User Manual


Users Manual

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User' s M anual

               MADE IN HUAPTEC

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WHAT IS INCLUDED .................................................................................. 3
1 HOW IT WORKS ................................................................................. 3
2 TOOL REQUIRED ................................................................................ 3
3 HOW TO INSTALL YOUR NEW CELLULAR BOOSTER ............................ 4
      3.1 Overview ................................................................................... 4

      3.2 Plan the layout of your system .................................................. 6

      3.3 Check for Signal Strength .......................................................... 6

      3.4 Run coaxial cable ....................................................................... 6

      3.5 Install the Donor (Outdoor) antenna ......................................... 6

      3.6 Install the Server (Indoor) antenna ............................................ 7

      3.7 Install your cellular booster ....................................................... 7

      3.8 Power up your cellular booster ................................................. 7
4    UNDERSTAND THE PORTS and LED STATUS,MGC ............................... 8
      4.1 Repeater ports ........................................................................ 8

      4.2 LED Status ................................................................................. 8
5    UNDERSTAND THE ANTENNA ............................................................ 9
      5.1 Donor (Outdoor) antenna ......................................................... 9

      5.2 Server (Indoor) antenna ............................................................ 9

      5.3 Authorized Kitting Options ........................................................ 9
6    TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................ 10
7    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ..................................................... 12
8    FCC RF Exposure Statement ............................................................ 12
9    Warning and Statement .................................................................. 12

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     1.   HiBoost Mini
     2.   Outdoor Antenna & Cable
     3.   Indoor Antenna &Cable (option)
     4.   AC/DC Power Adapter
The cellular booster provides reliable two-way cellular coverage by improving signal
strength in homes, buildings, offices, and other areas where cellular reception is weak
or unreliable.

The system amplifies the signal from the nearest cellular tower and retransmits at a
higher power level within a local area.

This manual provides simple installation instructions that will have your cellular
booster kit running in record time.

  Phillips Screwdriver                     Drill                 Cellular Phone (to check signal

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                              Use the built –in antenna

                                  Use the indoor antenna

1.booster             2.outdoor antenna
3.cabel               4. power supply
5.indoor antenna     6. cabel (the same as No.3 cabel )

3.1 Overview
This guide will help you properly install your cellular booster kit. It is important to read
through all of the installation steps before installing your equipment. Thoroughly read
through the instructions, visualize where all the equipment will need to be
installed and do a soft installation before mounting any equipment.

The installation process shown as below :

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    • BOOSTER – select location
    •Install the booster in an area that is protected from the weather,
1    properly ventilated and is away from excessive heat and moisture.

    • DONOR ANTENNA (OUTDOOR)- select location
    •Mount the signal (outdoor) antenna in an elevated outdoor location so
2    that it points towards the cellular tower and away from where the inside
     antenna will be located.

    • OUTDOOR COAXIAL CABLE - select location
    •The outdoor coaxial cable is used to connect the donor (outdoor)
3    antenna to the booster.

    • INDOOR COAXIAL CABLE- (if used)
    •The indoor coaxial cable is used to connect the server (indoor) antenna
4   to the can choose the indoor omni antenna or panel antenna .

    • SERVER ANTENNA (indoor)
    •The ideal location for the distribution antenna will be the area of your
     property where you need to improve the signal most.
5   •NOTE:The signal strength will be strongest closest to the antenna.

    •IMPORTANT: The signal antenna (outdoor)should always be separated from the
     distribution antenna (indoor)by at least 20 vertical feet including the separation
     of a thick barrier such as a roof or a wall. Depending on the strength of your
!    outdoor signal, the weaker the signal the less separation distance is required.

    •The lightning surge protector connects in between the signal antenna and the
7   •IMPORTANT: Lightning surge protector must be grounded.


