Acceptance Test Procedure


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                                          ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURE FOR
                                                    TCAS 3000
Aviation Communication and
   Surveillance Systems

CAGE Code      Initial Release Date              Revision Date                         Document Number   Revision
 1WYD3            01-JUNE-05                      01-FEB-06                              8002217-001        D

                                                  Proprietary Notice
               This document and the information disclosed herein are proprietary data of Aviation
                   Communication & Surveillance Systems, LLC. Neither this document nor the
              information contained herein shall be reproduced, used, or disclosed to others without
                the written authorization of Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems, LLC.

               Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552) and Disclosure of Confidential Information
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                  This document is being furnished in confidence by Aviation Communication &
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                              Copyright 2005 Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems, LLC.
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      Doc Number            ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURE FOR TCAS 3000                                        Revision
      8002217-001                                                                                             D

                                      Record of Revisions

Rev       Date      Authorization         Description of Change

-        6/01/05     ECR008688                  Initial Release.
A         9/15/05    ECR008943                  Added Tests
B        10/14/05    ECR009052                  Added Tests
C        12/15/05    ECR009153                  Added Tests
D         2/01/06    ECR009305                  New RF FPGA

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       Doc Number                          ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURE FOR TCAS 3000                                                 Revision
       8002217-001                                                                                                                    D

                                                         Table of Contents
1   INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 4
  1.1    Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.2    Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.3    References .............................................................................................................................. 4
  1.4    Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 4
    1.4.1      Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 4
2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................... 5
3 GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................. 5
  3.1    General Requirements............................................................................................................. 5
  3.2    General RF Test Requirements ............................................................................................... 5
  3.3    Power Requirements ............................................................................................................... 5
4 TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................... 6
  4.1    Test Equipment Hardware ....................................................................................................... 6
  4.2    Test Equipment Software......................................................................................................... 6
  4.3    Test Equipment / UUT Interconnect ......................................................................................... 6
5 MTS END ITEM TEST.................................................................................................................... 8
  5.1    ATP / MTS Test Software Synchronization .............................................................................. 8
  5.2    UUT Alignment / Calibration .................................................................................................... 8
  5.3    Loading of Embedded Test Software ....................................................................................... 8
    5.3.1      Emulator Loading.............................................................................................................. 8
  5.4    MTS End Item Test Initialization .............................................................................................. 8
    5.4.1      Test Setup ........................................................................................................................ 8
    5.4.2      Compact Flash Loading Of HTS ....................................................................................... 9
  5.5    MTS End Item Test Execution ................................................................................................. 9
6 BITE LOG FAULT CLEARING...................................................................................................... 10
7 SIMPAN END ITEM TEST............................................................................................................ 11
APPENDIX A....................................................................................................................................... 12
SOFTWARE / FIRMWARE CONFIGURATION ................................................................................... 12
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 13
  1.1    Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 13
2 SOFTWARE / FIRMWARE CONFIGURATION AND VERIFICATION .......................................... 13
  2.1    Initial Test Configuration Software Loading............................................................................ 13
  2.2    Final Configuration Software Loading And Verification........................................................... 14
  2.3    Synchronization Between ATP / Test Software ...................................................................... 15
APPENDIX B....................................................................................................................................... 17
TEST REPORT / TRD CROSS REFERENCE ..................................................................................... 17

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      Doc Number                 ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURE FOR TCAS 3000                                            Revision
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      This document is the Acceptance Test Procedure for the TCAS 3000 Computer Unit.

1.1     Purpose
            To provide instruction on the loading of embedded Hardware Test Software (HTS).

            To provide instruction on the execution of a TCAS 3000 Final Acceptance Test utilizing
             automated test equipment with embedded test software (HTS).

            To provide instruction on the loading of Operational Flight Software and testing after
             Operational Flight Software has been loaded.

            To provide instruction on the downloading and clearing of the Maintenance (BITE) Fault Log.

