FCC Part 87


Test Report

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                                                   Test Report
                        Prepared for: Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems

                                        Model: T3CAS Integrated Platform

                                       Description: TCAS and Transponder

                                      Serial Number: TQE01187 & TQE01100

                                                FCC ID: P8CT3C-16


                                                    FCC Part 87

                                         Date of Issue: September 9, 2016

On the behalf of the applicant:                   Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems
                                                  19810 N. 7th Ave.
                                                  Phoenix, AZ 85027

Attention of:                                     Mark D. Smith

                                                  Prepared by
                                            Compliance Testing, LLC
                                               1724 S. Nevada Way
                                                 Mesa, AZ 85204
                                    (480) 926-3100 phone / (480) 926-3598 fax
                                              Project No: p1680017

                                                                      Poona Saber
                                                                      Project Test Engineer

        This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Compliance Testing.
                             All results contained herein relate only to the sample tested.

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                               Test Report Revision History

Revision   Date              Revised By        Reason for Revision

1.0        August 19, 2016   Poona Saber       Original Document

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                                             Table of Contents

Description                                                                                                    Page

 Standard Test Conditions Engineering Practices.................................................... 5
 Test Results Summary ............................................................................................ 7
 Carrier Output Power (Conducted) ......................................................................... 8
 Conducted Spurious Emissions ............................................................................ 10
 Field Strength of Spurious Radiation ...................................................................... 11
 Occupied Bandwidth ............................................................................................. 12
 Emission Masks (Occupied Bandwidth) ................................................................ 13
 Frequency Stability (Temperature Variation) ........................................................ 14
 Frequency Stability (Voltage Variation) ................................................................. 15
 Test Equipment Utilized ........................................................................................ 24

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                                                         ILAC / A2LA

Compliance Testing, LLC, has been accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC
17025:2005. This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory
quality management system (refer joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated January 2009).

The tests results contained within this test report all fall within our scope of accreditation, unless noted in the table below

Please refer to http://www.compliancetesting.com/labscope.html for current scope of accreditation.

Testing Certificate Number: 2152.01

FCC Site Reg. #349717

IC Site Reg. #2044A-2

       Non-accredited tests contained in this report:


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Standard Test Conditions Engineering Practices

Except as noted herein, the following conditions and procedures were observed during the testing:

All tests and measurement data shown were performed in accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations, Volume II; Part 2,
Sub-part J, Sections 2.947, 2.1033(c), 2.1041, 2.1046, 2.1047, 2.1051, 2.1053, 2.1055, 2.1057 and the following individual
Parts: FCC Part 87.

Measurement results, unless otherwise noted, are worst-case measurements.

                                                Environmental Conditions
                               Temperature             Humidity                Pressure
                                  (ºC)                   (%)                    (mbar)
                                  24-25.3              24.1-32.2                956-962

Model: T3CAS Integrated Platform
Description: TCAS and Transponder
Additional Information: T3CAS system has two RF transmit functions: TCAS (1030 MHz) and Transponder (1090 MHz).

Following is declared as type of emission for T3CAS system:

       Transponder (DO-181C) 14M0M1D
       TCAS (DO-185B) 20M0V1D
       Frequency range: 1030 ± 0.01 MHz and 1090 ± 1 MHz
       TCAS Function: There are two sub-modes operation for TCAS system called interrogation modes: ATCRBS and
        Mode S. Both are at 1030 Mhz. ATCRBS is pulse position modulation only and Mode S is pulse position
        modulation combined with differential phase shift keying (DPSK)
       In TCAS mode the transmitter always transmits to only one antenna port at a time.
       The maximum duty cycle of the TCAS transmit mode is 0.3%
       Transponder Function: There are 2 transponder sub-modes called reply modes: ATCRBS and Mode S. Both are
        at 1090 MHz and are pulse position modulation only.
       In transponder mode all 4 transmit channels are active simultaneously, thereby transmitting into all 4 ports of the
        directional antenna evert time.
       The maximum duty cycle of the Transponder transmit mode is 0.8%
       There are two installation configurations possible. Both have directional 4 port antenna as the Top antenna. And
        the variable is whether the bottom antenna is a directional 4 port or Omi-directional 1 port.
       There are 4 identical transmitter lineups/amplifier chains in the T3CAS product. One each for the 0, 90, 180 and
        270 channels. At the output of the 4 amplifier chains is a combiner circuit that also is a PIN diode switch to help
        select the operating mode of the combiner and direct the signal to the correct antenna port(s). There are always
        Two antennas installed with the T3CAS system.
       If the bottom antenna is an omnidirectional antenna, only the 0 port is used instead of all 4

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EUT Support Equipment

      Qty               Description             Manufacturer   Model No.           Part No.

