Test Report


Test Report

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                                          TEST REPORT
Report No.          :    AW0016632(7)                                        Date :      03 Apr 2018

Application No.     :    LW008830(8)

Applicant           :    Digital Gallery Global Limited
                         Flat 20, 11/F, BLK A, Hoi Luen Industrial Centre,
                         55 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon,
                         Hong Kong

Brand name          :    Sharp

Sample Description :     One(1) item of submitted sample stated to be Atomic Wall Clock of ModelNo.

                         Sample registration No.        :   RW0011372-001
                         Radio Frequency                :   433.920MHz
                         Supply voltage                 :   2 x 1.5V AA size batteries
                         No. of submitted sample        :   One (1) set(s)

Date Received       :    26 Mar 2018.

Test Period         :    26 Mar 2018 to 04 Apr 2018.

Test Requested      :    FCC Part 15 Certification

Test Method         :    47 CFR Part 15 (10-01- 2017)
                         ANSI C63.10 – 2013

Test Engineer       :    Mr. Leung Shu Kan, Ken

Test Result         :    See attached sheet(s) from page 2 to 17.

Conclusion          :    The submitted sample was found to comply with requirement of FCC Part 15
                         Subpart C.

                                 For and on behalf of
                                 CMA Industrial Development Foundation Limited

Authorized Signature :                                                                          Page 1 of 17
                                              Mr. WONG Lap-pong, Andrew
                                                   Electrical Division

                                                              TEST REPORT
Report No.                      :      AW0016632(7)                                                         Date :             03 Apr 2018

1           Table of Contents

1     Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... 2
2     General Information ................................................................................................................................... 3
    2.1 General Description ............................................................................................................................ 3
    2.2 Related Submittal Grants .................................................................................................................... 3
    2.3 Location of the test site ....................................................................................................................... 4
    2.4 List of measuring equipment............................................................................................................... 5
    2.5 Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................... 6
3     Description of the emission test ................................................................................................................. 7
    3.1 Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 7
    3.2 Radiated Emission Measurement Data ............................................................................................... 8
    3.3 Average Factor .................................................................................................................................. 10
    3.4 Transmission time ............................................................................................................................. 10
    3.5 Bandwidth ......................................................................................................................................... 11
4     Description of the Line-conducted Test ................................................................................................... 12
    4.1 Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 12
    4.2 Test Result ........................................................................................................................................ 12
    4.3 Graph and Table of Conducted Emission Measurement Data .......................................................... 12
5     Photograph ............................................................................................................................................... 13
    5.1 Photographs of the Test Setup for Radiated Emission and Conducted Emission ............................. 13
    5.2 Photographs of the External and Internal Configurations of the EUT .............................................. 13
    5.3 Antenna requirement ......................................................................................................................... 13
6     Appendices ............................................................................................................................................... 14

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                                           TEST REPORT
Report No.           :    AW0016632(7)                                     Date :       03 Apr 2018

2      General Information

       2.1   General Description

       The Atomic Wall Clock outdoor sensor responsibles to detect outdoor temperature from -10℃ to
       60℃, and humidity from 20% RH to 95%RH. After the proper installation, it detects environment
       temperature/humidity, and sending data to Wall Clock unit. The sensor unit supports 3 channels
       (CH1, CH2 and CH3) in user manual setting. The combination of transmission duty cycle is 50s for
       channe l, 53s for channel 2 and 56s for channel 3. All 3 channels are operated in 433.920MHz only.

       The brief circuit description is listed as follows:

        - X1, Q2                      and its associated circuit act as oscillator for 433.92MHz .
        - Q1                          and its associated circuit act as RF amplifier.
        - X100                        and its associated circuit act as crystal for MCU IC100.
        - RT                          and its associated circuit act as sensor.
        - IC100                       and its associated circuit act as MCU control and encoder.

       2.2   Related Submittal Grants

       This is a single application for certification of a transmitter. The receiver for this transmitter is under
       SDoC procedure of clause 15.101.