1.2     Scope
        This Acceptance Test Procedure specification (ATP) establishes the manufacturing and
        operational requirements that the TCAS 3000 Computer Unit, Part Numbers 9003000-55001,
        9003000-65001, and 9003000-10001 must meet to ensure that the unit is in proper operating

1.3     References
            Document No.                          Description                                                       Revision
             8002216-001              TCAS 3000 Test Requirements Document                                      C (or subsequent)
             EB7517947                 Using JCAIR TCAS Simulation Panel                                        F (or subsequent)
            8005745-001                    W ebEDDIT Tool User Guide                                            - (or subsequent)

1.4     Definitions

1.4.1       Acronyms and Abbreviations
            Acronym        Definition

            ACSS           Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems
            AIU            Aircraft Interface Unit
            CCP            Common Computing Platform
            FPGA           Field Programmable Gate Array
            HTS            Hardware Test Software
            LRU            Line Replaceable Unit
            MTS            Manufacturing Test Station
            RFIU           RF Interface Unit
            SDRAM          Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
            TCAS           Traffic Collision Avoidance System
            TRD            Test Requirements Document
            UUT            Unit Under Test

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      The TCAS 3000 Acceptance Test is a fully automated end item test that is performed using the
      ACSS TCAS MTS (Part No. T336255). At the MTS level of testing, there are two primary types of
      software utilized. The first type of software is the HTS program which is loaded into the FLASH
      memory of the UUT and then executes within the UUT’s SDRAM. The second type of software is
      the MTS program that executes on the MTS PC.

      The HTS program receives high level commands from the MTS program via an RS232 interface. It
      executes commands and returns a response. The responses returned from HTS may range from
      acknowledgement of receipt of a command to returning data and/or status of a test that was
      performed by the embedded software.

      The MTS program is comprised of a Test Executive, Instrument Drivers, and Test Functions. The
      Test Executive, which provides an operator interface, directs test sequencing, determines pass/fail
      status and enables test report generation. The Instrument Drivers communicate with and control the
      MTS test equipment via an IEEE488 interface and PCI bus for the PC based instruments. The Test
      Functions perform the individual tests that comprise a TCAS 3000 Acceptance Test and are
      described in the TCAS 3000 Test Requirements Document (TRD).


3.1    General Requirements
       The following conditions are recommended for performance of a TCAS 3000 Acceptance Test:

           Temperature = 25 ± 5 ºC

           Relative humidity = 95% maximum

           Pressure = between 20 and 32 in Hg

           Power to the UUT should be removed before attaching or removing any interconnecting

3.2    General RF Test Requirements
          All antenna ports must be terminated in 50 ohms while power is applied to the UUT.

          Any additional test equipment that may be connected to the antenna ports must have a
           voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of less than 1.5:1.

          Any additional test equipment that may be connected to the antenna ports shall withstand
           peak power levels of at least 1000 W and average power levels of at least 2 W.

3.3    Power Requirements
          115 Vac, 60 Hz, 20 A standard service power for test equipment operation. All power supplied
           to the UUT is provided by the test equipment via software controlled rack mounted power

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      8002217-001                                                                                               D


4.1    Test Equipment Hardware
       The test equipment hardware that is required to perform a TCAS 3000 End Item Acceptance Test
       is as follows:

          TCAS MTS, Part No. T336255 (Mod D or subsequent)

           T336255 contains the following assemblies which may be referenced in this document:

              Aircraft interface unit (AIU) : Part No. T336253
              RF interface unit (RIU) : Part No. T336254
              PDL panel : Part No. T336259
              Tray assembly : Part No. T336255-26

4.2    Test Equipment Software
              TCAS 3000 PC Test Software - P/N 9000469-001. This program executes on the MTS
               test PC and automates the tests that are defined in the TCAS 3000 TRD.

              Hardware Test Software (HTS) - This program executes within UUT memory and
               responds to commands sent by the TCAS 3000 PC Test Software. Refer to the “Initial
               Test Configuration Software Loading” section in Appendix A of this document for the
               Master Media Part Number.

4.3    Test Equipment / UUT Interconnect
       Figure 1 shows a general interconnect between the MTS test equipment and the UUT for
       performing an Acceptance test. Not shown in this figure are the Data Acquisition Unit DMM and
       switching matrices. Refer to drawing no. T336255 for detailed interconnections between the test

       Note: This setup shows power connections to a UUT that can accept both AC and DC input
             For a DC only UUT, only DC is provided.

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                       Figure 1. General MTS / UUT Setup

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      At the MTS test phase, the TCAS 3000 Computer Unit shall be tested using product test software
      (HTS) that is specified in Appendix A of this document.

5.1     ATP / MTS Test Software Synchronization
        Note: If this is the first time that the current revision of this document is used at the MTS, the test
              software must be synchronized with this revision of ATP.

        Step 1.       Refer to the “Synchronization Between ATP / Test Software” section in Appendix A of
                      this document if needed.