       1             T3CAS Valfac                  ACSS            -             9001045-001

       1          T3CAS RF Simulator               ACSS            -             9001057-001

       1      T3CAS Front Connector Cable          ACSS            -             9000655-001

       1    Air Transport Mode S Transponder       ACSS            -            7517800-10007

       1    Aircraft Personality Module (APM)      ACSS            -            9000001-11001

       1          EMI Bulkhead Panel               ACSS            -             9006045-003

       1       T3CAS Extension Harness             ACSS            -

       1                ATC Test Set                IFR        ATC 1403DL
       1             Power Supply                                1501iX
       1           DC Power Supply                 Amtek       XHR 100-10

       1            Microwave Filter              Fairview         -         SBPF-1000-2000-05-N

       2                 Attenuator                Narda           -               N4425-20

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Test Results Summary

     Specification   Test Name                                                     Comments
                                                               Fail, N/A
    2.1046, 87.131   Carrier Output Power (Conducted)           Pass
        2.1051,      Unwanted Emissions (Transmitter
      87.139(i)(1)   Conducted)
        2.1053       Field Strength of Spurious Radiation       Pass
    2.1049, 87.139
                     Emission Masks and Occupied Bandwidth      Pass
                                                                           The EUT does not contain an
        2.1047       Audio Low Pass Filter (Voice Input)         N/A
                                                                                  audio input
                                                                           The EUT does not contain an
        2.1047       Audio Frequency Response                    N/A
                                                                                  audio input
        2.1047       Modulation Limiting                         N/A
        2.1055,      Frequency Stability (Temperature
       87.133(a)     Variation)
                     Frequency Stability (Voltage Variation)    Pass

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Carrier Output Power (Conducted)
 Engineer: Poona Saber
 Test Date: 8/16/16

                                                    Test Procedure

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was connected through attenuator directly to a spectrum analyzer with the RBW >
OBW and the VBW set to 3 X RBW which set the RBW greater than the transmit signal ensuring there was no signal
suppression while measuring a modulated signal. The peak readings were taken for TCAS and Transponder systems for
both ATCRBS(C) and S modes and the result was then compared to the limit.
The Average power is the peak power multiplied by duty cycle of 0.298% for TCAS and 0.936% for Transponder system.

Section 87.131, for Radio navigation equipment Note 7 specifies “Frequency, emission and maximum power will be
determined by appropriate standards during the certification process.
TCAS output power is controlled by the requirements of RTCA document DO-185B similarly to the output spectrum. In
addition the Transponder output power is controlled by the requirements of RTCA document DO-181E.

When operating in TCAS mode into a directional antenna, the maximum output power of the active port of the T3CAS unit
is specified to be 55.5 +/- 2 dBm (224 W– 562 W). These transmissions are limited to one output port at a time.
When operating in TCAS mode into an omnidirectional bottom antenna, the maximum output power of the bottom 0
degree port of the T3CAS unit is specified to be 56.0 +/- 2 dBm (251 W – 631 W). These transmissions are limited to the
bottom 0 degree port only.

When operating in Transponder mode into a directional antenna, the maximum output power of each port of the T3CAS
unit is specified to be 53.4 +/- 2 dBm (138 W – 347 W). In this mode, the unit is transmitting to all 4 antenna ports
When operating in Transponder mode into an omnidirectional antenna, the maximum output power of the bottom 0 degree
port of the T3CAS unit is specified to be 57.0 +/- 2 dBm (316 W – 794 W). These transmissions are limited to the bottom 0
degree port only.

