Parts List and Descriptions


Parts List/Tune Up Info

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T CAS FCC Compliance Test Report                                        SPEC NO:             8000709-001       REV
                                                                        CAGE CODE:
                                                                                             1WYD3              -


     The equipment has been designated by ACSS as models TT-95x T CAS Computer Units, P/Ns
     9000000-20001 (TT-952), 9000000-55001 (TT-951), 9000000-1001 (TT-950).

     Air Traffic Control
     Part 87, Subpart A


     3.3.1    TAWS/Windshear Functionality

     The TAWS/Windshear function is implemented as an independent processor and I/O circuitry
     from the TCAS function. The TAWS/Windshear circuitry is contained on a unique circuit card
     assembly (CCA), which is added to the existing TCAS-2000 unit design in a spare card slot

     The TAWS function uses vertical speed, ground speed, track angle, flight path angle, latitude,
     longitude, flap status, steep approach status, static air temperature, roll angle, pressure altitude
     system inputs. A database, which includes terrain data, airport data, aircraft performance data
     and climb rate models, is used for the determination of the alerts and display of terrain

     The TAWS/Windshear CCA will also provide a reactive windshear alert which meets the
     requirements of TSO-C117a. The windshear alert is active during take-off and final approach
     phases and produces aural and visual annunciations. The windshear alert measures vertical and
     horizontal components of air mass accelerations and determines if a windshear caution or
     warning should be generated. Windshear alert is not yet implemented; however, all current
     circuitry and processor will be utilized.

     3.3.2    TCAS Functionality Type of Emission
     18MOP1D Frequency Range
     1030 + 0.01 MHz

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T CAS FCC Compliance Test Report                                        SPEC NO:             8000709-001               REV
                                                                        CAGE CODE:
                                                                                             1WYD3                      - Power Rating
     0.4 to 500 Watts Peak Effective Radiated Power (Pulsed) Final Power Amplifier
     Solid State Balanced Amplifier (Class C) using two Motorola MRF10501 silicon bipolar
     transistors. Active Device Functions
     Function                                                Device Type                               Manufacturer
                       Crystal Oscillator (TCXO)             6206                                      Oscillatek

                       Microwave Low Noise
                       Transistor--Amplifier                 AT-41511                                  HP

                       Amplifier                             VNA – 25                                  Mini-Circuit
                       .1 Watt,
                       Microwave Pulse Power

     Function                                                Device Type                               Manufacturer
     Transmitter       Transistor--Amplifier,                MRF1000MB                                 Motorola
                       1 watt
                       Microwave Pulse Power
                       Transistor--Amplifier,                MRF10005                                  Motorola
                       5 watt
                       Microwave Pulse Power
                       Transistor--Amplifier,                MRF10031                                  Motorola
                       30 watt
                       Microwave Pulse Power
                       Transistor--Amplifier,                MRF10120                                  Motorola
                       150 watt
                       Microwave Pulse Power
                       Transistor--Amplifier,                MRF10502 (2 ea)                           Motorola
                       500 watt

     Pulse Modulator
                       N Channel FET                         IRFR220                                   Motorola
                       N Channel FET                         IRFR9220                                  International
                       Envelope Modulator                                                              Rectifier

     DPSK Modulator
                   NPN Transistor (1)                        BSR14                                     Generic
                   NPN Transistor (2)                        BSR16                                     Generic

         ACSS                   Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the             Page 6
       Proprietary                             proprietary notice on the title page.

T CAS FCC Compliance Test Report                                            SPEC NO:            8000709-001       REV
                                                                            CAGE CODE:
                                                                                                1WYD3              -


     3.3.3   Circuit Diagram
     A block diagram and schematics will be provided with the FCC Form 731 when the application for
     certification is filed with the FCC.

     3.3.4   Instruction Book
     An ACSS document, System Description and Installation Manual, 8000451-001, provides
     instructions for the proper installation of the T2CAS computer on a given aircraft.

     3.3.5   Tune -up Procedure
     No field tuning is required. Alignment is performed in the factory.

     3.3.6   Oscillator Circuit
     The 1030 MHz source consists of the following: 1.) a phase locked oscillator (PLO) is locked to a
     Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO). The TCXO provides the required
     frequency stability for the 1030 MHz source. 2.) the output of the PLO is fed to a prescaler
     divider, which in turn provides the input to a multiplier circuit. 3.) the output of the multiplier is
     band pass filtered, and then amplified and distributed to both the receiver and transmitter circuits.