5.2     UUT Alignment / Calibration
        Note: This does not apply to units that have been tested previously (unless new alignment or
               calibration is desired).

        Step 1.       For units in initial manufacturing build and test only, perform the “TCAS 3000 Manual
                      Alignment Procedure” described in Appendix B of the TCAS 3000 TRD (8002216-001).
        Step 2.       Refer to the “Initial Test Configuration Software Loading” section in Appendix A of this
                      document prior to performing an Auto Calibration on the MTS.
        Step 3.       For units in initial manufacturing build and test only, perform the “TCAS 3000
                      Automatic Calibration Procedure” described in Appendix C of the TCAS 3000 TRD

5.3     Loading of Embedded Test Software
        Note: This does not apply to units that have already been loaded with the correct test software
               prior to performing an Auto Calibration on the MTS.

        Loading of all images except for HTS must be performed using an emulator. Loading of HTS
        may be performed using an emulator or compact flash after all other images are present.

5.3.1    Emulator Loading
         Step 1.       Refer to the “Initial Test Configuration Software Loading” section in Appendix A of this
                       document if needed.

5.4     MTS End Item Test Initialization

5.4.1    Test Setup
         Step 1.       Verify that the MTS test equipment is connected per Dwg No. T336255 and that it is
         Step 2.       Power up the ACSS TCAS MTS and allow it to warm up for at least 30 minutes.
                       Verify that all IEEE488 test equipment has the correct addresses per Dwg No.
                       T336255 and that all of the test equipment is functioning properly.
         Step 3.       Insert the UUT into MTS UUT mount.
         Step 4.       Connect the MTS W1 PDL cable (P/N T336259) to the UUT PDL front panel

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         Step 5.      Launch the Test Software by double clicking on the Desk-Top Icon labeled “9000469”
         Step 6.      Log in with employee number and password.
         Step 7.      Go to File, Select, Open.
         Step 8.      Select one of the following sequence files:
                             Sequence                                  Description
                        9000469_Pre.squ                 Sequence that utilizes Pre Test Limits
                        9000469_Mfg.squ                 Sequence that utilizes Manufacturing Limits
                        9000469_Opr.squ                 Sequence that utilizes Operational Limits

5.4.2    Compact Flash Loading Of HTS
         Step 1.      If HTS has already been loaded into the UUT, then proceed to the “MTS End Item
                      Test Execution” section.
         Step 2.      Refer to the “Initial Test Configuration Software Loading” section in Appendix A of this
                      document to obtain the latest version of the HTS software on compact flash. Insert
                      the HTS compact flash card into the UUT’s compact flash receiver.
         Step 3.      Apply power to the UUT by clicking on the “DC Pwr” LED on the operator interface so
                      that it illuminates.
         Step 4.      The HTS program will automatically be loaded. This process should take
                      approximately 1-3 minutes. The “XFER IN PROCESS” LED on the UUT front panel
                      should begin flashing as data is being read from the compact flash card.
         Step 5.      Wait until the “C/F LOAD STATUS” LED becomes illuminated a static (non-flashing)
                      green. This is an indication that HTS has been successfully programmed into UUT
         Step 6.      Remove the HTS compact flash card from the UUT.
         Step 7.      Remove power from the UUT by again clicking on the “DC Pwr” LED on the operator
                      interface so that it is no longer illuminated.

5.5     MTS End Item Test Execution
        Note: If Operational Flight Software is to be loaded at the end of testing, refer to the “Final
              Configuration Software Loading And Verification” section of Appendix A of this document
              to obtain the correct Master Media copy.

         Step 1.      From the test program’s operator interface, Click on one of the following:
                      [Single Pass] : (Automatically power down after executing sequence)
                      [Test UUT] : (Prompt operator for power down after executing sequence)

         Step 2.      Enter all UUT information when prompted.
         Step 3.      Select the UUT Part number from Menu selection.
         Step 4.      Select one of the following Test Type: Pre Test or Final Test
         Step 5.      Enter Employee number.
         Step 6.      Upon Clicking on OK, automatic testing will commence.
         Step 7.      Respond to all prompts and instructions that the test program may display during test
         Step 8.      At the completion of all tests, the operator will be asked if the UUT should be loaded
                      with Operational Flight Software. If the Response is “YES”, the operator will be

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                    prompted to insert the correct compact flash card and loading will commence. At the
                    completion of loading, the Software part numbers and CRCs will automatically be
                    verified with the information that appears in Appendix A of this document.
       Step 9.      A test report text file will be generated at the end of test. The test report may be
                    viewed and/or printed out at the end of the test sequence.
       Step 10.     Verify that all tests have passed.
       Step 11.     Remove the UUT from the MTS UUT mount after the UUT has been powered down.

