MPE Calculation

FCC ID: P27P208

RF Exposure Info

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                                                           RF Exposure Report

                       Report No.: SA180607D01

                            FCC ID: P27P208

                       Test Model: P208-TP

                 Received Date: Jun. 7, 2018

                         Test Date: Jul. 4 ~ 25, 2018

                     Issued Date: Jul. 30, 2018

                         Applicant: Sercomm Corp.

                          Address: 8F, No. 3-1, YuanQu St., NanKang, Taipei 115, Taiwan, R.O.C. (NanKang
                                   Software Park)

                        Issued By: Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch

             Lab Address: No. 47-2, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Lin Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan
       FCC Registration /
      Designation Number: 198487 / TW2021

This report is for your exclusive use. Any copying or replication of this report to or for any other person or entity, or use of our name or trademark, is permitted
only with our prior written permission. This report sets forth our findings solely with respect to the test samples identified herein. The results set forth in this
report are not indicative or representative of the quality or characteristics of the lot from which a test sample was taken or any similar or identical product
unless specifically and expressly noted. Our report includes all of the tests requested by you and the results thereof based upon the information that you
provided to us. You have 60 days from date of issuance of this report to notify us of any material error or omission caused by our negligence, provided,
however, that such notice shall be in writing and shall specifically address the issue you wish to raise. A failure to raise such issue within the prescribed time
shall constitute your unqualified acceptance of the completeness of this report, the tests conducted and the correctness of the report contents. Unless specific
mention, the uncertainty of measurement has been explicitly taken into account to declare the compliance or non-compliance to the specification. The report
must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by TAF or any government agencies.

Report No.: SA180607D01                                              Page No. 1 / 6                                             Report Format Version: 6.1.1

                                                                   Table of Contents
Release Control Record .................................................................................................................................. 3
1         Certificate of Conformity...................................................................................................................... 4
2         RF Exposure .......................................................................................................................................... 5
    2.1      Limits For Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)............................................................................. 5
    2.2      MPE Calculation Formula ................................................................................................................... 5
    2.3      Classification ....................................................................................................................................... 5
    2.4      Calculation Result Of Maximum Conducted Power ............................................................................ 6

Report No.: SA180607D01                                              Page No. 2 / 6                                              Report Format Version: 6.1.1

                                          Release Control Record

Issue No.             Description                                         Date Issued
SA180607D01           Original release.                                   Jul. 30, 2018

Report No.: SA180607D01                      Page No. 3 / 6        Report Format Version: 6.1.1

1    Certificate of Conformity

            Product: CBRS Outdoor Small Cell

              Brand: Sercomm

        Test Model: P208-TP

    Sample Status: Engineering sample

          Applicant: Sercomm Corp.

          Test Date: Jul. 4 ~ 25, 2018

         Standards: FCC Part 2 (Section 2.1091)

                          KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
                          IEEE C95.1-1992

The above equipment has been tested by Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd.,
Taoyuan Branch, and found compliance with the requirement of the above standards. The test record, data
evaluation & Equipment Under Test (EUT) configurations represented herein are true and accurate accounts
of the measurements of the sample’s RF characteristics under the conditions specified in this report.

     Prepared by :                                                         , Date:         Jul. 30, 2018
                                    Celia Chen / Supervisor

    Approved by :                                                          , Date:         Jul. 30, 2018
                             Rex Lai / Associate Technical Manager

Report No.: SA180607D01                       Page No. 4 / 6                          Report Format Version: 6.1.1

2      RF Exposure

2.1      Limits For Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

    Frequency Range          Electric Field     Magnetic Field       Power Density        Average Time
         (MHz)              Strength (V/m)      Strength (A/m)         (mW/cm2)             (minutes)
                             Limits For General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
        0.3-1.34                 614                  1.63               (100)*                  30
         1.34-30                824/f                2.19/f             (180/f )*                30
         30-300                  27.5                0.073                0.2                    30
        300-1500                  …                    …                 f/1500                  30
      1500-100,000                …                    …                  1.0                    30

f = Frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density

2.2      MPE Calculation Formula

Pd = (Pout*G) / (4*pi*r2)
Pd = power density in mW/cm2
Pout = output power to antenna in mW
G = gain of antenna in linear scale
Pi = 3.1416
R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

2.3      Classification

      The antenna of this product, under normal use condition, is at least 20cm away from the body of the user.
         So, this device is classified as Mobile Device.

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2.4    Calculation Result Of Maximum Conducted Power

              Frequency Band    Max Power      Antenna Gain    Distance   Power Density       Limit
                  (MHz)           (dBm)            (dBi)         (cm)       (mW/cm2)        (mW/cm2)
   BT LE        2402 ~ 2480         -1.11            2.9         20          0.0003              1

       Frequency Band            Max Power     Antenna Gain    Distance   Power Density       Limit
           (MHz)                   (dBm)           (dBi)         (cm)       (mW/cm2)        (mW/cm2)
CBRS band: 3552.5 ~ 3697.5         25.12            10.63        20          0.7477              1

Note: Directional gain = 7.62dBi + 10log(2) = 10.63dBi

The formula of calculated the MPE is:
CPD1 / LPD1 + CPD2 / LPD2 + ……etc. < 1
CPD = Calculation power density
LPD = Limit of power density

BT LE (2402 ~ 2480 MHz) + CBRS band (3552.5 ~ 3697.5 MHz) = 0.0003 + 0.7477 = 0.7480
Therefore the maximum calculations of above situations are less than the “1” limit.

--- END ---

Report No.: SA180607D01                       Page No. 6 / 6                    Report Format Version: 6.1.1

Document Created: 2018-08-09 15:35:13
Document Modified: 2018-08-09 15:35:13

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