Exhibit 11 SAR Report

FCC ID: PBY1130102

RF Exposure Info

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GTX/FG Ramadan Plicanic                                      ECSRAPL          2001-02-08           A

                                                        SAR Test Report: T39m

           Date of test:                       February 01, 05 and 06, 2001

                                               Electromagnetic Near Field and Radio Frequency Dosimetry Laboratory
                                               Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
                                               Nya Vattentornet,
                                               SE-221 83 LUND, Sweden

                                               Ramadan Plicanic, M.Sc.EE
           Test Responsible:
                                               Senior Staff Engineer, Terminal Antennas
                                               +46 46 19 38 62

Statement of Compliance
Ericsson Mobile Communications AB declares under its sole responsibility that the that the product

                      Ericsson Type 1130102-BV (T39m)

to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the appropriate RF exposure standards, recommendations and
guidelines. It also declares that the product was tested in accordance with the appropriate measurement standards,
guidelines and recommended practices. Any deviations from these standards, guidelines and recommended
practices are noted below:


© Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, 2001
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.

The results and statements contained herein relate only to the items tested. The names of individuals involved may
be mentioned only in connection with the statements or results from this report.

Ericsson encourages all feedback, both positive and negative, on this test report.

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GTX/FG Ramadan Plicanic                           ECSRAPL      2001-02-08        A

                                                    Table of Contents

1. Introduction                                                                                                  3
2. Device Under Test                                                                                             3
   2.1 Antenna description                                                                                       3
   2.2 Device description                                                                                        3
3. Test equipment                                                                                                3
   3.1 Dosimetric system                                                                                         3
   3.2 Additional equipment                                                                                      4
4. Electrical parameters of the tissue simulating liquid                                                         4
5. System accuracy verification                                                                                  4
6. Test results                                                                                                  5
References                                                                                                       6
Appendix 1: SAR distribution comparison for system accuracy verification                                         7
Appendix 2: SAR distribution plots                                                                               9
Appendix 3: Photographs of the device under test                                                               11
Appendix 4: Position of device on Generic Twin Phantom                                                         13
Appendix 5: Probe calibration parameters for ET3DV5 SN:1101                                                    15

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GTX/FG Ramadan Plicanic                             ECSRAPL        2001-02-08              A

1. Introduction
In this test report, compliance of the Ericsson T39m portable telephone with RF safety guidelines is demonstrated
(applicable RF safety guidelines are given in [1]). The device was tested in accordance with the latest available test
guidelines [1]. Detailed procedures of the test are described in the Ericsson SAR Measurement Specification [2].

2. Device Under Test

2.1 Antenna description
                        Type                    Fixed stub
                        Location                Left side
                                                length                   25 mm
                                                width at base            12/15 mm
                        Configuration           Meander

2.2 Device description
                          Device model                          T39m
                          Serial number                         A5103JL3SK
                          Mode                                  1900 TDMA
                          Multiple Access Scheme                TDMA
                          Maximum Output Power Setting 1        29.0 dBm
                          Factory Tolerance in Power Setting    ± 0.5dB
                          Maximum Peak Output Power 2           29.5 dBm
                          Duty Cycle                            1/8
                          Transmitting Frequency Range          1850 – 1910 MHz
                          Prototype or Production Unit          Prototype

3. Test equipment

3.1 Dosimetric system
SAR measurements were made using the DASY3 professional system (software version 3.1c), manufactured by
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG and installed Juny, 1996. The total SAR assessment uncertainty (K = 1) of the
system is ±16% and includes a +15% offset (overestimation). The extended uncertainty (K = 2) is ±32% with a
+15% offset. This results in a total uncertainty range of –1% to +31% for K = 1, or –17% to +47% for K = 2. The
equipment list is given below.

                         Description                                     Serial Number         Due Date
                         DASY3 DAE V2                                          215               5/01
                         E-field probe ETDV4                                  1101               5/01
                         Dipole Validation Kit, D1800V2                        228               5/02

  This is the conducted power measured at the antenna port when the device is set to its highest power setting. It is
measured at the middle of the transmit frequency band. Note that the output power may be different at other
  This equals the maximum output power setting plus the factory tolerance.

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3.2 Additional equipment
                          Description                                              Serial Number          Due Date
                          Signal Generator ESG-D4000A                               INV 562935               4/01
                          Dielectric probe kit HP 85070B                            INV 443029               7/02
                          Network analyzer HP 8753C                                 INV 421670               6/01
                          Power meter R&S NRVD                                      INV 483920              12/01
                          Power sensor R&S NRV-Z5                                    INV 2334               12/01
                          Wavetek 4106GPP                                           INV 462991               7/01

4. Electrical parameters of the tissue simulating liquid
Prior to conducting SAR measurements, the relative permittivity, εr, and the conductivity, σ, of the tissue simulating
liquids were measured with the dielectric probe kit. These values are shown in the table below. The mass density,
ρ, entered into the DASY3 program is also given. Recommended limits for maximum permittivity, minimum
conductivity and maximum mass density are also shown [3]. It is seen that the measured parameters result in an
overestimation of SAR compared to the recommended values.

