Test report_DXX

FCC ID: P4Q-N429

Test Report

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                        TEST REPORT
   FCC Part 15 Subpart C and CANADA RSS-210

             New Application;        Class I PC;           Class II PC

Product :            Outdoor Navigation Device

Brand:               Magellan, Mio, Navman, Mitac

Model:               N429

Model Difference:    N/A

FCC ID:              P4Q-N429
IC:                  2420C-N429
FCC Rule Part:       §15.249
IC Rule Part:        RSS-210 issue 8:2010, Annex 2.9
Applicant:           Mitac International Corporation

Address:             Building B, No. 209, Sec. 1, Nan Gang Rd., Nan
                     Gan, Taipei, Taiwan

Test Performed by:
International Standards Laboratory
<Lung-Tan LAB>
*Site Registration No.
BSMI: SL2-IN-E-0013; MRA TW1036; TAF: 0997; IC: IC4067B-3;
No. 120, Lane 180, San Ho Tsuen, Hsin Ho Rd.
Lung-Tan Hsiang, Tao Yuan County 325, Taiwan
*Tel : 886-3-407-1718; Fax: 886-3-407-1738
Report No.: ISL-14LR081FCDXX
Issue Date : 2014/04/17
                             Test results given in this report apply only to the
                             specific sample(s) tested and are traceable to
                             national or international standard through calibration
                             of the equipment and evaluating measurement
                             uncertainty herein.
                             This report MUST not be used to claim product
                             endorsement by TAF, NVLAP or any agency of the
                             This test report shall not be reproduced except in
                             full, without the written approval of International
                             Standards Laboratory.

                                                                Page: 1 of 41

                                            -2 of 30-                       FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                            IC: 2420C-N429

                          VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE
Applicant:                    Mitac International Corporation

Product Description:          Outdoor Navigation Device

Brand Name:                   Magellan, Mio, Navman, Mitac

Model No.:                    N429

Model Difference:             N/A

FCC ID:                       P4Q-N429

IC:                           2420C-N429

FCC Rule Part:                §15.249

IC Rule Part:                 RSS-210 issue 8:2010, Annex 2.9

Date of test:                 2014/04/01 ~ 2014/04/16

Date of EUT Received:         2014/04/01

We hereby certify that:
All the tests in this report have been performed and recorded in accordance with the standards
described above and performed by an independent electromagnetic compatibility consultant,
International Standards Laboratory.
The test results contained in this report accurately represent the measurements of the characteristics
and the energy generated by sample equipment under test at the time of the test. The sample
equipment tested as described in this report is in compliance with the limits of above standards.

      Test By:                                          Date:             2014/04/17

                       Dion Chang / Engineer

 Prepared By:                                           Date:             2014/04/17

                        Gigi Yeh / Specialist

 Approved By:                                           Date:             2014/04/17

                  Vincent Su / Technical Manager

International Standards Laboratory                         Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                     -3 of 30-                         FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                       IC: 2420C-N429


  Version No.      Date                Description
   00              2014/04/17           Initial creation of document

International Standards Laboratory                 Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                                                   -4 of 30-                                          FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                                                                      IC: 2420C-N429

                                                           Table of Contents
1.          GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 5
     1.1.   PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 5
     1.2.   RELATED SUBMITTAL(S) / GRANT (S) .............................................................................................. 7
     1.3.   TEST METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................................... 7
     1.4.   TEST FACILITY ................................................................................................................................. 7
     1.5.   SPECIAL ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................... 7
     1.6.   EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 7
2.          SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION .............................................................................. 8
     2.1.   EUT CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 8
     2.2.   EUT EXERCISE ................................................................................................................................. 8
     2.3.   TEST PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................. 8
     2.4.   LIMITATION ...................................................................................................................................... 9
     2.5.   CONFIGURATION OF TESTED SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 11
3.          SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ................................................................................. 12
4.          CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TEST ............................................................................... 13
     4.1    MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE: ........................................................................................................ 13
     4.2    TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................ 13
     4.3    MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT USED: ............................................................................................... 13
     4.4    MEASUREMENT RESULT: ............................................................................................................... 13
5.          RADIATED EMISSION TEST (TX,RX) ...................................................................... 16
     5.1    MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................... 16
     5.2    TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................ 16
     5.3    MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT USED: ............................................................................................... 17
     5.4    FIELD STRENGTH CALCULATION ................................................................................................... 17
     5.5    MEASUREMENT RESULT ................................................................................................................ 18
6.          20 DB BAND WIDTH MEASUREMENT..................................................................... 25
     6.1    MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................... 25
     6.2    TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................ 25
     6.3    MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT USED: ............................................................................................... 25
     6.4    MEASUREMENT RESULTS:.............................................................................................................. 25
7.          99% BAND WIDTH MEASUREMENT ....................................................................... 28
     7.1    MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................... 28
     7.2    TEST SET-UP (BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONFIGURATION) ................................................................ 28
     7.3    MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT USED: ............................................................................................... 28
     7.4    MEASUREMENT RESULTS:.............................................................................................................. 28

