Proc Gain

FCC ID: PBY1130102

Test Report

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                                                                                                            REPORT                           1 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)    Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                            EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked   Datum - Date   Rev   File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                2000-06-21      R1   procgainresults.doc

                                                                  PROCESSING GAIN MEASUREMENT RESULTS OF
                                                                  ERICSSON’S BLUETOOTH RECEIVER USING THE CW-
                                                                  JAMMING MARGIN METHOD


                                                                  This paper presents results concerning the processing gain (PG) for
                                                                  Ericsson’s Bluetooth receiver when measured according to FCC’s CW-
                                                                  jamming margin method. The PG from the direct sequence spreading caused
                                                                  by the access code in page and inquiry mode is found to be about 4 dB for
                                                                  three different access codes, with considerably different properties. Therefore,
                                                                  since Bluetooth in page and inquiry is considered as a hybrid system which is
                                                                  required to have a total PG of 17 dB, and the PG from the frequency hopping
                                                                  part is 15 dB, it is concluded that Ericsson’s receiver passes the test with a
                                                                  margin of about 2 dB.
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                            REPORT                           2 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)    Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                            EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked   Datum - Date   Rev   File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                2000-06-21      R1   procgainresults.doc


                                                                  1                       Introduction

                                                                  2                       Description of the Method

                                                                  3                       Measurement results

                                                                  4                       Conclusions
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                              REPORT                                  3 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)      Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                              EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked     Datum - Date          Rev   File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                  2000-06-21             R1   procgainresults.doc

                                          1                       INTRODUCTION

                                                                  FCC has expressed that they preferably would like the processing gain
                                                                  obtained from the DS part to be measured by a (possibly modified) CW
                                                                  jamming margin method. Ericsson has performed such a measurement, and
                                                                  in this paper it is described how this measurement is performed together with
                                                                  the result showing that the PG from the DS part is about 4 dB. Consequently,
                                                                  it is concluded that Ericsson’s receiver has a PG from the DS part which
                                                                  exceeds the required 2 dB, and thus a total PG exceeding 17 dB, so that it
                                                                  indeed fulfils the by FCC imposed requirements.

                                                                  The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the CW-
                                                                  jamming method is recapitulated, and all parameter values that have to be
                                                                  determined for an measurement are given. Measurement method and results
                                                                  are given in Section 3. Finally, in Section 4, conclusions are drawn.

                                          2                       DESCRIPTION OF THE METHOD

                                                                  Referring to FCC §15.247 (e)(2), the processing gain may be determined
                                                                  as measured using the CW jamming margin method, which, for the sake of
                                                                  completeness, is repeated here:

                                                                  A signal generator is stepped in 50 kHz increments across the passband of the system,
                                                                  recording at each point the generator level required to produce the recommended Bit Error
                                                                  Rate (BER). This level is the jammer level. The output power of the intentional radiator is
                                                                  measured at the same point. The jammer to signal ratio (J/S) is then calculated, discarding the
                                                                  worst 20 % of the J/S data points. The lowest remaining J/S ratio is used to calculate the
                                                                  processing gain, as follows:

                                                                                                            Gp = S/N + Mj + Lsys,

                                                                  where Gp = the processing gain of the system, S/N = signal to noise ratio required for the
                                                                  chosen BER, Mj =J/S ratio, and Lsys = system losses. Note that total losses in a system,
                                                                  including intentional radiator and receiver, should be assumed to be no more than 2 dB.

                                                                  In Bluetooth, the despreading is accomplished by correlating the received bit
                                                                  stream with the bit pattern of the access code. Then the value of this
                                                                  correlation determines whether or not the access code should be considered
                                                                  as present.