       Note: For test methodology and pass/fail criteria, refer to Appendix B of this document for the
             cross reference between the Final Test Report and TRD (Doc. No. 8002216-001).

    This procedure describes the general steps required to dump and clear the UUT’s BITE Fault log
    from any accumulated errors.

    Note: The actual screen names and buttons that appear in the WebEDDIT application may not
          exactly match the text in the following procedure due to later revisions of the application.
          Therefore, this procedure is to be utilized as a guide in conjunction with the latest revision of
          the WebEDDIT Tool User Guide (8005745-001).

    Step 1.      At this stage, the UUT should contain Operational Flight Software. If it does not contain
                 Operational Flight Software, load all of the correct images before proceeding.
    Step 2.      Attach the UUT to the SIMPAN (TCAS Simulation Panel) station holding fixture and
                 connect the SIMPAN PDL cable to the UUT PDL connector for RS232 communications.
    Step 3.      Refer to EB7517947 and setup the SIMPAN as described in the TCAS Simulation Front
                 Panel Initial Setup section.
    Step 4.      On the SIMPAN panel, set the ‘Gear’ switch to ‘down’ and the three ‘Air’ switches to
    Step 5.      Switch the MODE S control panel to ‘STBY’.
    Step 6.      The required TCAS 3000 input power is +28 (±1 VDC), 10A. Perform the power up
                 sequence per the Test Setup section in EB7517947.
    Step 7.      From the PC Desk Top, launch the WebEDDIT application by double clicking on the
                 WebEDDIT.exe icon.
    Step 8.      When prompted to connect to CCP, select ‘YES’. The ‘active’ LED at the bottom of the
                 screen will become illuminated when an RS232 connection has been established.
    Step 9.      From the WebEDDIT GUI menu bar, select TargetCCP Maintenance Interface. This
                 will bring up the ‘Common Computing Platform Maintenance Interface Function’ screen.
    Step 10.     From the ‘Common Computing Platform Maintenance Interface Function’ screen, select
                 ‘Fault Logs and Event Logs’. This will bring up the ‘CCP Logs’ screen.
    Step 11.     From the ‘CCP Logs’ screen, select ‘Dump BITE FAULT LOG’ to dump all stored faults.
                 Follow instructions when prompted and refer to the WebEDDIT Tool User Guide
                 (8005745-001) for option details.
    Step 12.     Open the ‘ccp_mifa_dump_fault_log_xxx.htm’ file (where xxx is variable that changes
                 for each dump). Make note of any faults that may have been logged.

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    Step 13.   After dumping the BITE Fault Log, return to the ‘CCP Logs’ screen and then select
               ‘Clear BITE FAULT LOG’. The UUT will be reset and RS232 communications will be
               disconnected when this occurs.
    Step 14.   Allow the tool to automatically re-establish an RS232 connection or refer to WebEDDIT
               Tool User Guide if the tool is unable to re-connect.
    Step 15.   When RS232 communication has been re-established, return to the ‘CCP Logs’ screen.
    Step 16.   Select ‘Dump BITE FAULT LOG’ and verify that any stored faults that should have been
               cleared are no longer present.
               Note: Several faults may be logged due to known missing stimuli. Make note of any
                     faults that should not be present.

    Step 17.   Exit the WebEDDIT application and power off the UUT. Disconnect the PDL cable from
               the UUT

    In this phase, the TCAS 3000 Computer Unit shall be tested at the SIMPAN (TCAS Simulation
    Panel) using Operational Flight Software that is specified in Appendix A of this document. The
    Operational Flight Software should have been loaded into the UUT at the completion of an MTS
    End Item Test prior to performing this test.

    Step 1.    The BITE LOG FAULT CLEARING procedure (previous section) must be performed
               prior to performing a SIMPAN End Item Test. This will clear any faults that were logged
               at the MTS during loading and verification of Operational Flight Software.
    Step 2.    Perform the procedure specified in Using JCAIR TCAS Simulation Panel Test Fixture
               (Doc. No. EB7517947).

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                                   APPENDIX A

              Software / Firmware Configuration

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      This Appendix provides the TCAS 3000 Production End Item Test and Operational
      Software/Firmware Configuration Tables.