International Standards Laboratory                                                        Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                         -5 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                       IC: 2420C-N429

1. General Information

1.1.   Product Description
 Product Name           Outdoor Navigation Device
 Brand Name             Magellan, Mio, Navman, Mitac
 Model Name             N429
 Model Difference       N/A
 USB port               One provided for Data link

                        5Vdc from AC/DC adapter or 3.7Vdc, 1500mAh Li-ion Battery
 Power Supply
                        Adapter:     Model: MII050100; Supplier: TPT

 GPS Receiver           1575MHz Receiver

 VOIP                   N/A

                         V2.1 + EDR (GFSK + π /4
 Bluetooth Version                                         V4.0(GFSK)
                         DQPSK + 8DPSK)

 Frequency Range         2402 – 2480MHz                    2402 – 2480MHz

 Channel number          79 channels                       40 channels
                         Frequency Hopping Spread
 Modulation type                                           Wide band Modulation
 Rated power             4 dBm(Peak)                       8 dBm(Peak)
 Max Measured
                         3.72 (Peak)                       7.05 dBm (Peak)
 Transmit Power
 Dwell Time              <= 0.4s                           N/A

 Antenna Designation     PIFA Antenna 1.6dBi , share the same antenna with Wifi

The EUT is compliance with Bluetooth EDR V2.1 +V4.0 Standard.

International Standards Laboratory                   Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                         -6 of 30-                   FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                     IC: 2420C-N429

WLAN: 1Tx / 1Rx
 Frequency Range:      802.11b/g/n HT20: 2412 – 2462MHz

 Channel number:       802.11b/g/n HT20: 11 channels
                                         Measured Peak          Rated AV Power
                                         Power at each Chain    at each Chain

 Transmit Power:       802.11b:          16.29dBm               15.0 dBm         +/- 1dB
                       802.11g:          22.78dBm               13.0 dBm         +/- 1dB
                       802.11n HT20 :    22.78dBm               13.0 dBm         +/- 1dB
 Modulation            11b/g: DSSS, OFDM
 Technology            11n: OFDM
                       CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK for DSSS
 Modulation type:
                       64QAM. 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK for OFDM
                       802.11 b: 1/2/5.5/11 Mbps
 Transition Rate:      802.11 g: 6/9/12/18/24/36/48/54 Mbps
                       802.11 n HT20MHz: 6.5 – 65Mbps
                      PIFA Antenna, 1.6dBi
The EUT is compliance with IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Standard.

ANT: 1Tx / 1Rx
 Frequency Range:      2403 – 2481MHz
 Modulation type:      GFSK
 Transition Rate:      1M bps
                       Fixed PIFA Antenna, 1.0dBi

The report applies for ANT mode.

Remark: The above DUT's information was declared by manufacturer. Please refer to the
specifications or user's manual for more detailed description.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                           -7 of 30-                 FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                     IC: 2420C-N429

1.2.   Related Submittal(s) / Grant (s)
        This submittal(s) (test report) is intended for FCC ID: P4Q-N429 filing to comply with
        Section 15.249 of the FCC Part 15, Subpart C Rules and IC: 2420C-N429 filing to comply
        with Industry Canada RSS-210 issue 8:2010 Annex 2.9.
1.3.   Test Methodology
        Both conducted and radiated testing were performed according to the procedures in ANSI
        C63.4 (2009) and RSS-Gen: 2010. Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT
        distance 3 meters.

1.4.   Test Facility
        The measurement facilities used to collect the 3m Radiated Emission and AC power line
        conducted data are located on the address of International Standards Laboratory
        <Lung-Tan LAB> No. 120, Lane 180, San Ho Tsuen, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Hsiang, Tao Yuan
        County 325, Taiwan which are constructed and calibrated to meet the FCC requirements in
        documents ANSI C63.4: 2009. FCC Registration Number is: TW1036, Canada Registration
        Number: 4067B-3.

