MPE Calculation


RF Exposure Info

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FCC-ID                                P5IC1K01
IC-ID (Industry Canada)              1478A-C1K01

Calculations can be made to predict RF field strength and power density levels around typical RF sources
using the general equations (3) and (4) on page 19 of the following FCC document:
“OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01 - Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to
Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields”.

These equations are generally accurate in the far field of an antenna but will over predict power density in
the near field, where they could be used for making a “worst case” prediction.

               S = PG/4πR2                 (3)
         Where S = power density (in appropriate units, e.g. mW/cm2)
               P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units e.g. mW)
               G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to the isotropic radiator
               R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units e.g. cm)
or,            S = EIRP/4πR2               (4)
         Where EIRP = Equivalent Isotropically radiated power

General Limits:

Cellular Radiotelephone Service (subpart H of part 22)
Non-building-mounted antennas: height above ground level to lowest point of
antenna < 10 m and total power of all channels > 1000 W ERP (1640 W

Personal Communications Services (part 24)
Broadband PCS (subpart E): non-building-mounted antennas: height above
ground level to lowest point of antenna < 10 m and total power of all channels
> 2000 W ERP (3280 W EIRP)

(B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
300–1500 MHz: f/1500 mW/cm²
1500–100,000 MHz: 1.0 mW/cm²

No routine evaluation required when the device …operate at frequencies of 1.5 GHz or
below and their effective radiated power (ERP) is 1.5 watts or more, or if they operate at
frequencies above 1.5 GHz and their ERP is 3 watts or more.

FCC-ID                              P5IC1K01
IC-ID (Industry Canada)             1478A-C1K01

(a) Base stations are limited to 1640 watts peak equivalent isotropically radiated power
(e.i.r.p.) with an antenna height up to 300 meters HAAT.
b) Mobile/portable stations are limited to 2 watts e.i.r.p. peak power, …

(a) Maximum ERP. The effective radiated power (ERP) of base transmitters and cellular
repeaters must not exceed 500 Watts. The ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test
transmitters must not exceed 7 Watts.
The table below is excerpted from Table 1B of 47 CFR 1.1310 titled “Limits for Maximum Permissible
Exposure (MPE), Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure”
                  Frequency Range (MHz)                 Power Density (mW/cm )
                              300 -1500                             f/1500
                            1500 - 100000                             1.0

Prediction for Part 22

Maximum radiated power EIRP: 33.83 dBm (2415 mW) @ 824.2MHz

Lowest limit for 850 MHz fixed operations (@20cm) where no routine evaluation is
                                   2             2
required is § 1.1310: (f/1500)mW/cm =0.5495 mW/cm
Calculated at distance of 20cm for reference antenna:

        Power density      = 2415 / (4 x pi x 202) = 0.4808 mW/cm2

Result: Configuration complies with rules as power density is below MPE limit.

Prediction for Part 24

Maximum radiated power EIRP: 31.71 dBm (1483mW) @1850.2 MHz

Lowest limit for 1900 MHz fixed operations (@20cm) where no routine evaluation is
required is § 1.1310: 1 mW/cm
Calculated at distance of 20cm:

Power density     = 1483 / (4 x pi x 202) = 0.295 mW/cm2

Result: Configuration complies with rules as power density is below MPE limit.

FCC-ID                                 P5IC1K01
IC-ID (Industry Canada)                1478A-C1K01

Prediction for Part 15.247

Maximum radiated power EIRP: 25.59 dBm (362.2 mW) @MHz

Lowest limit for 2400 MHz fixed operations (@20cm) where no routine evaluation is
required is § 1.1310: 1 mW/cm
Calculated at distance of 20cm:

Power density        = 362.2 / (4 x pi x 202) = 0.0721 mW/cm2

Result: Configuration complies with rules as power density is below MPE limit.

Prediction for Simultaneous Transmission
The MPE limit was made using a separation distance of 1 cm to represent the worse case.

                                                       % MPE Contour

                                                                                              40                      80.0-100.0

                                                                                              30                      60.0-80.0
    Note: The 0% contour                                                                      25
    surrounding the antennas
    identifies a 20 cm perimeter                                                              20
    surrounding all active                                                                    15
                                                                                                    Distance Y (cm)

                                                                                              -5                      0.0-20.0

                             -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
                                                            Distance X (cm)

FCC-ID                          P5IC1K01
IC-ID (Industry Canada)         1478A-C1K01

Date: 2009-03-16

Josie Sabado
I am the author of this
Name: Josie Sabado
Title: EMC Project Engineer
Company: Cetecom Inc.
Address: 411 Dixon Landing Rd, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA
Phone: +1 408 586 6230

Document Created: 2009-03-16 16:29:22
Document Modified: 2009-03-16 16:29:22

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