     3.3.7   Frequency Stabilization
     Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO).

     3.3.8   Modulation Limiting
     Not Applicable

     3.3.9   Radiated Interference Suppression
     At the output of the transmitter is a two-pole high power cavity filter designed to attenuate
     spurious created by the DPSK modulation. This filter also offers good rejection of the even
     harmonics of the carrier. Following the high power cavity filter is a five pole reflective microstrip
     low pass filter designed for maximum rejection of the 2 through 9 harmonics of the carrier
                                                                       nd             th

         Transmitter                   Spectrum                        Low Pass
                                         Filter                          Filter

     The spectral output of the 1030 MHz transmitter will be limited to the following schedule:

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       Proprietary                                proprietary notice on the title page.

T CAS FCC Compliance Test Report                                    SPEC NO:             8000709-001       REV
                                                                    CAGE CODE:
                                                                                         1WYD3              -

     Frequency difference                     Relative power
     (MHz from carrier)                       (dB below maximum)
             ≥ 4, < 6                                 6
             ≥ 6, < 8                                 11
             ≥ 8, < 10                                15
             ≥ 10, < 20                               19
             ≥ 20, < 30                               31
             ≥ 30, < 40                               38
             ≥ 40, < 50                               43
             ≥ 50, < 60                               47
             ≥ 60, < 90                               50
             ≥ 90                                     60

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       Proprietary                         proprietary notice on the title page.

T CAS FCC Compliance Test Report                                          SPEC NO:             8000709-001         REV
                                                                          CAGE CODE:
                                                                                               1WYD3                -


     4.1     ATCRBS Interrogations.
     Interrogations are sent out on an intentionally jittered 1+0.2 second interval in increasing power
     levels according to the schedules shown in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6. By transmitting the
     weakest signals first only the closest aircraft will reply. The interrogations progress in a roughly
     circular pattern weighted toward the front of the aircraft since that is the area from which the
     greatest closing speeds originate. In areas of high density the sequence is halted when the
     computer has reached a limit defined by a complex set of three inequalities. In this manner,
     interference to other TCAS equipped aircraft in the area is minimized since the strongest
     interrogations are the first to be dropped. The priority of elimination of steps for interference
     limiting is also shown in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6. This priority is inversely related to the
     order of the step sequence.

     Pulse Widths:                                  0.8 + 0.05 usec
     Rise Times (10% to 90%):                       ≥ 0.05 usec., < 0.1 usec
     Fall Times (90% to 10%):                       ≥ 0.05 usec., < 0.2 usec

                       S1    P1                                                                          P3   P4



     Figure 1: ATCRBS Interrogations

     Pulses P1, P3, and P4 will appear in all interrogation steps of the whisper / shout sequence and
     will be at the same power level. Pulse S1 will appear in all steps except the initial step on each
     antenna direction and at a level two or three dB below the level of P1, etc. according to the
     schedules shown in Figures 1 through 3. The steps occur at intervals of two milliseconds until the
     entire program is complete. The program length depends upon the individual aircraft installation.
     Options are available from using either an omni-directional bottom antenna or adirectional bottom
     antenna. The top antenna is always directional. Pulses Pa and Pb are transmitted on the
     antenna. They are used for suppression of sensitivity of the receiving aircraft to the indicated

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T CAS FCC Compliance Test Report                                         SPEC NO:             8000709-001        REV
                                                                         CAGE CODE:
                                                                                              1WYD3               -

     S1 =            -2 microseconds
     P1 =             0 microseconds
     PA =             2 microseconds
     PB =            19 microseconds
     P3 =            21 microseconds
     P4 =            23 microseconds

     4.2    Mode S Interrogations
     Details of the Mode S interrogations are shown in Figure 2 below. The preamble and the
     synchronizing phase reversal (SPR) will appear the same in all interrogations. The data block will
     be either 56 or 112 chips of 0.25 microseconds, depending upon the type of reply desired. The
     data chips will be reversed phase from their previous chips if their data bid are 1, they will remain
     the same phase as the previous chips is their data bits are 0. The allowable transition time of the
     phase reversals is a maximum of 80 nanoseconds. The Mode S interrogations are transmitted
     after the whisper/shout sequence of ATCRBS interrogations. When no Mode S equipped aircraft
     are replying, the TCAS CU sends out Mode S broadcast interrogations based upon a 10 second
     pattern with 2 or 3 seconds between transmissions on the four lobes of the antenna. The time
     remaining after the Mode S transmissions are completed is used as a listening period for other
     unacquired aircraft.