                                                                  For Bluetooth, a “bit error” corresponds to that either the access code is
                                                                  present, but falsely rejected, or that the access code is absent but falsely
                                                                  accepted. The probability of the latter is negligible when compared to the
                                                                  former for any reasonable user scenario, and thus the false rejection ratio
                                                                  (FRR) is the figure of merit when evaluating the PG of the system. To reflect
                                                                  this, the CW jamming margin method, when applied to the Bluetooth system
                                                                  is interpreted as follows:
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                              REPORT                                  4 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)      Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                              EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked     Datum - Date          Rev   File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                  2000-06-21             R1   procgainresults.doc

                                                                  A signal generator is stepped in 50 kHz increments across the passband of the system,
                                                                  recording at each point the generator level required to produce the recommended false
                                                                  rejection ratio (FRR). This level is the jammer level. The output power of the intentional
                                                                  radiator is measured at the same point. The jammer to signal ratio (J/S) is then calculated,
                                                                  discarding the worst 20\% of the J/S data points. The lowest remaining J/S ratio is used to
                                                                  calculate the processing gain, as follows:

                                                                                                            Gp = S/N + Mj + Lsys,

                                                                  where Gp = the processing gain of the system, S/N = signal to noise ratio required for the
                                                                  chosen FRR, Mj =J/S ratio, and Lsys = system losses. Note that total losses in a system,
                                                                  including intentional radiator and receiver, should be assumed to be no more than 2 dB.

                                                                  It should here be noted that in order for the above test to be meaningful, the
                                                                  correct sampling time must have been found. If this is not the case, the BER
                                                                  would of course not be at an interesting level. For Bluetooth, the access code,
                                                                  whether in page, inquiry, or connection mode, is used to actually find the a
                                                                  suitable sampling point.

                                          2.1                     SYSTEM LOSSES

                                                                  In the calculation of Gp, it is stated that one may include a term to account for
                                                                  the system losses. For Bluetooth, the two major causes for system loss are by
                                                                  Ericsson considered to be:

                                                                   1                       Non-optimal sampling time. As described above, the CW-
                                                                                           jamming method assumes that the sampling time has been
                                                                                           determined, whereas in Bluetooth, the sampling time is in fact
                                                                                           found through the use of the access code.

                                                                   2                       The use of an IF bandpass filter which has a bandwidth less
                                                                                           than 1 MHz. Due to the fairly strict requirements on the
                                                                                           protection ratios for the adjacent channels, the IF filter is
                                                                                           narrower than the channel spacing. Since the SNR is measured
                                                                                           over a bandwidth of 1 MHz, this means that the SNR after the
                                                                                           IF filter is, which cannot be measured actually is higher.
                                                                                           Consequently the measured PG will be smaller.

                                                                  Since FCC does not accept more than a 2 dB system loss, we expect that the
                                                                  above sources to losses together with the ever-present losses due to
                                                                  attenuation, should be sufficient to motivate for these 2 dB.
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                                        REPORT                                5 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)                Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                                        EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked               Datum - Date        Rev   File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                            2000-06-21           R1   procgainresults.doc

                                          2.2                     OPERATING POINT

                                                                  The access code is decided as present if the number of correctly decoded
                                                                  symbols in the 64 bit sync word exceeds a certain threshold, T. If the
                                                                  probability of bit error in the access code is denoted by p, and the errors are
                                                                  assumed to be independent, then the FRR can be calculated as

                                                                                                  64 −T
                                                                                                            64 
                                                                                                  ∑  t  p (1 − p)
                                                                                                                                   64 − t
                                                                               FRR = 1 −

                                                                                                   t =0

                                                                  We have chosen to determine the PG when the FRR equals 0.1%. The major
                                                                  reason for this being that a smaller number results in a too long testing time.

                                                                  Furthermore, the SNR should preferably be somewhere between 15 and 25
                                                                  dB. In the Bluetooth specification, 21 dB is the operating point where the raw
                                                                  BER in the payload is required not to exceed 0.1\%. Referring to the equation
                                                                  for the FRR, and choosing T = 61, p becomes 0.3 %. Consequently, for a
                                                                  receiver that is just passing the sensitivity requirement in the Bluetooth
                                                                  specification, this corresponds to an operating point of about 19-20 dB.
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                            REPORT                           6 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)    Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                            EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked   Datum - Date   Rev   File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                2000-06-21      R1   procgainresults.doc

                                          3                       MEASUREMENT RESULTS

                                                                  To measure the FRR, the output of the correlator in the Bluetooth baseband
                                                                  part is connected to a frequency counter. Valid access codes are then
                                                                  transmitted by an signal generator with a rate of 800 access-codes per
                                                                  second, since the normal frame repetition time is 1.25 ms. When the SNR is
                                                                  sufficiently high there will be 800 pulses per second at the output of the

                                                                  When noise is present (or an interfering CW Jammer) there will be
                                                                  erroneously detected bits that will cause access codes to be rejected when
                                                                  the correlator threshold is not exceeded. In all measurements the threshold of
                                                                  the correlator is set to 61, and thus only 2 bits of the access code may be
                                                                  corrupted to still produce a correlator output pulse after receiving the access
                                                                  code. The required SNR at this threshold is approximately 18 dB. This is also
                                                                  in accordance with that predicted by theory and close to normal operating
                                                                  conditions of the system.