1.5.   Special Accessories
        Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

1.6.   Equipment Modifications
        Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                           -8 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                         IC: 2420C-N429

2. System Test Configuration

2.1.   EUT Configuration
         The EUT configuration for testing is installed on RF field strength measurement to meet the
         Commissions requirement and operating in a manner which intends to maximize its
         emission characteristics in a continuous normal application.

2.2.   EUT Exercise
         The Transmitter was operated in the engineering operating mode. the Tx frequency was
         fixed at 2403, 2443 and 2481MHz which were for the purpose of the measurements.

2.3.   Test Procedure

        2.3.1 Conducted Emissions
              The EUT is a placed on as turn table which is 0.8 m above ground plane. According to
              the requirements in Section 7 and 13 of ANSI C63.4-2009 and RSS-Gen: 2010.
              Conducted emissions from the EUT measured in the frequency range between 0.15
              MHz and 30MHz using CISPR Quasi-Peak and Average detector mode.

        2.3.2 Radiated Emissions
              The EUT is a placed on as turn table which is 0.8 m above ground plane. The turn table
              shall rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission level. EUT is
              set 3m away from the receiving antenna which varied from 1m to 4m to find out the
              highest emission. And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the
              polarization of receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical. In order to find out the
              max. emission, the relative positions of this hand-held transmitter(EUT) was rotated
              through three orthogonal axes according to the requirements in Section 8 and 13 of
              ANSI C63.4-2009 and RSS-Gen:2010.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                               -9 of 30-                            FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                                    IC: 2420C-N429

2.4.   Limitation

       (1) Conducted Emission
           According to section 15.207(a) and RSS-Gen §7.2.2 Conducted Emission Limits is as

                    Frequency                      Conducted Limit      (dBuV)
                                              Quasi-Peak                 Average
                     0.15 – 0.5                  66 - 56                  56 - 46
                         0.5 – 5                   56                          46
                         5 - 30                    60                          50

       (2) Radiated Emission 15.249(a) and RSS-210 issue 8,§A2.9(a)
          The field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated within these frequency
          bands shall comply with the following.

            Frequency              Field strength of       Field strength of          Distance (m)
              (MHz)                 Fundamental               Harmonics
             902 - 928                 50 mV/m                500 uV/m                     3
                                     (94dBuV/m)              (54dBuV/m)
           2400 – 2483.5               50 mV/m                500 uV/m                     3
                                     (94dBuV/m)              (54dBuV/m)
            5725 – 5875                50 mV/m                500 uV/m                     3
                                     (94dBuV/m)              (54dBuV/m)

International Standards Laboratory                             Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                           -10 of 30-                    FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                         IC: 2420C-N429

    (3) Radiated Emission15.249 (d) and RSS-210 issue 8,§A2.9(b)
         Emission Radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall
       be attenuated by at least 50dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general
       radiated emission limits in Section 15.209 and RSS-210 issue 8,§A2.9(a) as below,
       whichever is the lesser attenuation.

           Frequency            Field strength          Distance (m)    Field strength at 3m
             (MHz)                  V/m                                      dBV/m
            1.705-30                  30                    30                  69.54
              30-88                  100                     3                    40
             88-216                  150                     3                   43.5
            216-960                  200                     3                    46
           Above 960                 500                     3                    54

    (4) Radiated Emission 15.249(e) and RSS-210 issue 8
       For frequencies above 1000MHz, the above field strength limits are based on average
       limits. The peak filed strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted
       average limits specified above by more than 20dB under any condition of modulation.

    Remark: 1. Emission level in dBuV/m=20 log (uV/m)
            2. Measurement was performed at an antenna to the closed point of EUT distance
               of meters.
            3. Only spurious frequency is permitted to locate within the Restricted Bands
               specified in provision of  15.205
            4. Emission spurious frequency which appearing within the Restricted Bands
               specified in provision of 15.205, then the general radiated emission limits in 
               15.209 apply.

