MPE Report


RF Exposure Info

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                               PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                             6660-B Dobbin Road, Columbia, MD 21045 USA
                                                 Tel. 410.290.6652 / Fax 410.290.6554

                                        RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION
                                    (MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE)

Applicant Name:                                                          Date of Testing:
Device Solutions Inc.                                                    07/27/2012
3211 Moorefields Road                                                    Test Site/Location:
Hillsborough, NC 27278                                                   PCTEST Lab, Columbia, MD, USA
USA                                                                      Test Report Serial No.:

FCC ID:                                      OXW-PA0002

APPLICANT:                                   Device Solutions Inc.

EUT Type:                                    Sensor Board Module
FCC Rule Part(s):                            FCC Part 1 (§1.1310) and Part 2 (§2.1091)
FCC Classification:                          FCC Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transceiver (DSS)
Test Procedure:                              OET Bulletin 65

The device bearing the FCC Identifier specified above has been shown to comply with the applicable technical standards
as indicated in the measurement report and has been tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in
FCC OET Bulletin 65 (See Test Report). These measurements were performed with no deviation from the standards. Test
results reported herein relate only to the item(s) tested.

I authorize and attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made
under my supervision and are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the
completeness of these measurements and vouch for the qualifications of all persons taking them.

PCTEST certifies that no party to this application has been denied the FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862.

                                                                                                                      Reviewed by:
                                                                                                                      Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
                                                                                                                      Page 1 of 7
0Y1207190978.OXW             07/27/2012          Sensor Board Module
© 2012 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                  REV 3.1MPE

                                         T A B L E                      O F            C O N T E N T S

       1.0        RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION – MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE).........................3
                  1.1      INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 3
                  1.2      EUT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................. 3
                  1.3      MPE REQUIREMENTS OVERVIEW..................................................................................................... 4
                  1.4      PROCEDURE........................................................................................................................................ 5
                  1.5      SUMMARY OF RESULTS..................................................................................................................... 6
       2.0        CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................7

                                                                                                                                                         Reviewed by:
FCC ID: OXW-PA0002                                        MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) DATA REPORT
                                                                                                                                                         Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:                EUT Type:
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0Y1207190978.OXW             07/27/2012                 Sensor Board Module
© 2012 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                       REV 3.1MPE

             EXPOSURE (MPE)

 1.1         Introduction
 This document is prepared on behalf of Device Solutions Inc. to show compliance with the RF Exposure
 requirements as required in §1.1310 of the FCC Rules and Regulations and RSS-102 of Industry Canada.

 The limit for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE), specified in FCC §1.1310, is listed in Table 1-1.
 According to FCC §1.1310 and RSS-102: the criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
 environmental impact of human exposure to radio-frequency (RF) radiation as specified in §1.1307(b).

           Frequency                      Electric Field        Magnetic Field      Power Density    Average Time
          Range (MHz)                     Strength (V/m)        Strength (A/m)        (mW/cm2)         (Minutes)
                                   (A) Limits For Occupational / Control Exposures (f = frequency)
                30-300                         61.4                    0.163               1.0             6
              300-1500                         …                        …                 f/300            6
          1500-100,000                         …                        …                  5.0             6
                           (B) Limits For General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure (f = frequency)
                30-300                         27.5                    0.073               0.2             30
              300-1500                         …                        …                f/1500            30
          1500-100,000                         …                        …                  1.0             30
                                    Table 1-1. Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

 1.2         EUT Description
 The Device Solutions Sensor Board Module FCC ID: OXW-PA0002 unit is a frequency hopping device that
 operates in the 900MHz ISM Band. Operation of this module is also possible while in close proximity to a FCC
 certified Telit Cellular/PCS band module (FCC ID: RI7DE910-DUAL).

 The device is set to transmit from the internal antenna of the Sensor Board Module and the RF exposure is
 evaluated. Since the Sensor Board Module is in close proximity to the Telit Cellular/PCS band module, co-
 location concerns are also addressed.


               Model:                              PA0002
               Grantee:                            Device Solutions Inc.
               FCC ID:                             OXW-PA0002
               Internal Antenna Gain:              -1dBi

                                                                                                       Reviewed by:
                                                                                                       Quality Manager
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 © 2012 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                  REV 3.1MPE

1.3         MPE Requirements Overview
Three different categories of transmitters are defined by the FCC in OET Bulletin 65. These categories are
fixed installation, mobile, and portable and are defined as follows:

      o     Fixed Installations: fixed location means that the device, including its antenna, is physically secured
            at a permanent location and is not able to be easily moved to another location. Additionally, distance
            to humans from the antenna is maintained to at least 2 meters.

      o     Mobile Devices: a mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used in other than
            fixed locations and to be generally used in such a way that a separation distance of at least 20
            centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter's radiating structures and the body of the
            user or nearby persons. Transmitters designed to be used by consumers or workers that can be easily
            re-located, such as a wireless modem operating in a laptop computer, are considered mobile devices
            if they meet the 20 centimeter separation requirement. The FCC rules for evaluating mobile devices
            for RF compliance are found in 47 CFR §2.1091.

      o     Portable Devices: a portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so that
            the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the user. Portable
            device requirements are found in Section 2.1093 of the FCC's Rules (47 CFR§2.1093).