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                                         TEST REPORT
Report No.           :   AW0016632(7)                                 Date :     03 Apr 2018

       2.3   Location of the test site

Radiated emissions measurements are investigated and taken pursuant to the procedures of ANSI C63.4 –
2014 and ANSI C63.10 – 2013. A Semi-Anechoic Chamber Testing Site is set up for investigation and
located at:

                                     Ground Floor, Yan Hing Centre,
                                     9 – 13 Wong Chuk Yeung Street,
                                             Fo Tan, Shatin,
                                             New Territories,
                                              Hong Kong.

Conducted emissions measurements are investigated and also taken pursuant to the procedures of ANSI
C63.4 – 2014 and ANSI C63.10 – 2013. A shielded room is located at :

                                     Ground Floor, Yan Hing Centre,
                                     9 – 13 Wong Chuk Yeung Street,
                                             Fo Tan, Shatin,
                                             New Territories,
                                              Hong Kong.

FCC Accredited Lab Designation Number: HK0004

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                                             TEST REPORT
  Report No.            :   AW0016632(7)                          Date :     03 Apr 2018

         2.4   List of measuring equipment

  Measurement equipment:

                                                                           Calibration     Calibration
      Equipment               Manufacturer      Model No.   Serial No.      Due Date         Period
  EMI Test Receiver         Rohde & Schwarz       ESCI       100152        07 Dec 2018        1Year
  Spectrum Analyzer         Rohde & Schwarz      FSV40       101190        05 Dec 2018        1Year
   Biconical Antenna        Rohde & Schwarz      HK116      837414/004     18 Aug 2018       2Years
 Log Periodic Antenna            Teseq          UPA6109       43666        27 Jul 2018       2Years
     Horn Antenna             Schwarzbeck      BBHA 9120D   9120D-531      21 Dec 2019       2Years
Broadband Pre-Amplifier       Schwarzbeck       BBV 9718    9718-119       21 Dec 2019       2Years
     Coaxial Cable             Schaffner        RG 213/U      N/A          18 May 2018        1Year
     Coaxial Cable              Suhner          RG 214/U       N/A         18 May 2018        1Year
                                                 Art. No                                      1Year
     Coaxial Cable              Suhner          84225426       N/A         21 Dec 2018

  Supporting equipment: Nil

                                                                                         Page 5 of 17
  FCC ID: P5FSPC1107

                                        TEST REPORT
Report No.          :     AW0016632(7)                                 Date :       03 Apr 2018

       2.5   Measurement Uncertainty

       The reported uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2,
       providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%.

       Radiated emissions
                      Frequency                                   Uncertainty (Ulab)
             30MHz ~ 200MHz (Horizontal)                              4.59dB
              30MHz ~ 200MHz (Vertical)                                 4.49dB
             200MHz ~1000MHz (Horizontal)                               4.94dB
              200MHz ~1000MHz (Vertical)                                4.97dB
                        1GHz ~6GHz                                      4.52dB
                    6GHz ~18GHz                                         4.58dB

       Line-conducted emissions
                     Frequency                                    Uncertainty (Ulab)
                    150kHz~30MHz                                        2.80dB

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                                          TEST REPORT
Report No.            :   AW0016632(7)                                Date :        03 Apr 2018

3      Description of the emission test

       3.1   Test Procedure

       Radiated emissions measurements are investigated and taken pursuant to the procedures of ANSI
       C63.10 – 2013.

       The equipment under test (EUT) was placed on a non-conductive turntable with dimensions of 1.5m
       x 0.4m and 0.8m high above the ground for below 1GHz measurement and 1.5m high above the
       ground for above 1GHz measurement. 3m from the EUT, a broadband antenna mounting on the mast
       received the signal strength. The turntable was rotated to maximize the emission level. The antenna
       was then moving along the mast from 1m up to 4m until no more higher value was found. Both
       horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna were placed and investigated.