1.1    Purpose
           To provide instruction on the loading of images prior to End Item Testing.

           To provide instruction on the loading of Operational Flight Software prior to shipment of the


2.1    Initial Test Configuration Software Loading
       Prior to performing an MTS Auto Calibration or an MTS End Item Test, the following images must
       be loaded into the UUT.

       Step 1.       Obtain the Master Media (CD) for the images listed in the tables below.
       Step 2.       Perform the emulator loading procedure described in Appendix A of the TCAS 3000
                     TRD (8002216-001).

           End Item Part                                Software Master Media Part Number

                                            TCAS 3000 Initial Configuration SW P/N 9300003-002D

           9003000-55001                           This Master Media Contains The Following Files
           9003000-10001        Description                 P/N                        File Name                    CRC
                                    Boot                9000356-001                T3000_FL_BP1.BIN              B9E02DB2
                                Data Loader             9000355-001                T3000_FL_DL1.BIN              162CBA5E
                                 I/O FPGA               9003025-001                   IO_001.BIN                 65E4D78D
                                 RF FPGA                9003026-002                   RF_002.BIN                 A2260964
                                HW Config               9000654-001             t3000_hardware_info.BIN          653FE076

       Note:     HTS may be compact flash loaded at the MTS after the other images have been loaded
                 by the emulator.

           End Item Part                                Software Master Media Part Numbers
           9003000-55001                                                      9300002-002F
           9003000-65001       Hardware Test Software (HTS)                   (If loading using Compact Flash at MTS)
           9003000-10001                                                      9300002-002D
                                                                              (If loading using emulator and CD)

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2.2   Final Configuration Software Loading And Verification
       Prior to shipping the End Item, the following images must be loaded into the UUT.

       Step 1.      Obtain the Master Media for the images listed in the table below.

       Note:     These images will be compact flash loaded at the MTS.

         End Item Part                                 Software Master Media Part Number

                                              Master Media For OP Software P/N 9300001-002F

         9003000-55001                            This Master Media Contains The Following Files
         9003000-10001          Description                   P/N                     File Name                  CRC
                            Application (OP SW)           9000354-001               T3000_FL.OP1               D233397C
                                Data Loader               9000355-001               T3000_FL.DL1               162CBA5E
                                 I/O FPGA                 9003025-001                IO_001.FGA                65E4D78D
                                  RF FPGA                 9003026-002                RF_002.FGB                A2260964
                                 Config File                  N/A                   HEADER.CFG                    N/A

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2.3   Synchronization Between ATP / Test Software
       The loading and verification of operational software part numbers and CRC’s is an automated
       process. For this process to work correctly, TCAS 3000 PC Test Software - P/N 9000469-001
       requires the presence of the configuration file 9000469Config.txt in order to select a UUT and for
       Loading/Verification of Operational Software.

       Step 1.      If the PC Test Software (9000469) is currently executing, terminate execution.
       Step 2.      Obtain the latest 9000469Config.txt file from the designated controlled source.
       Step 3.      Place the file in the following path:            D:\9000469\9000469Config.txt

       Note: Any changes or additions of UUT part numbers, software part numbers or CRC’s, or
       revision letter changes of this document must also be reflected in the 9000469Config.txt file.


       Note: The current 9000469Config.txt file must contain the following information and format:

       Dwg Number 8002217 Rev:                         D

       Application Software P/N:                      9000354-001
       Application Software CRC:                      0xD233397C
       Boot Software P/N:                             9000356-001
       Boot Software CRC:                             0xB9E02DB2
       DataLoader Software Copy 1 P/N:                9000355-001
       DataLoader Software Copy 1 CRC:                 0x162CBA5E
       DataLoader Software Copy 2 P/N:                9000355-001
       DataLoader Software Copy 2 CRC:                 0x162CBA5E
       Hardware Config Software P/N:                  9000654-001
       I/O FPGA Copy 1 P/N:                            9003025-001
       I/O FPGA Copy 1 CRC:                            0x65E4D78D
       I/O FPGA Copy 2 P/N:                            9003025-001
       I/O FPGA Copy 2 CRC:                            0x65E4D78D
       RF FPGA P/N:                                   9003026-002
       RF FPGA CRC:                                    0xA2260964

       Application Software P/N:                      9000354-001
       Application Software CRC:                      0xD233397C
       Boot Software P/N:                             9000356-001
       Boot Software CRC:                             0xB9E02DB2
       DataLoader Software Copy 1 P/N:                9000355-001
       DataLoader Software Copy 1 CRC:                 0x162CBA5E