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                              -11 of 30-                    FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                            IC: 2420C-N429

2.5.       Configuration of Tested System

                               Fig. 2-1 Configuration of Tested System


                             Table 2-2 Equipment Used in Tested System

  Item       Equipment    Mfr/Brand                        Series No.   Data Cable   Power Cord
                                            Type No.
       1       N/A

Note: All the above equipment/cables were placed in worse case positions to maximize emission
signals during emission test.

Grounding: Grounding was in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and conditions for
the intended use.

International Standards Laboratory                           Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                        -12 of 30-                    FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                      IC: 2420C-N429

3. Summary of Test Results

                 FCC Rules                  Description Of Test               Result
                  §15.207/                   Conducted Emission              Compliant
              RSS-Gen §7.2.2
              §15.249(a)(d)(e)           Field Strength Measurement          Compliant
         RSS-210 issue 8,§A2.9(a)(b)             (TX and RX)
                §15.215(c)             20dB band width Measurement           Compliant
              RSS-Gen §4.6.1              99% Power Bandwidth                Compliant

    Description of test modes
   The EUT has been tested under operating condition.
   Test program used to control the EUT for staying in continuous transmitting and receive mode
   is programmed.

   Channel low (2403MHz)、mid (2443MHz) and high (2481MHz) with highest data rate are
   chosen for full testing.

International Standards Laboratory                    Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                                       -13 of 30-                           FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                                            IC: 2420C-N429

4. Conducted Emissions Test

4.1    Measurement Procedure:
      1. The EUT was placed on a table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
      2. Maximum procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT
      3. Repeat above procedures until all frequency measured were complete.
4.2    Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)



                                                                                80cm    A : PC
                        LISN                       LISN                                 B : Monitor
                                                  (EUT)          40cm                   C : Printer
                                                                                        D : Modem
                                                                                        E : Keyboard
                                                                                        F : Mouse
                                                                     to Test Receiver
                                          Fig. 2

4.3    Measurement Equipment Used:
                                         Conducted Emission Test Site
  EQUIPMENT            MFR                    MODEL                           SERIAL         LAST     CAL DUE.
     TYPE                                     NUMBER                         NUMBER          CAL.
 Conduction 04-1     WOKEN                   CFD 300-NL                     Conduction 04 09/24/2013 09/23/2014
     Cable                                                                       -1
 EMI Receiver 16     Rohde &                        ESCI                       101221      06/13/2013 06/12/2014
      LISN 18       ROHDE &                       ENV216                       101424      03/13/2014 03/12/2015
      LISN 19       ROHDE &                       ENV216                       101425      03/13/2014 03/12/2015
4.4    Measurement Result:
  Note: Refer to next page for measurement data and plots.

International Standards Laboratory                                           Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                     -14 of 30-                FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                               IC: 2420C-N429

Operation Mode:   Operation Mode                         Test Date:   2014/04/10
Test By:          Dino

International Standards Laboratory                Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                         Conducted Emission Measurement
                                                             Date: 20144/10                        Temporature:   26 °C
       100.0     dBuy                                                                              Humidity:      60 %

                                                                                                         Limit:   —
                                                                                                        A¥G:      —



       so N\—“—’_&_Q_w_’—



         o.t50                     as                    Taite)                  5                                30.o00
     : Conduction 02                                  Phase:               N
       CISPR22 Class B Conduction

            Frequency   Correct Factor      or        or            or           ava       ava         ava
No                                       Emission    Limit        Margin       Emission    Limit      Margin        Note
            (MHz)           (a8)         (aBuy)     (aBuy)         (a8)         (aBuv)    (aBuy)        (aB)

 1            0.198         9.66         47.49      63.69         —16.20       27.83      53.69]      —25.86
 2            0.258         9.67         40.43      61.50         —21.07       19.73      51.50]      —31.77
 2            0.342         9.68         39.06      59.15         —20.09       20.56      49.15]      —28.59
 *            0.378         9.68         38.68      58.32         19.64        20.36      48.32]      —27.96
 5            1.034         9.71         3149       56.00         —24.51       13.92      46.00]      —32.08
 8            1106          9.71         3147       56.00         —24.53       14.20      46.00]      —31.80
 T            1.818         9.75         31.03      56.00         —24.97       15.07      46.00]      —30.93
 8            2.234         9.76         28.85      56.00         —27.15       13.33      46.00]      —32.67
 °            3.458         9.79         31.22      56.00         —24.78       15.67      46.00]      —30.33
10            4.310         9.80         30.06      56.00         —25.94       14.38      46.00]      —31.62

                                           -16 of 30-                  FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                       IC: 2420C-N429

5. Radiated Emission Test (TX,RX)

5.1   Measurement Procedure
         1.   The EUT was placed on a turntable that is 0.8m above ground plane.
         2.   Maximum procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT
         3.   And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of
              receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical.
         4.   Repeat above procedures until all frequency measured were complete.