                                                      Test Setup

                            EUT                        Attenuator                   Spectrum

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Output Power for TCAS System

                                                       Measured Power Peak   Measured Power Peak
             Frequency    Antenna          Mode
                                                              (dBm)                  (W)
             1030 MHz      TOP 0            C                 54.54                 284.4

             1030 MHz      TOP 90           C                 54.72                 296.4

             1030 MHz     TOP 180           C                 54.54                 284.4

             1030 MHz     TOP 270           C                 54.59                 287.7

             1030 MHz     Bottom 0          C                 55.37                 344.3

             1030 MHz      TOP 0            S                 54.28                 267.9

             1030 MHz      TOP 90           S                 54.74                297.85

             1030 MHz     TOP 180           S                 54.75                 298.5

             1030 MHz     TOP 270           S                 54.39                274.78

             1030 MHz     Bottom 0          S                 55.01                 316.9

Output Power for Transponder System

                                                           Measured Power Peak   Measured Power Peak
        Frequency         Antenna               Mode
                                                                  (dBm)                  (W)
        1090 MHz           TOP 0                  C               52.62                     182.8

        1090 MHz           TOP 90                 C               51.83                     152.4

        1090 MHz          TOP 180                 C               52.55                     179.8

        1090 MHz          TOP 270                 C               52.45                 175.79
                      Sum of 4 top ports
        1090 MHz                                                      58.4              690.79
        1090 MHz          Bottom 0                C               57.42                 552.97

        1090 MHz           TOP 0                  S               52.87                     193.6

        1090 MHz           TOP 90                 S                   52                    158.4

        1090 MHz          TOP 180                 S               52.55                     179.8

        1090 MHz          TOP 270                 S               52.88                     194
                      Sum of 4 top ports
        1090 MHz                                                      58.6                  725.8
        1090 MHz          Bottom 0                S               57.42                 552.97

Note: Power results for bottom antenna in directional mode is the same as respective top antenna at each mode

See Appendix A for test plots

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Conducted Spurious Emissions
 Engineer: Poona Saber
 Test Date: 8/17/16

                                                Test Procedure

The EUT was connected directly to a spectrum analyzer to verify that the EUT met the requirements for spurious
emissions. The Limit was based on rule part 87.139 and spurious emission measurement procedures of KDB 971168 D01
were followed.

                                                   Test Setup

                                    EUT                     Spectrum

See Appendix B for test results

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Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
 Engineer: Poona Saber
 Test Date: 8/18/16

                                                  Test Procedure

The EUT was setup in accordance with ANSI C63.26D15 2015 and tested per KDB 971168. The antenna was replaced
with non-radiating matched load. The EUT is placed on non-conductive platform at a height of 0.8 meters above the
ground plane of the semi-anechoic chambers for emissions below 1 GHz and at a height of 1.5 meter for emissions above
1 GHz. The EUT was rotated 360 degrees and the receive antenna raised and lowered to find the maximum emissions
from 30MHz to the 10th harmonic of the fundamental. The EUT was set to the maximum power level allowed and the limit
was set to 10log(P) – {43+10log(P)}
RBW is set to 100Khz for measurements below 1Ghz and 1Mhz for measurements above 1Ghz.

See Appendix C for test results

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Occupied Bandwidth
 Engineer: Poona Saber
 Test Date: 8/17/16

Based on rule part 2.1049 the occupied Bandwidth is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its
upper frequency limits, the mean powers are each equal to 0.5 % of the total mean power of the given emission.

Based on section 87.137 Authorized Bandwidth for Emission M1D is 14 MHz and V1D is 20 MHZ.
Operation of 1030 MHz system is administered (“licensed”) by FAA. TCAS Minimum Operational Performance
Specifications (MOPS) are provided in RTCA document DO-185B and Based on section of RTCA DO-185B for
allowable spectrum the bandwidth for V1D is declared as 20 MHz

                                                   Test Procedure

The following procedure shall be used for measuring (99 %) power bandwidth
The spectrum analyzer center frequency is set to the nominal EUT channel center frequency. The frequency span for the
spectrum analyzer shall be set wide enough to capture all modulation products including the emission skirts.
The RBW shall be in the range of 1 % to 5 % of the anticipated OBW, and the VBW shall be set ≥ 3 × RBW.
Set the detection mode to peak, and the trace mode to max-hold.

                                                      Test Setup

                        EUT                         Attenuator                     Spectrum

See Appendix D for Test Results

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Emission Masks (Occupied Bandwidth)
 Engineer: Poona Saber
 Test Date: 8/17/16

                                                      Test Procedure

The EUT was connected directly to a spectrum analyzer to verify that the EUT meets the required emissions mask. A
reference level plot is provided to verify that the peak power was established prior to testing the mask. The transmitter is
digital modulation therefore no data input is required to measure the emission mask. The RBW was set as close as
possible to 1% of the occupied bandwidth to ensure accurate readings.