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 DataLoader Software Copy 2 P/N:            9000355-001
 DataLoader Software Copy 2 CRC:            0x162CBA5E
 Hardware Config Software P/N:              9000654-001
 I/O FPGA Copy 1 P/N:                       9003025-001
 I/O FPGA Copy 1 CRC:                        0x65E4D78D
 I/O FPGA Copy 2 P/N:                       9003025-001
 I/O FPGA Copy 2 CRC:                        0x65E4D78D
 RF FPGA P/N:                               9003026-002
 RF FPGA CRC:                                0xA2260964

 Application Software P/N:                  9000354-001
 Application Software CRC:                  0xD233397C
 Boot Software P/N:                         9000356-001
 Boot Software CRC:                         0xB9E02DB2
 DataLoader Software Copy 1 P/N:            9000355-001
 DataLoader Software Copy 1 CRC:             0x162CBA5E
 DataLoader Software Copy 2 P/N:            9000355-001
 DataLoader Software Copy 2 CRC:             0x162CBA5E
 Hardware Config Software P/N:              9000654-001
 I/O FPGA Copy 1 P/N:                        9003025-001
 I/O FPGA Copy 1 CRC:                        0x65E4D78D
 I/O FPGA Copy 2 P/N:                        9003025-001
 I/O FPGA Copy 2 CRC:                        0x65E4D78D
 RF FPGA P/N:                               9003026-002
 RF FPGA CRC:                                0xA2260964

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                                    APPENDIX B

              Test Report / TRD Cross Reference

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  The following tables contain the cross reference between the tests executed during the Acceptance
  Test and the corresponding paragraph in the TRD that describes the test method and the
  PASS/FAIL criteria.

                                 Test 01_1A Through Test 09_13

 Test       TRD            Test              TRD                Test             TRD                 Test          TRD
Number      Para.         Number             Para.             Number            Para.              Number         Para.

01_1A      4.1.1           05_03             4.6.3              07_34           4.9.5                08_02         4.10.1
01_2A      4.1.2           05_04             4.6.4              07_35           4.9.5                08_03         4.10.1
01_3A      4.1.3           06_01             4.7.1              07_36           4.9.6                08_04         4.10.1
01_4A      4.1.4           06_02             4.7.2              07_37           4.9.6                08_05         4.10.1
01_1D      4.2.1           06_03             4.8.1              07_38           4.9.6                08_06         4.10.1
01_2D      4.2.2           06_04             4.8.1              07_39           4.9.6                08_07         4.10.1
01_3D      4.2.3           06_05             4.8.2              07_40           4.9.6                08_08         4.10.1
01_4D      4.2.4           07_01             4.9.1              07_41           4.9.6                08_09         4.10.1
02_01      4.3.1           07_02             4.9.1              07_42           4.9.6                08_10         4.10.1
02_02      4.3.2           07_03             4.9.1              07_43           4.9.7                08_11         4.10.1
03_01      4.4.1           07_04             4.9.1              07_44           4.9.7                08_12         4.10.1
03_02      4.4.2           07_05             4.9.1              07_45           4.9.7                08_13         4.10.1
03_03      4.4.3           07_06             4.9.1              07_46           4.9.7                08_14         4.10.1
03_04      4.4.4           07_07             4.9.1              07_47           4.9.7                08_15         4.10.1
03_05      4.4.5           07_08             4.9.2              07_48           4.9.7                08_16         4.10.1
03_06      4.4.6           07_09             4.9.2              07_49           4.9.7                08_17         4.10.1
03_07      4.4.7           07_10             4.9.2              07_50           4.9.8                08_18         4.10.1
03_08      4.4.8           07_11             4.9.2              07_51           4.9.8                08_19         4.10.1
03_09      4.4.9           07_12             4.9.2              07_52           4.9.8                08_20         4.10.1
03_10      4.4.10          07_13             4.9.2              07_53           4.9.8                08_21         4.10.1
03_11      4.4.11          07_14             4.9.2              07_54           4.9.8                08_22         4.10.1
03_12      4.4.12          07_15             4.9.3              07_55           4.9.8                08_23         4.10.1
03_13      4.4.13          07_16             4.9.3              07_56           4.9.8                08_24         4.10.1
03_14      4.4.14          07_17             4.9.3              07_57           4.9.9                08_25         4.10.2
03_15      4.4.15          07_18             4.9.3              07_58           4.9.9                08_26         4.10.3
03_16      4.4.16          07_19             4.9.3              07_59           4.9.9                08_27         4.10.4
03_17      4.4.17          07_20             4.9.3              07_60           4.9.9                08_28         4.10.5
03_18      4.4.18          07_21             4.9.3              07_61           4.9.9                09_01         4.11.1
03_19      4.4.19          07_22             4.9.4              07_62           4.9.9                09_02         4.11.2
03_20      4.4.20          07_23             4.9.4              07_63           4.9.9                09_03         4.11.3
03_21      4.4.21          07_24             4.9.4              07_64           4.9.10               09_04         4.11.4
04_01      4.5.1           07_25             4.9.4              07_65           4.9.10               09_05         4.11.5
04_02      4.5.2           07_26             4.9.4              07_66           4.9.10               09_06         4.11.6
04_03      4.5.3           07_27             4.9.4              07_67           4.9.10               09_07         4.11.7
04_04      4.5.4           07_28             4.9.4              07_68           4.9.10               09_08         4.11.8
04_05      4.5.5           07_29             4.9.5              07_69           4.9.10               09_09         4.11.9
04_06      4.5.6           07_30             4.9.5              07_70           4.9.10               09_10        4.11.10
04_07      4.5.7           07_31             4.9.5              07_71           4.9.11               09_11        4.11.11
05_01      4.6.1           07_32             4.9.5              07_72           4.9.12               09_12        4.11.12
05_02      4.6.2           07_33             4.9.5              08_01           4.10.1               09_13        4.11.13