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3.2 Plan the layout of your system
Before you get started you will need to plan the layout of your system. This involves
checking signal strength for signals coming from the cellular tower, as well as antenna,
booster and cable placement.
3.3 Check for Signal Strength
Select a location on the roof of the building to install the signal antenna, by monitoring
your cellular phone’s signal strength (signal bars) to find the strongest signal from your
carrier’s cellular tower.
Mark that area as the installation location for the Donor (outdoor)
IMPORTANT: Confirm that you have at least 20 feet of vertical distance between the
marked antenna location and the location where you will place the Server (indoor)
antenna. To prevent the system from oscillation (feedback) you want to ensure that
there is enough separation between the distribution and signal antenna or that they
are shielded from each other to ensure the distribution antenna does not send a signal
back into the signal antenna. If you cannot achieve these separations, either choose
an alternate location for the donor (outdoor) antenna or determine if there are natural
barriers in the building construction itself that will attenuate signals between the two
antennas so that oscillation can be prevented.
3.4 Run coaxial cable
Loosely run the coaxial cable from your outdoor antenna to your booster. (After you
have tested the system you can permanently secure the coaxial cable).
As you route and pull cabling, follow these general guidelines:
   Bend cables and route them smoothly, and protect the outer skin against any
   Keep horizontal cables straight and fasten them with a tie every three to five feet.
   Bind and fasten vertical cables every six to eight feet.
   Waterproof all outdoor connections with silicone caulking
   Be careful when plugging the connector in so as not to damage the center pins on
    the connectors.
3.5 Install the Donor (Outdoor) antenna
Connect the supplied coaxial cable to the antenna. We recommend applying silicone
caulking to fully waterproof the connection.
Attach the cable in such a way that a drip loop is formed.
Once mounted, connect one end of the coaxial cable to the donor (outdoor) antenna
and the other end to the cellular booster where it is marked “Outdoor”

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3.6 Install the Server (Indoor) antenna
If you use the built-in antenna ,please ignore this step .
Connect one end of the coaxial cable to the antenna and the other end to the cellular
booster where it is marked “Indoor”.
Select the installation location of your supplied server (indoor) antenna based on the

Omni directional antenna
Place in the center of the area where the signal needs to be amplified.
Panel directional antenna
Place in the outer perimeter of the area the signal needs to be amplified.
3.7 Install your cellular booster
Install the cellular booster in a location that is properly ventilated and not exposed to
excessive heat, moisture and/or direct sunlight. The optimal area would be on a wall
located near a power outlet.
It should be mounted in an easily accessible area so it’s easy to perform general
maintenance with the coaxial cable connections, dip switch settings and power
Make sure all cables and antennas are securely connected before commissioning the
3.8 Power up your cellular booster
Once all the Following precautions have been taken, power on the cellular booster.
1. Verify that you have left at least 1 meter of vertical separation space between the
   indoor and outdoor antennas.
2. Never point the front of the yagi donor (outdoor) antenna towards the inside of
   the server (outdoor)antenna.
3. Verify that the supplied coaxial cables from both the donor (outdoor) antenna and
   the server (outdoor)antenna are properly connected to the cellular booster before
   powering it up.
4. Carefully plug in the supplied power adaptor into the back of the cellular booster
   where it is marked ‘DC 12V’ and connect the other end to a power outlet.
The LED indicator marked power should light up green.

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4.1 Repeater ports

  Connector         Description
  Indoor            N-female connector,for connection to indoor antenna
  Outdoor           N-female connector,for connection to outdoor antenna
  DC 12V            Power wire port
  USB               For debug connector

4.2 LED Status
LED                          Status                     Definition
            Alarm            green                      It is working properly
                             red                        Alarm
                             off                        No power input
Bluetooth                    green                      Normal
WIFI                         green                      Normal

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5.1 Donor (Outdoor) antenna
                     The Yagi Antenna
                     The yagi is a very precise directional antenna with a powerful reach. This
                     antenna should be installed in an elevated position and must be pointed
                     towards your carrier’s cellular tower.
                     NOTE:This antenna is not meant to capture signal from multiple carriers.

