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FCC ID: P27-WAP121

Users Manual

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Class Map
                              REVIEW DRAFT Version 2—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL
                                  -   6HOHFWIURP/LVW—Matches the Ethertype in the datagram header with
                                      the selected protocol types: appletalk, arp, ipv4, ipv6, ipx, netbios,

                                  -   0DWFKWR9DOXH—Matches the Ethertype in the datagram header with a
                                      custom protocol identifier that you specify. The value can be a four-digit
                                      hexadecimal number in the range of 0600–FFFF.

                              •   &ODVVRI6HUYLFH—A class of service 802.1p user priority value to be
                                  matched for the packets. The valid range is 0–7.

                              •   6RXUFH0$&$GGUHVV—A source MAC address to compare against an
                                  Ethernet frame.

                              •   6RXUFH0$&0DVN—The source MAC address mask specifying which bits
                                  in the destination MAC to compare against an Ethernet frame.

                                  An f indicates that the address bit is significant, and a 0 indicates that the
                                  address bit is to be ignored. A MAC mask of ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff matches a single
                                  MAC address.

                              •   'HVWLQDWLRQ0$&$GGUHVV—The destination MAC address to compare
                                  against an Ethernet frame.

                              •   'HVWLQDWLRQ0$&0DVN—The destination MAC address mask specifying
                                  which bits in the destination MAC to compare against an Ethernet frame.

                                  An f indicates that the address bit is significant, and a 0 indicates that the
                                  address bit is to be ignored. A MAC mask of ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff matches a single
                                  MAC address.

                              •   9/$1,'—A VLAN ID to be matched for packets. The VLAN ID range is

                              The following Service Type fields display for IPv4 only. You can specify one
                              type of service to use in matching packets to class criteria.

                              •   ,3'6&3—A differentiated services code point (DSCP) value to use as a
                                  match criteria:

                                  -   6HOHFWIURP/LVW—A list of DSCP types.

                                  -   0DWFKWR9DOXH—A DSCP value that you specify, from 0–63.

                              •   ,33UHFHGHQFH (IPv4 only)—Matches the packet's IP Precedence value to
                                  the class criteria IP Precedence value. The IP Precedence range is 0–7.

                              •   ,3726%LWV (IPv4 only)—Uses the packet's Type of Service bits in the IP
                                  header as match criteria.

Cisco Small Business WAP121 and WAP321 Wireless-N Access Point with PoE                                        141

Policy Map
                              REVIEW DRAFT Version 2—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL
                                  The TOS bit value ranges between (00–FF). The high-order three bits
                                  represent the IP precedence value. The high-order six bits represent the IP
                                  Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.

                 67(3  Click 6DYH. The changes are saved to the Running Configuration and to the Startup

                           127(To delete a class map, select it in the &ODVV0DS1DPH list and click 'HOHWH.
                           The class map cannot be deleted if it is already attached to a policy.

                           Packets are classified and processed based on defined criteria. The classification
                           criteria is defined by a class on the Class Map page. The processing is defined by
                           a policy's attributes on the Policy Map page. Policy attributes may be defined on a
                           per-class instance basis and determine how traffic that matches the class criteria
                           is handled.

                           The AP supports up to 50 Policy Maps. A Policy Map can contain up to 10 Class

                           To add and configure a policy map:

                 67(3  Click &OLHQW4R6 > 3ROLF\0DSin the navigation window.

                 67(3  Enter a 3ROLF\0DS1DPH and click $GG3ROLF\0DS.

                           The page redisplays with additional fields for configuring the policy map.

                 67(3  In the Policy Class Definition area, ensure the newly created policy map displays in
                           the 3ROLF\0DS1DPH list.

                 67(3  In the &ODVV0DS1DPH list, select the class map that this policy will apply to.

                 67(3  Configure the parameters:

                              •   3ROLFH6LPSOH—Establishes the traffic policing style for the class. The
                                  simple form of the policing style uses a single data rate and burst size,
                                  resulting in two outcomes: conform and nonconform. If you select this field,
                                  configure one of the following fields:

                                  -   &RPPLWWHG5DWH—The committed rate, in Kbps, to which traffic must
                                      conform. The range is 1-4294967295 Kbps.

Cisco Small Business WAP121 and WAP321 Wireless-N Access Point with PoE                                     142

Policy Map
                              REVIEW DRAFT Version 2—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL
                                  -   &RPPLWWHG%XUVW—The committed burst size, in bytes, to which traffic
                                      must conform. The range is 1-64000 bytes.

