Test Report_co-location


Test Report

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            FCC Co-Location Test Report
            FCC ID                 : P27NA502S
            Equipment              : Multiple RF Home Gateway
            Model No.              : NA502S
            Brand Name             : Sercomm
            Multiple Listing       : Refer to item 1.1.1 for more details
            Applicant              : Sercomm Corporation
            Address                : 8F, No. 3-1, YuanQu St., NanKang, Taipei 115,
                                     Taiwan, R.O.C.
            Standard               : 47 CFR FCC Part 15.247
                                     47 CFR FCC Part 15.407
                                     47 CFR FCC Part 22 Subpart H
                                     47 CFR FCC Part 24 Subpart E
            Received Date          : Nov. 21, 2016
            Tested Date            : Dec. 06, 2016

      We, International Certification Corp., would like to declare that the tested sample has been
      evaluated and in compliance with the requirement of the above standards. The test results
      contained in this report refer exclusively to the product. It may be duplicated completely for
      legal use with the approval of the applicant. It shall not be reproduced except in full without
      the written approval of our laboratory.

      Reviewed by:                        Approved by:

      Along Chen / Assistant Manager      Gary Chang / Manager

Report No.: FR6N2103CO                                                                Page : 1 of 21
Report Version: Rev. 01

                                                         Table of Contents
1        GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 5

1.1      Information.............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2      The Equipment List ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.3      Test Standards ....................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4      Measurement Uncertainty ...................................................................................................................... 8

2        TEST CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................................... 9

2.1      Testing Condition ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2      The Worst Test Modes and Channel Details ......................................................................................... 9

3        TRANSMITTER TEST RESULTS........................................................................................................10

3.1      Unwanted Emissions into Restricted Frequency Bands ......................................................................10

4        TEST LABORATORY INFORMATION ...............................................................................................21

Report No.: FR6N2103CO                                                                                                              Page : 2 of 21
Report Version: Rev. 01

                                    Release Record
     Report No.           Version                   Description      Issued Date
   FR6N2103CO             Rev. 01   Initial issue                   Mar. 03, 2017

Report No.: FR6N2103CO                                            Page : 3 of 21
Report Version: Rev. 01

                                     Summary of Test Results
    FCC Rules                        Test Items                Measured                     Result
                                                  [dBuV/m at 3m]: 43.58MHz
       15.209             Radiated Emissions                                                 Pass
                                                  34.68 (Margin -5.32dB) - PK

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Report Version: Rev. 01

1         General Description
1.1       Information
1.1.1     Product Details
The following models are provided to this EUT.

    Brand Name                  Model Name                 Product Name                Description
Sercomm                   NA502Sxxxxxxxx             Multiple RF Home Gateway
MiOS                      G550xxxxx                  Multiple RF Home Gateway   the 1st x should be
                                                                                "blank" or "-"; the rest x
Nortek                    GC1xxxxxxxx                Multiple RF Home Gateway
                                                                                could be 0 to 9, A to Z,
Vera                      VeraSecurexxxxx            Multiple RF Home Gateway   "blank" or “-“ , for
                                                                                marketing purpose.
                                                     Advanced Smart Home
Vera                      VeraSecurexxxxx
                                                     Security Controller
 All models are electrically identical, different model names are for marketing purpose.
 The above models, model NA502S was selected as a representative one for the final test and only its
  data was recorded in this report.

1.1.2     Specification of the Equipment under Test (EUT)
                               802.11b/g/n: 2412 MHz ~ 2462 MHz
Operating Frequency
                               802.11a/n/ac: 5180 MHz ~ 5240 MHz; 5745 ~ 5825 MHz
                               802.11b: DSSS (DBPSK / DQPSK / CCK)
Modulation Type
                               802.11a/g/n/ac: OFDM (BPSK / QPSK / 16QAM / 64QAM / 256QAM)
Operating Frequency            2402 MHz ~ 2480 MHz
Modulaton Type                 Bluetooth 4.0 LE: GFSK
                               GPRS: 824.2 ~ 848.8 MHz
                               WCDMA: 826.4 ~ 846.6 MHz
Operating Frequency
                               GPRS: 1850.2 ~ 1909.8 MHz
                               WCDMA: 1852.4 ~ 1907.6 MHz
                               GPRS: GMSK
Modulaton Type                 EDGE: 8PSK
                               WCDMA / HSDPA / HSUPA: QPSK (uplink)
Operating Frequency            2405~2480
Modulaton Type                 DSSS-O-QPSK
Operating Frequency            908.40~916.00
Modulaton Type                 FSK / GFSK