                     The Panel Antenna
                     The panel is a directional antenna with a 120 degree reach and is designed
                     to capture the signal from multiple carrier towers. This antenna should be
                     installed in an elevated position and must be pointed towards your carrier’s
                     cellular towers.

5.2 External Server (Indoor) antenna

                     The Omni Antenna
                     The omni antenna is an omni-directional antenna with a 360 degree
                     reach. It is designed to distribute the signal from the center of the
                     affected area. Typically it is installed in a false or dropped ceiling.

                     The Panel Antenna
                     The panel is a directional antenna with a 120 degree reach and is
                     designed to distribute the signal from a perimeter wall or ceiling.

5.3 Authorized Kitting Options
The following accessories are authorized by the FCC to be used with the Hiboost Mini Signal
Booster. Outdoor antenna & cable kit options

        Outdoor                                           Outdoor Antenna Gain
                            Lower         Upper
                                                             Cellular         PCS                   AWS-1
                            700MHz        700MHz
      Yagi antenna             5             5                  5                   6                 6

      panel antenna            5             5                  6                   7                 7

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                                             Outdoor Cable
    Outdoor Cable                                       Outdoor Cable Loss
                         Lower        Upper
                                                          Cellular           PCS        AWS-1
                         700MHz       700MHz
     HiBoost200(50         1.2         1.2                  1.2              1.25         1.25
                                          Indoor Antenna
    Indoor Antenna                                      Indoor Antenna Gain
                         Lower      Upper
                                                         Cellular      PCS             AWS-1
                         700MHz     700MHz
     panel antenna           6          6                    6                8               8
      Omni antenna           3           3                   3                3               3
     Internal antenna        0           0                   0                     0          0
                                              Indoor Cable
     Indoor Cable                                    Indoor Cable     Loss
                         Lower      Upper
                                                         Cellular     PCS              AWS-1
                         700MHz     700MHz
     HiBoost200 (50
                           5.2          5.3                 5.3              8.0          7.6

Eliminate ISO warning problems:
1.Adjust the outdoor antenna direction, keeping it away from indoor antenna. Restart
2.Increase the vertical or horizontal distance between the outdoor antenna and indoor
antenna. Restart booster.
3.Use barriers such as walls to increase the isolation.
4.Change the indoor antenna type to an antenna with a more directional antenna pattern.
Orient the indoor antenna and outdoor antenna so they point in opposite directions.
5.Reduce the booster’s downlink gain via setting the gain parameter in app. Keep the uplink
gain value and downlink gain value the same then restart the booster.
Note: Uplink gain must be equal to or not less than 5dB below the downlink gain,to avoid
interference with the local carrier's cell site network.
Target: The ISO issues are solved when there is no ISO warning from the app.
Eliminate ALC warning problems:
1.Adjust the antennas’ directions or locations to lower downlink received signal level.
2.Slowly reduce the downlink gain via setting the gain parameter in app.
3.If the above methods don’t work, reduce the booster’s gain with an external attenuator in
line with the outdoor antenna or replace with lower gain antenna.
Target: The overload issues are fixed when there is no ALC warning from the app. Please
note that a low gain may result in smaller coverage area. This can be improved by adjusting
the outdoor antenna to receive a stronger signal.Eliminate poor coverage problems when
Power or ALC is warning:
1.If the signal has not been improved, please check below:
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¢The weak downlink signal leads to the low output signal level. Change thedirection or
position of the outdoor antenna. You may also try replacing the outdoor antenna with a
higher gain antenna to increase the incoming signal.
*Check to see if it is necessary to add more indoor antennas. Barriers such as walls can block
the signal indoors. You should also check the booster to make sure the power is maximized.
Try installing more indoor antennas or replace the booster with a higher powered one.
2.If the signal in a small section of the building hasn't been improved, try the following:
*Check to see if the indoor antenna is installed correctly. Try moving the antenna to improve
¢Try adjusting the direction the indoor antenna is pointing.
Check whether it is necessary to add one or more antennas to enhance the coverage of special

The 2 most important things to look for when setting up your system is:

                         A good input signal (the best you can find)

                         Isolating the outdoor (donor) antenna from the indoor
                         (server) antennas so they do not feedback into each other.

