Antenna Specs


Operational Description

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                            AnyDATA.NET Inc.

                              Model Name: EMIV-V2

                              Date: August 31, 2006

                      PRODUCT SPECIFICATION

                             Product : Magnet Whip Antenna

                                  Part No. : MADS-1001

           Mechanic Eng’r      RF Eng’r         Mfg. Eng’r      Approved By

                             DS Technology CO., Ltd.

Address:     9-1 Wonmi-Dong Wonmi-Gu, Bucheon-City,Kyunggi-Do, Korea.

             Tel: 82-32-655-8651~3, Fax: 82-32-655-8654

                                   Table of Contents

1. General
      1.1        The Product           ---------------------------------- Page 3
      1.2        Electrical Properties ---------------------------------- Page 3
      1.3        Mechanical Properties ---------------------------------- Page 3

2. Electrical   Properties
      2.1        Frequency Bands         ----------------------------------   Page   4
      2.2        Impedance               ----------------------------------   Page   4
      2.3        VSWR                    ----------------------------------   Page   4
      2.4        Gain(dBi)               ----------------------------------   Page   5

3. Environmental Resistance Properties
      3.1   Operational Temperature               -------------------------   Page   8
      3.2   Temperature Cycling                   -------------------------   Page   8
      3.3   Humidity                              -------------------------   Page   9
      3.4   Sinusoidal Vibration                  -------------------------   Page   9

4. Test Data
      4.1    Network Data                ----------------------------------- Page 10
      4.2    Radiation pattern           ----------------------------------- Page 11
      4.3    Active test                  ----------------------------------- Page 14

5. Mechanical Drawing                    ----------------------------------- Page 16

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1. General

1.1   The Product
  Model Name
  Antenna Type                                 Magnetic
  Applications                                 CDMA 800MHz, 1900MHz

1.2   Electrical Properties

  Frequency Range(Tx)                          824~849 MHz, 1850~1910 MHz
  Frequency Range(Rx)                          869~894 MHz, 1930~1990 MHz
  Impedance                                    30Ω ± 10Ω
  VSWR                                         Less Than 3.0:1
  Radiation Pattern                            Omni-Directional
  Polarization                                 Linear

1.3   Mechanical Properties
  Dimension                                    20.0 mm(L) x 6.5 mm(W) x 6.5 mm(H)
  Operational Temperature                      -20°C ~ +70°C
  Cable length                                 1m
  Ground plate                                 120(mm) x 180(mm)

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2. Electrical Properties

2.1     Frequency Band
                                          CDMA800                     CDMA1900

             Tx(MHz)                      824~849                     1850~1910

             Rx(MHz)                      869~894                     1930~1990

2.2     Impedance
        2.2.1 Normal Value
              30Ω ± 10Ω
        2.2.1 Measuring Method
              The impedance over the frequency bands shall be as close as possible to
              50Ω after matching. Both free space and talk position are considered.

2.3     VSWR
                The impedance matching should be optimized in the more critical talk

        2.3.1   Maximum values in free space

                                                     CDMA 800 MHz     CDMA 1900 MHz
                                                         TX    RX      TX       RX
                             VSWR                    3.0:1    2.5:1   3.0:1    2.5:1

        2.3.2   Measuring Method
                A 50Ω coaxial cable is connected(soldered) to the 50Ω point, at the duplex-
                filter on the main PCB. The connection of the coaxial cable shall be done to
                introduce a minimum of mismatch. As much as possible the coaxial cable
                arrangement shall prevent influences from induced currents on the cable.
                In the other end, the coaxial cable is connected to a network analyzer.
                The measurement is performed at room temperature. The handset,
                including the PCB, must not in any significant way differ from the mass
                production, i.e. the antenna feeding network has to be equivalent to the
                feeding network in mass production. The specification shall be met in the
                entire frequency band.

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2.4   Gain(dBi)

      2.4.1   Measuring Method
              The connection is done according to 2.3.2.
              Radiation patterns are measured at 3 different Plane
              The antenna measured according to the figure 1 below.