                              •   6HQG—Specifies that all packets for the associated traffic stream are to be
                                  forwarded if the class map criteria is met.

                              •   'URS—Specifies that all packets for the associated traffic stream are to be
                                  dropped if the class map criteria is met.

                              •   0DUN&ODVVRI6HUYLFH—Marks all packets for the associated traffic stream
                                  with the specified class of service value in the priority field of the 802.1p
                                  header. If the packet does not already contain this header, one is inserted.
                                  The CoS value is an integer from 0 – 7.

                              •   0DUN,3'6&3—Marks all packets for the associated traffic stream with the
                                  IP DSCP value you select from the list or specify.

                                  -   6HOHFWIURP/LVW—A list of DSCP types.

                                  -   0DWFKWR9DOXH—A DSCP value that you specify (0 – 63).

                              •   0DUN,33UHFHGHQFH—Marks all packets for the associated traffic stream
                                  with the specified IP precedence value. The IP precedence value is an
                                  integer from 0–7.

                              •   'LVDVVRFLDWH&ODVV0DS—Removes the class selected in the Class Map
                                  Name list from the policy selected in the Policy Map Name list.

                              •   0HPEHU&ODVVHV—Lists all DiffServ classes currently defined as members
                                  of the selected policy. If no class is associated with the policy, the field is

                 67(3  Click 6DYH. The changes are saved to the Running Configuration and to the Startup

                           127(To delete a policy map, select it in the 3ROLF\0DS1DPH list and click

Cisco Small Business WAP121 and WAP321 Wireless-N Access Point with PoE                                       143

Client QoS Association
                              REVIEW DRAFT Version 2—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL
                           The Client QoS Association page provides additional control over certain QoS
                           aspects of wireless clients that connect to the network, such as the amount of
                           bandwidth an individual client is allowed to send and receive. To control general
                           categories of traffic, such as HTTP traffic or traffic from a specific subnet, you can
                           configure ACLs and assign them to one or more VAPs.

                           In addition to controlling general traffic categories, Client QoS allows you to
                           configure per-client conditioning of various micro-flows through Differentiated
                           Services (DiffServ). DiffServ policies are a useful tool for establishing general
                           micro-flow definition and treatment characteristics that can be applied to each
                           wireless client, both inbound and outbound, when it is authenticated on the

                           To configure client QoS association parameters:

                 67(3  Click &OLHQW4R6> &OLHQW4R6$VVRFLDWLRQin the navigation window.

                 67(3  Select (QDEOH for the &OLHQW4R6*OREDO$GPLQ0RGH to globally enables this

                 67(3  From the VAP list, select the VAP on which you want to configure client QoS

                 67(3  Configure the following parameters for the selected VAP:

                              •   &OLHQW4R60RGH—Select (QDEOH to enable client QoS functionality on the
                                  selected VAP.

                              •   %DQGZLGWK/LPLW'RZQ—The maximum allowed transmission rate from the
                                  AP to the client in bits per second (bps). The valid range is 0–4294967295

                              •   %DQGZLGWK/LPLW8S—The maximum allowed transmission rate from the
                                  client to the AP in bits per second (bps). The valid range is 0–4294967295

                              •   $&/7\SH'RZQ—The type of ACL to apply to traffic in the outbound (AP-
                                  to-client) direction, which can be one of the following:

                                  -   IPv4—The ACL examines IPv4 packets for matches to ACL rules.

                                  -   IPv6—The ACL examines IPv6 packets for matches to ACL rules

                                  -   MAC—The ACL examines layer 2 frames for matches to ACL rules

Cisco Small Business WAP121 and WAP321 Wireless-N Access Point with PoE                                        144

Client QoS Status
                               REVIEW DRAFT Version 2—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL
                                •   $&/1DPH'RZQ—The name of the ACL applied to traffic in the outbound

                                    After switching the packet or frame to the outbound interface, the ACL's
                                    rules are checked for a match. The packet or frame is transmitted if it is
                                    permitted and discarded if it is denied.

                                •   $&/7\SH8S—The type of ACL that is applied to traffic in the inbound
                                    (client-to-AP) direction, which can be one of the following:

                                    -   IPv4—The ACL examines IPv4 packets for matches to ACL rules.

                                    -   IPv6—The ACL examines IPv6 packets for matches to ACL rules.

                                    -   MAC—The ACL examines layer 2 frames for matches to ACL rules.

                                •   $&/1DPH8S—The name of the ACL applied to traffic entering the AP in
                                    the inbound direction.

                                    When a packet or frame is received by the AP, the ACL's rules are checked
                                    for a match. The packet or frame is processed if it is permitted and discarded
                                    if it is denied.