The FCC also categorizes the use of the device as based upon the user’s awareness and ability to exercise
control over his or her exposure. The two categories defined are Occupational/ Controlled Exposure and
General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure. These two categories are defined as follows:

      o     Occupational/Controlled Exposure: In general, occupational/controlled exposure limits are
            applicable to situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment, who
            have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their
            exposure. This exposure category is also applicable when the exposure is of a transient nature due to
            incidental passage through a location where the exposure levels may be higher than the general
            population/uncontrolled limits, but the exposed person is fully aware of the potential for exposure and
            can exercise control over his or her exposure by leaving the area or by some other appropriate
            means. Awareness of the potential for RF exposure in a workplace or similar environment can be
            provided through specific training as part of a RF safety program. If appropriate, warning signs and
            labels can also be used to establish such awareness by providing prominent information on the risk of
            potential exposure and instructions on methods to minimize such exposure risks.

      o     General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure: The general population / uncontrolled exposure limits
            are applicable to situations in which the general public may be exposed or in which persons who are
            exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be made fully aware of the potential for
            exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Members of the general public would come
            under this category when exposure is not employment-related; for example, in the case of a wireless
            transmitter that exposes persons in its vicinity. Warning labels placed on low-power consumer devices
            such as cellular telephones are not considered sufficient to allow the device to be considered under
            the occupational/controlled category, and the general population/uncontrolled exposure limits apply to
            these devices.

The Device Solutions Sensor Board Module FCC ID: OXW-PA0002 is evaluated to the Mobile Device
requirements and is considered a device to be used by the General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.

                                                                                                     Reviewed by:
                                                                                                     Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:     EUT Type:
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© 2012 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                 REV 3.1MPE

1.4         Procedure
The procedure used to determine the RF power density was based upon a calculation for determining
compliance with the MPE requirements.

The power generated by the transmitter used in this product was initially measured by a spectrum analyzer
and the powers were recorded. Through use of the Friis transmission formula and knowledge of the peak
antenna gain to be used, the power density level is calculated at a distance of 20cm.

Friis Transmission Formula

Friis transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G) / (4πr2)


Pd = Power Density (mW/cm2)                        π = 3.1416
Pout = output power to antenna (mW)                r = distance between observation point and center of the radiator (cm)
G = gain of antenna in linear scale

Calculated MPE

The power density limit for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure at each frequency is determined based
on the information in Table 1-1.

The antenna gains shown below for the Telit module are the antenna gains shown in the FCC grant for the
module under FCC ID: RI7DE910-DUAL.

              Frequency                                            924.8   MHz
              Limit                                                0.617   mW/cm^2
              Distance (cm), R =                                      20   cm
              Power (dBm), P =                                      5.43   dBm                  3.49 mW
              TX Ant Gain (dBi), G =                                  -1   dBi

              Power Density (S) =                       0.0006 mW/cm^2     (at 20cm)
              Minimum Distance =                            0.6 cm
                             Table 1-2. Calculated MPE Data for 900MHz ISM Band

              Frequency:                                           824.7   MHz
              Limit:                                               0.550   mW/cm^2
              Distance (cm), R =                                      20   cm
              Power (dBm), P =                                     24.74   dBm                 297.85 mW
              TX Ant Gain (dBi), G =                                5.12   dBi

              Power Density (S) =                      0.1926 mW/cm^2       (at 20cm)
              Minimum Distance =                         11.8 cm
                       Table 1-3. Calculated MPE Data for Telit Module (Cellular Band)

                                                                                                           Reviewed by:
                                                                                                           Quality Manager
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© 2012 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                       REV 3.1MPE

              Frequency                                                 1851.25   MHz
              Limit                                                       1.000   mW/cm^2
              Distance (cm), R =                                             20   cm
              Power (dBm), P =                                            24.37   dBm              273.53 mW
              TX Ant Gain (dB), G =                                        6.12   dBi

              Power Density (S) =                      0.2227 mW/cm^2       (at 20cm)
              Minimum Distance =                           9.4 cm
                         Table 1-4. Calculated MPE Data for Telit Module (PCS Band)

                                                                Power Density            Limit
                                                                                                    MPE Used
                                                                 (mW/cm^2)             (mW/cm2)
                       Transmitter #1                                  0.0006            0.617         0.09
                       Transmitter #2                                  0.1926            0.550        35.04
                       Transmitter #3                                  0.2227            1.000        22.27
                       Total                                                                          57.40
                                             Table 1-5. Calculated MPE for Co-location
1.5         Summary of Results

                                                              Maximum               MPE @
                                    Frequency Band                                                Test
                                                             Antenna Gain            20cm
                                         [MHz]                                                   Result
                                                                 [dBi]             (mW/cm2)

                                       904.8 – 924.8                   -1           0.0006       PASS

                                      824.7 – 848.31                  5.12          0.1926       PASS

                                   1851.25 – 1908.75                  6.12          0.2227       PASS

                                    Table 1-6. Maximum Permissible Exposure Summary Table

                                                                                                               Reviewed by:
                                                                                                               Quality Manager
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© 2012 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                           REV 3.1MPE

2.0          CONCLUSION

 The device meets the mobile RF exposure limit at a 20cm separation distance as specified in §2.1091 of the
 FCC Rules and Regulations and Health Canada Safety Code 6. An appropriate RF exposure compliance
 statement will be placed in the user’s manual.

                                                                                                Reviewed by:
                                                                                                Quality Manager
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 © 2012 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                           REV 3.1MPE

Document Created: 2019-09-24 05:35:16
Document Modified: 2019-09-24 05:35:16

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