                                    figure 1

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         2-4-2. Radiation Pattern Measure
               Radiation Pattern Measure according to figure2(a), figure2(b),
               Scale and Range set up 5dB ,30dB(each).




                                   Figure 2 (a)

                   CW                                      CW

E1                                         E2

                                    Figure 2 (b)

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             2-4-3 Typical values in maximum direction

                 Item                                                      Data

           Frequency Range                  824MHz         ~   894MHz              1850       ~   1990MHz

               Frequency                    824 MHz            894 MHz        1850 MHz             1990 MHz

                             H-plane        -0.0 dBi           -0.1 dBi            0.3 dBi          0.72 dBi

         Peak Gain           E1-plane       -0.3 dBi           -0.1 dBi            0.9 dBi          0.1 dBi

                             E2-plane       -4.0 dBi           -5.2 dBi           -4.23 dBi         -2.7 dBi

                             H-plane        -5.79 dBi          -5.3 dBi           -4.79 dBi        -7.0 dBi

        Average Gain         E1-plane       -5.38 dBi          -5.33 dBi          -4.47 dBi        -6.1 dBi

                             E2-plane       -6.83 dBi          -9.4 dBi           -7.97 dBi        --5.6 dBi

-   Antenna Matching Value

                                                                 0 ohm

                                             Open                                  Open

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3.    Environment Resistance Properties

3.1   Operational Temperature
      3.1.1. Low Operational Temperature
             TLO = -20°C
      3.1.2 High Operational Temperature
             THO = +70°C
      3.1.3 Demands
             No visual deterioration shall occur, and the antenna shall satisfy the
             electrical demands, according to 2.4.1, during the test.
      3.1.4 Measuring Method
             The antenna is placed in a climatic chamber at temperature TLO.
             The antenna is taken out after 1 hour, and VSWR is immediately measured.
             The antenna is placed in a climatic chamber at temperature THO.
            The antenna is taken out after 1 hour, and VSWR is immediately measured.
3.2   Temperature Cycling
      3.2.1 Low Cycling Temperature
            TLC = -40°C
      3.2.2 High Cycling Temperature
            THC = +80°C
      3.2.3 Demands
            No visual deterioration shall occur during the test. The antenna shall satisfy
            the electrical demands, according to 2.4.1.
      3.2.4 Measuring Method
            The antenna is placed in a climatic chamber. The temperature is cycled as
            follows : The temperature is kept constantly at TLC for 1 hour, increased to
            THC during 1 hour, kept constantly at THC for 1 hour, and then decreased
            to TLC during 1 hour.
            This procedure is repeated 10 times, ending at room temperature according
            to figure 3 below.

                         Figure 3. Temperature Cycling
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3.3   Humidity
      3.3.1 Relative Humidity
      3.3.2 Temperature
      3.3.3 Demands
             No visual deterioration shall occur during the test. The antenna shall satisfy
             the electrical demands, according to 2.4.1, after the test.
      3.3.4 Measuring Method
             The antenna is placed in a climatic chamber for 24 hours. The antenna is
             taken out from the chamber and measured after another 24 hours in room
3.4   Sinusoidal Vibration
      3.4.1 Vibration Frequencies
      3.4.2 Sweep Rate
             1 octave/min(logarithmic)
      3.4.3 Maximum Amplitude
             A = 1.52mm
      3.4.4 Maxim Acceleration
      3.4.5   Crossover Frequency
      3.4.7   Measuring Method
              The fixed antenna is assembled in the test equipment. The vibration is
              done both in x-and z-directions, according to figure 4(a), with a
              duration of 1 hour in each direction.

               (a) Vibration directions            (b) Vibration form
                           Figure 4. Sinusoidal Vibrator

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4.    Test Data
4.1   Network Data
      4.1.1 Smith Chart

      4.1.2   VSWR

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4 .2 Radiation Pattern
   4.2.1 H – Plane

 Frequency                Max.                      Min.     Avg.

