RF Exposure MPE


RF Exposure Info

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                                  MPE Calculations
The device is not a portable device (i.e. intended to be worn on the body or be hand-
held), so it is classified as being either a mobile device or a fixed mounted device. The
user’s manual specifies a minimum separation distance of at least 20cm, consistent with
this classification.

FCC part 1.1310, Table 1 limits the power density for uncontrolled exposure. The power
density, Pd (mW/cm2 ) calculated from the maximum EIRP, Pt (mW) and the distance, d
(m), between the transmitting antenna and the closest person, can be calculated using:

                                       Pd = Pt /(4 πd2)

 Output power of 5.5mW is taken from the test report and is the highest power for basic and
 Enhanced data rate modes. Antenna gain is the taken form the antenna specification sheets.
                 MPE         Output         Max.                                     Distance
                                                           EIRP       Pd at 20cm
  Frequency       Limit      Power         Antenna                              2   where Pd =
                                                           (mW)        (mW/cm )
               (mW/cm2)      (mW)         Gain (dBi)                                 limit (cm)
   2402 to
                  1.00        5.5            3.2            11.5        0.2% of         1.0
  2480 MHz

 Output power of 63.1mW is taken from the test report and is the highest average power for all
 modes. Note that the Form 731\REL power rating for 802.11g and n20 modes show 20.7mW
 and 20.9mW respectively, but these are peak powers. The average powers are detailed in the
 test report as 16.7dBm. This rf exposure evaluation uses average power. Antenna gain is the
 taken form the antenna specification sheets
   2412 to                                                               0.03
                    1.00        63.1          3.2         131.8                        3.2
  2462 MHz                                                            3% of limit

As shown in the calculations above, the power density 20cm from the device is below the
maximum permitted level for uncontrolled exposure when either Bluetooth or Wi-Fi
devices are operational.

If both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are operational simultaneously then the total power density
20cm from the device is 3.2% of the limit (3% for the WiFi and 0.2% for the Bluetooth)
and complies with the rf exposure requirements. The total eirp with both devices
transmitting is 68.6mW.

Document Created: 2010-10-01 15:47:04
Document Modified: 2010-10-01 15:47:04

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