User Manual Part 1


Users Manual

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                                                                               User Manual
fll@lflfiugflf SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                     THH-E‘_gwgg
For more information, please visit http:fwww/hqt—»
Allsight reserved to HQT. Pistuss shown in this mannal arefor yourreference
anly, ithere is fuctumtion, secording to the real objec, please.

                 Welcome to use
                                    HQ T two—way radio

* Ergonomic & Light design                    * FM Radio

* 199 Channels                                * Remote Stun/Kill

* LCD Display with Backlight                  * CTCSS/CDCSS

* Dual frequency Channel Receiver             e 2 Programmable Keys

* Frequency Reverse                           e Auto Battery Save

* Kcyboard Operation                          * Wired Clone

© VFO/MR Mode                                 * PC Programming

Moredetailedproduct Moreprofensional
    information     technique ssupport                                                                                     ;               .
                            =            HOT onine Service Center                                        More professional technique support
     @                       =                                                                           * User manual and brochures
                            =—           HQT service network provides more information about               To provide download or on—line reading ofthe latest user manuals and brochures in covering
                                         on—line service of HQT two—way radio.                             detailed information of two—way radios.
                                                    :              .         a                           * Software download
                                         More detailed product l'nformahon .                .        .     To provide downloading of the latest programming software from HQT website. Your two—
                                         To deepen your understanding ofthe functions ofthis radio.        way radio can be conected to the computer with programming cable to manage or edit the
                                                                                                           perameters of channel frequency and other items.
                                         More plentiful product models                                          .              .
                                         To display: more plentiful. product models, so that you can     * On—line learning
                                         understand the details of these products in advance and make      To offer guidelines for detailed setting ofthe two—way radio.
                                         decisions correcily according to the requirement of work.                  .                  .
                                                                                                         More optional accessories
                                                         .             m                                 To provide various kinds of accessories, which can offer more comfortable operation and more
                                         For more details, please visit: www.hqt—                     lable pork           ce ofthe radio to ;m

                 Safety Matters                                                                                                  Check Product
Safety Matters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Check Product
                                                                                                                                 Please take the radio out of the box carefully. We recommend that you check the bax for the items
                 Please read rules below. Nonobservance of              @To avoid problem causedby clectromagnetio               listed below before the disposal of packuging materials, If there is any item lost or damaged in
                 these rules may cause danger or violation of                                                                    handling, please contact distributor to confitm,
                 low.                                                     Equipment Prohibited" mark, such as hospitals or
                 e Using this radio must comply with regulations of       other health care places. When taking a planc, turn
                  local government.
                                                                          offthe radio ifrequired.                               Ttems

                 #Tum off the radio before you enter places of          ® In a car with air bag, do not place the radio within
                  flemmable or explosive ouvironment,                     possibly invalved area when air bag expands.
                 ® Do not replace or charge battery pack in places of
                   flammable or explosive environment.                  * Do not expose the radio to direct sunlight or near
                                                                          heating devices for a long time.                           Radio TH—2890                                            Batiery               Chage        Adapter
                 @ Tum off the radio before you approach blast area                                                                       Qi: 1                                                 Qu: 1                Q: 1         Qy:1
                   and detonator area.                                  eKeep the radio vertical and speak near the
                 # Do not use the damaged antemns which may cause
                   Hightly bun on skin.
                                                                         microphone during transmitting.

                                                                        e Make sure that the antorna is 2.5 om away from
                                                                                                                                    ‘ / ’                                                                              4s         sz
                 # Only qualified technician are allowed to maintain     the body during transmitting ifyou cary the radio
                   this two—way radio. Do not disssemble the radio        on your body.                                                   Strep                    Belt Clip              Wamanty Cord             User Mantal   Certificate
                   by yourself.                                                                                                           Qy: 1                     Qy: 1                    Qu: 1                    Qy: 1        Qy: 1
                                                                                                                                 (3le Nots: Prequenty is marked on the colo cirele at the bottom of the sntenna.

Document Created: 2014-08-15 17:40:02
Document Modified: 2014-08-15 17:40:02

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