                       f               Tissue           Limits / Measured                  Dielectric Parameters
                     (MHz)              type                                            εr       σ (S/m)   ρ (g/cm3)
                                        Head           Measured, 01/31/01              38.1        1.68       1.00
                       1800                         Recommended Limits[3]              43.5        1.15       1.03
                                      Muscle          Measured, 01/31/01               38.1        1.68       1.00
                                                    Recommended Limits [3]             54.4        1.39       1.04

5. System accuracy verification
A system accuracy verification of the DASY3 was performed using the dipole validation kit listed in Section 3.1.
The system verification test was conducted on the same day as the measurement of the DUT. The obtained results
are displayed in the table below. It is seen that the system is operating within its specification, as the results are
within ±5% of the reference values. At 1800 MHz, reference values are provided by the manufacturer [4]. The
distributions of SAR compare well with those of the reference measurements (see Appendix 1).

       f                Tissue                  Measured /        SAR (W/kg),              Dielectric Parameters             Temp.
     (MHz)               type                   Reference           1 gram              εr       σ (S/m)   ρ (g/cm3)          (°C)
                       Head /             Measured, 01/31/01         37.1              38.1       1.68        1.00             23.9
       1800            Muscle
                                               Reference [4]         38.84             39.4        1.69         1.00             ?

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GTX/FG Ramadan Plicanic                                ECSRAPL         2001-02-08        A

6. Test results
The measured 1-gram averaged SAR values of the device are provided in Tables 1 and 2. Also shown are the
measured conducted output powers and the temperature of the test facility during the test. The depth of the tissue
simulating liquid was 13 cm. A base station simulator was used to control the device during the SAR
measurements. The phone was supplied with a fully-charged battery for the tests.

SAR measured against the head is presented in Table 1. The device was tested on the right-hand phantom
(corresponding to the right side of the head) and the left-hand phantom. For 1900 TDMA modes, the device was
tested at the lowest, middle and highest frequencies of the transmit band.

      Mode           Chamber                f     Output             SAR, 1g (W/kg)
                      Temp.               (MHz)   Power left-hand                    right-hand
                       (°C)                       (dBm)
                                               measured calculated to         measured      calculate to
                                                              max. power                    max. power
                         1850        29.0         0.539           0.6          0.633            0.71
     TDMA       24.2     1880        29.0         0.544           0.61         0.647            0.72
                         1910        28.7         0.537           0.64         0.647            0.78
     Table 1: SAR measurement results for the Ericsson T39m telephone at highest possible output power.
                                       Measured against the head.

For body-worn measurements, the device was tested against a flat phantom representing the user’s body, using
designated carry case. Under measurement was Bluetooth transmitter on. In Table 2, SAR values are provided for
the carry case that bring the phone closest to the body (product # SXK 10972/01, R1B).

                        Mode           Chamber      f             SAR, 1g (W/kg)
                                        Temp.     (MHz)       Power
                                                                 SXK10972/01 R1B
                                         (°C)                 (dBm)
                                                          measured      calculated to max.
                                    1850        29.0       0.381               0.43
                                    1880        29.0       0.413               0.46
               TDMA      24.0
                                    1910        28.7       0.275               0.33
     Table 2: SAR measurement results for the Ericsson T39m telephone at highest possible output power.
                                       Measured against the body.

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[1] C. Törnevik, “Ericsson SAR measurement specifiction, part 1: Introduction and Purpose,” Internal Document
    ERA/T/U-98:446, February, 1999.
[2] C. Törnevik, M. Siegbahn, T. Persson, M. Douglas, and R. Plicanic, “Ericsson SAR measurement
    specification”, Internal Document ERA/T/U-98:442, February 1999.
[3] Federal Communications Commission, “Tissue Dielectric Properties,” http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/dielec.sh.
[4] Schmid and Partner Engineering AG, “DASY Dipole Validation Kit,” Type: D1800V2, S/N: 217, February,

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GTX/FG Ramadan Plicanic                           ECSRAPL   2001-02-08        A

Appendix 1: SAR distribution comparison for system accuracy verification

1800 MHz SAR distribution of validation dipole antenna from system accuracy verification test. Measured
with head/muscle simulating tissue on 01/31/01.

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                 1800 MHz SAR distribution of validation dipole antenna from reference measurement.

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Appendix 2: SAR distribution plots

        Distribution of maximum SAR in 1900 TDMA mode (at 1910 MHz). Measured against the head.

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                     Distribution of maximum SAR in 1900 TDMA mode. Measured against the body.

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Appendix 3: Photographs of the device under test

                                                    Front view of device.

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GTX/FG Ramadan Plicanic                           ECSRAPL         2001-02-08        A

                                                     Side view of device.

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Appendix 4: Position of device on Generic Twin Phantom

                                               Device position against the head.

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                                Device position against the body with accessory SXK 10972/01, R1B.

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GTX/FG Ramadan Plicanic                           ECSRAPL   2001-02-08        A

Appendix 5: Probe calibration parameters for ET3DV4 SN:1101

Document Created: 2019-10-25 19:24:28
Document Modified: 2019-10-25 19:24:28

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