                                •   'LII6HUY3ROLF\'RZQ—The name of the DiffServ policy applied to traffic
                                    from the AP in the outbound (AP-to-client) direction.

                                •   'LII6HUY3ROLF\8S—The name of the DiffServ policy applied to traffic sent
                                    to the AP in the inbound (client-to-AP) direction.

                    67(3  Click 6DYH. The changes are saved to the Running Configuration and to the Startup

                             The Client QoS Status page shows the client QoS settings that are applied to
                             each client currently associated with the AP.

                             To display this page, click &OLHQW4R6> &OLHQW4R66WDWXVin the navigation

                             The following fields display:

Cisco Small Business WAP121 and WAP321 Wireless-N Access Point with PoE                                          145

Client QoS Status
                              REVIEW DRAFT Version 2—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL
                              •   6WDWLRQ—The Station menu contains the MAC address of each client
                                  currently associated with the AP. To view the QoS settings applied to a
                                  client, select its MAC address from the list.

                              •   *OREDO4R60RGH—Whether QoS is enabled globally on the AP. This status
                                  is configured on the Client QoS Association page.

                              •   &OLHQW4R60RGH—Whether QoS is enabled on the VAP that this client is
                                  associated with. This status is configured on the Client QoS Association

                              •   %DQGZLGWK/LPLW'RZQ—The maximum allowed transmission rate from the
                                  AP to the client in bits per second (bps). The valid range is 0 – 4294967295

                              •   %DQGZLGWK/LPLW8S—The maximum allowed transmission rate from the
                                  client to the AP in bits per second (bps). The valid range is 0 – 4294967295

                              •   $&/7\SH8S—The type of ACL that is applied to traffic in the inbound
                                  (client-to-AP) direction, which can be one of the following:

                                  -   IPv4: The ACL examines IPv4 packets for matches to ACL rules.

                                  -   IPv6: The ACL examines IPv6 packets for matches to ACL rules.

                                  -   MAC: The ACL examines layer 2 frames for matches to ACL rules.

                              •   $&/1DPH8S—The name of the ACL applied to traffic entering the AP in
                                  the inbound direction. When a packet or frame is received by the AP, the
                                  ACL's rules are checked for a match. The packet or frame is processed if it
                                  is permitted and discarded if it is denied.

                              •   $&/7\SH'RZQ—The type of ACL to apply to traffic in the outbound (AP-
                                  to-client) direction, which can be one of the following:

                                  -   IPv4: The ACL examines IPv4 packets for matches to ACL rules.

                                  -   IPv6: The ACL examines IPv6 packets for matches to ACL rules

                                  -   MAC: The ACL examines layer 2 frames for matches to ACL rules

                              •   $&/1DPH'RZQ—The name of the ACL applied to traffic in the outbound
                                  direction. After switching the packet or frame to the outbound interface, the
                                  ACL's rules are checked for a match. The packet or frame is transmitted if it
                                  is permitted and discarded if it is denied.

                              •   'LII6HUY3ROLF\8S—The name of the DiffServ policy applied to traffic sent
                                  to the AP in the inbound (client-to-AP) direction.

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Client QoS Status
                              REVIEW DRAFT Version 2—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL
                              •   'LII6HUY3ROLF\'RZQ—The name of the DiffServ policy applied to traffic
                                  from the AP in the outbound (AP-to-client) direction.

Cisco Small Business WAP121 and WAP321 Wireless-N Access Point with PoE                                147

Regulatory Compliance and Safety
Information for the Cisco Small Business
Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access
Points (EMC Class B Devices)

This document provides domestic and international regulatory compliance and safety information for the
Cisco Small Business Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access Points (EMC Class B Devices).
Use this document in conjunction with the Quick Start Guide that accompanies your product as well as
the other product documentation that is available online.
This document contains the following sections:
 •   Translated Safety Warnings, page 2
 •   European Directives, page 22
 •   Standards Compliance for European Directives, page 25
 •   EMC Class B Notices and Warnings, page 26
 •   Japanese Electric Appliance and Radio Laws, page 28
 •   Radio, page 28
 •   Product Usage Restrictions, page 29
 •   Authorized External Antennas and Corresponding Power Levels, page 29
 •   Generic Discussion on RF Exposure, page 32
 •   Declarations of Conformity, page 33

Americas Headquarters:
Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA
© 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

  Translated Safety Warnings

Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1071—Warning Definition


                      This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before
                      you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be
                      familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents. Use the statement number provided
                      at the end of each warning to locate its translation in the translated safety warnings that
                      accompanied this device.

