TSO Approval Letter


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02/12/2003 14:16 FAX 562 627 5210                        ~—   FAA LAACO 18T FLR FAX~               ‘                          '      ¥0o03

       U.S. Department            —       ‘          '                                         c          Transport Airplane Directorate
       of Tra:ggfim;n                                           .                          f               Los Angeles Aircraft
                                              |                           >      .        1.              Certification Office
       Federal Aviation
       Administration                 .                                                                   3960 Paramount Boulevard
             *                                                        —                                   Lakewood, California 90712—4137

       February 12, 2003

       Attn.:~Mr. Philip D. Heinicke
       Technical Staff Engineer
       19810 North 7*" Avenue
       Phoenix, Arizona 85027—4400

       Dear Mr. Heinicke:

                                                  ACSS, TCAS, Computer Unit;
                            Technical Standard Order C119b and C151a with Deviations

        Your application letter dated June 11, 2001 and February 6, 2003, requesting the issuance of a
        Technical Standard Order (TSO) authorization in accordance with the procedural requirements of
        14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 21, Subpart O has been reviewed. Based upon
      — your data and statement of conformance certifying your article(s) have met the requirements of
       14 CFR Part 21, Subpart O, and the minimum performance standards of TSO C119b and C151a
      (with deviations) (Ref. 14 CFR § 21.605 and 21.609), authorization is hereby granted for the the
      products listed below:

                 Model      > Part Number                          Description                         TsO
                 TT—950         9000000—10001                      6MCU TCAS LRU                         €119b and C1512
                 '                                                                                       with * deviations

                 TT—951         9000000—55001                      4MCU T°CAS LRU                        C119b and C151a
                                                                                                         with *deviations

                 AP—950        9000001—10001                       Aircraft Personality                  Cl1S1a
                                                                   Module (APM)                        — with * deviations

                 ASDB          9000281—001                         Aircraft Specific                    C1S5l1a
                                                                   Database                             with * deviations

     * Discription of the applicable C119b and CJSIa deviations see Attachment.

     For ydur information, the conditions and tests required for TSO approval is minimum
     performance standards. The article(s) may be installed on or within a specific type or class of

                    Purpose — Aviation Safety       Professionalism — Technical Excellence Pride —Highest Quality

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        K        .            2o           Pss                                                                  ,
        ‘ atrcraft only 1f furtherevaluationb*ytheuser/mstaller documents an acceptable mstallatlon that is
            approved by the Admxmstrator                         .      ;            .

           The quahty control procedures contamedinyour quality control manual, currently. on file at the
           Phoenix Manufacturing InspectionDistrict Office, and yourstatement that those procedureswill
     ——~.~ be applied to the manufacture of the subject article(s) at the above address, are considered
            adequate in accordance with 14 CFR § 21. 143

        : Effectlve this date, you are authorized to use TSO proceduresforthe TZCAS as listed above.
          You may identify these articles with the applicable TSO markingsas requxred by TSO C119b and
            C151a with dev1at10ns

            Asrecipient ofthis TSO authorization you are required to report anyfailure, malfunction, or
            defect in any product or part manufactured by you or your contracted suppliers, and which you
            have determined has resulted or could result in any ofthe occurrences listed in 14 CFR § 21.3(c).
            The report should be communicated initially by telephone to the Manager, Technical and
            Administrative Support Staff, ANM—103L, (562) 627—5300, within24 hours after it has been
            determined the failure has occurred, and followed up with a written notice. FAA Form 8$010—4
            (Malfunction or Defect Report) or other appropriate format is acceptable intransmitting the
            required details. Asrequired by 14 CFR § 21.613(b), you mustaIso notlfythe FAA when you no
            longer manufacture a TSO approved article, —

            This authonzatlon pertains only to thenameand manufactlmngoperatxons listed above. This
            office must be notified in advance ofany proposed facility relocatlonto precludemterruptlon
            while awaxtmg quality control approval ofthat facility.


            /MZ” k wzw
       _ Carlton K. Woo                        ,
            Manager, Technical and Administrative
        , Support Staff —


Document Created: 2003-03-24 09:47:51
Document Modified: 2003-03-24 09:47:51

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