5.2   Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)

       (A) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency Below 1000MHz

                                                                                     1m to 4m
              Analyzer                             0.8m

                  Ground Plane                                       Coaxial Cable

       (B) Radiated Emission Test Set-UP Frequency Over 1 GHz

              Turntable                     3m
                                          0.8 m 1m to 4m                             Receiver

               Ground Plane                                 Coaxial Cable

International Standards Laboratory                        Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                              -17 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                             IC: 2420C-N429

5.3     Measurement Equipment Used:
                                            Chamber 14(966)
       EQUIPMENT                 MFR            MODEL           SERIAL         LAST       CAL DUE.
         TYPE                                   NUMBER          NUMBER         CAL.
      Spectrum Analyzer
                                 Agilent         N9010A        MY49060537    07/18/2013   07/17/2014
      Spectrum Analyzer
                                 Agilent          E4443A       MY48250315    05/26/2013   05/25/2014
  Spectrum Analyzer
                                  R&S             FSU43           100143     05/03/2013   05/02/2014
 Loop Antenna9K-30M          A.H.SYSTEM          SAS-564           294       03/07/2013   03/06/2015
  Bilog Antenna30-1G            Schaffner       CBL 6112B          2756      01/08/2014   01/07/2015
 Horn antenna1-18G(06)           EMCO              3117          0006665     11/04/2013   11/03/2014
Horn antenna26-40G(05)         Com-power          AH-640           100A      01/09/2013   01/08/2015
Horn antenna18-26G(04)         Com-power         AH-826           081001     05/15/2013   05/14/2015
  Preamplifier9-1000M             HP              8447D             NA       02/20/2014   02/19/2015
      Preamplifier1-18G         MITEQ                            1329256     07/18/2013   07/17/2014
      Preamplifier1-26G           EM           EM01M26G            NA        02/20/2014   02/19/2015
  Preamplifier26-40G            MITEQ                             818471     05/08/2013   05/07/2015
         Cable1-18G        HUBER SUHNER        Sucoflex 106        NA        02/17/2014   02/16/2015
    Cable UP to 1G         HUBER SUHNER          RG 214/U        NA          10/14/2013   10/13/2014
     SUCOFLEX                                               27963/2&3742
                           HUBER SUHNER        Sucoflex 102              10/03/2013       10/02/2015
  1GHz~40GHz cable                                               1/2
      2.4G Filter            Micro-Tronics       Brm50702           76       12/27/2013   12/26/2014

5.4     Field Strength Calculation

         The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor and subtracting
         the Amplifier Gain and Duty Cycle Correction Factor(if any) from the measured reading. The basic
         equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
                    FS = RA + AF + CL - AG

         Where    FS = Field Strength                       CL = Cable Attenuation Factor (Cable Loss)
                  RA = Reading Amplitude                    AG = Amplifier Gain
                  AF = Antenna Factor

International Standards Laboratory                            Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                           -18 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                          IC: 2420C-N429

5.5     Measurement Result

5.5.1    Fundamental Emission Measurement Result
Operation Mode              : TX mode                              Test Date     : 2014/04/14
Fundamental Frequency       : 2403 MHz, 2443 MHz, 2481MHz          Test By       : Dino
Temp                        : 25 ℃                                 Hum.          : 60%

CH Low:
 No       Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark          Pol
          MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m         dB                  V/H
  1      2403.04    85.92      -7.06    78.86      114.00      -35.14    Peak      VERTICAL

  1      2403.03    84.24      -7.06     77.18     114.00      -36.82    Peak    HORIZONTAL

CH Mid:
 No       Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark          Pol
          MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m         dB                  V/H
  1      2443.01    85.01      -6.99    78.02      114.00      -35.98    Peak      VERTICAL

  1      2443.04    84.13      -6.99     77.14     114.00      -36.86    Peak    HORIZONTAL

CH High:
 No       Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark          Pol
          MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m         dB                  V/H
  1      2481.04    85.63      -6.92    78.71      114.00      -35.29    Peak      VERTICAL

  1      2481.07    84.59      -6.92     77.67     114.00      -36.33    Peak    HORIZONTAL

          1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
          2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits.
            However, Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus
          3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes
            spurious frequency.
          4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means
            the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or
            the field strength is too small to be measured.
          5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time=
            200 ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
          6 AV level = Peak reading – Duty Cycle Correction factor..