                      SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS


                      Dit waarschuwingssymbool betekent gevaar. U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan
                      veroorzaken. Voordat u aan enige apparatuur gaat werken, dient u zich bewust te zijn van de
                      bij elektrische schakelingen betrokken risico's en dient u op de hoogte te zijn van de standaard
                      praktijken om ongelukken te voorkomen. Gebruik het nummer van de verklaring onderaan de
                      waarschuwing als u een vertaling van de waarschuwing die bij het apparaat wordt geleverd,
                      wilt raadplegen.

                      BEWAAR DEZE INSTRUCTIES


                      Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. Tilanne voi aiheuttaa ruumiillisia vammoja. Ennen
                      kuin käsittelet laitteistoa, huomioi sähköpiirien käsittelemiseen liittyvät riskit ja tutustu
                      onnettomuuksien yleisiin ehkäisytapoihin. Turvallisuusvaroitusten käännökset löytyvät
                      laitteen mukana toimitettujen käännettyjen turvallisuusvaroitusten joukosta varoitusten
                      lopussa näkyvien lausuntonumeroiden avulla.

                      SÄILYTÄ NÄMÄ OHJEET


                      Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger. Vous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant
                      entraîner des blessures ou des dommages corporels. Avant de travailler sur un équipement,
                      soyez conscient des dangers liés aux circuits électriques et familiarisez-vous avec les procédures
                      couramment utilisées pour éviter les accidents. Pour prendre connaissance des traductions des
                      avertissements figurant dans les consignes de sécurité traduites qui accompagnent cet appareil,
                      référez-vous au numéro de l'instruction situé à la fin de chaque avertissement.

                      CONSERVEZ CES INFORMATIONS

            Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Small Business Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access Points (EMC
  2                                                                                                                             78-19314-01

                                                                                                              Translated Safety Warnings


                       Dieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr. Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu Verletzungen
                       führen kann. Machen Sie sich vor der Arbeit mit Geräten mit den Gefahren elektrischer
                       Schaltungen und den üblichen Verfahren zur Vorbeugung vor Unfällen vertraut. Suchen Sie mit
                       der am Ende jeder Warnung angegebenen Anweisungsnummer nach der jeweiligen
                       Übersetzung in den übersetzten Sicherheitshinweisen, die zusammen mit diesem Gerät
                       ausgeliefert wurden.



                       Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle
                       persone. Prima di intervenire su qualsiasi apparecchiatura, occorre essere al corrente dei
                       pericoli relativi ai circuiti elettrici e conoscere le procedure standard per la prevenzione di
                       incidenti. Utilizzare il numero di istruzione presente alla fine di ciascuna avvertenza per
                       individuare le traduzioni delle avvertenze riportate in questo documento.



                       Dette advarselssymbolet betyr fare. Du er i en situasjon som kan føre til skade på person. Før
                       du begynner å arbeide med noe av utstyret, må du være oppmerksom på farene forbundet med
                       elektriske kretser, og kjenne til standardprosedyrer for å forhindre ulykker. Bruk nummeret i
                       slutten av hver advarsel for å finne oversettelsen i de oversatte sikkerhetsadvarslene som fulgte
                       med denne enheten.

                       TA VARE PÅ DISSE INSTRUKSJONENE


                       Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você está em uma situação que poderá ser causadora de
                       lesões corporais. Antes de iniciar a utilização de qualquer equipamento, tenha conhecimento
                       dos perigos envolvidos no manuseio de circuitos elétricos e familiarize-se com as práticas
                       habituais de prevenção de acidentes. Utilize o número da instrução fornecido ao final de cada
                       aviso para localizar sua tradução nos avisos de segurança traduzidos que acompanham este

                       GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES


                       Este símbolo de aviso indica peligro. Existe riesgo para su integridad física. Antes de manipular
                       cualquier equipo, considere los riesgos de la corriente eléctrica y familiarícese con los
                       procedimientos estándar de prevención de accidentes. Al final de cada advertencia encontrará
                       el número que le ayudará a encontrar el texto traducido en el apartado de traducciones que
                       acompaña a este dispositivo.

                       GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES

  Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Small Business Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access Points (EMC
78-19314-01                                                                                                                           3

Translated Safety Warnings


                    Denna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till
                    personskada. Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna
                    med elkretsar och känna till vanliga förfaranden för att förebygga olyckor. Använd det nummer
                    som finns i slutet av varje varning för att hitta dess översättning i de översatta
                    säkerhetsvarningar som medföljer denna anordning.