     • Preamble Pulse Widths:                       0.8 + 0.05 usec
     • Rise Times (10% to 90%):                    < 0.1 usec
     • Fall Times (90% to 10%):                    < 0.2 usec


                       P1   P2          P6

     Figure 2: Mode S Interrogations

     Timing of the Mode S interrogations is as follows, referenced to the leading edge of the P1 pulse:

      P1                                                        0.0 microseconds
      P2                                                        2.0 microseconds
      P6                                                        3.5 microseconds
      SPR                                                       4.75 microseconds
      Bit 1                                                     5.25 microseconds
      End P6                                                    19.75 microseconds (56 bits)
                                                                33.75 microseconds (112 bits)
     Table 2: Mode S Interrogation Timing

                                             Omni-Directional Antenna
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T CAS FCC Compliance Test Report                                    SPEC NO:             8000709-001            REV
                                                                    CAGE CODE:
                                                                                         1WYD3                   -

                         Nominal Power Levels (dB relative to full power)

     Level                           P1,P3, P4 Pulses                           S1 Pulse
     00                              -13                                        -16
     01                              -15                                        -18
     02                              -17                                        -20
     03                              -19                                        -22
     04                              -21                                        -24
     05                              -23                                        -26
     06                              -25                                        none
     Table 3: Mode S Interrogations, Omni-Directional Antenna

                                           Directional Antenna

                         Nominal Power Levels (dB relative to full power)

     Level                 P1,P3, P4                       S1 Pulse                        Pa, Pb Pulse
     D0                    0                               -3                              -2
     D1                    -1                              -3                              -3
     D2                    -2                              -5                              -4
     D3                    -3                              -5                              -5
     D4                    -4                              -7                              -6
     D5                    -5                              -7                              -7
     D6                    -6                              -9                              -8
     D7                    -7                              -9                              -9
     D8                    -8                              -11                             -10
     D9                    -9                              -11                             -11
     D10                   -10                             -13                             -12
     D11                   -11                             -13                             -13
     D12                   -12                             -15                             -14
     D13                   -13                             -15                             -15
     D14                   -14                             -17                             -16
     D15                   -15                             -17                             -17
     D16                   -16                             -19                             -18
     D17                   -17                             -19                             -19
     D18                   -18                             -21                             -20
     D19                   -19                             -21                             -21
     D20                   -20                             -23                             -22
     D21                   -21                             -23                             -23
     D22                   -22                             -25                             -24
     D23                   -23                             -25                             -25
     D24                   -24                             -27                             -26
     D25                   -25                             -27                             -27
     D26                   -26                             --                              -16 (P4 only)
     Table 4: Mode S Directional Antenna Interrogation Transmission Levels

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       Proprietary                         proprietary notice on the title page.

T CAS FCC Compliance Test Report                                      SPEC NO:             8000709-001        REV
                                                                      CAGE CODE:
                                                                                           1WYD3               -

                                   Bottom Omni-Directional Antenna
                          Interference Limiting Priority / Interrogation Level
                                                98 / 06
                                                97 / 05
                                                96 / 04
                                                95 / 03
                                                94 / 02
                                                93 / 01
                                                92 / 00

                                           Top Directional Antenna
                           Interference Limiting Priority / Interrogation Level
     0’                       180’                         90’                270’
     91 / D26                 -                            -                  -
     90 / D25                 -                            -                  -
     89 / D24                 -                            -                  -
     88 / D23                 -                            87 / D26           86 / D26
     85 / D22                 -                            84 / D25           83 / D25
     82 / D21                 -                            81 / D24           80 / D24
     79 / D20                 -                            78 / D23           77 / D23
     76 / D19                 -                            75 / D23           74 / D22
     73 / D18                 72 / D26                     71 / D21           70 / D21
     69 / D17                 68 / D25                     67 / D20           66 / D20
     65 / D16                 64 / D24                     63 / D20           62 / D19
     61 / D15                 60 / D23                     59 / D18           58 / D18
     57 / D14                 56 / D22                     55 / D17           54 / D17
     49 / D12                 48 / D20                     47/ D15            46 / D15
     45 / D11                 44 / D19                     43 / D14           42 / D14
     41 / D10                 40 / D18                     39 / D13           38 / D13
     37 / D9                  36 / D17                     35 / D12           34 / D12
     33 / D8                  32 / D16                     31 / D11           30 / D11
     29 / D7                  28 / D15                     27 / D10           26 / D10
     25 / D6                  24 / D14                     23 / D9            22 / D9
     21 / D5                  20 / D13                     19 / D8            18 / D8
     17 / D4                  16 / D12                     15 / D7            14 / D7
     13 / D3                  12 / D11                     11 / D6            10 / D6
     9 / D2                   8 / D10                      7 / D5             6 / D5
     5 / D1                   4 / D10                      3 / D4             2 / D4
     1 / D0                   -                            -                  -
     (Interrogation sequence is right to left, top to bottom)
     Table 5: Top Directional / Bottom Omni-Directional Interrogation Sequence