International Standards Laboratory                          Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                         -19 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                        IC: 2420C-N429

5.5.2   Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (below 1GHz)
Operation Mode        TX CH Low                                      Test Date   2014/04/14
Fundamental Frequency 2403 MHz                                       Test By     Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Humidity    60 %

 No      Freq    Reading    Factor    Level      Limit                Remark         Pol
         MHz      dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB                    V/H
  1      52.31    36.36     -12.24    24.12      40.00      -15.88      Peak      VERTICAL
  2      64.92    36.32     -13.68    22.64      40.00      -17.36      Peak      VERTICAL
  3     279.29    33.31     -11.61    21.70      46.00      -24.30      Peak      VERTICAL
  4     284.14    32.84     -11.50    21.34      46.00      -24.66      Peak      VERTICAL
  5     753.62    25.15      -2.86    22.29      46.00      -23.71      Peak      VERTICAL
  6     856.44    26.17      -1.60    24.57      46.00      -21.43      Peak      VERTICAL

  1      49.40    29.04     -12.13    16.91      40.00      -23.09      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  2     284.14    32.47     -11.50    20.97      46.00      -25.03      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  3     558.65    26.95      -6.67    20.28      46.00      -25.72      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  4     801.15    26.16      -2.47    23.69      46.00      -22.31      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  5     874.87    25.99      -1.25    24.74      46.00      -21.26      Peak     HORIZONTAL
  6     911.73    25.34      -0.55    24.79      46.00      -21.21      Peak     HORIZONTAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.
 3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes spurious
 4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
 6 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz, Sweep
   time= 200 ms.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                         -20 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                        IC: 2420C-N429

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (below 1GHz)
Operation Mode        TX CH Mid                                      Test Date   2014/04/14
Fundamental Frequency 2443 MHz                                       Test By     Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Humidity    60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor    Level      Limit                Remark         Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB                    V/H
 1      53.28     36.82     -12.30    24.52      40.00      -15.48      Peak      VERTICAL
 2      62.98     36.22     -13.30    22.92      40.00      -17.08      Peak      VERTICAL
 3     279.29     32.35     -11.61    20.74      46.00      -25.26      Peak      VERTICAL
 4     284.14     32.84     -11.50    21.34      46.00      -24.66      Peak      VERTICAL
 5     660.50     26.57      -4.80    21.77      46.00      -24.23      Peak      VERTICAL
 6     867.11     25.83      -1.40    24.43      46.00      -21.57      Peak      VERTICAL

 1      47.46     28.84     -12.22    16.62      40.00      -23.38      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 2     284.14     31.96     -11.50    20.46      46.00      -25.54      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 3     559.62     27.01      -6.64    20.37      46.00      -25.63      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 4     765.26     25.21      -2.76    22.45      46.00      -23.55      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 5     839.95     25.07      -1.87    23.20      46.00      -22.80      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 6     933.07     24.74      -0.14    24.60      46.00      -21.40      Peak     HORIZONTAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.
 3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes spurious
 4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
 6 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz, Sweep
   time= 200 ms.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                         -21 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                        IC: 2420C-N429

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (below 1GHz)
Operation Mode        TX CH High                                     Test Date   2014/04/14
Fundamental Frequency 2481 MHz                                       Test By     Dino
Temperature           25 ℃                                           Humidity    60 %

 No     Freq     Reading    Factor    Level      Limit                Remark         Pol
        MHz       dBuV        dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m        dB                    V/H
 1      52.31     36.55     -12.24    24.31      40.00      -15.69      Peak      VERTICAL
 2      62.01     36.78     -13.10    23.68      40.00      -16.32      Peak      VERTICAL
 3     279.29     33.08     -11.61    21.47      46.00      -24.53      Peak      VERTICAL
 4     284.14     32.71     -11.50    21.21      46.00      -24.79      Peak      VERTICAL
 5     714.82     25.18      -3.82    21.36      46.00      -24.64      Peak      VERTICAL
 6     903.97     24.47      -0.70    23.77      46.00      -22.23      Peak      VERTICAL

 1      49.40     29.30     -12.13    17.17      40.00      -22.83      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 2     284.14     32.33     -11.50    20.83      46.00      -25.17      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 3     652.74     25.11      -4.93    20.18      46.00      -25.82      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 4     767.20     26.49      -2.75    23.74      46.00      -22.26      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 5     880.69     24.79      -1.14    23.65      46.00      -22.35      Peak     HORIZONTAL
 6      49.40     29.30     -12.13    17.17      40.00      -22.83      Peak     HORIZONTAL

 1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
 2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits. However,
   Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus 20dB.
 3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes spurious
 4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means the
   reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field
   strength is too small to be measured.