                    SPARA DESSA ANVISNINGAR

          Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Small Business Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access Points (EMC
4                                                                                                                             78-19314-01

                                                                                                              Translated Safety Warnings


                       Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você se encontra em uma situação em que há risco de
                       lesões corporais. Antes de trabalhar com qualquer equipamento, esteja ciente dos riscos que
                       envolvem os circuitos elétricos e familiarize-se com as práticas padrão de prevenção de
                       acidentes. Use o número da declaração fornecido ao final de cada aviso para localizar sua
                       tradução nos avisos de segurança traduzidos que acompanham o dispositivo.

                       GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES


                       Dette advarselssymbol betyder fare. Du befinder dig i en situation med risiko for
                       legemesbeskadigelse. Før du begynder arbejde på udstyr, skal du være opmærksom på de
                       involverede risici, der er ved elektriske kredsløb, og du skal sætte dig ind i standardprocedurer
                       til undgåelse af ulykker. Brug erklæringsnummeret efter hver advarsel for at finde
                       oversættelsen i de oversatte advarsler, der fulgte med denne enhed.

                       GEM DISSE ANVISNINGER

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78-19314-01                                                                                                                           5

Translated Safety Warnings

          Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Small Business Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access Points (EMC
6                                                                                                                             78-19314-01

                                                                                                               Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1001—Work During Lightning Activity

          Warning       Do not work on the system or connect or disconnect cables during periods of lightning activity.

   Waarschuwing         Tijdens onweer dat gepaard gaat met bliksem, dient u niet aan het systeem te werken of kabels
                        aan te sluiten of te ontkoppelen.

         Varoitus       Älä työskentele järjestelmän parissa äläkä yhdistä tai irrota kaapeleita ukkosilmalla.

        Attention       Ne pas travailler sur le système ni brancher ou débrancher les câbles pendant un orage.

        Warnung         Arbeiten Sie nicht am System und schließen Sie keine Kabel an bzw. trennen Sie keine ab, wenn
                        es gewittert.

      Avvertenza        Non lavorare sul sistema o collegare oppure scollegare i cavi durante un temporale con fulmini.

         Advarsel       Utfør aldri arbeid på systemet, eller koble kabler til eller fra systemet når det tordner eller

             Aviso      Não trabalhe no sistema ou ligue e desligue cabos durante períodos de mau tempo (trovoada).

   Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Small Business Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access Points (EMC
 78-19314-01                                                                                                                           7

  Translated Safety Warnings

   ¡Advertencia!      No operar el sistema ni conectar o desconectar cables durante el transcurso de descargas
                      eléctricas en la atmósfera.

        Varning!      Vid åska skall du aldrig utföra arbete på systemet eller ansluta eller koppla loss kablar.

Statement 1004—Installation Instructions

         Warning      Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to the power source.

  Waarschuwing        Raadpleeg de installatie-instructies voordat u het systeem op de voedingsbron aansluit.

        Varoitus      Lue asennusohjeet ennen järjestelmän yhdistämistä virtalähteeseen.

       Attention      Avant de brancher le système sur la source d'alimentation, consulter les directives

       Warnung        Vor dem Anschließen des Systems an die Stromquelle die Installationsanweisungen lesen.

      Avvertenza      Consultare le istruzioni di installazione prima di collegare il sistema all'alimentatore.

        Advarsel      Les installasjonsinstruksjonene før systemet kobles til strømkilden.

            Aviso     Leia as instruções de instalação antes de ligar o sistema à fonte de energia.

   ¡Advertencia!      Lea las instrucciones de instalación antes de conectar el sistema a la red de alimentación.

        Varning!      Läs installationsanvisningarna innan du kopplar systemet till strömförsörjningsenheten.

            Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Small Business Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access Points (EMC
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                                                                                                               Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1005—Circuit Breaker

          Warning       This product relies on the building’s installation for short-circuit (overcurrent) protection.
                        Ensure that the protective device is rated not greater than:
                        15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

   Waarschuwing         Dit product is afhankelijk van de installatie van het gebouw voor beveiliging tegen kortsluiting
                        (overstroom). Controleer of de beschermingsinrichting niet meer dan:
                        15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac is.

         Varoitus       Tämä tuote on riippuvainen rakennukseen asennetusta oikosulkusuojauksesta
                        (ylivirtasuojauksesta). Varmista, että suojalaitteen mitoitus ei ole yli:
                        15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

        Attention       Pour ce qui est de la protection contre les courts-circuits (surtension), ce produit dépend de
                        l'installation électrique du local. Vérifiez que le courant nominal du dispositif de protection
                        n'est pas supérieur à :
                        15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

   Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Small Business Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access Points (EMC
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Translated Safety Warnings

      Warnung       Dieses Produkt ist darauf angewiesen, dass im Gebäude ein Kurzschluss- bzw. Überstromschutz
                    installiert ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Nennwert der Schutzvorrichtung nicht mehr als:
                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac beträgt.