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   Doc Number            ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURE FOR TCAS 3000                                           Revision
   8002217-001                                                                                                D

                                Test 09_14 Through Test 15_11

 Test      TRD          Test              TRD                Test              TRD                Test          TRD
Number     Para.       Number             Para.             Number             Para.             Number         Para.

09_14      4.11.14       11_14          4.13.14               12_06          4.14.6                12_50       4.14.50
09_15      4.11.15       11_15          4.13.15               12_07          4.14.7                12_51       4.14.51
09_16      4.11.16       11_16          4.13.16               12_08          4.14.8                12_52       4.14.52
09_17      4.11.17       11_17          4.13.17               12_09          4.14.9                13_01       4.15.1
09_18      4.11.18       11_18          4.13.18               12_10          4.14.10               13_02       4.15.2
09_19      4.11.19       11_19          4.13.19               12_11          4.14.11               13_03       4.15.3
09_20      4.11.20       11_20          4.13.20               12_12          4.14.12               13_04       4.15.4
09_21      4.11.21       11_21          4.13.21               12_13          4.14.13               13_05       4.15.5
09_22      4.11.22       11_22          4.13.22               12_14          4.14.14               13_06       4.15.6
09_23      4.11.23       11_23          4.13.23               12_15          4.14.15               13_07       4.15.7
09_24      4.11.24       11_24          4.13.24               12_16          4.14.16               13_08       4.15.8
09_25      4.11.25       11_25          4.13.25               12_17          4.14.17               13_09       4.15.9
09_26      4.11.26       11_26          4.13.26               12_18          4.14.18               13_10       4.15.10
09_27      4.11.27       11_27          4.13.27               12_19          4.14.19               13_11       4.15.11
09_28      4.11.28       11_28          4.13.28               12_20          4.14.20               13_12       4.15.12
09_29      4.11.29       11_29          4.13.29               12_21          4.14.21               13_13       4.15.13
09_30      4.11.30       11_30          4.13.30               12_22          4.14.22               13_14       4.15.14
09_31      4.11.31       11_31          4.13.31               12_23          4.14.23               13_15       4.15.15
09_32      4.11.32       11_32          4.13.32               12_24          4.14.24               13_16       4.15.16
10_01      4.12.1        11_33          4.13.33               12_25          4.14.25               13_17       4.15.17
10_02      4.12.2        11_34          4.13.34               12_26          4.14.26               13_18       4.15.18
10_03      4.12.3        11_35          4.13.35               12_27          4.14.27               14_01       4.16.1
10_04      4.12.4        11_36          4.13.36               12_28          4.14.28               14_02       4.16.2
10_05      4.12.5        11_37          4.13.37               12_29          4.14.29               14_03       4.16.3
10_06      4.12.6        11_38          4.13.38               12_30          4.14.30               14_04       4.16.4
10_07      4.12.7        11_39          4.13.39               12_31          4.14.31               14_05       4.16.5
10_08      4.12.8        11_40          4.13.40               12_32          4.14.32               14_06       4.16.6
10_09      4.12.9        11_41          4.13.41               12_33          4.14.33               14_07       4.17.1
10_10      4.12.10       11_42          4.13.42               12_34          4.14.34               14_08       4.17.2
10_11      4.12.11       11_43          4.13.43               12_35          4.14.35               14_09       4.17.3
10_12      4.12.12       11_44          4.13.44               12_36          4.14.36               14_10       4.17.4
11_01      4.13.1        11_45          4.13.45               12_37          4.14.37               14_11       4.17.5
11_02      4.13.2        11_46          4.13.46               12_38          4.14.38               14_12       4.17.6
11_03      4.13.3        11_47          4.13.47               12_39          4.14.39               15_01       4.18.1
11_04      4.13.4        11_48          4.13.48               12_40          4.14.40               15_02       4.18.2
11_05      4.13.5        11_49          4.13.49               12_41          4.14.41               15_03       4.18.3
11_06      4.13.6        11_50          4.13.50               12_42          4.14.42               15_04       4.18.4
11_07      4.13.7        11_51          4.13.51               12_43          4.14.43               15_05       4.18.5
11_08      4.13.8        11_52          4.13.52               12_44          4.14.44               15_06       4.18.6
11_09      4.13.9        12_01          4.14.1                12_45          4.14.45               15_07       4.18.7
11_10      4.13.10       12_02          4.14.2                12_46          4.14.46               15_08       4.18.8
11_11      4.13.11       12_03          4.14.3                12_47          4.14.47               15_09       4.18.9
11_12      4.13.12       12_04          4.14.4                12_48          4.14.48               15_10       4.18.10
11_13      4.13.13       12_05          4.14.5                12_49          4.14.49               15_11       4.18.11