By capturing the best input signal you will be able to enjoy the maximum coverage and
best quality signal inside where your Indoor antennas are located. The better the input
signal, the better the output signal. In order to find the best input signal, you want to
place your outdoor antenna as high as possible with the least amount of obstruction
between the antenna and the cellular base tower. A clear line of site is ideal.
Isolating the signal from the antennas is done by ensuring that the antennas are not
pointing to each other and by having enough distance or barrier shielding in between
them. The signals travel like rays of sunlight, a directional antenna will send the signal
in the direction that it is pointing. An omni directional antenna will send the signal in
every direction around it. So depending on your equipment it’s important to be sure
that your Indoor antenna is not sending the signal back into the outdoor antenna.
1.   Ensure the outdoor antenna is pointing in the correct direction and is capturing
     adequate signal for the booster.
2.   Check all connections on the cable, antennas, and booster.
3.   Check cable for bends and or cuts.
4.   All LED lights on the booster should be green or there are not “ALC” and “ISO”
     indication on LCD.
5.   Outdoor antenna and the indoor antennas have adequate separation and are not
     causing feedback.

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            RED OR SHUTTING OFF?
            There are certain cases where your system could be experiencing
            oscillation. This can be attributed to either the quality of your input signal
or having your outdoor antenna and indoor antenna too close together. Please review
the following guidelines to help resolve this issue:
1.   Adjust the direction of the outdoor antenna. If the system is receiving a very high
     input signal, you can point your outdoor antenna away from the cellular tower to
     reduce the strength of the input signal and therefore, reduce the oscillation.
     Alternatively if your system is receiving a very poor quality signal (weak and
     unusable signal), you can point your outdoor antenna more directly towards the
     cellular tower to increase the strength of the input signal. Sometimes this may
     require completely repositioning the antenna to a location where you can achieve
     a line of site to the tower.
2.   Increase the separation between the outdoor antenna and the indoor antenna.
     This can be achieved by increasing the distance between the two antennas or by
     placing barriers between them, such as moving the indoor antenna to an adjacent
     room where there would be an additional wall separating them from the outdoor
3.   Manual Gain Control. Adjust the gain with the manual gain control function using
     the dip switches on the side of the booster.

8 FCC RF Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instruction for
satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or
operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

9 Warning and Statement

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Note:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference
to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
    receiver is connected.
   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Huaptec could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.

Note: For a complete list of antennas and cables approved for use with these boosters
see 5.3 Authorized Kitting Options pages 13&14&15&16.

FCC 27.50(d)(4)Statement: Fixed, mobile, and portable (hand­held) stations operating
in the 1710­1755 MHz band are limited to 1 watt EIRP. Fixed stations operating in the
1710­1755 MHz band are limited to a maximum antenna height of 10 meters above
The following is currently active contact of US wireless provider for booster register.

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    The device is compliance with RF exposure limits. The minimum distance from
    body to use the device is 20 CM.
    Le present appareil est conforme c山x conformite ou aux Ii mites d'intensite de
    champ RF. La distance minima le du corps a utiliser le dispositif est de 20 CM.

                           SHENZHEN HUAPTEC CO., LTD
       5th FL, E BLDG, Sogood Science Park, Hangkong Road, Xixiang, Bao'an,
                             Shenzhen, China 518102
                          Phone/Fax: 086-0755-29921615

                                  Huaptec US Inc.
                  6210 N Belt Line Rd., Ste. 110, Irving, TX 75063
                            Phone/Fax: (972) 870-5666

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Document Created: 2019-05-11 05:24:59
Document Modified: 2019-05-11 05:24:59

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC