18_CM-43438-V1 RFExp.pdf


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                               Model: CM-43438-V1

                        FCC SAR
                Measurement and Test Report
                               CC&C Technologies, Inc.
     8F, No.150, Jian Yi Rd, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, 235, Taiwan

                            FCC ID:         PANCM43438V1

                                         FCC Part 2.1093
                                         ANSI / IEEE C95.1 :2005
       FCC Rules:                        ANSI / IEEE C95.3 :2002

       Product Description:
                                         SDIO-WiFi and BT combo Module

       Tested Model:                     CM-43438-V1

       Report No.:                       STR16078090H

       Max. SAR Values:                  Body: 0.598 W/kg(1g)

       Tested Date:                      2016-08-15 to 2016-08-17

       Issued Date:                      2016-08-18

       Tested By:                        Lucy Wei / Engineer

       Reviewed By:                      Silin Chen / EMC Manager

       Approved & Authorized By:         Jandy So / PSQ Manager

       Prepared By:
                            Shenzhen SEM.Test Technology Co., Ltd.
                           1/F, Building A, Hongwei Industrial Park, Liuxian 2nd Road,
                           Bao'an District, Shenzhen, P.R.C.(518101)
          Tel.: +86-755-33663308 Fax.: +86-755-33663309 Website: www.semtest.com.cn

   Note: This test report is limited to the above client company and the product model only. It
   may not be duplicated without prior permitted by Shenzhen SEM. Test Technology Co., Ltd.

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                           Page 1 of 38                     SAR REPORT

                                                                                                                                                   Model: CM-43438-V1

1. General Information ...................................................................................................................................................3
     1.1 Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT) .........................................................................................3
     1.2 Test Standards ....................................................................................................................................................5
     1.3 Test Methodology ................................................................................................................................................5
     1.4 Test Facility .........................................................................................................................................................5
2. Summary of Test Results ..........................................................................................................................................6
3. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) ................................................................................................................................7
     3.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................7
     3.2 SAR Definition .....................................................................................................................................................7
4. SAR Measurement System ........................................................................................................................................8
     4.1 The Measurement System ..................................................................................................................................8
     4.2 Probe ...................................................................................................................................................................8
     4.3 Probe Calibration Process .................................................................................................................................10
     4.4 Phantom ............................................................................................................................................................11
     4.5 Device Holder ....................................................................................................................................................11
     4.6 Test Equipment List ...........................................................................................................................................12
5. Tissue Simulating Liquids .......................................................................................................................................13
     5.1 Composition of Tissue Simulating Liquid ...........................................................................................................13
     5.2 Tissue Dielectric Parameters for Head and Body Phantoms .............................................................................14
     5.3 Tissue Calibration Result ...................................................................................................................................15
6. SAR Measurement Evaluation ................................................................................................................................16
     6.1 Purpose of System Performance Check ............................................................................................................16
     6.2 System Setup ....................................................................................................................................................16
     6.3 Validation Results ..............................................................................................................................................17
7. EUT Testing Position ...............................................................................................................................................18
     7.1 EUT Antenna Position .......................................................................................................................................18
     7.2 EUT Testing Position .........................................................................................................................................19
8. SAR Measurement Procedures ...............................................................................................................................20
     8.1 Measurement Procedures .................................................................................................................................20
     8.2 Spatial Peak SAR Evaluation ............................................................................................................................20
     8.3 Area & Zoom Scan Procedures .........................................................................................................................21
     8.4 Volume Scan Procedures ..................................................................................................................................21
     8.5 SAR Averaged Methods ....................................................................................................................................21
     8.6 Power Drift Monitoring .......................................................................................................................................21
9. SAR Test Result .......................................................................................................................................................22
     9.1 Conducted RF Output Power ............................................................................................................................22
     9.2 Test Results for Standalone SAR Test ..............................................................................................................24
10. Measurement Uncertainty .....................................................................................................................................25
     10.1 Uncertainty for EUT SAR Test .........................................................................................................................25
     10.2 Uncertainty for System Performance Check ....................................................................................................26
Annex A. Plots of System Performance Check .........................................................................................................28
Annex B. Plots of SAR Measurement .........................................................................................................................30
Annex C. EUT Photos ..................................................................................................................................................33
Annex D. Test Setup Photos .......................................................................................................................................35
Annex E. Calibration Certificate ..................................................................................................................................38

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                                                                       Page 2 of 38                                                 SAR REPORT

                                                                                            Model: CM-43438-V1

1. General Information

1.1 Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)

  Client Information
  Applicant:                                    CC&C Technologies,Inc.
  Address of applicant:                         8F,No.150,Jian Yi Rd, Zhonghe District, New Taipei

  anufacturer:                                  Kunshan CC&C Technologies Co.,Ltd.
  Address of manufacturer:                      No.9 Buliding,3rd Main Street, Kunshan Free Trade
                                                Zone, Jiangsu Province, P.R.China

  General Description of EUT
  Product Name:                                 SDIO-WiFi and BT combo Module
  Brand Name:                                   CC&C
  Model No.:                                    CM-43438-V1
  Adding Model(s):                              /
  Rated Voltage:                                DC 3.3V

  Note: The test data is gathered from a production sample, provided by the manufacturer.

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                                                                 Model: CM-43438-V1

  Technical Characteristics of EUT
  Support Standards:                 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n
  Frequency Range:                   2412-2462MHz for 802.11b/b/n(HT20)
  RF Output Power:                   12.46dBm (Conducted)
  Type of Modulation:                CCK, OFDM, QPSK, BPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
  Data Rate:                         1-11Mbps, 6-54Mbps, up to 150Mbps
  Quantity of Channels:              11 for 802.11b/g/n(HT20)
  Channel Separation:                5MHz
  Type of Antenna:                   Integral
  Antenna Gain:                      0dBi
  Bluetooth Version:                 V4.0
  Frequency Range:                   2402-2480MHz
  RF Output Power:                   8.426dBm (Conducted)
  Data Rate:                         1Mbps, 2Mbps, 3Mbps
  Modulation:                        GFSK, Pi/4 QDPSK, 8DPSK
  Quantity of Channels:              79/40
  Channel Separation:                1MHz/2MHz
  Type of Antenna:                   Integral
  Antenna Gain:                      0dBi

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                   Page 4 of 38              SAR REPORT

                                                                                          Model: CM-43438-V1

1.2 Test Standards

The following report is prepared on behalf of the CC&C Technologies, Inc. in accordance with FCC 47 CFR Part
2.1093, ANSI/IEEE C95.1-2005 and KDB 248227 D01 v02r02 and KDB 447498 D01 v06 and KDB 865664 D01
v01r04 and KDB 865664 D02 v01r02

The objective is to determine compliance with FCC Part 2.1093 of the Federal Communication Commissions

Maintenance of compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Any modification of the product, which
result in lowering the emission, should be checked to ensure compliance has been maintained.

1.3 Test Methodology

All measurements contained in this report were conducted with KDB 865664 D01 v01r04 and KDB 865664 D02
v01r02. The public notice KDB 447498 D01 v06 for Mobile and Portable Devices RF Exposure Procedure also.

1.4 Test Facility

     FCC – Registration No.: 934118
      Shenzhen SEM.Test Technology Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a
      report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter from the FCC is
      maintained in our files and the Registration is 934118.

   Industry Canada (IC) Registration No.: 11464A
    The 3m Semi-anechoic chamber of Shenzhen SEM.Test Technology Co., Ltd. has been registered by
    Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for radio equipment testing with Registration No.:

   CNAS Registration No.: L4062
    Shenzhen SEM.Test Technology Co., Ltd. is a testing organization accredited by China National
    Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) according to ISO/IEC 17025. The accreditation
    certificate number is L4062. All measurement facilities used to collect the measurement data are located at
    1/F, Building A, Hongwei Industrial Park, Liuxian 2nd Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, P.R.C (518101)

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                                  Page 5 of 38                         SAR REPORT

                                                                                        Model: CM-43438-V1

2. Summary of Test Results

The maximum results of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) have found during testing are as follows:

                                              Body(0mm Gap)                           SAR1g Limit
         Frequency Band
                                           Maximum SAR1g(W/kg)                          (W/kg)
         WLAN 2.4GHz                                0.598                                  1.6

The device is in compliance with Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for general population/uncontrolled exposure
limits (1.6 W/kg) specified in FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1093 and ANSI/IEEE C95.1-2005, and had been tested in
accordance with the measurement methods and procedure specified in KDB 865664 D01 v01r04 and KDB
865664 D02 v01r02

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                                                                                               Model: CM-43438-V1

3. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)

3.1 Introduction

  SAR is related to the rate at which energy is absorbed per unit mass in an object exposed to a radio field. The
SAR distribution in a biological body is complicated and is usually carried out by experimental techiques or
numerical modeling. The standard recommends limits for two tiers of groups, occupational/controlled and general
population/uncontrolled, based on a person’s awareness and ability to exercise control over his or her exposure. In
general, occupational/controlled exposure limits are higher than the limits for general population/uncontrolled.

3.2 SAR Definition

The SAR definition is the time derivative (rate) of the incremental energy (dW) absorbed by (dissipated in) an
incremental mass (dm) contained in a volume element (dv) of a given density (  ). The equation description is as

SAR is expressed in units of Watts per kilogram (W/kg)
SAR measurement can be either related to the temperature elevation in tissue by

Where: C is the specific heat capacity,     T is the temperature rise and  t is the exposure duration, or related to
electrical field in the tissue by

Where:       is the conductivity of the tissue,  is the mass density of the tissue and E is the RMS electrical field

However for evaluating SAR of low power transmitter, electrical field measurement is typically applied.

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                                                                                           Model: CM-43438-V1

4. SAR Measurement System

4.1 The Measurement System

Comosar is a system that is able to determine the SAR distribution inside a phantom of human being according to
different standards. The Comosar system consists of the following items:
- Main computer to control all the system
- 6 axis robot
- Data acquisition system
- Miniature E-field probe
- Phone holder
- Head simulating tissue
The following figure shows the system.

The EUT under test operating at the maximum power level is placed in the phone holder, under the phantom,
which is filled with head simulating liquid. The E-Field probe measures the electric field inside the phantom. The
OpenSAR software computes the results to give a SAR value in a 1g or 10g mass.

4.2 Probe

For the measurements the Specific Dosimetric E-Field Probe SSE5 SN 09/13 EP168 with following specifications
is used
- Dynamic range: 0.01-100 W/kg
- Probe Length: 330 mm
- Length of Individual Dipoles: 4.5 mm
- Maximum external diameter: 8 mm
- Probe Tip External Diameter : 5 mm
- Distance between dipoles / probe extremity: 2.7mm

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                                                                                      Model: CM-43438-V1

- Probe linearity: <0.25 dB
- Axial Isotropy: <0.25 dB
- Spherical Isotropy: <0.50 dB
- Calibration range: 700 to 3000MHz for head & body simulating liquid.
Angle between probe axis (evaluation axis) and suface normal line:1ess than 30°

Probe calibration is realized, in compliance with EN 62209-1 and IEEE 1528 STD, with CALISAR, Antennessa
proprietary calibration system. The calibration is performed with the EN 62209-1 annexe technique using
reference guide at the five frequencies.

Where :
Pfw    = Forward Power
Pbw     = Backward Power
a and b =Waveguide dimensions
I = Skin depth

Keithley configuration:
Rate = Medium; Filter = ON; RDGS = 10; Filter type = Moving Average; Range auto after each calibration, a
SAR measurement is performed on a validation dipole and compared with a NPL calibrated probe, to verify it.

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                                                                                              Model: CM-43438-V1

The calibration factors, CF(N), for the 3 sensors corresponding to dipole 1, dipole 2 and dipole 3 are:

                                        CF(N)=SAR(N)/Vlin(N) (N=1,2,3)

The linearised output voltage Vlin(N) is obtained from the displayed output voltage V(N) using

                                   Vlin(N)=V(N)*(1+V(N)/DCP(N)) (N=1,2,3)

where DCP is the diode compression point in mV.

4.3 Probe Calibration Process

Dosimetric Assessment Procedure
Each E-Probe/Probe Amplifier combination has unique calibration parameters. SATIMO Probe calibration
procedure is conducted to determine the proper amplifier settings to enter in the probe parameters. The amplifier
settings are determined for a given frequency by subjecting the probe to a known E-field density (1 mW/cm2)
using an with CALISAR, Antenna proprietary calibration system.

Free Space Assessment Procedure
The free space E-field from amplified probe outputs is determined in a test chamber. This calibration can be
performed in a TEM cell if the frequency is below 1 GHz and in a waveguide or other methodologies above 1
GHz for free space. For the free space calibration, the probe is placed in the volumetric center of the cavity and at
the proper orientation with the field. The probe is rotated 360 degrees until the three channels show the maximum
reading. The power density readings equates to 1mW/cm2.

Temperature Assessment Procedure
E-field temperature correlation calibration is performed in a flat phantom filled with the appropriate simulated
head tissue. The E-field in the medium correlates with the temperature rise in the dielectric medium. For
temperature correlation calibration a RF transparent thermistor-based temperature probe is used in conjunction
with the E-field probe.

SAR is proportional to ΔT/Δt, the initial rate of tissue heating, before thermal diffusion takes place. The electric
field in the simulated tissue can be used to estimate SAR by equating the thermally derived SAR to that with the
E- field component.

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                                                                                          Model: CM-43438-V1

4.4 Phantom

For the measurements the Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin (SAM) defined by the IEEE SCC-34/SC2 group
is used. The phantom is a polyurethane shell integrated in a wooden table. The thickness of the phantom amounts
to 2mm +/- 0.2mm. It enables the dosimetric evaluation of left and right phone usage and includes an additional
flat phantom part for the simplified performance check. The phantom set-up includes a cover, which prevents the
evaporation of the liquid.

4.5 Device Holder

The positioning system allows obtaining cheek and tilting position with a very good accuracy. In compliance with
CENELEC, the tilt angle uncertainty is lower than 1°.

          System Material                        Permittivity                         Loss Tangent
               Delrin                                 3.7                                 0.005

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                                                                                     Model: CM-43438-V1

4.6 Test Equipment List

   Description         Manufacturer         Model             Serial Number       Cal. Date    Due. Date
   E-Field Probe          SATIMO            SSE5               SN 09/13 EP168     2016-06-01 2017-05-31
  2450MHz Dipole          SATIMO           SID2450       SN 13/15 DIP 2G450-364   2016-03-20 2017-03-19
  Dielectric Probe        SATIMO           SCLMP             SN 47/12 OCPG49      2016-03-20 2017-03-19
   SAM Phantom            SATIMO             SAM             SN/ 47/12 SAM95        N/A           N/A
    Multi Meter           Keithley       Keithley 2000            4006367         2016-06-04 2017-06-03
  Signal Generator     Rohde & Schwarz     SMR20                  100047          2016-06-04 2017-06-03
  Universal Tester     Rohde & Schwarz     CMU200                 112012          2016-06-04 2017-06-03
 Network Analyzer            HP             8753C              2901A00831         2016-06-04 2017-06-03
Directional Couplers       Agilent           778D                  20160          2016-06-04 2017-06-03

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                                                                                               Model: CM-43438-V1

5. Tissue Simulating Liquids

5.1 Composition of Tissue Simulating Liquid

For the measurement of the field distribution inside the SAM phantom with SMTIMO, the phantom must be filled
with around 25 liters of homogeneous body tissue simulating liquid. For head SAR testing, the liquid height from
the ear reference point (ERP) of the phantom to the liquid top surface is larger than 15 cm. For body SAR testing,
the liquid height from the center of the flat phantom to the liquid top surface is larger than 15 cm. Please see the
following photos for the liquid height.

                                          Liquid Height for Body SAR

The Composition of Tissue Simulating Liquid
  Frequency          Water             Salt           Triton           HEC           Preventol          DGBE
    (MHz)             (%)              (%)             (%)             (%)             (%)               (%)
      2450            55.44            0.32            30.50            0.00            0.00            13.74

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                                                                                            Model: CM-43438-V1

5.2 Tissue Dielectric Parameters for Head and Body Phantoms

The IEEE Std. 1528, FCC KDBs and CEI/IEC 62209 standards state that the system validation measurements
must be performed using a reference dipole meeting the fore mentioned return loss and mechanical dimension
requirements. The validation measurement must be performed against a liquid filled flat phantom, with the
phantom constructed as outlined in the fore mentioned standards. Per the standards, the dipole shall be positioned
below the bottom of the phantom, with the dipole length centered and parallel to the longest dimension of the flat
phantom, with the top surface of the dipole at the described distance from the bottom surface of the phantom.

                                                  Head                                     Body
      Target Frequency
                                   Conductivity          Permittivity       Conductivity          Permittivity
                                      ( )                  (  r)             ( )                  (  r)
              150                       0.76                52.3                 0.80                 61.9
              300                       0.87                45.3                 0.92                 58.2
              450                       0.87                43.5                 0.94                 56.7
              835                       0.90                41.5                 0.97                 55.2
              900                       0.97                41.5                 1.05                 55.0
              915                       0.98                41.5                 1.06                 55.0
             1450                       1.20                40.5                 1.30                 54.0
             1610                       1.29                40.3                 1.40                 53.8
          1800-2000                     1.40                40.0                 1.52                 53.3
             2450                       1.80                39.2                 1.95                 52.7
             3000                       2.40                38.5                 2.73                 52.0
             5800                       5.27                35.3                 6.00                 48.2

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                                                                                         Model: CM-43438-V1

5.3 Tissue Calibration Result

The dielectric parameters of the liquids were verified prior to the SAR evaluation using COMOSAR Dielectric
Probe Kit and an Agilent Network Analyzer.

Calibration Result for Dielectric Parameters of Tissue Simulating Liquid

                                         Body Tissue Simulating Liquid
                              Conductivity                        Permittivity
  Freq.    Temp.                                                                          Limit
                    Reading      Target       Delta    Reading      Target       Delta               Date
                      ( )        ( )                   (  r)      (  r)
  MHz.                                                                                     (%)
                                              (%)                                (%)
   2450     21.3      1.92        1.95        -1.54      51.0        52.7        -3.23     ±5      2016-08-15

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                                                                                           Model: CM-43438-V1

6. SAR Measurement Evaluation

6.1 Purpose of System Performance Check

The system performance check verifies that the system operates within its specifications. System and operator
errors can be detected and corrected. It is recommended that the system performance check be performed prior to
any usage of the system in order to guarantee reproducible results. The system performance check uses normal
SAR measurements in a simplified setup with a well characterized source. This setup was selected to give a high
sensitivity to all parameters that might fail or vary over time. The system check does not intend to replace the
calibration of the components, but indicates situations where the system uncertainty is exceeded due to drift or

6.2 System Setup

In the simplified setup for system evaluation, the EUT is replaced by a calibrated dipole and the power source is
replaced by a continuous wave which comes from a signal generator at frequency 835 MHz and 1900 MHz. The
calibrated dipole must be placed beneath the flat phantom section of the SAM twin phantom with the correct
distance holder. The distance holder should touch the phantom surface with a light pressure at the reference
marking and be oriented parallel to the long side of the phantom.

                              Fig 6.1 System Verification Setup Block Diagram

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                                   Page 16 of 38                         SAR REPORT

                                                                                        Model: CM-43438-V1

                                   Fig 6.2 Setup Photo of Dipole Antenna

The output power on dipole port must be calibrated to 24 dBm (250 mW) before dipole is connected.

6.3 Validation Results

Comparing to the original SAR value provided by SATIMO, the validation data should be within its specification
of 10 %. Table 6.1 shows the target SAR and measured SAR after normalized to 1W input power. The table below
indicates the system performance check can meet the variation criterion.

  Frequency           Targeted SAR1g           Measured SAR1g              Normalized SAR1g         Tolerance
     MHz                  (W/kg)                     (W/kg)                    (W/kg)                 (%)
     2450                  50.41                     12.61                      50.44                 0.06
                                       Targeted and Measurement SAR

Please refer to Annex A for the plots of system performance check.

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                                                                            Model: CM-43438-V1

7. EUT Testing Position

7.1 EUT Antenna Position

                                                Top Side

                  WIFI/BT Antenna


                                                                                 Left Side
     Right Side                          Back View


                                              Bottom Side
                           Fig 7.1 Block Diagram for EUT Antenna Position

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                                                                                                Model: CM-43438-V1

7.2 EUT Testing Position

Body SAR assessments are required for this device. This EUT was tested in different positions for different SAR
test modes, more information as below:

                                       Body SAR tests, Test distance: 0mm
      Antennas             Front           Back        Right Side      Left Side       Top Side       Bottom Side
       WLAN                  Yes            Yes            Yes            Yes             Yes              Yes

1. Referring to KDB 941225 D06, when the overall device length and width are < 9cm*5cm, the test separation distances
is 0 mm. SAR must be measured for all sides and surfaces with a transmitting antenna located within 25mm from that
surface or edge.

Please refer to Annex D for the EUT test setup photos.

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                                                                                              Model: CM-43438-V1

8. SAR Measurement Procedures

8.1 Measurement Procedures

The measurement procedures are as follows:
(a) Use base station simulator (if applicable) or engineering software to transmit RF power continuously
(continuous Tx) in the highest power channel.
(b) Keep EUT to radiate maximum output power or 100% factor (if applicable)
(c) Measure output power through RF cable and power meter.
(d) Place the EUT in the positions as Annex E demonstrates.
(e) Set scan area, grid size and other setting on the SATIMO software.
(f) Measure SAR results for the highest power channel on each testing position.
(g) Find out the largest SAR result on these testing positions of each band
(h) Measure SAR results for other channels in worst SAR testing position if the SAR of highest power channel is
    larger than 0.8 W/kg

According to the test standard, the recommended procedure for assessing the peak spatial-average SAR value
consists of the following steps:
(a) Power reference measurement
(b) Area scan
(c) Zoom scan
(d) Power drift measurement

8.2 Spatial Peak SAR Evaluation

The procedure for spatial peak SAR evaluation has been implemented according to the test standard. It can be
conducted for 1g and 10g, as well as for user-specific masses. The SATIMO software includes all numerical
procedures necessary to evaluate the spatial peak SAR value.
The base for the evaluation is a "cube" measurement. The measured volume must include the 1g and 10g cubes
with the highest averaged SAR values. For that purpose, the center of the measured volume is aligned to the
interpolated peak SAR value of a previously performed area scan.
The entire evaluation of the spatial peak values is performed within the post-processing engine. The system
always gives the maximum values for the 1g and 10g cubes. The algorithm to find the cube with highest averaged
SAR is divided into the following stages:
(a) Extraction of the measured data (grid and values) from the Zoom Scan
(b) Calculation of the SAR value at every measurement point based on all stored data
(c) Generation of a high-resolution mesh within the measured volume
(d) Interpolation of all measured values form the measurement grid to the high-resolution grid
(e) Extrapolation of the entire 3D field distribution to the phantom surface over the distance from sensor to surface
(f) Calculation of the averaged SAR within masses of 1g and 10g

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                                                                                               Model: CM-43438-V1

8.3 Area & Zoom Scan Procedures

First Area Scan is used to locate the approximate location(s) of the local peak SAR value(s). The measurement
grid within an Area Scan is defined by the grid extent, grid step size and grid offset. Next, in order to determine
the EM field distribution in a three-dimensional spatial extension, Zoom Scan is required. The Zoom Scan
measures 5x5x7 points with step size 8, 8 and 5 mm for 300 MHz to 3 GHz, and 8x8x8 points with step size 4, 4
and 2.5 mm for 3 GHz to 6 GHz. The Zoom Scan is performed around the highest E-field value to determine the
averaged SAR-distribution over 10 g.

8.4 Volume Scan Procedures

The volume scan is used for assess overlapping SAR distributions for antennas transmitting in different frequency
bands. It is equivalent to an oversized zoom scan used in standalone measurements. The measurement volume will
be used to enclose all the simultaneous transmitting antennas. For antennas transmitting simultaneously in
different frequency bands, the volume scan is measured separately in each frequency band. In order to sum
correctly to compute the 1g aggregate SAR, the EUT remain in the same test position for all measurements and all
volume scan use the same spatial resolution and grid spacing (step-size is 4, 4 and 2.5 mm). When all volume scan
were completed, the software can combine and subsequently superpose these measurement data to calculating the
multiband SAR.

8.5 SAR Averaged Methods

The local SAR inside the phantom is measured using small dipole sensing elements inside a probe body. The
probe tip must not be in contact with the phantom surface in order to minimize measurements errors, but the
highest local SAR will occur at the surface of the phantom.

An extrapolation is using to determinate this highest local SAR values. The extrapolation is based on a
fourth-order least-square polynomial fit of measured data. The local SAR value is then extrapolated from the
liquid surface with a 1mm step.

The measurements have to be performed over a limited time (due to the duration of the battery) so the step of
measurement is high. It could vary between 5 and 8 mm. To obtain an accurate assessment of the maximum SAR
averaged over 10g and 1 g requires a very fine resolution in the three dimensional scanned data array.

8.6 Power Drift Monitoring

All SAR testing is under the EUT install full charged battery and transmit maximum output power. In SATIMO
measurement software, the power reference measurement and power drift measurement procedures are used for
monitoring the power drift of EUT during SAR test. Both these procedures measure the field at a specified
reference position before and after the SAR testing. The software will calculate the field difference in dB. If the
power drift more than 5%, the SAR will be retested.

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                                                                                                Model: CM-43438-V1

9. SAR Test Result

9.1 Conducted RF Output Power

                                       WLAN - Maximum Average Power
                                                                              Frequency           Average Power
       Test Mode              Data Rate                Channel
                                                                                (MHz)                 (dBm)
                                                        CH 01                    2412                   12.23
         802.11b                1Mbps                   CH 06                    2437                   12.40
                                                        CH 11                    2462                   12.46
                                                        CH 01                    2412                   11.91
         802.11g               54Mbps                   CH 06                    2437                   12.32
                                                        CH 11                    2462                   12.12
                                                        CH 01                    2412                   11.68
   802.11n (20MHz)              MCS7                    CH 06                    2437                   11.68
                                                        CH 11                    2462                   11.44

1. Per KDB 248227 D01 v02r02, choose the highest output power channel to test SAR and determine further SAR
2. Per KDB 248227 D01 v02r02, if 11g and 11n average output power is higher than 1/4 dB higher than 11b mode, SAR
will be verified.
3. For each frequency band, testing at higher data rates and higher order modulations is not required when the maximum
average output power for each of these configurations is less than 1/4 dB higher than those measured at the lowest data
rate. For 802.11n mode, SAR test according to the highest power channel with correspondence data rates.

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                                      Page 22 of 38                            SAR REPORT

                                                                                                  Model: CM-43438-V1

                                        Bluetooth - Maximum Average Power
                Test Mode                              Data Rate                          Average Power(dBm)
                  GFSK                                   1Mbps                                    8.426
                4*π4DQPSK                                2Mbps                                    8.272
                 8DPSK                                   3Mbps                                    8.372

                                        Bluetooth - Maximum Average Power
                                                                                Frequency              Average Power
      Test Mode                Data Rate                Channel
                                                                                  (MHz)                    (dBm)
                                                         CH 00                     2402                    5.879
          BLE                    1Mbps                   CH 19                     2440                    5.722
                                                         CH 39                     2480                    5.722

Bluetooth maximum output power is 8.426dBm, and Tune-Up output power is 8.5dBm. Per KDB 447498 D01 V06, the 1-g
and 10-g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation distances ≤ 50 mm are determined by:
[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)] · [√f(GHz)] ≤ 3.0 for 1-g
SAR and ≤ 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR,16 where
- f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
- Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation17
- The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison
  Max. Power (dBm)        Max. Power (mW)        Distance (mm)       Frequency (GHz)          Result           Limit
          8.5                    7.08                   5                  2.402              2.19                 3
The exclusion thresholds is 2.19< 3, therefore, the RF exposure evaluation is not required.

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                                                                                              Model: CM-43438-V1

9.2 Test Results for Standalone SAR Test

Body SAR

                                  WLAN 2.4GHz – Body SAR Test (Gap: 0mm)
                                             Frequency        Output        Rated                         Scaled
Plot                  Test Position                                                 Scaling    SAR1g
         Mode                                                 Power         Limit                         SAR1g
No.                       Body             CH.       MHz                            Factor     (W/kg)
                                                              (dBm)         (dBm)                         (W/kg)
1.      802.11b           Back              11       2462      12.46        12.5    1.0093      0.4678    0.4721
2.      802.11b           Front             11       2462      12.46        12.5    1.0093      0.5922    0.5977
3.      802.11b         Right Side          11       2462      12.46        12.5    1.0093      0.1894    0.1912
4.      802.11b         Left Side           11       2462      12.46        12.5    1.0093      0.2547    0.2571
5.      802.11b            Top              11       2462      12.46        12.5    1.0093      0.3278    0.3308

Remark: Per KDB 447498 D01 v06, if the highest output channel SAR for each exposure position ≤ 0.8 W/kg other
channels SAR tests are not necessary. WLAN and Bluetooth share the same antenna, and cannot transmit

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                                                                                                       Model: CM-43438-V1

10. Measurement Uncertainty

10.1 Uncertainty for EUT SAR Test

                   a                    b       c      d      e= f(d,k)       f            g        h= c*f/e i= c*g/e    k
     Uncertainty Component             Sec.    Tol    Prob.     Div.      Ci (1g) Ci (10g)           1g Ui    10g Ui    Vi
                                              (+- %) Dist.                                          (+-%)     (+-%)
Measurement System
Probe calibration                     E.2.1    7.0     N                    1            1         7.00      7.00      
Axial Isotropy                        E.2.2    2.5     R               (1_Cp)^1/2   (1_Cp)^1/2    1.02      1.02      
Hemispherical Isotropy                E.2.2    4.0     R               (Cp)^1/2     (Cp)^1/2      1.63      1.63      
Boundary effect                       E.2.3    1.0     R                   1            1         0.58      0.58      
Linearity                             E.2.4    5.0     R                   1            1         2.89      2.89      
System detection limits               E.2.5    1.0     R                   1            1         0.58      0.58      
Readout Electronics                   E.2.6    0.02    N                    1            1         0.02      0.02      
Reponse Time                          E.2.7    3.0     R                   1            1         1.73      1.73      
Integration Time                      E.2.8    2.0     R                   1            1         1.15      1.15      
RF ambient Conditions – Noise         E.6.1    3.0     R                   1            1         1.73      1.73      
RF      ambient        Conditions   - E.6.1    3.0     R                   1            1         1.73      1.73      
Probe       positioner    Mechanical E.6.2     2.0     R                   1            1         1.15      1.15      
Probe positioning with respect to E.6.3        0.05    R                   1            1         0.03      0.03      
Phantom Shell
Extrapolation, interpolation and       E.5     5.0     R                   1            1         2.89      2.89      
integration Algoritms for Max.
SAR Evaluation
Test Sample Related
Test sample positioning               E.4.2    0.03    N                    1            1         0.03      0.03     
Device Holder Uncertainty             E.4.1    5.00    N                    1            1         5.00      5.00      
Output power Variation - SAR E.2.9            12.02    R                   1            1         6.94      6.94      
drift measurement
SAR scaling                           E6.5     0.0     R                   1            1          0.0      0.0       

Phantom and Tissue Parameters
Phantom Uncertainty (Shape and E.3.1           0.05    R                   1            1         0.03      0.03      
thickness tolerances)
Uncertainty in SAR correction for     E3.2     1.9     R                   1          0.84        1.10      0.90      
deviations in permittivity and
Liquid conductivity - deviation E.3.2          5.00    R                 0.64         0.43        1.85      1.24      

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                                                                                                       Model: CM-43438-V1

from target value
Liquid         conductivity         - E.3.3    5.00    N                  0.64         0.43        3.20      2.15     
measurement uncertainty
Liquid permittivity - deviation E.3.2          0.37    R                  0.6         0.49        0.13      0.10     
from target value
Liquid         permittivity         - E.3.3   10.00    N                   0.6         0.49        6.00      4.90     
measurement uncertainty
Combined Standard Uncertainty                         RSS                                           12.98    12.53     
Expanded Uncertainty                                  K=2                                           25.32    24.43     
(95% Confidence interval)

10.2 Uncertainty for System Performance Check

                   a                    b       c      d      e= f(d,k)       f            g        h= c*f/e i= c*g/e   k
     Uncertainty Component             Sec.    Tol    Prob.     Div.      Ci (1g) Ci (10g)           1g Ui    10g Ui    Vi
                                              (+- %) Dist.                                          (+-%)     (+-%)
Measurement System
Probe calibration                     E.2.1    7.0     N                    1            1         7.00      7.00     
Axial Isotropy                        E.2.2    2.5     R               (1_Cp)^1/2   (1_Cp)^1/2    1.02      1.02     
Hemispherical Isotropy                E.2.2    4.0     R               (Cp)^1/2     (Cp)^1/2      1.63      1.63     
Boundary effect                       E.2.3    1.0     R                   1            1         0.58      0.58     
Linearity                             E.2.4    5.0     R                   1            1         2.89      2.89     
System detection limits               E.2.5    1.0     R                   1            1         0.58      0.58     
Modulation response                   E.2.5     0      R                   0            0          0.0      0.0      
Readout Electronics                   E.2.6    0.02    N                    1            1         0.02      0.02     
Reponse Time                          E.2.7    3.0     R                   1            1         1.73      1.73     
Integration Time                      E.2.8    2.0     R                   1            1         1.15      1.15     
RF ambient Conditions – Noise         E.6.1    3.0     R                   1            1         1.73      1.73     
RF       ambient       Conditions   - E.6.1    3.0     R                   1            1         1.73      1.73     
Probe positioner          Mechanical E.6.2     2.0     R                   1            1         1.15      1.15     
Probe positioning with respect to E.6.3        0.05    R                   1            1         0.03      0.03     
Phantom Shell
Extrapolation, interpolation and E.5.2         5.0     R                   1            1         2.89      2.89     
integration Algoritms for Max.

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                                                                                      Model: CM-43438-V1

SAR Evaluation
Dipole axis to liquid Distance      8,E.4.2   1.00    N             1      1     0.58    0.58    
Input power and SAR drift 8,6.6.2             12.02   R             1      1     6.94    6.94     
Deviation of experimental dipole E.6.4         5.5    R             1      1     3.20    3.20     
from numerical dipole
Phantom and Tissue Parameters
Phantom Uncertainty (Shape and E.3.1          0.05    R             1      1     0.03    0.03     
thickness tolerances)
Uncertainty in SAR correction for    E3.2      2.0    R             1     0.84   1.10    1.10     
deviations in permittivity and
Liquid conductivity - deviation E.3.2         5.00    R            0.64   0.43   1.85    1.24     
from target value
Liquid         conductivity      - E.3.3      5.00    N             0.64   0.43   3.20    2.15     
measurement uncertainty
Liquid permittivity - deviation E.3.2         0.37    R            0.6    0.49   0.13    0.10     
from target value
Liquid         permittivity      - E.3.3      10.00   N             0.6    0.49   6.00    4.90    
measurement uncertainty
Combined Standard Uncertainty                         RSS                          12.00   11.50    
Expanded Uncertainty                                  K=2                          23.39   22.43    
(95% Confidence interval)

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                                                                                         Model: CM-43438-V1

Annex A. Plots of System Performance Check

                                  MEASUREMENT 1
For Body Liquid
Type: Validation measurement (Fast, 75.00 %)
Date of measurement: 08/15/2016
Measurement duration: 12 minutes 21 seconds
E-field Probe: SSE5 - SN 09/13 EP168; ConvF: 5.80; Calibrated: 06/01/2016

A. Experimental conditions

                      Area Scan                                         dx=8mm dy=8mm
                       Phantom                                           Validation plane
                   Device Position                                            Dipole
                        Band                                                 CW2450
                        Signal                                         CW (Crest factor: 1.0)

B. SAR Measurement Results

                  Frequency (MHz)                                          2450.000000
           Relative Permittivity (real part)                                51.021360
                  Conductivity (S/m)                                         1.920223
                 Power Variation (%)                                         0.542145
                Ambient Temperature                                            21.1
                 Liquid Temperature                                            21.2

                   SURFACE SAR                                           VOLUME SAR

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                               Page 28 of 38                            SAR REPORT

                                                                                    Model: CM-43438-V1

                                  Maximum location: X=0.00, Y=0.00
                SAR 10g (W/Kg)                                           6.161512
                SAR 1g     (W/Kg)                                       12.612580

                                            Z Axis Scan
    Z (mm)      0.00         4.00         9.00       14.00          19.00        24.00      29.00
     SAR       0.0000       13.1202     10.5211     6.2100          4.8511      3.0236     2.5362

                 3D screen shot                                      Hot spot position

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                            Page 29 of 38                        SAR REPORT

                                                                               Model: CM-43438-V1

Annex B. Plots of SAR Measurement

       TYPE             BAND                            PARAMETERS
                                      Measurement 2: Flat Plane with Front side device
       Module        WiFi_802.11b
                                      position on High Channel in 802.11b mode
   Remark: SAR plot is showed the highest measured SAR in each exposure configuration, wireless
   mode and frequency band combination.

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                           Page 30 of 38                     SAR REPORT

                                                                                         Model: CM-43438-V1

                                  MEASUREMENT 2
Type: Phone measurement (Complete)
Date of measurement: 08/15/2016
Measurement duration: 12 minutes 3 seconds
E-field Probe: SSE5 - SN 09/13 EP168; ConvF: 5.80; Calibrated: 06/01/2016

A. Experimental conditions

                      Area Scan                                sam_direct_droit2_surf8mm.txt
                       Phantom                                              Flat Plane
                    Device Position                                         Front Side
                         Band                                          WiFi_802.11b
                       Channels                                               High
                        Signal                                         Duty Cycle: 1:1

B. SAR Measurement Results

                  Frequency (MHz)                                       2462.000000
           Relative Permittivity (real part)                                51.021360
                  Conductivity (S/m)                                        1.920223
                 Power Variation (%)                                        0.642782
                Ambient Temperature                                           21.1
                 Liquid Temperature                                           21.2

                   SURFACE SAR                                         VOLUME SAR

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                               Page 31 of 38                          SAR REPORT

                                                                                 Model: CM-43438-V1

                               Maximum location: X=5.00, Y=-34.00
                SAR 10g (W/Kg)                                        0.429137
                SAR 1g     (W/Kg)                                     0.592171

     Z (mm)           0.00            4.00            9.00             14.00           19.00
   SAR (W/Kg)       0.0000           0.5598         0.4664             0.3710         0.2803

                 3D screen shot                                   Hot spot position

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H                          Page 32 of 38                       SAR REPORT

                                           Model: CM-43438-V1

Annex C. EUT Photos

EUT View 1

EUT View 2

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H   Page 33 of 38        SAR REPORT

                                              Model: CM-43438-V1

EUT View 3

Antenna View

                           WIFI/BT Antenna

REPORT NO.: STR16078090H      Page 34 of 38        SAR REPORT

Document Created: 2016-09-04 17:54:52
Document Modified: 2016-09-04 17:54:52

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