                                                                  In part one of the measurement we will provide the receiver with a well
                                                                  defined SNR in order to obtain a FRR of 0.1%. This means for every 1000
                                                                  transmitted access codes there will be one rejected and therefore will give no
                                                                  output pulse from the correlator.

                                                                  To obtain sufficient accuracy in this measurement the measurement time
                                                                  should be long enough. We choose 60 seconds as the measurement time.
                                                                  With 800 access codes per second, we should have 800*60=48000 correlator
                                                                  pulses in 60 seconds. At a FRR of 0.1% there will be 48 pulses missing,
                                                                  giving 48000-48=47952 counted pulses in 60 seconds. This equals to 799.2
                                                                  correlator pulses per second, which will be the reading on a frequency

                                          3.1                     SIGNAL TO NOISE MEASUREMENT

                                                                  In practice, the measurement of the S/N for 0.1% FRR is done by adding
                                                                  noise to the wanted signal. The Noiselevel relative to the wanted signal level
                                                                  is adjusted until the FRR is measured as 0.1%. Then the wanted signal power
                                                                  and the noise signal power are measured to obtain the S/N for 0.1% FRR.

                                          3.2                     JAMMER TO SIGNAL MEASUREMENT

                                                                  For measurement of the JSR, the RF signal generator with the Bluetooth
                                                                  modulation is set to a fixed level 20 dB above the receiver sensitivity. The
                                                                  jammer is stepped in 50kHz steps across the receiving channel and for each
                                                                  step the jammer level is adjusted until the FRR is 0.1%. The ratio between
                                                                  the jammer power and the signal power is the Jammer to Signal ratio for 0.1%
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                                REPORT                                            7 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)        Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                                EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked       Datum - Date             Rev     File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                    2000-06-21                R1     procgainresults.doc

                                          3.3                     USED EQUIPMENT

                                                                  The following table lists the equipment that was used during the

                                            Item        Function                                            Type               Manufacturer             Ericsson internal

                                            1           Data generator                                      AMIQ               Rohde&Schwarz            0006188

                                            2           RF signal generator                                 SMIQ               Rohde&Schwarz            0006189

                                            3           RF signal generator                                 SMHU               Rohde&Schwarz            0000721

                                            4           Frequency counter                                   PM6673             Philips                  0000204

                                            5           RF signal combiner                                  42100              Anaren                   -

                                            6           RF signal combiner                                  42100              Anaren                   -

                                            7           RF spectrum analyzer                                HP8596E            Hewlett&Packard          0006206

                                            8           DC power supply                                     SN16A              B&O                      0006250

                                            9           RF signal generator                                 SME03E             Rohde&Schwarz            0005850

                                            10          Frequency mixer                                     ZFY-11             Mini-Circuits            -

                                            11          Bandpass filer helical                              5102.41            Neosid                   -

                                            12          RF amplfier                                         HP8347             Hewlett&Packard          0001141

                                            13          RF adjustable attenuator                            HP8496-A           Hewlett&Packard          0001195

                                                                                                            + HP8494-A

                                            14          Adjustable bandpass filter                          50140              K&L                      0001105

                                            15          Wideband noisesource                                NC6109             Noisecom                 0001280

                                            16          Oscilloscope                                        PM3380A            Philips                  0003340

                                            17          Lydia Bluetooth testboard                           -                  Ericsson                 -
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                                  REPORT                                 8 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)          Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                                  EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked         Datum - Date      Rev      File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                      2000-06-21         R1      procgainresults.doc

                                          3.4                     THE FIRST ACCESS CODE, LAP = 000000

                                                                  For this access code, the required S/N was found to be 16.4 dB. The JSR
                                                                  required to get a FRR of 0.1 % as a function of the frequency offset for the
                                                                  jammer with respect to the carrier frequency is depicted in the figure below.