       For 30MHz to 200MHz, biconical antenna with its vertical and horizontal plane is placed 3m from
       the EUT and rotated about its vertical and horizontal axis for maximum response at each azimuth
       about the EUT. And the reference point of antenna shall be 1 m above the ground. Same procedure
       for frequency 200MHz to 1000MHz but Log-periodic antenna is used for final measurements.

       For above 1GHz, horn antenna with its vertical and horizontal plane is placed 3m from the EUT and
       rotated about its vertical and horizontal axis for maximum response at each azimuth about the EUT.

       The device was rotated through three orthogonal axes to determine which attitude and
       configuration produce the highest emission during measurement.

       The Frequencies from fundamental up to the tenth harmonics were investigated, and emissions more
       20dB below limit were not reported.

       Peak Detector data was measured unless otherwise stated.

       An engineer sample with continuous transmission was used for measurements.

       Test Result:

       It was found that the EUT meet the FCC requirement.

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                                          TEST REPORT
Report No.          :       AW0016632(7)                                Date :      03 Apr 2018

       3.2   Radiated Emission Measurement Data

                                            Measurement Data

                                             Radiated emission

                                                pursuant to

                        the requirement of FCC Part 15, section 15.231(b) and (e)

Mode: Continuous transmission

Environmental conditions
Ambient temperature : 25.0
Relative humidity     : 60.0%

                                            Antenna     Peak Field
                    Antenna     Reading                               Peak Limit
        Frequency                          Factor and   Strength at                Margin
                    Polarity     at 3m                                  at 3m               Detector
          (MHz)                            Cable Loss       3m                      (dB)
                     (H/V)      (dBµV)                                (dBµV/m)
                                            (dB/m)      (dBµV/m)
         433.812        H        57.8        20.9          78.7         92.9       -14.2      PK
         433.816        V        59.2        20.9          80.1         92.9       -12.8      PK
         867.658        H        24.0        26.9          50.9         74.0       -23.1      PK
         867.642        V        21.9        26.9          48.8         74.0       -25.2      PK
        *1301.528       H        53.4         -7.8         45.6         74.0       -28.4      PK
        *1301.456       V        53.3         -7.8         45.5         74.0       -28.5      PK
        2169.176        H        55.9         -6.7         49.2         74.0       -24.8      PK
        2169.120        V        53.4         -6.7         46.7         74.0       -27.3      PK

   1) * means emissions appearing within the restricted bands shall follow the requirement of section 15.205.
   2) Peak Field Strength at 3m = Reading at 3m + Antenna Factor and Cable Loss

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                                              TEST REPORT
Report No.           :      AW0016632(7)                                   Date :      03 Apr 2018

                                                  Measurement Data

                                                  Radiated emission

                                                     pursuant to

                          the requirement of FCC Part 15 section 15.231(b) and (e)

Mode: Continuous transmission

Environmental conditions
Ambient temperature : 25.0
Relative humidity     : 60.0%

                         Antenna     Peak Field     Average   Average Field Average Limit
         Frequency                                                                          Margin
                         Polarity   Strength at      Factor   Strength at 3m   at 3m
           (MHz)                                                                             (dB)
                          (H/V)     3m (dBµV)         (dB)      (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)
          433.812           H          78.7          -14.9         63.8         72.9         -9.1
          433.816           V          80.1          -14.9         65.2         72.9         -7.7
          867.658           H          50.9          -14.9         36.0         54.0        -18.0
          867.642           V          48.8          -14.9         33.9         54.0        -20.1
         *1301.528          H          45.6          -14.9         30.7         54.0        -23.3
         *1301.456          V          45.5          -14.9         30.6         54.0        -23.4
         2169.176           H          49.2          -14.9         34.3         54.0        -19.7
         2169.120           V          46.7          -14.9         31.8         54.0        -22.2
   1) * means emissions appearing within the restricted bands shall follow the requirement of section 15.205.
   2) Average Field Strength at 3m = Peak Field Strength at 3m + Average factor

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                                          TEST REPORT
Report No.           :     AW0016632(7)                                  Date :       03 Apr 2018

       3.3   Average Factor
             The average factor is simply the on-time divided by the period:

             Each pulse width = 0.5ms

             Number of pulse for worst case duty cycle = 36 pulses

             Note: Where the pulse train exceeds 0.1 seconds, the measured field strength shall be determined
             from the average absolute voltage during a 0.1 second interval.