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Report Version: Rev. 01

1.1.3     Antenna Details
                                                     Operating Frequencies (MHz) / Antenna Gain (dBi)
  Ant. No.        Model     Type         Connector
                                                     2400~2483.5       5150~5250           5725~5850
      1           2.4G-1    PIFA              UFL        3.7               ---                  ---
      2           2.4G-2    PIFA              UFL        3.9               ---                  ---
      3            5G-1    Dipole             UFL        ---               1.1                 2.2
      4            5G-2     PIFA              UFL        ---               1.4                 3.6

             Type                   Gain (dBi)            Connector                   Remarks
             PIFA                       4                      UFL                      BT LE

             Type                   Gain (dBi)            Connector                    Remark
             PIFA                       4                      UFL               GPRS / WCDMA 850
             PIFA                       2                      UFL               GPRS / WCDMA 1900

             Type                   Gain (dBi)            Connector                    Remark
             PIFA                      3.4                     UFL                      ZigBee
          Monopole                     -2.6                    No                      Z-Wave

1.1.4     Power Supply Type of Equipment under Test (EUT)
Power Supply Type             12Vdc from adapter

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Report Version: Rev. 01

1.2       The Equipment List
      Test Item        Radiated Emission
      Test Site        966 chamber1 / (03CH01-WS)
    Tested Date        Dec. 06, 2016
      Instrument           Manufacturer             Model No.            Serial No.      Calibration Date      Calibration Until
 Spectrum Analyzer              R&S                   FSV40               101498          Nov. 25, 2016         Nov. 24, 2017
       Receiver                 R&S                   ESR3                101658          Nov. 24, 2016         Nov. 23, 2017
    Bilog Antenna         SCHWARZBECK               VULB9168           VULB9168-522       Aug. 04, 2016         Aug. 03, 2017
    Horn Antenna
                          SCHWARZBECK             BBHA 9120 D         BBHA 9120 D 1096    Dec. 16, 2015         Dec. 15, 2016
    Horn Antenna
                          SCHWARZBECK              BBHA 9170           BBHA 9170517       Oct. 25, 2016          Oct. 24, 2017
    Loop Antenna                R&S                  HFH2-Z2              100330          Nov. 10, 2016         Nov. 09, 2017
     Preamplifier              EMC                  EMC02325              980225          Aug. 05, 2016         Aug. 04, 2017
     Preamplifier             Agilent                83017A             MY39501308        Oct. 06, 2016          Oct. 05, 2017
     Preamplifier              EMC                EMC184045B              980192          Aug. 24, 2016         Aug. 23, 2017
      RF Cable            HUBER+SUHNER           SUCOFLEX104             MY16014/4        Dec. 10, 2015         Dec. 09, 2016
      RF Cable            HUBER+SUHNER           SUCOFLEX104             MY16019/4        Dec. 10, 2015         Dec. 09, 2016
      RF Cable            HUBER+SUHNER           SUCOFLEX104             MY16139/4        Dec. 10, 2015         Dec. 09, 2016
     LF cable 1M               EMC                                         16052          Dec. 10, 2015         Dec. 09, 2016
     LF cable 3M              Woken              CFD400NL-LW           CFD400NL-001       Dec. 10, 2015         Dec. 09, 2016
    LF cable 10M              Woken              CFD400NL-LW           CFD400NL-002       Dec. 10, 2015         Dec. 09, 2016
                              AUDIX                     e3               6.120210g             NA                     NA
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