     Avvertenza     Questo prodotto dipende dall'impianto dell'edificio per quanto riguarda la protezione contro
                    cortocircuiti (sovracorrente). Assicurarsi che il dispositivo di protezione non abbia un rating
                    superiore a:
                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

       Advarsel     Dette produktet er avhengig av bygningens installasjoner av kortslutnings
                    (overstrøm)-beskyttelse. Påse at verneenheten ikke er merket høyere enn:
                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

          Aviso     Este produto depende das instalações existentes para proteção contra curto-circuito
                    (sobrecarga). Assegure-se de que o fusível ou disjuntor não seja superior a:
                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

 ¡Advertencia!      Este equipo utiliza el sistema de protección contra cortocircuitos (o sobrecorrientes) del edificio.
                    Asegúrese de que el dispositivo de protección no sea superior a:
                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

       Varning!     Denna produkt är beroende av i byggnaden installerat kortslutningsskydd (överströmsskydd).
                    Kontrollera att skyddsanordningen inte har högre märkvärde än:
                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

                    15 A, 125 Vac, or 10A, 240 Vac.

          Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Small Business Wired and Wireless Routers, and Access Points (EMC
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                                                                                                               Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1019—Main Disconnecting Device

          Warning       The plug-socket combination must be accessible at all times, because it serves as the main
                        disconnecting device.

   Waarschuwing         De combinatie van de stekker en het elektrisch contactpunt moet te allen tijde toegankelijk zijn
                        omdat deze het hoofdmechanisme vormt voor verbreking van de aansluiting.

         Varoitus       Pistoke/liitinkohta toimii pääkatkaisumekanismina. Pääsy siihen on pidettävä aina

        Attention       La combinaison de prise de courant doit être accessible à tout moment parce qu'elle fait office
                        de système principal de déconnexion.

        Warnung         Der Netzkabelanschluß am Gerät muß jederzeit zugänglich sein, weil er als primäre
                        Ausschaltvorrichtung dient.

      Avvertenza        Il gruppo spina-presa deve essere sempre accessibile, poiché viene utilizzato come dispositivo di
                        scollegamento principale.

         Advarsel       Kombinasjonen støpsel/uttak må alltid være tilgjengelig ettersom den fungerer som

             Aviso      A combinação ficha-tomada deverá ser sempre acessível, porque funciona como interruptor

    ¡Advertencia!       El conjunto de clavija y toma ha de encontrarse siempre accesible ya que hace las veces de
                        dispositivo de desconexión principal.

         Varning!       Man måste alltid kunna komma åt stickproppen i uttaget, eftersom denna koppling utgör den
                        huvudsakliga frånkopplingsanordningen.

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 Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1021—SELV Circuit

        Warning      To avoid electric shock, do not connect safety extra-low voltage (SELV) circuits to
                     telephone-network voltage (TNV) circuits. LAN ports contain SELV circuits, and WAN ports
                     contain TNV circuits. Some LAN and WAN ports both use RJ-45 connectors. Use caution when
                     connecting cables.

 Waarschuwing        Om elektrische schokken te vermijden, mogen veiligheidscircuits met extra lage spanning
                     (genaamd SELV = Safety Extra-Low Voltage) niet met telefoonnetwerkspanning (TNV) circuits
                     verbonden worden. LAN (Lokaal netwerk) poorten bevatten SELV circuits en WAN (Regionaal
                     netwerk) poorten bevatten TNV circuits. Sommige LAN en WAN poorten gebruiken allebei
                     RJ-45 connectors. Ga voorzichtig te werk wanneer u kabels verbindt.

       Varoitus      Jotta vältyt sähköiskulta, älä kytke pienjännitteisiä SELV-suojapiirejä
                     puhelinverkkojännitettä (TNV) käyttäviin virtapiireihin. LAN-portit sisältävät SELV-piirejä ja
                     WAN-portit puhelinverkkojännitettä käyttäviä piirejä. Osa sekä LAN- että WAN-porteista
                     käyttää RJ-45-liittimiä. Ole varovainen kytkiessäsi kaapeleita.