                          Interference Limiting Priority / Interrogation Level

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       Proprietary                           proprietary notice on the title page.

T CAS FCC Compliance Test Report                                        SPEC NO:             8000709-001             REV
                                                                        CAGE CODE:
                                                                                             1WYD3                    -

     Top Directional Antenna                                   Bottom Directional Antenna
     0’          180’      90’                270’             0’         180’        90’                  270’
     113 / D26 -           -                  -                112 / D26 -            -                    -
     111/ D25    -         -                  -                -          110 / D25 -                      -
     109/ D24    -         -                  -                108 / D24 -            -                    -
     107/ D23    -         -                  -                106 / D23 -            -                    -
     -           -         105 / D26          104 / D26        -          -           103 / D26            102 / D26
     101 / D22 -           -                  -                100 / D22 -            -                    -
     -           -         99 / D25           98 / D25         -          -           97 / D25             96 / D25
     95 / D21    -         -                  -                94 / D21   93 / D26    -                    -
     -           -         92 / D24           91 / D24         -          -           90 / D24             89 / D24
     88 / D20    -         -                  -                87 / D20   86 / D25    -                    -
     -           -         85 / D23           84 / D23         -          -           83 / D23             82 / D23
     81 / D19    -         -                  -                80 / D19   79 / D24    -                    -
     -           -         78 / D22           77 / D22         -          -           76 / D22             75 / D22
     74 / D18    -         -                  -                73 / D18   -           -                    -
     -           72 / D26  71 / D21           70 / D21
     69 / D17    68 / D25  67 / D20           66 / D20
     65 / D16    64 / D24  63 / D19           62 / D19
     61 / D15    60 / D23  59 / D18           58 / D18
     57 / D14    56 / D22  55 / D17           54 / D17
     53 / D13    52 / D21  51 / D16           50 / D16
     49 / D12    48 / D20  47 / D15           46 / D15
     41 / D10    40 / D18  39 / D13           38 / D13
     37 / D9     36 / D17  35 / D12           34 / D12
     33 / D8     32 / D16  31 / D11           30 / D11
     29 / D7     28 / D15  27 / D10           26 / D10
     25 / D6     24 / D14  23 / D9            22 / D9
     21 / D5     20 / D13  19 / D8            18 / D8
     17 / D4     16 / D12  15 / D7            14 / D7                               Interrogations
     13 / D3     12 / D11  11 / D6            10 / D6                              for each sector
     9 / D2      8 / D5    7 / D5             6 / D5                                that has a TA
     5 / D1      4 / D9    3 / D4             2 / D4                                or RA present
     1 / D0      -         -                  -                                            .
                                                               1/ D17          1 / D23       1 / D21       1 / D21
                                                               1 / D16         1 / D22       1 / D20       1 / D20
                                                               1 / D15         1 / D21       1 / D19       1 / D19
                                                               1 / D14         1 / D20       1 / D18       1 / D18
                                                               1 / D13         1 / D19       1 / D17       1 / D17
                                                                               1 / D18       1 / D16       1 / D16
                                                                               1 / D17       1 / D15       1 / D15
                                                                               1 / D16       1 / D14       1 / D14
                                                                               1 / D15       1 / D13       1 / D13
                                                                               1 / D14
                                                                               1 / D13
     (Interrogation sequence is right to left, top to bottom)
     Table 6: Top Directional / Bottom Directional Interrogation Sequence

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Document Created: 2003-02-18 07:17:13
Document Modified: 2003-02-18 07:17:13

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