                                                         Test Setup

                         EUT                           Attenuator                      Spectrum

See Appendix E for Test Results

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Frequency Stability (Temperature Variation)
 Engineer: Poona Saber
 Test Date: 8/19/16

                                                            Test Procedure

The EUT was placed in an environmental test chamber and the RF output was connected directly to a frequency counter. The
temperature was varied from -30ºC to 50ºC in 10ºC increments. After a sufficient time for temperature stabilization the RF
output frequency was measured.
The frequency tolerance Limit that is used is based on rule part 87.133 (@) band (7) 950 to 1215 MHz which is 20 PPM

                                                               Test Setup

                                           EUT                        Attenuator              Spectrum

                                                        Measurement Results

1030 MHz

Tuned Frequency Frequency       Upper Limit       Lower Limit               Temperature Measured     Upper               Lower
(Hz)               Tolerance    (Hz)              (Hz)                      centigrade   Frequency   Margin              Margin
                   ppm                                                                   (Hz)        (Hz)                (Hz)
     1,030,000,000         20.0        1030020600        1029979400                   -30 1029998420       -22180.000000       19020.000000
                                       1030020600        1029979400                   -20 1029999920       -20680.000000       20520.000000
                                       1030020600        1029979400                   -10 1029999500       -21100.000000       20100.000000
                                       1030020600        1029979400                     0 1029999580       -21020.000000       20180.000000
                                       1030020600        1029979400                    10 1029998500       -22100.000000       19100.000000
                                       1030020600        1029979400                    20 1030000200       -20400.000000       20800.000000
                                       1030020600        1029979400                    30 1030000230       -20370.000000       20830.000000
                                       1030020600        1029979400                    40 1030000230       -20370.000000       20830.000000
                                       1030020600        1029979400                    50 1030000140       -20460.000000       20740.000000

1090 MHz

Tuned Frequency Frequency       Upper Limit       Lower Limit               Temperature Measured     Upper               Lower
(Hz)               Tolerance    (Hz)              (Hz)                      centigrade   Frequency   Margin              Margin
                   ppm                                                                   (Hz)        (Hz)                (Hz)
     1,090,000,000         20.0        1090021800        1089978200                   -30 1089998580       -23220.000000       20380.000000
                                       1090021800        1089978200                   -20 1089998920       -22880.000000       20720.000000
                                       1090021800        1089978200                   -10 1090000000       -21800.000000       21800.000000
                                       1090021800        1089978200                     0 1089999580       -22220.000000       21380.000000
                                       1090021800        1089978200                    10 1090000170       -21630.000000       21970.000000
                                       1090021800        1089978200                    20 1090000080       -21720.000000       21880.000000
                                       1090021800        1089978200                    30 1090000250       -21550.000000       22050.000000
                                       1090021800        1089978200                    40 1090000250       -21550.000000       22050.000000
                                       1090021800        1089978200                    50 1090000670       -21130.000000       22470.000000

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Frequency Stability (Voltage Variation)
 Engineer: Poona Saber
 Test Date: 8/19/16

                                                       Test Procedure

The EUT was placed in a temperature chamber at 20±5°C and connected directly to a spectrum analyzer. The power
supply voltage to the EUT was varied from 85% to 115% of the nominal value and the RF output was measured. This was
measured with both a 400 Hz 115 VAC supply and a variable DC voltage source.
The frequency tolerance Limit that is used is based on rule part 87.133 (@) band (7) 950 to 1215 MHz which is 20 PPM

                                                          Test Setup

                           Power                              EUT                           Spectrum
                           Supply                                                           Analyzer

                                                         Test Results

Tuned               Frequency      Upper Limit       Lower Limit       Nominal Voltage       Measured    Upper        Lower
Frequency           Tolerance      (Hz)              (Hz)              Voltage               Frequency   Margin       Margin
(Hz)                ppm                                                                      (Hz)        (Hz)         (Hz)
      1,030,000,000           20.0        1030020600        1029979400     115.00       97.75 1029999375       -21225       19975
                                          1030020600        1029979400                 115.00 1029993375       -27225       13975
                                          1030020600        1029979400                 132.25 1029999374       -21226       19974
      1,090,000,000           20.0        1090021800        1089978200     115.00       97.75 1090000167       -21633       21967
                                          1090021800        1089978200                 115.00 1090000000       -21800       21800
                                          1090021800        1089978200                 132.25 1090000150       -21650       21950