 5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200
   ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
 6 Spectrum AV mode if bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 10Hz, Sweep
   time= 200 ms.

International Standards Laboratory                       Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                            -22 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                           IC: 2420C-N429

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz)
Operation Mode              : TX CH Low                        Test Date      : 2014/04/14
Fundamental Frequency       : 2403 MHz                         Test By        : Dino
Temp                        : 25 ℃                             Hum.           : 60%

 No       Freq     Reading    Factor      Level     Limit               Remark          Pol
        MHz         dBuV         dB    dBuV/m      dBuV/m        dB                   V/H
 1    1203.00       47.40     -11.62    35.78       74.00      -38.22      Peak     VERTICAL
 2    2390.00       49.54      -7.09    42.45       74.00      -31.55      Peak     VERTICAL
 3    2400.00       49.57      -7.07    42.50       74.00      -31.50      Peak     VERTICAL
 4    4806.00       33.44       1.28    34.72       74.00      -39.28      Peak     VERTICAL
 5     7209.00       ---                                                            VERTICAL
 6     9612.00       ---                                                            VERTICAL
 7    12015.00       ---                                                            VERTICAL

 1     1203.00      46.53     -11.62      34.91     74.00      -39.09      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 2     2390.00      48.00      -7.09      40.91     74.00      -33.09      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 3     2400.00      48.61      -7.07      41.54     74.00      -32.46      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 4     4806.00      33.31       1.28      34.59     74.00      -39.41      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 5     7209.00       ---                                                          HORIZONTAL
 6     9612.00       ---                                                          HORIZONTAL
 7    12015.00       ---                                                          HORIZONTAL

          1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
          2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits.
            However, Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus
          3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes
            spurious frequency.
          4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means
            the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or
            the field strength is too small to be measured.
          5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep
            time= 200 ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
          6 AV level = Peak reading – Duty Cycle Correction factor..

International Standards Laboratory                          Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                            -23 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                           IC: 2420C-N429

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz)
Operation Mode              : TX CH Mid                        Test Date      : 2014/04/14
Fundamental Frequency       : 2443 MHz                         Test By        : Dino
Temp                        : 25 ℃                             Hum.           : 60%

 No       Freq     Reading    Factor      Level     Limit               Remark          Pol
        MHz         dBuV        dB     dBuV/m      dBuV/m        dB                   V/H
 1    1224.00       47.89     -11.57    36.32       74.00      -37.68      Peak     VERTICAL
 2    4886.00       34.16      1.54     35.70       74.00      -38.30      Peak     VERTICAL
 3     7329.00       ---                                                            VERTICAL
 4     9772.00       ---                                                            VERTICAL
 5    12215.00       ---                                                            VERTICAL

 1     1224.00      46.70     -11.57      35.13     74.00      -38.87      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 2     4886.00      33.76       1.54      35.30     74.00      -38.70      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 3     7329.00      36.10      14.23      50.33     74.00      -23.67      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 4     9772.00       ---                                                          HORIZONTAL
 5    12215.00       ---                                                          HORIZONTAL

          1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
          2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits.
            However, Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus
          3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes
            spurious frequency.
          4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means
            the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or
            the field strength is too small to be measured.
          5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep
            time= 200 ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
          6 AV level = Peak reading – Duty Cycle Correction factor..