    824Mhz                 -0.0                     -21.7    -5.79
    849Mhz                 0.84                     -19.0    -4.92
    869Mhz                 0.93                     -19.1    -4.75
    894Mhz                 0.38                     -22.1    -5.3
   1850Mhz                  0.3                     -22.1    -4.79

   1910Mhz                  0.4                     -21.91   -6.46
   1930MHz                  0.3                     -23.08   -6.7
   1990MHz                  0.7                     -24.49   -7.0

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 4.2.2   E1 - Plane

Frequency              Max.                      Min.     Avg.

  824Mhz                -0.3                     -21.71   -5.38
  849Mhz                 0.6                     -18.7    -4.62
  869Mhz                 0.8                     -16.53   -4.49
  894Mhz                -0.1                     -18.18   -5.33
 1850Mhz                 0.9                     -22.0    -4.47

 1910Mhz                 0.6                     -21.91   -5.78
 1930MHz                 0.0                     -23.07   -5.81
 1990MHz                0.12                     -23.12   -6.1

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 4.2.3   E2 – Plane

Frequency              Max.                      Min.     Avg.

  824Mhz                -4.09                    -11.4    -6.84
  849Mhz                -3.68                    -12.85   -7.01
  869Mhz                -4.04                    -14.18   -7.75
  894Mhz                -5.26                    -16.1    -9.41
 1850Mhz                -4.23                    -14.94   -7.98

 1910Mhz                -3.53                    -13.14   -6.24
 1930MHz                -3.24                    -11.41   -5.69
 1990MHz                -2.7                     -10.88   -5.6

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          4.3     Active test
                   4.3.1 TRP & TIS(USC)

                                    1011                           384                779


                                    1011                           384                779


Total Isotropic Sensitivity [dBm]

Channel                                   1011             384                779

RX Frequecny [MHz]                        869.64          881.52             893.37

TIS [dBm]                                 107.4            107.3             107.5

Pass / Fail

Total TIS [dBm]                                                      107.4

Total Radiated Power [dBm]

TX Frequency [MHz]                        824.64          836.52             848.37

TRP [dBm]                                 22.94            21.08             22.34

Pass / Fail

Total TRP [dBm]                                                      22.18

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                  4.3.3 TRP&TIS(USPCS)

                                    25                            600                 1175


                                    25                            600                 1175


Total Isotropic Sensitivity [dBm]

Channel                                   25              600                1175

RX Frequecny [MHz]                    1931.25             1960              1988.75

TIS [dBm]                                104.4            104.1              102.8

Pass / Fail

Total TIS [dBm]                                                     103.8

Total Radiated Power [dBm]

TX Frequency [MHz]                    1851.25           1880.00             1908.75

TRP [dBm]                                19.22            20.87              20.42

Pass / Fail

Total TRP [dBm]                                                     20.23

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        5.   Mechanical Drawing

    A                        B                                                                    C                                             D




                                            5              MTDS-1004               TOP-METAL             1          MBsBD          BLACK Cr Plated
                                            4              SPDS-1001               W HIP SPRING          1          SUS 304        BLACK Cr Plated
                                            3              MTDS-1003               ROD METAL             1          MBsBD          BLACK Cr Plated
                                            2              CODS-1001               BASE ASSY             1             -                    -
                                            1              CADS-1001               CABLE ASS'Y           1             -           SMA-M-RG174
                                           NO.             Part No.                 Description       Q'TY          Meterial          Remark
                                                   Tolerlances                 Decimals     .*    ±0.1       .* *   ±0.05      Angles ±1°       1.6a


                                          Designed By. Checked By. Approved By.      Model No.                 Magnet Antenna
                                                                                     Part No.                  MADS-1001
                                           s.w. Park   -                b.h. Cho
                                                                                     Part Name                 CDMA-USPCS
                                                       Scale:         Unit:
                                                                                                                               Rev.             0
    A                        B                                                                    C                                             D

                                  Confidential Proprietary                                                                                        16/16

Document Created: 2007-01-12 21:07:07
Document Modified: 2007-01-12 21:07:07

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