      Test Item        RF Conducted
      Test Site        (TH01-WS)
    Tested Date        Dec. 06, 2016
      Instrument           Manufacturer             Model No.            Serial No.      Calibration Date      Calibration Until
 Spectrum Analyzer              R&S                   FSV40               101063          Feb. 17, 2016          Feb. 16, 2017
    Power Meter               Anritsu               ML2495A               1241002         Oct. 06, 2016          Oct. 05, 2017
    Power Sensor              Anritsu               MA2411B               1207366         Oct. 06, 2016          Oct. 05, 2017
                              Sporton               Sporton_1              1.3.30              NA                     NA
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

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Report Version: Rev. 01

C          Infernational

1.3        Test Standards
According to the specification of EUT, the EUT must comply with following standards and KDB documents.

47 CFR FCC Part 15.247
47 CFR FCC Part 15.407
47 CFR FCC Part 22 Subpart H
47 CFR FCC Part 24 Subpart E
ANSI C63.10—2013
FCC KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r05
FCC KDB 662911 DO1 Multiple Transmitter Output v02r01
FCC KDB 789033 D02 General UNIl Test Procedures New Rules vO1r03
FCC KDB 412172 D01 Determining ERP and EIRP vO1r01
FCC KDB 971168 D01 Power Meas License Digital Systems v02r02
FCC KDB 412172 D01 Determining ERP and EIRP vO1r01

1.4        Measurement Uncertainty
I1SO/IEC 17025 requires that an estimate of the measurement uncertainties associated with the emissions test
results be included in the report. The measurement uncertainties given below are based on a 95% confidence
level (based on a coverage factor (k=2)

                                          Measurement Uncertainty
                                    Parameters                                            Uncertainty
Radiated emission         1GHz                                                             +3.66 dB
Radiated emission > 1GHz                                                                   £+5.63 dB

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Report Version: Rev. 01

C          Infernational

2          Test Configuration
2.1        Testing Condition
          Test Item                   Test Site               Ambient Condition                  Tested By
    :       leai                                                    0      L                     Kevin Lee
Radiated Emissions                   O3CHOT—WS                 21—24°C / 61—62%                 Vincent Yeh

RF Conducted                          THO1—WS                      21°C / 64%                   Alex Huang

» FCC Designation No.:         TW2732
» FCC site registration No.:     181692
> IC site registration No.:   10807A—1

2.2         The Worst Test Modes and Channel Details

         Test item                                                Test Mode
                           Mode 1. GPRS50 CH128 + 5G 1ac VHT40 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 + BLE
                           CH39 + Z—wave Q16MHz
Radiated Emissions
                           Mode 2. GPRS1900 CH810 + 5G 1Mac VHT4O0 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 +
                           BLE CH39 + Z—wave 916MHz

Conducted Emissions        5G 1Mac VHT4O CH151 + BLE CH39

Note1: The selected channel is the maximum power channel of each function
Note2: Conducted emission is performed for Bluetooth and Wi—Fi function only since both functions share same antenna.

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Report Version: Rev. 01

C          Infernational

3          Transmitter Test Results
3.1        Unwanted Emissions into Restricted Frequency Bands
3.1.1      Limit of Unwanted Emissions into Restricted Frequency Bands

                                          Restricted Band Emissions Limit
Frequency Range (MHz)|           Field Strength (uV/m)         |Field Strength (dBuV/m)|        Measure Distance (m)

         0.009~0.490                   2400/F(kHz)                     48.5 — 13.8                         300
         0.490~1.705                  24000/F(kHz)                       33.8 — 23                          30
          1.705~30.0                         30                             29                              30
             30~88                          100                             40                              3
            88~216                          150                            43.5                             3
           216~960                          200                             46                              3
          Above 960                         500                             54                              3
Note 1:
Qusai—Peak value is measured for frequency below 1GHz except for 9—90 kHz, 110—490 kHz frequency band. Peak and
average value are measured for frequency above 1GHz. The limit on average radio frequency emission is as above
table. The limit on peak radio frequency emissions is 20 dB above the maximum permitted average emission limit
Note 2:
Measurements may be performed at a distance other than what is specified provided. When performing measurements
at a distance other than that specified, the results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance using an extrapolation
factor as below, Frequency at or above 30 MHz: 20 dB/decade Frequency below 30 MHz: 40 dB/decade.

3.1.2       Test Procedures
1.     Measurement is made at a semi—anechoic chamber that incorporates a turntable allowing a EUT
      rotation of 360°. A continuously—rotating, remotely—controlled turntable is installed at the test site to
      support the EUT and facilitate determination of the direction of maximum radiation for each EUT
      emission frequency. The EUT is placed at test table. For emissions testing at or below 1 GHz, the table
        height is 80 cm above the reference ground plane. For emission measurements above 1 GHz, the table
        height is 1.5 m.
2.       Measurement is made with the antenna positioned in both the horizontal and vertical planes of
      polarization. The measurement antenna is varied in height (1m ~4m) above the reference ground plane
      to obtain the maximum signal strength. Distance between EUT and antenna is 3 m.
3.    This investigation is performed with the EUT rotated 360°, the antenna height scanned between 1 m
      and 4 m, and the antenna rotated to repeat the measurements for both the horizontal and vertical
      antenna polarizations.
1.      120kHz measurement bandwidth of test receiver and Quasi—peak detector is for radiated emission below 1GHz.

2.      RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz and Peak detector is for peak measured value of radiated emission above 1GHz.
3.      RBW=1MHz, VBW=1/T and Peak detector is for average measured value of radiated emission above 1GHz.

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Report Version: Rev. 01

3.1.3     Test Setup
Radiated Emissions below 1 GHz

Radiated Emissions above 1 GHz

Transmitter Conducted Unwanted Emissions (30MHz~40GHz)


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Report Version: Rev. 01

3.1.4     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Below 1GHz)
Mode                  Mode 1: GPRS850 CH128 + 5G 11ac VHT40 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 +
                      BLE CH39 + Z-wave 916MHz
Polarization          Horizontal

Note 1: Emission Level (dBuV/m) = SA Reading (dBuV/m) + Factor* (dB)
      *Factor includes antenna factor , cable loss and amplifier gain
Note 2: Margin (dB) = Emission level (dBuV/m) – Limit (dBuV/m).
Note 3: All spurious emissions below 30MHz are more than 20 dB below the limit.

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Mode                  Mode 1: GPRS850 CH128 + 5G 11ac VHT40 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 +
                      BLE CH39 + Z-wave 916MHz
Polarization          Vertical

Note 1: Emission Level (dBuV/m) = SA Reading (dBuV/m) + Factor* (dB)
      *Factor includes antenna factor , cable loss and amplifier gain
Note 2: Margin (dB) = Emission level (dBuV/m) – Limit (dBuV/m).
Note 3: All spurious emissions below 30MHz are more than 20 dB below the limit.

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Report Version: Rev. 01

Mode                  Mode 2: GPRS1900 CH810 + 5G 11ac VHT40 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 +
                      BLE CH39 + Z-wave 916MHz
Polarization          Horizontal

Note 1: Emission Level (dBuV/m) = SA Reading (dBuV/m) + Factor* (dB)
      *Factor includes antenna factor , cable loss and amplifier gain
Note 2: Margin (dB) = Emission level (dBuV/m) – Limit (dBuV/m).
Note 3: All spurious emissions below 30MHz are more than 20 dB below the limit.

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Report Version: Rev. 01

Mode                  Mode 2: GPRS1900 CH810 + 5G 11ac VHT40 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 +
                      BLE CH39 + Z-wave 916MHz
Polarization          Vertical

Note 1: Emission Level (dBuV/m) = SA Reading (dBuV/m) + Factor* (dB)
      *Factor includes antenna factor , cable loss and amplifier gain
Note 2: Margin (dB) = Emission level (dBuV/m) – Limit (dBuV/m).
Note 3: All spurious emissions below 30MHz are more than 20 dB below the limit.

