test report


Test Report

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sicros.omnss                                                                FoeIb : PAREV—1z5liRe

 @                           SK TECH CO., LTD.                                        Page t orta

                        Certificate of Compliance
Test Report No.:          skTos—02033

 NVLAP CODE :             200220—0

 Applicant:               mpman.com, I.

 Applicant Address:       2" Fior, ASEM Tower 199—41, Semsung.Dong, Kangram #u, Seoul Korea
 Product:                 MP3 Player
 reo io:                  ransvamaine                                       evazuins
 Receipt No:              siezooznser 100                                   Mar 21, 2002
 Date oIssue:         J 11, 2ooe
Testing location:     sicTeon co,L.
                      #202, WolmoonFi, Wabu—Up, Namyangl—SL Kyungat0oKerea
Test Standards:       anst cesa / 2000
FRule Parts:          FCC part 15 Subpart B
Equipment Class :     Class B Digital Device Peripheral
Test Resuls           "Te above mentoned product has beenteted and passed
  Prepared by:VHiFang           Tesied by YE KimEngneer         Approved by: KS KinNMarager
                                                                                  8 Chef Engineer

                                       cpyrsf"                              bee 3 _
      Seuae            Te              Seuae                Tz           Seuae             Tz
 Other Aspects :
 Abbreviations :         OK, Pass = passed    Fal : faled    WA = notapplemie
      »Thl estreport s not permitecto copy party witout our permiasion.
      «Thl test reaut s dependint on onlequipment io be used.
      »Thl test reaut s baaed on ainge avaluaton af on aamle othe above menloned.
      »Thlatea report mustnotbe uaed bythe clent o cllm product andoraementby NVLAP o any agency of
       the 1.G Government.
      + We certy that h estreport hbeenbased on the measutement atancarca thati racenble tothe
       natlonal oInemational atandards.

                                                                          10.ALas. Gode: ovn0.0

sicros.oanss                                                     ree in : angv—rzauirs

 @                               SK TECH CO., LTD.                       Page 2ot 18

                                           ) ) Contents ( (
             Contents                                                      2

             Lt of Tables                                                  2
             Listof Fiqures                                                2
         .   Genoral                                                       3
       2..   Test Ste                                                      3
             24—     Location                                              3
             2.2—    List of Test and Measurement Instrumonts              4
             2.3     TestDate                                              4
             24—     Test Environment                                      4
       3. Descripton ofthe testad samplas                                  s
          3.1— Rating and Physical Cheracteristos                          s
             32—     Submited Documents                                    5
      4.     Measurement Conditons                                         6
             4.1.—   Modasof Operation                                     6
             42      List of Peripherals                                   6
             48—     Type of Used cables                                   7
             44—     Test Sotup                                            7
             45—     Uncertainty                                           7
       5..   EMSSION Test                                                  8
             5.1     Conducted Emissions                                   8
             52—     Radiated Emissions                                    12

      ) List of Tables
      Teble1             List of est and measurement Equipment             4
      Teble2             Test Date, Conducted Emissions                    11
      Tebled             Test Date, Radiated Emissions                     13

      ) List of Figures
       Figure 1          Spectral Diagram, LINE—PE                         9
       Figure 2.         Spoctral Diagram, NeutrolPE                       to

SKTOS-02033                                                                FCC ID : PAREV-128MRS

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     1. General

   This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical
    standards and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures as indicated
      in this report.

    We attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by
    SK Tech Co., Ltd. and were made under Chief Engineer’s supervision.
    We assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for
    the qualifications of all persons taking them.

     2. Test Site

     SK TECH Co., Ltd.

     2.1 Location

     820-2, Wolmoon Ri, Wabu-Up, Namyangju-Si, Kyunggi-Do, Korea

     The test site is in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 for general requirements for the
    competence of testing and calibration laboratories.
   This laboratory is accredited by NVLAP for NVLAP Lab. Code : 200220-0
   and DATech for DAR-Registration No.:TTI-P-G155/97-10

SKTOS-02033                                                          FCC ID : PAREV-128MRS

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     2.2 List of Test and Measurement Instruments
   Table 1 : List of Test and Measurement Equipment

       l Conducted Disturbance

           Kind of Equipment                     Type          S/N    Calibrated until
   EMI Receiver                           ESHS10        862970/019        02.2003
   Artificial Mains Network               ESH3-Z5       834549/001        10.2002
   EMI Receiver                           ESHS10        835871/002        10.2002
   Artificial Mains Network               ESH3-Z5       836679/018        10.2002
   Conducted Cable                        N/A           N/A                 N/A

       l Radiated Disturbance

           Kind of Equipment                    Type           S/N   Calibrated until
    EMI Receiver                          ESVS 10       825120/013       02.2003
    EMI Receiver                          ESVS 10       834468/008       11.2002
    Spectrum Analyzer                     R3361A        11730187         06.2002
    Amplifier                             8447F         3113A05153       05.2002
    Log Periodic Antenna                  UHALP9107     1819             02.2003
    Biconical Antenna                     BBA9106       91031626         02.2003
    Antenna Mast                          5907          N/A                N/A
    Antenna & Turntable controller        5906          N/A                N/A
    Amp & Receiver connection cables      N/A           N/A                N/A
    50Ω Switcher                          MP59B         6100214538         N/A

     2.3 Test Date
      Date of Application     : Mar. 21, 2002
      Date of Test            : Apr. 10, 2002

     2.4 Test Environment
      See each test item’s description.

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      3. Description of the tested samples
          The EUT is the MP3 Player.

     3.1 Rating and Physical Characteristics
       Hardware requirements
       • Intel Pentium 233 MMX or faster
       • 64MB RAM or more
       • Free hard-disk space
          32MB or more for software installation
          150MB or more for music-file storage
       • CD-ROM drive that supports digital audio extraction
       • 1 available USB port
       • Sound card
       • 256-color display (16-bit color display is recommended) and 16-bit color video card
       • 28.8-kbps modem or faster required for Internet access
        (ISDN or LAN connection recommended)

     3.2 Submitted Documents

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     4. Measurement Conditions
     The operating voltage of EUT DC 1.5V by batteries.

     4.1 Modes of Operation
      The EUT was in the following operation mode during all testing;
       The EUT was connected with the PC with USB cable.
       The test was made on the mode of uploading, downloading and playing MP3 files.

     4.2 List of Peripherals
   Description       Manufacturer         Model Name           Serial No.            FCC ID
 Personal Computer       LG IBM               W8S              202KI10585      DoC
      Monitor            Comtec              CT-151B               N/A         DoC
     Keyboard            Jing Mold          LKB-0107            102009670      N/A
      Mouse              Logitech             M-S69           HCA14910006      JNE211443
      Printer              H.P.               2225C            3245S12493      DSI6XU2225
      Adapter 1
                        ILAN Elec.           F1650K                N/A         N/A
    (for Monitor)
      Adapter 2
                     Dream Electronics     DR-05600U               N/A         N/A
    (for Printer)

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       4.3 Type of Used Cables
        Description            Length        Type of shield     Manufacturer       Remark
       PC Power cable           1.6m           Non-Shield           None
    AC/DC Adapter cable         1.8m           Non-Shield           None         For Monitor
    AC/DC Adapter cable         1.9m           Non-Shield           None         For Printer
         VGA cable              1.8m             Shield             None
    Printer Interface cable     1.7m             Shield             None
         USB cable              1.2m             Shield             None         For EUT
   Keyboard Interface cable     1.2m             Shield             None
    Mouse Interface cable       1.5m             Shield             None
       Earphone cable           1.0m           Non-Shield           None         For EUT

     4.4 Test Setup
     The test setup photographs showed the external supply connections and interfaces.

     4.5 Uncertainty
      1) Radiated disturbance
        Uc (Combined standard Uncertainty) = ±1.9dB
        Expanded uncertainty U = KUc
        ∴ U = ±3.8dB
      2) Conducted disturbance
        Uc = ±0.88dB
        U = KUc = 2xUc = ±1.8dB

SKTOS-02033                                                                            FCC ID : PAREV-128MRS

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     5. EMISSION Test
    5.1 Conducted Emissions
    Result:                                                                                 Pass

     The line-conducted facility is located inside a 2.0M x 3.6M x 7.2M shielded enclosure.
   The shielding effectiveness of the shielded room is in accordance with MIL-Std-285 or NSA 604-05.
   A 1m x 1.5m wooden table 80cm. high is placed 40cm. away from the vertical wall and 1.5m away
   from the side wall of the shielded room. ROHDE & SCHWARZ Model ESH3-Z5 (10kHz-30MHz)
     50ohm/50 uH Line-Impedance Stabilization Networks(LISNs) are bonded to the shielded room.
   The EUT is powered from the ROHDE & SCHWARZ LISN and the support equipment is
    powered from the ROHDE & SCHWARZ LISN. Power to the LISNs are filtered by a high-current high-
    insertion loss Lindgren enclosures power line filters (100dB 14kHz-10GHz).
   The purpose of the filter is to attenuate ambient signal interference and this filter is also bonded to the
    shielded enclosure.
   All electrical cables are shielded by braided tinned copper zipper tubing with inner diameter of 1/2".
   If the EUT is a DC-powered device, power will be derived from the source power supply it normally
   will be powered from and this supply lines will be connected to the ROHDE & SCHWARZ LISN.
   All interconnecting cables more than 1 meter were shortened by non-inductive bundling (serpentine
    fashion) to a 1-meter length.
     Sufficient time for the EUT, support equipment, and test equipment was allowed in order for them to
   warm up to their normal operating condition. The RF output of the LISN was connected to the
   spectrum analyzer to determine the frequency producing the maximum EME from the EUT.
   The spectrum was scanned from 450kHz to 30MHz with 100msec. sweep time.
   The frequency producing the maximum level was reexamined using EMI/field Intensity Meter
    (ESHS 10) and Quasi-Peak adapter. The detector function was set to CISPR quasi-peak mode.
   The bandwidth of the receiver was set to 10kHz. The EUT, support equipment, and interconnecting
   cables were arranged and manipulated to maximize each EME emission.
   Each emission was maximized by: switching power lines; varying the mode of operation or resolution;
    clock or data exchange speed; if applicable; whichever determined the worst-case emission.
    Photographs of the worst-case emission can be seen in photograph of conducted test.
   Each EME reported was calibrated using self-calibrating mode.

SKTOS-02033                                   FCC ID : PAREV-128MRS

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     Figure 1 : Spectral Diagram, LINE - PE

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     Figure 2 : Spectral Diagram, NEUTRAL – PE

sicros.oanss                                                                  ree in : angv—rzauirs

 <>                        SK TECH CO., LTD.                                           Page 1 or i8
Table 2: Test Data, Conducted Emissions

     [Frequency   (Reading       tme      1 JGF     TCL      iAcuat       (Slime(GNargin
        (Miiz)     (dBay                   (4B)      GB)_     (bay            (dGBay      (aB)
        Tseo        Taor          8        oi        os        sar             o          es
        Tseo        stzo          A        oi        os        sezo            |_so       15zo
        2sr0        sase          s        oi        os        sze             |_so       Tase
        228         sase          8        o2        oa        se              eo         Tace
        zo          sair          A        os        os        sar             e0         T503
        a30         Bice          s        oi        os        sise            |_so       Tess


                   1. All modes of operaton wore investigeted
                     and the worstoase emission are reported.
                  2. All other omissions are non—signifiant
                    3. Al readings are callorated by selt—mode in receiver.
                  4. Measurements using CISPR quastpaak mode.
                    5. Line A « LNE—PE, Line B » NEUTRALPE
                    8. OF = Correction Factor
                   7. O/L — Cable Loss

    # Margin Calculation

    (6)Margin = (S)Limit —(@)Actual
                    (@)actual = (f}Reading + (2)C/F+ )OMJ

SKTOS-02033                                                                         FCC ID : PAREV-128MRS

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      5.2 Radiated Emissions

    Result :                                                                                    Pass

   Preliminary measurements were made indoors at 1 meter using broadband antennas, broadband
   amplifier, and spectrum analyzer to determine the frequency producing the maximum EME.
   Appropriate precaution was taken to ensure that all EME from the EUT were maximized and
   investigated. The system configuration, clock speed, mode of operation or video resolution, turntable
  azimuth with respect to the antenna were noted for each frequency found.
   The spectrum was scanned from 30 to 300 MHz using biconical antenna and from 300 to 1000 MHz
   using log-periodic antenna. Above 1GHz, linearly polarized double ridge horn antennas were used.

   Final measurements were made outdoors at 3-meter test range using SCHWARZBECK dipole antennas.
   The test equipment was placed on a wooden table situated on a 4x4 meter area adjacent to the
   measurement area. Turntable was to protect from weather in the dome that made with FRP.
   Sufficient time for the EUT, support equipment, and test equipment was allowed in order for them to
   warm up to their normal operating condition. Each frequency found during pre-scan measurements
   was re-examined and investigated using EMI/Field Intensity Meter(ESVS 10) and Quasi-Peak Adapter.
  The detector function was set to CISPR quasi-peak mode and the bandwidth of the receiver was
  set to 100kHz or 1MHz depending on the frequency or type of signal.

   The half-wave dipole antenna was tuned to the frequency found during preliminary radiated
   measurements. The EUT, support equipment and interconnecting cables were re-configured to the set-
   up producing the maximum emission for the frequency and were placed on top of a 0.8-meter high non-
   metallic 1 x 1.5 meter table.
   The EUT, support equipment, and interconnecting cables were re-arranged and manipulated to
   maximize each EME emission. The turntable containing the system was rotated; the antenna height
   was varied 1 to 4 meters and stopped at the azimuth or height producing the maximum emission.
   Each emission was maximized by: varying the mode of operation or resolution; clock or data exchange
   speed, and/or support equipment, if applicable; and changing the polarity of the antenna, whichever
   determined the worst-case emission.
   Photographs of the worst-case emission can be seen in photograph of radiated emission test.
   Each EME reported was calibrated using self-calibrating mode.

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 <>                           SK TECH CO., LTD.                                       Page i8 o18
    Table 3 : Test Data, Radiated Emissions

   [Frequency Pol. THelght] Angle             T         U          U         I            ©
      (Miz)              Im]      pj      Reading      AFCL      Actual     Limit       Margin
                                           (dBuy)     (dim}     |(cBai‘im) (dByWim)      (0B)
      Teazo       m      as       2s        T62        7          2o        iss          cg
      zaso        N      40       im        |_2or      Te         ses       iss          10
      zeaso       V      1s       109       T82        Ts         smo       160          120
      zormo       m      10       25e       @1         ms         se1       160          5s
      serze       V      20|      ar         o         2re        |_sr0     z60          so
      Table Rediated Measurements t 8meters


                        1. All modes of operation were investigated
                                and the worstoase emission are reported.
                               All othor omission are non—signifcant.

                               All eaings are callorted by sol—mode in recaiver.
                               Measuremonts using CISPR quastpaak mode.

                               AFOL = Anterna fector and cable loss

                               H = Horizontal, V = Vertical Polaization

    # Margin Calculation

     (S)Margin = (@)Limit —@)Actual
                         (@)Actual = (f}Reading + @)AFCL]

Document Created: 2019-09-26 06:33:31
Document Modified: 2019-09-26 06:33:31

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