International Standards Laboratory                          Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                            -24 of 30-                     FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                           IC: 2420C-N429

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement Result (above 1GHz)
Operation Mode              : TX CH High                       Test Date      : 2014/04/14
Fundamental Frequency       : 2481 MHz                         Test By        : Dino
Temp                        : 25 ℃                             Hum.           : 60%

 No       Freq     Reading    Factor     Level      Limit               Remark          Pol
        MHz         dBuV         dB    dBuV/m      dBuV/m        dB                   V/H
 1    1238.00       47.50     -11.53    35.97       74.00      -38.03      Peak     VERTICAL
 2    2483.50       48.82      -6.90    41.92       74.00      -32.08      Peak     VERTICAL
 3    2484.04       52.26      -6.90    45.36       74.00      -28.64      Peak     VERTICAL
 4    4962.00       33.55       1.81    35.36       74.00      -38.64      Peak     VERTICAL
 5     7443.00       ---                                                            VERTICAL
 6     9772.00       ---                                                            VERTICAL
 7    12405.00       ---                                                            VERTICAL

 1     1238.00      48.23     -11.53     36.70      74.00      -37.30      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 2     2483.50      49.33      -6.90     42.43      74.00      -31.57      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 3     2488.87      50.38      -6.89     43.49      74.00      -30.51      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 4     4962.00      33.52       1.81     35.33      74.00      -38.67      Peak   HORIZONTAL
 5     7443.00       ---                                                          HORIZONTAL
 6     9772.00       ---                                                          HORIZONTAL
 7    12405.00       ---                                                          HORIZONTAL

          1 Measuring frequencies from the lowest internal frequency to the 10th of fundamental
          2 Field strength limits for frequency above 1000MHz are based on average limits.
            However, Peak mode field strength shall not exceed the average limits specified plus
          3 “F” denotes fundamental frequency; “H” denotes harmonics frequency. “S” denotes
            spurious frequency.
          4 Measurement of data within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means
            the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or
            the field strength is too small to be measured.
          5 Spectrum Peak mode IF bandwidth Setting : 1GHz- 26GHz, RBW= 1MHz, Sweep
            time= 200 ms., the VBW setting was 3 MHz.
          6 AV level = Peak reading – Duty Cycle Correction factor..

International Standards Laboratory                          Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                        -25 of 30-                FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                  IC: 2420C-N429

6. 20 dB Band Width Measurement

6.1   Measurement Procedure
      1.   The EUT was placed on a turn table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
      2.   Set ETU normal operating mode.
      3.   Set SPA Center Frequency = fundamental frequency, RBW = 100kHz, VBW = 300kHz,
           Span =500kHz.
      4.   Set SPA Max hold. Mark peak, -20dB.

6.2   Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)
      Same as 4.2 Radiated Emission Measurement.

6.3   Measurement Equipment Used:
      Same as 4.2 Radiated Emission Measurement.

6.4   Measurement Results:
      2403 Channel = 0.2927 MHz
      2443 Channel = 0.2873 M Hz
      2481 Channel = 0.2852 M Hz

      Refer to attached data chart.

International Standards Laboratory                   Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                     -26 of 30-               FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                              IC: 2420C-N429

 20dB Band Width test Plot
 CH Low

 CH Mid

International Standards Laboratory                Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                     -27 of 30-               FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                              IC: 2420C-N429

 CH High

International Standards Laboratory                Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                           -28 of 30-                   FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                                        IC: 2420C-N429

7. 99% Band Width Measurement

7.1   Measurement Procedure
      1   Place the EUT on the table and set it in transmitting mode.
      2   Remove the antenna from the EUT and then connect a low loss RF cable from the antenna
          port to the spectrum analyzer.
      3   Set the spectrum analyzer as RBW=1% of the approximate emission bandwidth, VBW = 3
          times RBW, Span= approximately 20dB below the peak level. Sweep=auto
      4   Turn on the 99% bandwidth function, max reading.
      5   Repeat above procedures until all frequency measured were complete.

7.2   Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)
           Same as 4.2 Radiated Emission Measurement.

7.3   Measurement Equipment Used:
           Same as 4.2 Radiated Emission Measurement.

7.4   Measurement Results:
           2403 Channel = 0.25477 MHz
           2443 Channel = 0.24482 MHz
           2481 Channel = 0.24560 MHz

           Refer to attached data chart.

International Standards Laboratory                      Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                     -29 of 30-               FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                              IC: 2420C-N429

 99% Band Width test Plot
 CH Low

 CH Mid

International Standards Laboratory                Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

                                     -30 of 30-               FCC ID: P4Q-N429
                                                              IC: 2420C-N429

 CH High

International Standards Laboratory                Report Number: ISL-14LR081FCDXX

Document Created: 2014-04-18 18:34:38
Document Modified: 2014-04-18 18:34:38

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