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 Doc Number               ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURE FOR TCAS 3000                                        Revision
 8002217-001                                                                                                D

                                 Test 15_12 Through Test 20_20

15_12           4.18.12                    16_30                4.20.12                      20_01          4.24.1
16_01           4.19.1                     16_31                4.20.13                      20_02          4.24.2
16_02           4.19.2                     16_32                4.20.14                      20_03          4.25.1
16_03           4.19.3                     16_33                4.20.15                      20_04          4.25.2
16_04           4.19.4                     16_34                4.20.16                      20_05          4.25.3
16_05           4.19.5                     16_35                4.20.17                      20_06          4.25.4
16_06           4.19.6                     16_36                4.20.18                      20_07          4.25.5
16_07           4.19.7                     17_01                4.21.1                       20_08          4.25.6
16_08           4.19.8                     17_02               4.21.2-5                      20_09          4.25.7
16_09           4.19.9                     17_03               4.21.6-9                      20_10          4.25.8
16_10           4.19.10                    17_04                4.21.10                      20_11          4.25.9
16_11           4.19.11                    17_05              4.21.11-14                     20_12          4.25.10
16_12           4.19.12                    17_06              4.21.15-18                     20_13          4.25.11
16_13           4.19.13                    18_01                4.22.1                       20_14          4.25.12
16_14           4.19.14                    18_02                4.22.2                       20_15          4.25.13
16_15           4.19.15                    18_03                4.22.3                       20_16          4.25.14
16_16           4.19.16                    18_04                4.22.4                       20_17          4.25.15
16_17           4.19.17                    18_05                4.22.5                       20_18        4.25.16-18
16_18           4.19.18                    18_06                4.22.6                       20_19          4.25.19
16_19           4.20.1                     18_07                4.22.7                       20_20          4.25.20
16_20           4.20.2                     18_08                4.22.8
16_21           4.20.3                     18_09                4.22.9
16_22           4.20.4                     18_10                4.22.10
16_23           4.20.5                     18_11                4.22.11
16_24           4.20.6                     18_12                4.22.12
16_25           4.20.7                     18_13                4.22.13
16_26           4.20.8                     18_14                4.22.14
16_27           4.20.9                     18_15                4.22.15
16_28           4.20.10                    18_16                4.22.16
16_29           4.20.11                    19_01                4.23.1

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Doc Number        ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURE FOR TCAS 3000                                        Revision
8002217-001                                                                                         D

                                  END OF DOCUMENT

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Document Created: 2006-02-01 22:05:25
Document Modified: 2006-02-01 22:05:25

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