Copy of TSO authorization


Attestation Statements

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U.S. Department
                                                                                        Transport Airplane Directorate
                                                                                        Los Angeles Aircraft
of Transportation
                                                                                        Certification Office
Federal Aviation
                                                                                        3960 Paramount Boulevard

       gun s 6 2010
                                                                                        Lakewood, California 90712—4137

    In reply refer to: 130L—10—104

    Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems
    ATTN: Philip Heinicke
    19810 North 7"" Avenue
    Phoenix, AZ 85027—4400

    Dear Mr. Heinicke:

                         Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems (ACSS),
                      T3CAS (TCAS II) Computer Unit P/N 9005000—10000;
            Technical Standard Order for C119c¢ (Version 7.1), C112, C166a, and C151b

    This is in reply to your letter dated June 2, 2010 requesting Technical Standard Order
    (TSO) authorization for C119¢ (Version 7.1), C112, C166a and C151b in accordance
    with the procedural requirements of 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 21,
    Subpart 0 has been reviewed. The statement of conformance certifying your article(s)
    have met the requirements of 14 CFR Part 21, Subpart O, and the minimum performance
    standards of C119c, C112, C166a and C151b (Ref. 14 CFR § 21.605 and 21.609),
    authorization is granted for T3CAS Computer Unit (CU), part number 9005000—10000
    as indicated below:

               Dash No.          TCAS Model        Software Mod       Hardware Mod            TSO
                                                       Level              Levels

                10000                T3CAS                                                  C119e
                                                                                           With Dev
                                                                                           (See IM)

                10000                T3CAS                                                C112/166a
                                                                                           With Dev
                                                                                           (See IM)
                10000                T3CAS                                                   C166a
                                                                                          With Dev
                                                                                           (See IM)

                10000                T3CAS                                                  €131b
                                                                                           With Dev
                                                                                           (See IM)

                    Purpose — Aviation Safety   Professionalism— Technical Excellence Pride —Highest Quality

Your Quality Control System, as defined in your Quality Control Manual, currently on
file at the Phoenix Manufacturing Inspection District Office, is considered satisfactory for
production of this article at your Phoenix, Arizona facility.

As required by the TSO, the following statement must be furnished with each
manufactured unit:

    "The conditions and tests required for TSO approval ofthis article are minimum performance
    standards. It is the responsibility of those installing this article either on or within a specific
    type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the
    TSO standard. TSO articles must have separate approval for installation in an aircraft. The
    article may be installed only if performed under 14 CFR Part 43 or the applicable
    airworthiness requirements."

Note: The non TSO functions of this article have not been evaluated as part of this TSO
authorization, therefore they must be evaluated and tested during the installation
certification process.

For your information, the conditions and tests required for TSO approval is minimum
performance standards. The article(s) may be installed on or within a specific type or
class of aircraft only if further evaluation by the user/installer documents an acceptable
installation that is approved by the Administrator.

Effective this date, you are authorized to use TSO procedures for the T3CAS as listed
above. You may identify the article(s) with the applicable TSO markings as required by
TSO C119e, C112, 166a and C151b with deviations as applicable to each TSO.

As a recipient ofthis authorization, you are required to report any failure, malfunction, or
defect relating to this authorization in accordance with the provisions of § 21.3. The
report should be communicated initially by telephone to the Supervisor, Technical and
Administrative Support Staff, ANM—103L, (562) 627—5300, within 24 hours after it has
been determined the failure has occurred and followed up with a written notice. FAA
Form 8010—4 (Malfunction or Defect Report) or other appropriate format is acceptable in
transmitting the required details.

This authorization is not transferable to another person or location and is effective until
surrendered, withdrawn, or otherwise terminated by the Administrator. This
authorization pertains only to manufacturing operations at the above address. This office
must be notified at least 30 days in advance of any proposed facility relocation to
preclude interruption while awaiting quality control approval of that facility. As required
by § 21.613(b), you must also notify the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) when
you no longer manufacture a TSO approved article.

Please note that technical data retained by the FAA may be subject to Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request. As such, this office will notify you of all such request
pertaining to your data and afford you the opportunity to defend the release of the data.

If you have any questions regarding this authorization, please contact Mr. Abby Malmir,
Project Manager, by telephone at (562) 627—5351, by e—mail at, or
by fax at (562) 627—5210.


Haifa   Haj—Eid
Supervisor, Technical and Administrative
Support Staff

Document Created: 2010-07-06 11:49:27
Document Modified: 2010-07-06 11:49:27

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