User Manual


Users Manual

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                                             TELECO AUTOMATION SRL - Via dell’Artigianato, 16 - 31014 Colle Umberto (TV) ITALY
                                             TELEPHONE: ++39.0438.388511 FAX: ++39.0438.388536

Radio connection for safety devices supplied by batteries                                          (optional) Dip-switch functions:
                                                                                                   DIP1 OFF: selection of the 8,2KOhm safety edge, input of terminal boards 3-6
                                                                                                   DIP1 ON: selection of (optional) infra-red safety edge (low consumption), input of
Description                                                                                        terminal boards 4-5-6
Bidirectional radio device for the connection of the safety devices in the automatic               DIP2-3-4: selection of working time (see table)
openings sector.
The connection is carried ou between a Master device (RCSP or TVPRP868C04x)
for the motor control and a Slave device (TCSP) which is positioned on the door and                Connections:
is connected to the 8,2KOhm resistive safety edge or (optional) to an infra-red low                1-2      connection of 8,2KOhm resistive safety edge. Stop function. Alarm A1.
-consumption safety edge. Every Master device can manage one Slave.                                4-5-6    connection of (optional) infra-redsafety edge (4=signal, 5=positive,
In the same installation set there can be more systems which can operate without                            6=negative) A2
interference. The action ray is 10mt.                                                              3-6      connection of 8,2KOhm resistive safety edge. Alarm A2.
The answer time during the motion is not higher than 100ms. The Slave peripheral
devices are powered by battery and have a duration of 2 years with two batteries.                  Attention: if the input 1-2 ands 3-4 is not used , it is necessary to bridged with a
                                                                                                   8,2Kohm resistance.

1-Slave device (TCSP).                                                                             Technical specification of the Slave unit:
This device is powered by battery and it is activated by the Master unit only when                 Frequency 		                      2,4Ghz
required. It sends to the Master unit the following information:                                   Power supply		                    3,6Vdc 2700mAh (lithium battery)
-Survival signal: it is used to verify periodically if the unit is correctly connected via         Dimensions		                      115x65x40mm
radio, the flat battery signal is also sent during the transmission.
-Flat battery signal: it is sent at every transmission.                                          Attention:
-Motion control signal: when the Master unit receives an “autotest”request, it sends             -Never let the batteries into the TCSP safety edge if it has not been memorized in the
                                                                                                 Master unit
a signal to the Slave unit in order to activate it; when the signal has been sent, there
                                                                                                 -Never let the batteries into the TCSP safety edge if the Master unit has not been powered
will be an answer coming from the Slave unit in order indicate that the safety device
is functioning and so it is possible to proceed with the motion. During the motion, the          FCC Compliance
Master unit waits for receiving some signals from the Slave unit indicating the correct          “This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
functioning. If this doesn’t happen, it sends an alarm signal.                                   two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
-Alarm signal: the Slave device sends an alarm signal if one of the inputs has been              accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.”
-Inputs function: The Slave unit is supplied with two inputs for the safety devices              Change or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
connection (one input is 8,2KOhm resistive type and the other one can be selected                could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
between 8,2KOhm resistive type and optional infra-red type); the selection of this
input is done through the Dip1.
A working time (optional) can be selected through the Dips 2-3-4 for a maximum                   DIP1: Safety edge selection
time of 90 sec.; when the time is finished, an alarm signal will be sent.                              OFF: 8.2K resistive edge
Use optional low-consumption infra-red safety edges mod. TPS-S1102L.                                   ON: Infrared edge
-Programming of the Slave unit into the Master unit: this operation is done by                   DIP2-3-4: Working time
pushing the P1 push-button after the Master unit is “learning” mode, the successful                DIP2      DIP3      DIP4          W. T.
“learning” is indicated by two flashings of the LED.
                                                                                                    ON        ON        ON        10 sec
It is possible to check the correct alignment by pushing the P1 push-button when the
                                                                                                    ON        ON        OFF      20 sec
Slave device has been memorized: push and hold down the P1 push-button, if the                                                                             Optional
safety edge is correctly aligned the LED will have a fixed light.                                   ON        OFF       ON       30 sec
                                                                                                    ON        OFF       OFF      40 sec
                                                                                                   OFF         ON       ON       50 sec
                                                                                                   OFF         ON       OFF      60 sec
                                                                                                   OFF        OFF       ON       70 sec
                                                                                                   OFF        OFF       OFF      80 sec




                                                                        A2 input                                       A1 input

                                                                                   WHITE WIRE

                                                                                      BROWN WIRE

                                                                                             GREEN WIRE


Code Number:                               Series                                  Model number                           Draft                                              Date
TCSP240C04ALB                               TVLink RS868                                                                  T                                              19-11-2010

Document Created: 2010-12-23 12:28:50
Document Modified: 2010-12-23 12:28:50

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