Tuned               Frequency      Upper Limit       Lower Limit       Nominal Voltage       Measured    Upper        Lower
Frequency           Tolerance      (Hz)              (Hz)              Voltage               Frequency   Margin       Margin
(Hz)                ppm                                                                      (Hz)        (Hz)         (Hz)
      1,030,000,000           20.0        1030020600        1029979400     115.00       97.75 1030000120       -20480       20720
                                          1030020600        1029979400                 115.00 1030000075       -20525       20675
                                          1030020600        1029979400                 132.25 1030000270       -20330       20870
      1,090,000,000           20.0        1090021800        1089978200     115.00       97.75 1090000250       -21550       22050
                                          1090021800        1089978200                 115.00 1090000170       -21630       21970
                                          1090021800        1089978200                 132.25 1090000170       -21630       21970

Modulation Characteristics

Section 2.1047 (d) states: “A curve or equivalent data which shows that the equipment will meet the modulation
requirements of the rules under which the equipment is to be licensed “

See Appendix F for Modulation characteristics screen captures

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Modulation Details

    1. ATCRBS Interrogations

Interrogations are sent out on an intentionally jittered 1+0.2 second interval in increasing power levels according to the
schedules shown in tables 4, 5, 6. By transmitting the weakest signals first only the closest aircraft will reply. The
interrogations progress in a roughly circular pattern weighted toward the front of the aircraft since that is the area from
which the greatest closing speeds originate. In areas of high density the sequence is halted when the computer has
reached a limit defined by a complex set of three inequalities. In this manner, interference to other TCAS equipped aircraft
in the area is minimized since the strongest interrogations are the first to be dropped. The priority of elimination of steps
for interference limiting is also shown in tables 4, 5, 6. This priority is inversely related to the order of the step sequence.

Pulse Widths:                                      0.8 + 0.05 usec

Rise Times (10% to 90%):                  +/- 0.05 usec., < 0.1 usec

Fall Times (90% to 10%):                  +/- 0.05 usec., < 0.2 usec

                              S1     P1                                                            P3      P4


                                                  ATCRBS Interrogations

Pulses P1, P3, and P4 will appear in all interrogation steps of the whisper / shout sequence and will be at the same power
level. Pulse S1 will appear in all steps except the initial step on each antenna direction and at a level two or three dB
below the level of P1, etc. according to the schedules shown in figures through this section. The steps occur at intervals of
two milliseconds until the entire program is complete. The program length depends upon the individual aircraft installation.
Options are available from using either an omni-directional bottom antenna or a directional bottom antenna. The top
antenna is always directional. Pulses Pa and Pb are transmitted on the antenna. They are used for suppression of
sensitivity of the receiving aircraft to the indicated pulses:

S1 =             -2 microseconds
P1 =              0 microseconds
PA =              2 microseconds
PB =             19 microseconds
P3 =             21 microseconds
P4 =             23 microseconds

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    2. Mode S Interrogations

Details of the Mode S interrogations are shown in figure below. The preamble and the synchronizing phase reversal
(SPR) will appear the same in all interrogations. The data block will be either 56 or 112 chips of 0.25 microseconds,
depending upon the type of reply desired. The data chips will be reversed phase from their previous chips if their data bid
are 1, they will remain the same phase as the previous chips is their data bits are 0. The allowable transition time of the
phase reversals is a maximum of 80 nanoseconds. The Mode S interrogations are transmitted after the whisper/shout
sequence of ATCRBS interrogations. When no Mode S equipped aircraft are replying, the TCAS CU sends out Mode S
broadcast interrogations based upon a 10 second pattern with 2 or 3 seconds between transmissions on the four lobes of
the antenna. The time remaining after the Mode S transmissions are completed is used as a listening period for other un-
acquired aircraft.

