Technical Description


Operational Description

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Technical Description SS-125

The system is shown below:

           ∼    750MH             12GH                                  24GH
                  Filte    Multiplie    Filte       Am         Multiplie    Filte                     Antenn
 DD        x                 16                         1          2X

 80MH                                                                                 18dB
                                  7             -                   9dB         3dB
                                                            12dB                      7 dB
                                                                                      Loss        2     2
                          Programmabl                                                                   Rcv
                                e               R/c          Mhz
                 A/                             Filte        Am                                        Antenn
                          Anadig                               1        1
Figure 1

As shown in figure 1, the DDS generates a linear frequency modulated chirp from 0 to
7.8 MHz. This signal is mixed up and filtered to leave a chirp from 750 MHz to 757.8
MHz. The signal then goes through the 16 times multiplier, filter and amplifier to create
a linear frequency modulated chirp that ramps the signal from 12 GHz to 12.125 GHz.
The doubler and filter then move the signal to the 24 to 24.125 Linear Frequency
Modulated (LFM) chirp, or Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) signal.
The up chirp takes 255 micro seconds and the down chirp takes 5 microseconds. The
Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) is then 3846 Hz, or roughly 4 KHz.

The transmitted frequency is controlled using a DDS, VCO, 16X multiplier and Doubler
as shown in the block diagram and discussed above.

To suppress spurious signals, stripline RF filters are built into the printed circuit board.
Additionally, 2 pieces of RF absorbing foam are used. The first is placed between the RF
board and the DSP board and the second piece of absorbing material is attached to the
back of the RF board (the side with the antennas).

The system does not send information, but transmits an LFM chirp and listens for the
echoes from objects in its antenna pattern. The frequency modulation is used so that
when the delayed return chirp is mixed with the transmit signal, the resulting frequency
corresponds to a range.

Document Created: 2006-02-21 15:00:48
Document Modified: 2006-02-21 15:00:48

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