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Report Version: Rev. 01

3.1.5     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Above 1GHz)
Mode                  Mode 1: GPRS850 CH128 + 5G 11ac VHT40 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 +
                      BLE CH39 + Z-wave 916MHz
Polarization          Horizontal

Note 1: Emission Level (dBuV/m) = SA Reading (dBuV/m) + Factor* (dB)
      *Factor includes antenna factor , cable loss and amplifier gain
Note 2: Margin (dB) = Emission level (dBuV/m) – Limit (dBuV/m).

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Report Version: Rev. 01

Mode                  Mode 1: GPRS850 CH128 + 5G 11ac VHT40 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 +
                      BLE CH39 + Z-wave 916MHz
Polarization          Vertical

Note 1: Emission Level (dBuV/m) = SA Reading (dBuV/m) + Factor* (dB)
      *Factor includes antenna factor , cable loss and amplifier gain
Note 2: Margin (dB) = Emission level (dBuV/m) – Limit (dBuV/m).

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Report Version: Rev. 01

Mode                  Mode 2: GPRS1900 CH810 + 5G 11ac VHT40 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 +
                      BLE CH39 + Z-wave 916MHz
Polarization          Horizontal

Note 1: Emission Level (dBuV/m) = SA Reading (dBuV/m) + Factor* (dB)
      *Factor includes antenna factor , cable loss and amplifier gain
Note 2: Margin (dB) = Emission level (dBuV/m) – Limit (dBuV/m).

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Report Version: Rev. 01

Mode                  Mode 2: GPRS1900 CH810 + 5G 11ac VHT40 CH151 + 2.4G HT20 CH6 + Zigbee CH11 +
                      BLE CH39 + Z-wave 916MHz
Polarization          Vertical

Note 1: Emission Level (dBuV/m) = SA Reading (dBuV/m) + Factor* (dB)
      *Factor includes antenna factor , cable loss and amplifier gain
Note 2: Margin (dB) = Emission level (dBuV/m) – Limit (dBuV/m).

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Report Version: Rev. 01

3.1.6 Conducted Emissions (30MHz~40GHz)
                           Conducted Emission Plot

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Report Version: Rev. 01

C          Infernational

4          Test laboratory information
Established in 2012, ICC provides foremost EMC & RF Testing and advisory consultation services by our
skilled engineers and technicians. Our services employ a wide variety of advanced edge test equipment and
one of the widest certification extents in the business.

International Certification Corp (EMC and Wireless Communication Laboratory), it is our definitive objective is
to institute long term, trust—based associations with our clients. The expectation we set up with our clients is
based on outstanding service, practical expertise and devotion to a certified value structure. Our passion is to
grant our clients with best EMC / RF services by oriented knowledgeable and accommodating staff.

Our Test sites are located at Linkou District and Kwei Shan District. Location map can be found on our
website http://www.icertifi.com.tw.

Linkou                                 Kwei Shan                            Kwei Shan Site II
Tel: 886—2—2601—1640                   Tel: 886—3—271—8666                  Tel: 886—3—271—8640
No. 30—2, Ding Fwu Tsuen, Lin          No. 3—1, Lane 6, Wen San 3rd St,     No. 14—1, Lane 19, Wen San 3rd
Kou District, New Taipei City,         Kwei Shan District, Tao Yuan City    St., Kwei Shan District, Tao Yuan
Taiwan, R.0.C.                         333, Taiwan, R.0.C.                  City 333, Taiwan, R.O.C..

If you have any suggestion, please feel free to contact us as below information

Tel: 886—3—271—8666
Fax: 886—3—318—0155
Email: ICC_Service@icertifi.com.tw


Report No.: FREN2103CO                                                                     Page : 21 of 21
Report Version: Rev. 01

Document Created: 2017-10-25 16:11:04
Document Modified: 2017-10-25 16:11:04

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