cellifit10 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

                      Erequency esponseromatzed)

                                                        o       soo     oo      isso     ause     aso      soco

                                                        Uncertainy of Frequency Response oE     m asan t

   Centate No: ©x3—3000.Jantt                                           Page o1

Exsove sh:scse                                                                               January 24, 2011

                                   Receiving Pattern (§), 8 = 0°

                  1= s0o mhe, Tem iittoxx                         1= 1800 mie, we nee

                ceor     cecv    cecr    cecm                Sn      u6y      D       ctol


                  o         so          1e        i         2o          xo

                                 Uncertainy of Axia sotropy Assossment: + 0.% (le2)

  Centicte No: E15—3000.dontt                   Pagesot 1

Exspve sN:sses                                                                                            January 24, 2011

                                                   Dynamic Range f(SARnesq)
                                                            (TEM cell, £= 900 MHz)


                 sensor vatage t




                                       san           so1   61         1    10
                                                          Sat iowen‘s
                                           neux    m ce neoy ctnyear ~ecr caorem



                 Eror to)

                                     com           ce           e           1          10           100
                                                                 S tnwen‘)

                                                  Uncentainty of Linoarty Assossmont 2 0.8% (re2)

  Contate No E13—a008.Jantt                                     Prgesot1

Exsove sN:sces                                                                                              January 24, 2011

                                 Conversion Factor Assessment

              = 00 ts WGLS R(hend)                                              1=sa00 tiks, WGLS RS8 (head)

                                                                   18 f 868 8
                                                     SaRtawent w
             ®oom          ut      0     se     o®                                                10   is         zo
                          im                                                               #ima

                                 Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                              Error (6, 3 £= 900 MHz
                                                                                      Eror ta8)

                               #10—080 m ose—ac0 ae0—0.0 mo is—020 m 00000
                               nomoz mormes mowos momem morts

                               Uncertainy of Spherica sotropy Assossmant: 28% t

  Contare No: EX3—0008.Jantt                    Pagetoot 1

EX3OVs SN:3605                                           January 24, 2011

Other Probe Parameters

SSensor Arrangement                                              Trangular
(Comector Angle ()                                           Not applcable
Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                                 enabled
Optical Surface Detection Mode                                    aisabled
Probe Overal ength                                                337 mm
Probe Body Diameter                                                10 mm
(hs tengm                                                           $ mm
[ Diameter                                                         25 mm

Probe Tis o Sensor X Caltration Point                               1 mm
Probe Tis t Sensor Y Caltration Point                                1 mm

Probe Tis to Sensor2 Callbration Point                               1 mm!
[Recommended Measurement Distance trom Surace                       2 mm

    Cerifcte No: ©9—9000.dantt              Page it is

Document Created: 2019-06-01 17:33:11
Document Modified: 2019-06-01 17:33:11

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