       Preamble Pulse Widths:            0.8 + 0.05 usec
       Rise Times (10% to 90%):          < 0.1 usec
       Fall Times (90% to 10%):          < 0.2 usec


                                 P1     P2      P6

                                                 Mode S Interrogations

Timing of the Mode S interrogations is as follows, referenced to the leading edge of the P1 pulse:

                                  Pulse                                      Distance

                                   P1                                    0.0 microseconds

                                   P2                                    2.0 microseconds

                                   P6                                    3.5 microseconds

                                  SPR                                   4.75 microseconds

                                  Bit 1                                 5.25 microseconds
                                                                    19.75 microseconds (56 bits)
                                 End P6
                                                                   33.75 microseconds (112 bits)
                                                            Table 1

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Mode S Interrogations, Omni-directional Antenna

                               Nominal Power Levels (dB relative to full power)
                      Level                   P1,P3, P4 Pulses                    S1 Pulse
                       00                            -13                             -16
                       01                            -15                             -18
                       02                            -17                             -20
                       03                            -19                             -22
                       04                            -21                             -24
                       05                            -23                             -26
                       06                            -25                            none
                                                   Table 2

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Mode S directional Antenna Interrogation Transmission Levels
                               Nominal Power Levels (dB relative to full power)
                  Level               P1,P3, P4                S1 Pulse             Pa, Pb Pulse
                   D0                     0                       -3                     -2
                   D1                     -1                      -3                     -3
                   D2                     -2                      -5                     -4
                   D3                     -3                      -5                     -5
                   D4                     -4                      -7                     -6
                   D5                     -5                      -7                     -7
                   D6                     -6                      -9                     -8
                   D7                     -7                      -9                     -9
                   D8                     -8                     -11                     -10
                   D9                     -9                     -11                     -11
                   D10                   -10                     -13                     -12
                   D11                   -11                     -13                     -13
                   D12                   -12                     -15                     -14
                   D13                   -13                     -15                     -15
                   D14                   -14                     -17                     -16
                   D15                   -15                     -17                     -17
                   D16                   -16                     -19                     -18
                   D17                   -17                     -19                     -19
                   D18                   -18                     -21                     -20
                   D19                   -19                     -21                     -21
                   D20                   -20                     -23                     -22
                   D21                   -21                     -23                     -23
                   D22                   -22                     -25                     -24
                   D23                   -23                     -25                     -25
                   D24                   -24                     -27                     -26
                   D25                   -25                     -27                     -27
                   D26                   -26                      --                -16 (P4 only)
                                                   Table 3

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Top Directional/Bottom –Omni-Directional Interrogation Sequence

                                      Bottom Omni-Directional Antenna
                              Interference Limiting Priority / Interrogation Level
                                                    98 / 06
                                                    97 / 05
                                                    96 / 04
                                                    95 / 03
                                                    94 / 02
                                                    93 / 01
                                                    92 / 00

                                             Top Directional Antenna
                              Interference Limiting Priority / Interrogation Level
                    0°                    180°                      90°                    270°
                 91 / D26                    -                       -                       -
                 90 / D25                    -                       -                       -
                 89 / D24                    -                       -                       -
                 88 / D23                    -                   87 / D26                86 / D26
                 85 / D22                    -                   84 / D25                83 / D25
                 82 / D21                    -                   81 / D24                80 / D24
                 79 / D20                    -                   78 / D23                77 / D23
                 76 / D19                    -                   75 / D23                74 / D22
                 73 / D18               72 / D26                 71 / D21                70 / D21
                 69 / D17               68 / D25                 67 / D20                66 / D20
                 65 / D16               64 / D24                 63 / D20                62 / D19
                 61 / D15               60 / D23                 59 / D18                58 / D18
                 57 / D14               56 / D22                 55 / D17                54 / D17
                 49 / D12               48 / D20                 47/ D15                 46 / D15
                 45 / D11               44 / D19                 43 / D14                42 / D14
                 41 / D10               40 / D18                 39 / D13                38 / D13
                  37 / D9               36 / D17                 35 / D12                34 / D12
                  33 / D8               32 / D16                 31 / D11                30 / D11
                  29 / D7               28 / D15                 27 / D10                26 / D10
                  25 / D6               24 / D14                  23 / D9                 22 / D9
                  21 / D5               20 / D13                  19 / D8                 18 / D8
                  17 / D4               16 / D12                  15 / D7                 14 / D7
                  13 / D3               12 / D11                  11 / D6                 10 / D6
                  9 / D2                 8 / D10                  7 / D5                  6 / D5
                  5 / D1                 4 / D10                  3 / D4                  2 / D4
                  1 / D0                     -                       -                       -
                            (Interrogation sequence is right to left, top to bottom)
                                                     Table 4