             Duty Cycle                     = (0.5 x 36 / 100) = 0.18

             Therefore, the average factor is found by 20 log10 0.18 = -14.8 dB

             The Appendix A5 shows the plot of duty cycle.

       3.4   Transmission time

             Transmission time              = 900ms           Requirement: below 1000ms

             Silent time                    = 49.6s           Requirement: longer than 10s and 27s (0.9s x 30)

             The transmission time was complied with 15.231(e) requirements.

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                                        TEST REPORT
Report No.          :    AW0016632(7)                                 Date :      03 Apr 2018

       3.5   Bandwidth

             Below plot shows the bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center
             frequency for devices operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. Measurement is
             determined at the points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

             Center Frequency                : 433.867MHz
             Limit 0.25% of center frequency : 1.085MHz

             Measurement result               : (2.8 + 4.28) kHz = 6.48kHz

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                                        TEST REPORT
Report No.          :      AW0016632(7)                               Date :    03 Apr 2018

4      Description of the Line-conducted Test

       4.1     Test Procedure

       Conducted emissions measurements are investigated and also taken pursuant to the procedures of
       ANSI C63.4 – 2014 and ANSI C63.10 – 2013. The EUT was setup as described in the procedures,
       and both lines were measured.

       4.2   Test Result

       No measurement is required as the EUT is a battery-operated product.

       4.3   Graph and Table of Conducted Emission Measurement Data

       Not Applicable

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                                       TEST REPORT
Report No.          :   AW0016632(7)                                Date :       03 Apr 2018

5      Photograph

       5.1   Photographs of the Test Setup for Radiated Emission and Conducted Emission

       For electronic filing, the photos are saved with filename P5FSPC1107 Test Setup Photo.pdf.

       5.2   Photographs of the External and Internal Configurations of the EUT

       For electronic filing, the photos are saved with filename P5FSPC1107 External Photo.pdf
       P5FSPC1107 Internal Photo.pdf.

       5.3   Antenna requirement

       The Appendices A3 shows an integrated coil antenna is permanently attached inside of EUT and
       cannot be changed. Therefore it fulfils the section 15.203 requirement.

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                                   TEST REPORT
Report No.          :   AW0016632(7)             Date :    03 Apr 2018

6      Appendices

       A1    Duty cycle                      2     pages

       A2    Transmission time               1     page

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                                      TEST REPORT
Report No.            :    AW0016632(7)                          Date :     03 Apr 2018

                                          A1   Duty cycle

                                           Duty Cycle 1

                                           Duty Cycle 2

Tested by:                                        Reviewed by:

             Mr. Leung Shu Kan, Ken                              Mr. WONG Lap-pong, Andrew

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                                      TEST REPORT
Report No.            :    AW0016632(7)                         Date :     03 Apr 2018

                                          Duty cycle

                                          Duty Cycle 3

Tested by:                                       Reviewed by:

             Mr. Leung Shu Kan, Ken                             Mr. WONG Lap-pong, Andrew

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                                      TEST REPORT
Report No.            :    AW0016632(7)                           Date :     03 Apr 2018

                                      A2     Transmission time


                                         Transmission time
                                      ***** End of Report *****

Tested by:                                         Reviewed by:

             Mr. Leung Shu Kan, Ken                               Mr. WONG Lap-pong, Andrew

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Document Created: 2018-04-09 14:07:09
Document Modified: 2018-04-09 14:07:09

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