      Attention      Pour éviter une électrocution, ne raccordez pas les circuits de sécurité basse tension (Safety
                     Extra-Low Voltage ou SELV) à des circuits de tension de réseau téléphonique (Telephone
                     Network Voltage ou TNV). Les ports du réseau local (LAN) contiennent des circuits SELV et les
                     ports du réseau longue distance (WAN) sont munis de circuits TNV. Certains ports LAN et WAN
                     utilisent des connecteurs RJ-45. Raccordez les câbles en prenant toutes les précautions

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                                                                                                              Translated Safety Warnings

       Warnung         Zur Vermeidung von Elektroschock die Sicherheits-Kleinspannungs-Stromkreise
                       (SELV-Kreise) nicht an Fernsprechnetzspannungs-Stromkreise (TNV-Kreise) anschließen.
                       LAN-Ports enthalten SELV-Kreise, und WAN-Ports enthalten TNV-Kreise. Einige LAN- und
                       WAN-Ports verwenden auch RJ-45-Steckverbinder. Vorsicht beim Anschließen von Kabeln.

     Avvertenza        Per evitare scosse elettriche, non collegare circuiti di sicurezza a tensione molto bassa (SELV)
                       ai circuiti a tensione di rete telefonica (TNV). Le porte LAN contengono circuiti SELV e le porte
                       WAN contengono circuiti TNV. Alcune porte LAN e WAN fanno uso di connettori RJ-45. Fare
                       attenzione quando si collegano cavi.

        Advarsel       Unngå å koble lavspenningskretser (SELV) til kretser for telenettspenning (TNV), slik at du
                       unngår elektrisk støt. LAN-utganger inneholder SELV-kretser og WAN-utganger inneholder
                       TNV-kretser. Det finnes både LAN-utganger og WAN-utganger som bruker RJ-45-kontakter.
                       Vær forsiktig når du kobler kabler.

            Aviso      Para evitar choques eléctricos, não conecte os circuitos de segurança de baixa tensão (SELV)
                       aos circuitos de tensão de rede telefónica (TNV). As portas LAN contêm circuitos SELV e as
                       portas WAN contêm circuitos TNV. Algumas portas LAN e WAN usam conectores RJ-45. Tenha
                       o devido cuidado ao conectar os cabos.

   ¡Advertencia!       Para evitar la sacudida eléctrica, no conectar circuitos de seguridad de voltaje muy bajo (safety
                       extra-low voltage = SELV) con circuitos de voltaje de red telefónica (telephone network voltage
                       = TNV). Los puertos de redes de área local (local area network = LAN) contienen circuitos
                       SELV, y los puertos de redes de área extendida (wide area network = WAN) contienen circuitos
                       TNV. En algunos casos, tanto los puertos LAN como los WAN usan conectores RJ-45. Proceda
                       con precaución al conectar los cables.

        Varning!       För att undvika elektriska stötar, koppla inte säkerhetskretsar med extra låg spänning
                       (SELV-kretsar) till kretsar med telefonnätspänning (TNV-kretsar). LAN-portar innehåller
                       SELV-kretsar och WAN-portar innehåller TNV-kretsar. Vissa LAN- och WAN-portar är
                       försedda med RJ-45-kontakter. Iaktta försiktighet vid anslutning av kablar.

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  Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1022—Disconnect Device

          Warning     A readily accessible two-poled disconnect device must be incorporated in the fixed wiring.

  Waarschuwing        Er moet een gemakkelijk toegankelijke, tweepolige stroomverbreker opgenomen zijn in de
                      vaste bedrading.

         Varoitus     Kiinteään johdotukseen on liitettävä kaksinapainen kytkinlaite, johon on helppo päästä käsiksi.

        Attention     Un disjoncteur bipolaire facile d’accès doit être intégré dans le câblage fixe.

        Warnung       Die feste Verdrahtung muß eine leicht zugängliche, zweipolige Trennvorrichtung enthalten.

      Avvertenza      Nei cablaggi fissi va incorporato un sezionatore a due poli facilmente accessibile.

        Advarsel      En lett tilgjengelig, topolet frakoblingsenhet må være innebygd i det faste ledningsnettet.

            Aviso     Deverá incorporar-se um dispositivo de desconexão de dois pólos de acesso fácil, na instalação
                      eléctrica fixa.

      Advertencia     El cableado fijo debe incorporar un dispositivo de desconexión de dos polos y de acceso fácil.

         Varning!     En lättillgänglig tvåpolig frånkopplingsenhet måste ingå i den fasta kopplingen.

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                                                                                                               Translated Safety Warnings

             Aviso      Um dispositivo de desconexão de dois pólos de fácil acesso deve ser incorporado à fiação fixa.