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Top Directional/Bottom Directional Interrogation Sequence - Interference Limiting Priority / Interrogation Level
                     Top Directional Antenna                      Bottom Directional Antenna
               0°        180°         90°        270°        0°         180°          90°         270°
           113 / D26       -           -           -    112 / D26          -            -            -
            111/ D25       -           -           -          -      110 / D25          -            -
            109/ D24       -           -           -    108 / D24          -            -            -
            107/ D23       -           -           -    106 / D23          -            -            -
                -          -      105 / D26 104 / D26         -            -      103 / D26 102 / D26
           101 / D22       -           -           -    100 / D22          -            -            -
                -          -       99 / D25    98 / D25       -            -       97 / D25     96 / D25
            95 / D21       -           -           -     94 / D21     93 / D26          -            -
                -          -       92 / D24    91 / D24       -            -       90 / D24     89 / D24
            88 / D20       -           -           -     87 / D20     86 / D25          -            -
                -          -       85 / D23    84 / D23       -            -       83 / D23     82 / D23
            81 / D19       -           -           -     80 / D19     79 / D24          -            -
                -          -       78 / D22    77 / D22       -            -       76 / D22     75 / D22
            74 / D18       -           -           -     73 / D18          -            -            -
                -      72 / D26    71 / D21    70 / D21
            69 / D17   68 / D25    67 / D20    66 / D20
            65 / D16   64 / D24    63 / D19    62 / D19
            61 / D15   60 / D23    59 / D18    58 / D18
            57 / D14   56 / D22    55 / D17    54 / D17
            53 / D13   52 / D21    51 / D16    50 / D16
            49 / D12   48 / D20    47 / D15    46 / D15
            41 / D10   40 / D18    39 / D13    38 / D13
             37 / D9   36 / D17    35 / D12    34 / D12  Interrogations for each sector that has a TA or
             33 / D8   32 / D16    31 / D11    30 / D11                     RA present.
             29 / D7   28 / D15    27 / D10    26 / D10
             25 / D6   24 / D14     23 / D9     22 / D9
             21 / D5   20 / D13     19 / D8     18 / D8
             17 / D4   16 / D12     15 / D7     14 / D7
             13 / D3   12 / D11     11 / D6     10 / D6
             9 / D2     8 / D5      7 / D5      6 / D5
             5 / D1     4 / D9      3 / D4      2 / D4
             1 / D0        -           -           -
                                                          1/ D17       1 / D23      1 / D21      1 / D21
                                                          1 / D16      1 / D22      1 / D20      1 / D20
                                                          1 / D15      1 / D21      1 / D19      1 / D19
                                                          1 / D14      1 / D20      1 / D18      1 / D18
                                                          1 / D13      1 / D19      1 / D17      1 / D17
                                                                       1 / D18      1 / D16      1 / D16
                                                                       1 / D17      1 / D15      1 / D15
                                                                       1 / D16      1 / D14      1 / D14
                                                                       1 / D15      1 / D13      1 / D13
                                                                       1 / D14
                                                                       1 / D13

                              (Interrogation sequence is right to left, top to bottom)
                                                    Table 5

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    3. ATCRBS Replies

ATCRBS replies are pulse amplitude modulated signals (PAM), and are formed in response to Mode A or Mode C
interrogations. Mode A replies consist of a 4096 code which is an identifier and an optional SPI pulse. The Transmitter
CCA transmits ATCRBS reply pulse waveforms as shown in Figure below.

               F      C         A          C         A          C         A          X       B          D           B          D           B          D           F
               1          1         1          2         2          4         4                  1           1          2           2          4           4          2                    SPI


           0       1.45       2.9       4.35       5.8       7.25       8.7       10.15   11.6       13.05       14.5       15.95       17.4       18.85       20.3

                                                                                             TIME (s)

The designator of the information pulses and their positions from the first framing pulse are as follows:
                                    ATCRBS Reply Pulse Characteristics/Position
                                           Pulse                        Position (µsec)
                                 FIRST FRAMING PULSE                            0.0
                                            C1                                  1.45
                                            A1                                  2.90
                                            C2                                  4.35
                                            A2                                  5.80
                                            C4                                  7.25
                                            A4                                  8.70
                                            X1                                 10.15
                                            B1                                 11.60
                                            D1                                 13.05
                                            B2                                 14.50
                                            D2                                 15.95
                                            B4                                 17.40
                                            D4                                 18.85
                                  LAST FRAMING PULSE                           20.30
                                            SPI                                24.65
                                                          Table 6

Note 1: The X pulse is referenced here for possible future use.
The ATCRBS Reply Pulse Spacing Tolerance is as follows:
        First framing pulse to information/last framing pulse    ± 0.1 µsec
        Last framing pulse to SPI pulse                          ± 0.1 µsec
        Any 2 pulses in pulse group (except First framing pulse) ± 0.15 µsec
The ATCRBS pulse characteristics are as specified in Table 7.