                                                                                                                      Jammer/Signal (dB)

                                                                                              Jammer offset (kHz)
                                                               -500 -400 -300 -200 -100                       0     100 200 300 400 500


                                                                                                                                                     Jammer/Signal (dB)



                                                                  Disregarding the data points at -450 kHz, -400 kHz, -350 kHz, and -300 kHz,
                                                                  the worst data point is found to be at –14.7 dB (at +250 kHz). Thus, the PG

                                                                                                           Gp = 16.4 -14.7 +2.0 = 3.7 dB.
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                                  REPORT                                      9 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)          Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                                  EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked         Datum - Date           Rev      File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                      2000-06-21              R1      procgainresults.doc

                                          3.5                     THE SECOND ACCESS CODE, LAP = FFFFFF

                                                                  For this access code, the required S/N was found to be 17.6 dB. The JSR
                                                                  required to get a FRR of 0.1 % as a function of the frequency offset for the
                                                                  jammer with respect to the carrier frequency is depicted in the figure below.

                                                                                                                      Jammer/Signal (dB)

                                                                                               Jammer offset (kHz)
                                                            -500 -400 -300 -200 -100                          0      100     200   300    400   500


                                                                                                                                                           Jammer/Signal (dB)



                                                                  Disregarding the data points at –450 kHz, -400 kHz, -350 kHz, and -300 kHz,
                                                                  the worst data point is found to be at –15.3 dB (at –500 kHz). Thus, the PG

                                                                                                           Gp = 17.6 –15.3 +2.0 = 4.3 dB.
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                                  REPORT                                    10 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)          Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                                  EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked         Datum - Date      Rev         File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                      2000-06-21         R1         procgainresults.doc

                                          3.6                     THE THIRD ACCESS CODE, LAP = 65B333

                                                                  For this access code, the required S/N was found to be 18.6 dB. The JSR
                                                                  required to get a FRR of 0.1 % as a function of the frequency offset for the
                                                                  jammer with respect to the carrier frequency is depicted in the figure below

                                                                                                                      Jammer/Signal (dB)

                                                                                              Jammer offset (kHz)
                                                               -500 -400 -300 -200 -100                       0    100 200 300 400 500


                                                                                                                                                       Jammer/Signal (dB)



                                                                  Disregarding the data points at –450 kHz, -400 kHz, -350 kHz, and -300 kHz,
                                                                  the worst data point is found to be at –16.6 dB (at -250 kHz). Thus, the PG

                                                                                                           Gp = 18.6 –16.6 +2.0 = 4.0 dB.

                                          3.7                     COMMENTS ABOUT THE MEASUREMENT RESULTS

                                                                  Referring to the above measurement results, we see that the receiver
                                                                  performs better for the two first access codes, which can be explained by the
                                                                  intersymbol interference. Furthermore, we see that the receiver is somewhat
                                                                  asymmetric in that it performs better when the access codes has more zeros
                                                                  than ones. More importantly, though, the influence of access code affects
                                                                  both the noise performance and the jammer performance in a very similar
                                                                  way, so that the PG remains virtually unaffected.
/FAD 109 251 R1B


                                                                                                            REPORT                           11 (11)
                   Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)    Nr - No.

                   EMN/ERH/TA Frank Hooijschuur,                                                            EMN/ERH/TA-00:2502
                   ECS/UT/UV Leif Wilhelmsson
                   Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved                                    Kontr – Checked   Datum - Date   Rev   File

                   ECS/UM/VC Anders Svensson                                                                2000-06-21      R1   procgainresults.doc

                                          4                       CONCLUSIONS

                                                                  FCC has expressed demands for that the PG obtained by the access code
                                                                  should be measured, and that they would like this to be done by the so-called
                                                                  CW-jamming margin method. In this report, Ericsson presents the results from
                                                                  such a measurement. The measurements were done for three different
                                                                  access codes with quite different properties at typical operating conditions for
                                                                  Bluetooth.The achieved PG is almost identical for these codes and fulfils the
                                                                  requirements for direct sequence processing gain for hybrid systems.
/FAD 109 251 R1B


Document Created: 2000-06-27 15:40:11
Document Modified: 2000-06-27 15:40:11

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