         Advarsel       En to-polet afmonteringsenhed med nem adgang skal integreres i det faste ledningsnet.

Statement 1040—Product Disposal

          Warning       Ultimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all national laws and

   Waarschuwing         Het uiteindelijke wegruimen van dit product dient te geschieden in overeenstemming met alle
                        nationale wetten en reglementen.

         Varoitus       Tämä tuote on hävitettävä kansallisten lakien ja määräysten mukaisesti.

        Attention       La mise au rebut ou le recyclage de ce produit sont généralement soumis à des lois et/ou
                        directives de respect de l'environnement. Renseignez-vous auprès de l'organisme compétent.

        Warnung         Die Entsorgung dieses Produkts sollte gemäß allen Bestimmungen und Gesetzen des Landes

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Translated Safety Warnings

     Avvertenza     Lo smaltimento di questo prodotto deve essere eseguito secondo le leggi e regolazioni locali.

       Advarsel     Endelig kassering av dette produktet skal være i henhold til alle relevante nasjonale lover og

          Aviso     Deitar fora este produto em conformidade com todas as leis e regulamentos nacionais.

 ¡Advertencia!      Al deshacerse por completo de este producto debe seguir todas las leyes y reglamentos

       Varning!     Vid deponering hanteras produkten enligt gällande lagar och bestämmelser.

          Aviso     O descarte definitivo deste produto deve estar de acordo com todas as leis e regulamentações

       Advarsel     Endelig bortskaffelse af dette produkt skal ske i henhold til gældende love og regler.

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                                                                                                               Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1047—Overheating Prevention

          Warning       To prevent the system from overheating, do not operate it in an area that exceeds the maximum
                        recommended ambient temperature of:
                        104°F (40°C)

   Waarschuwing         Om te voorkomen dat het systeem oververhit raakt, dient u het niet te gebruiken in een ruimte
                        waar de maximaal aanbevolen omgevingstemperatuur van
                        104°F (40°C)

         Varoitus       Jotta järjestelmä ei kuumentuisi liikaa, sitä ei saa käyttää liian kuumassa ympäristössä.
                        Suosituksen mukainen käyttölämpötila on enintään
                        104°F (40°C)

        Attention       Pour éviter toute surchauffe du système, il est recommandé de maintenir une température
                        ambiante inférieure à
                        104°F (40°C)

        Warnung         Um das System vor Überhitzung zu schützen, vermeiden Sie dessen Verwendung in einem
                        Bereich, in dem die Umgebungstemperatur das empfohlene Maximum von
                        104°F (40°C).

      Avvertenza        Per evitare che il sistema si surriscaldi, non utilizzatelo dove la temperatura ambiente sia
                        superiore alla temperatura massima raccomandata di
                        104°F (40°C)

         Advarsel       For å hindre at systemet blir overopphetet, må det ikke brukes på et sted der temperaturen
                        overstiger den maksimalt anbefalte temperaturen på
                        104°F (40°C)

             Aviso      Para evitar o sobreaquecimento do sistema, não o opere em áreas que excedam a temperatura
                        ambiente máxima recomendada de
                        104°F (40°C)

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  Translated Safety Warnings

   ¡Advertencia!      Para impedir que el sistema se recaliente, no lo utilice en zonas en las que la temperatura
                      ambiente llegue a los
                      104°F (40°C)

        Varning!      Förhindra att systemet överhettas genom att inte använda det på en plats där den
                      rekommenderade omgivningstemperaturen överstiger
                      104°F (40°C)

                      104°F (40°C)

                      104°F (40°C)

                      104°F (40°C)

                      104°F (40°C)

Statement 1074—Comply with Local and National Electrical Codes

         Warning      Installation of the equipment must comply with local and national electrical codes.

  Waarschuwing        Bij installatie van de apparatuur moet worden voldaan aan de lokale en nationale

        Varoitus      Laitteisto tulee asentaa paikallisten ja kansallisten sähkömääräysten mukaisesti.

       Attention      L'équipement doit être installé conformément aux normes électriques nationales et locales.

       Warnung        Die Installation der Geräte muss den Sicherheitsstandards entsprechen.

      Avvertenza      L'installazione dell'impianto deve essere conforme ai codici elettrici locali e nazionali.

        Advarsel      Installasjon av utstyret må samsvare med lokale og nasjonale elektrisitetsforskrifter.

            Aviso     A instalação do equipamento tem de estar em conformidade com os códigos eléctricos locais e

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Document Created: 2011-11-29 15:34:06
Document Modified: 2011-11-29 15:34:06

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