                                                                 ATCRBS Reply Pulses (in microseconds)
                                                                                                   Rise Time                                                                         Decay Time
           Pulse Designator                                                Duration Tolerance    Min.     Max.                                                                      Min.    Max
        ATCRBS Reply Pulses                                       0.45           ± 0.10          0.05      0.1                                                                      0.05    0.2
                                                                               Table 7

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    4. Mode S Replies
Mode S (Short & Long) replies, including preamble, data pulse, pulse shape, pulse spacing tolerance, and delay and jitter
characteristics will be as follows.
The Transmitter CCA transmits Mode S reply pulse waveforms as shown in table below.
                                     PREAMBLE                                                                         DATA BLOCK
                                       8.0 s                                                                         56 OR 112 s

                                                                            BIT 1             BIT 2        BIT 3       BIT 4                    N-1       BIT N
              P       P                    P         P
               1          2                3         4                      1       0         1       0   1       0    1       0            1         0   1       0

            0.0 0.5 1.0              3.5       4.5                    8.0               9.0

                              TIME (s)
                                                         DATA BLOCK
                                                                                0                 0           1            0            0       0             1

                                                            Mode S Reply

    1. Mode S Reply

       The Mode S preamble consists of four 0.5 ± 0.05 microsecond pulses.
       The second, third and fourth pulses are spaced 1.0, 3.5, and 4.5 microseconds respectively from the first
       transmitted pulse.
       The block of reply data pulses begins 8.0 microseconds after the first transmitted pulse and is either 56 or 112
       one microsecond intervals depending on the type of Mode S Reply.
       A pulse with a width of 0.5 ± 0.05 microseconds is transmitted either in the first (data bit “1”) or in the second half
       (data bit “0”) of each interval. Also, if a pulse transmitted in the second half of one interval is followed by a pulse
       transmitted in the first half of the next interval, the two pulses merge. Once the merging occurs, a 1.0 ± 0.05
       microsecond pulse is transmitted
    2. Mode S Reply Pulse Shape
       The pulse rise and decay time are as specified in Table 8.

                                               Mode S Reply Pulses (in microseconds)

                                                                  Rise Time                                   Decay Time

                                   Pulse Designator            Min.             Max.                      Min.                 Max

                                Mode S Reply Pulses            0.05                 0.1                   0.05                 0.2
                                                                Table 8

    3. Mode S Reply Pulse Spacing Tolerance
       Mode S Reply pulses start at a defined multiple of 0.5 microseconds from the first transmitted pulse.
       The pulse position tolerance be ± 0.05 microseconds, measured from the first pulse of the reply.

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 Test Equipment Utilized

                                                                                                 Last Cal      Cal Due
Description                Manufacturer      Model #                        CT Asset #
                                                                                                 Date          Date
Horn Antenna               EMCO              3115                           i00103               1/20/15       1/20/17

Bilog Antenna              Teseq             CBL 6111Dk                     i00349               10/19/15      10/19/17

EMI Analyzer               Agilent           E7405A                         i00379               2/11/16       2/11/17
3 Meter Semi-Anechoic                        3 Meter Semi-Anechoic
                           Panashield                                       i00428               11/26/13      11/26/16
Chamber                                      Chamber
Spectrum Analyzer          Agilent           E4407B                         i00331               09/18/15      09/18/16
                           Rohde &
Spectrum Analyzer                            FSU                            I00501               03/25/16      03/25/17
Preamplifier for 1-18GHz                     AFS44 00101 400 23-10P-
                           Miteq                                            i00509               N/A           N/A
horn antenna                                 44
Temperature Test
                           Tenney            Tenney Jr                      i00027               N/A           N/A
Hydra Data Bucket          fluke             2635A                          I00343               5/4/16        5/4/17

 In addition to the above listed equipment standard RF connectors and cables were utilized in the testing of the described
 equipment. Prior to testing these components were tested to verify proper operation.


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Document Created: 2016-09-09 11:50:46
Document Modified: 2016-09-09 11:50:46

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